Mike Pompeo is forming a dedicated group to coordinate and run U.S. policy toward #Iran as the Trump administration moves ahead with efforts to force changes in the Islamic Republic's behavior after withdrawing from the #nuclear deal foxnews.com/us/2018/08/16/…
Thousands of Iranians have protested in recent weeks against sharp price rises of some food items, a lack of #Jobs and state corruption. The #protests over the cost of living have often turned into anti-government rallies reuters.com/article/us-ira…
They are expressing unhappiness in widespread demonstrations since last December well before #Trump pulled out of the Iran deal. Strikes are increasing, with #vendors in the #Tehran Bazaar holding a work stoppage on June 25 foreignpolicy.com/2018/08/15/ira…
@ForeignPolicy continues: #truckers held strike throughout the country in July; more recently, riot #police were called out in response to strikes in the cities of Mashhad, #Isfahan, Rasht, and #Karaj. These are conservative cities typically supportive of the regime
The Islamic Republic sentenced an #Iranian couple and every member of their #church to 1year in #jail for practicing Christianity – within days of condemning Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani to 10-plus years of imprisonment for “promoting Christianity onenewsnow.com/persecution/20…
dozen #Christians were condemned to prison for 1year, a pastor in #Iran was sentenced for the amount of time that the whole church received – combined – as Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani received 10 years in prison and two years of “internal exile” for “promoting Christianity”
On the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty
Iran uses death penalty to stay in power irannewswire.org/iran-uses-deat…
Iran executes more people per capita than any other country. According to @amnesty, Iran accounts for over half of executions world over.
In a yearly report on execution, Iran Human Rights Monitor said that at least 3,602 people had been executed just during #Iranian President Rouhani’s tenure. These include 34 juvenile offenders, 84 women and 86 political prisoners. irannewswire.org/iran-uses-deat…
@foxnewspolitics French intelligence concluded #Iran's intelligence ministry, which is controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordered foiled attack on exiled Iranian opposition group's rally near Paris in June, French diplomatic source said. irannewswire.org/german-court-a…
The Trump administration is pushing international nuclear inspectors to launch a new investigation into evidence Iran has been stockpiling #nuclear weapons technology and materials at a secret undisclosed site freebeacon.com/national-secur…
The hardening of relations between #Paris2018 and Tehran could have far-reaching consequences for Iran as President Hassan Rouhani’s government looks to European capitals to salvage a 2015 nuclear deal reuters.com/article/us-fra…
@realDailyWire “This Iranian regime has created a condition of terrorism in the region; they have created all these monstrous groups; they are all involved in them,” said Kazem Kazerounian, a professor from Connecticut who took part in the protest.theepochtimes.com/iranian-americ…
clarionproject.org/we-are-with-yo… Violence against dissidents will not go unnoticed. It’s a sign that unrest in Iran is far from over...Though President Rouhani has on several occasions defended Iranians’ right to protest, he seems unwilling to challenge the supreme leader.
His silence has infuriated Iranians. A few days into the protests, demonstrators began accusing the self-declared reformist president of being no different than the supreme leader, chanting, “Reformists, hardliners, your time is up.”atimes.com/article/unrest…
@weeklystandard - Regime change isn’t an abstract and mad idea: It’s what the Iranian people have sought through massive protests in 2009 and again beginning last December, when popular protest hit cities and towns across the country. The continuing unrest, which has helped...
to produce a tidal wave of vitriol and dissension in the ruling elite, may have convulsed the regime’s internal nuclear deliberations. The only sensible approach towards the mullahs is to focus on this caldera of popular anger.
Secretary Pompeo’s speeches on May 21 in #Washington and July 22 at the Reagan Library highlighted the plight of Iranians under theocracy—as well as any speech by any American official since the Islamic revolution has done—and set the stage for a coherent plan.
#Iranian Resistance NCRI welcomes decision by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google 2shut down numerous #socialmedia accounts+pages run by religious fascism in #Iran calling it Internet Terrorism. It calls on organizations like Wikipedia to completely clean up their networks
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin discusses placing more sanctions on Turkey and the roll-out of #Iran nuclear sanctions during a Cabinet meeting with #Trump on Thursday cnbc.com/video/2018/08/…
Sec. Pompeo calls for major changes in #Iran's behavior
Aug. 16, 2018 - 3:42 - Secretary Mike Pompeo forming an 'Iran action group' after U.S. withdrawal from the Iran #nuclear deal; Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis weighs in on 'Your World.' video.foxnews.com/v/582306994800…
Pompeo gave remarks at the @StateDept on U.S. policy and announced the creation of #Iran Action Group headed by Brian Hook. His new role will be Special Representative for Iran. Mr. Hook gave some brief remarks and took questions from reporters c-span.org/video/?449907-…