Its 8.19am: The President has already called a former employee a "lowlife" & "dog", attacked his Attorney General, targeted another FBI employee for removal, & demanded an end to an independent investigation.
Normalization = no GOP leader will need to discuss how nuts this is.
Not only will GOP officials not talk about the obvious threats of the President hiring unqualified cronies, and attacking independent institutions. Many will dutifully echo whatever self-interested crazy their master dishes out that day. That is normalization.
Programs like SNAP and WIC improve educational and health outcomes for kids in our schools, but Trump want to block access for immigrant kids. We are collectively better off when ppl use public health insurance rather than the emergency room, but Trump admin blocking this. 3/
Worth your time: New report by @beccalew & @datasociety that examines the links between members of the intellectual dark web praised in the NY Times, and more extreme white supremacist views. 1/…
The most substantive point is that social media business models are pushing people on to more and more extreme content. Others have made this point - below - but report also shows how some people have become skilled at taking advantage of this problem. 2/
This graph has been the one getting most attention, showing the overlapping worlds of the respectable intellectual dark web and the people who have no inhibitions in push explicitly racist ideas. 3/
Scott Walker's Lt Governor claims that her black opponent knelt during the national anthem. Its a lie. How do I know its a lie? She said it happened at the opening of the WI State Fair. 1/
So the scenario: @TheOtherMandela is at the opening of the WI State Fair meeting voters, surrounded by paraphernalia like t-shirts, stickers, posters, identifying who he is. Anthem comes on. He drops a knee. And not a single person in the WI State Fair takes a pic/vid 🤔 2/
.@RebeccaforReal (yes, thats her handle) is comfortable claiming that her black opponent kneels during the anthem despite not seeing it herself or having evidence. This is a variation on Trump's "many people are saying" strategy for mainstreaming lies 3/…
I get the concerns that students are being coddled on campus (though don't really agree).
I understand the claim that there are increased mental health issues among students.
Just cannot see the argument for why there is a causal connection between the two.
Someone help me out folks: what am I missing here? Haidt & Lukianioff are connecting free speech policies to mental health (see thread below). This seems really...out there.
It seems really irresponsible to discuss free speech issues in one breath, and in the next talk about the rise of suicides. It certainly implies causation. Can @JonHaidt or @glukianoff or defenders explain what I am missing here?
The US was holding immigrant 2,400 kids in May of 2017
Now they are detaining 12,800.
Thats more than a 500% increase, and the highest level ever.
Lesson: Trump admin goal of signaling harsh policies has backfired disastrously. Kids keep coming. Those policies are, however, discouraging relatives of friends from coming forward to sponsor those kids. So we end up with more kid jails. 2/
The costs of Trump's zero-tolerance immigration policy:
*Moral stain of jailing children indefinitely
*A financial cost of up to $750 per day
*The damage being done to those children
Whatever your position on immigration is, you can't just wish those costs away.