What if Comey used a X Box or a Gmail account to leak out the 4am talking points for Mockingbird Media...??
Your Gmail is never Safe... Wikileaks is Proof of this.
Think Hillary's E Mails, Huma, Podesta,
Who Has the Servers....??
You Can't hide from the NSA,the CIA and the FBI
Same day as the targeted [coordinated] attack v. POTUS?
How do you control People...???
cut their food off and you will see..
Keep them in poverty...??
I grew up working at the age of 14, I worked on a Dairy Farm, I knew I was going to have to work, to buy my own clothes, somewhere in order to eat...
I was taught this by my Parents
5EYES..? Last November, a British court ruled Steele should undergo lengthy pre-trial questioning and in February his lawyers sought to have that order quashed, arguing it could put his sources at risk and harm UK national security
Andrew Kauders did the major lifting on lobbying a series of key lawmakers about Egyptian relations. dailycaller.com/2011/01/28/key…
Chemical weapons...…...
I wonder who has the servers....🤫✔️
lobbyists, including: John Scofield, a former House Appropriations Committee spokesman; Andrew Kauders, a former adviser to Sen. Robert Menendez; and Daniele Baierlein, a former aide to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.thehill.com/business-a-lob…
Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.
This was a very Deep Research dig.... and now we know who it is....
Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?
What a coincidence.
Remember Southwest?
Remember TX?
I'm a Patriot, My Family has been here from the very Beginning and Fought in nearly every War this Nation had..
What the Hey is going on why are people acting like they are... #GreatAwakening#Qdecode#mindControl
What Is Wrong With People? Qanon Dig Mind Control
5G Cell Phones...???
What is a spell?
Who is asleep?
Attention on deck.
There is an active war on your mind.
Be [p]repared.
Ope[r]ations underway.
Operators [a]ctive.
Graphic is essential.
Find the ke[y]stone.
Moves and countermoves.
They never thought she would lose.