@JackPosobiec I know you think you are doing the right thing. Think about this for a second. You are trying to supposedly “expose” some Shills as Q. You don’t understand what this movement is about, at all. Not in the least. Trying to Doxx Q prior to mid-terms in order to Divide and
@JackPosobiec Conquer makes me suspicious of your motives.
As a Q Movement supporter, I don’t care if Barron Trump is Q. What the movement has done is bring thousands of people together from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all races and nationalities #TOGETHER
@JackPosobiec to SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP! @realDonaldTrump. We research, we dig, we find things that are well documented in notable sources and bring them to the surface. It’s waking us all up to the corruption and Evil that lurks the halls of our Churches, our Schools, our
@JackPosobiec@realDonaldTrump Government, our Media. The normalization of Pedophilia, Non-Genders, Open Borders, Communism, Fascism, Nazis, and more HAS GOT TO STOP!!! Liberal are destroying our world and people like you are sitting by and pretending to care. You don’t care. You want
@JackPosobiec@realDonaldTrump the raitings. You want the followers. I don’t care if I have 5 Followers. They are 5 damn good Patriots. We ARE #PATRIOTS!
So before spewing your garbage on #Q and #Q supporters, STOP and think about what you are really trying to do. WE ARE
Let us help you understand who we are before trying to trash us like the rest of #MSM!
@JackPosobiec@realDonaldTrump Do you think @realDonaldTrump or the top Security agencies don’t know who we are. Do you think if we were causing harm, they wouldn’t stop us? Really. Think!!!!