Trump just secured a new Steel Plant in Gary, Indiana,
which is 20% Black and 14% Hispanic (#IN01)
and gone through VERY bad times in past 10 years
Trump just secured a new Steel Plant in Gary, Indiana,
which is 20% Black and 14% Hispanic (#IN01)
and gone through VERY bad times in past 10 years
@ScottAdamsSays talks 1- Peak TDS 2- Bill Maher/ Alex Jones - Free Speech 3- Coffee 4- Brennan/Maddow- Treason 5- Preet Bharara --- calling back Bill Maher calling Trump a "Traitor"
@ScottAdamsSays talks 1- Peak TDS 2- Bill Maher/ Alex Jones - Free Speech 3- Coffee 4- Brennan/Maddow- Treason 5- Preet Bharara --- calling back Bill Maher calling Trump a "Traitor"
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"...we know Democrats have been trying to win suburban voters with college degrees, so we’re looking at the districts with many of those voters, That has been their #1 focus for Mid-terms.”
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“Republicans not fared well in special elections so far this cycle, it does look like they will be turning out for the midterms,” Salvanto said. “So far we do not see a large number of Republicans saying they will flip and vote for a Democrat.”
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GOP voters in the past show up for midterms, regardless of enthusiasm.
Democrats are betting on their ability to capture large numbers of voters who don’t normally vote in midterm elections.
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Salvanto: 1- voters say the Democrats need to do more than just oppose Trump 2- Dem Voters asking, ‘What IS the plan is they take the House?’ 3- Picking up a shift of more voters looking to national issues,
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"Despite all the White House drama since Trump’s inauguration, his overall approval ratings — currently at 43.3 percent, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average — have barely budged."
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Negative media coverage actually has the potential to drive GOP turnout to higher-than-average levels in November. “Among Republicans, Trump’s biggest backers feel driven to come to his defense,” Salvanto’s poll finds.
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"...75% of Republicans want their congressional candidates to fall in line with Trump’s agenda, he said, and are NOT looking for a representative who bucks the president or his policies."
40/ Growing risk that Chinese products will be pushed out of their #1 market – the United States – and you have the risk of a full-blown economic meltdown in China.
Mnuchin forecasts “sustained US 3% GDP over the next four or five years.”
A recent study by University of Chicago political scientist Luis Martinez suggests that autocratic regimes inflate their GDP growth by anywhere from 15 to 30 percent.
48/ 1- 4.0+% GDP 2- Record high stock market 3- Record low unemployment rate 4- Collasped Russian hoax backlash 5- Trump with 50+% approval rating 6- mostly peaceful world
Privilege based on a membership in a selfish, feckless, unaccomplished caste of elites who avoid all accountability for the mess it’s made of EVERYTHING.
Privilege based on a membership in a selfish, feckless, unaccomplished caste of elites who avoid all accountability for the mess it’s made of EVERYTHING.
1- CBS underestimate of Black turnout Yuge
(Trump/GOP been doing 10-25% for past year) 2- Using Registered Voters....not Likely Voters?
but 3- only D+3 (well short of gaining a majority of seats)
1- Are Socialists 2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed. 3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
1/ .
Newsday --- September 21th, 2018 --- Fri
Nov 6th, 2018
46 Days Until Mid-Terms
Daily Reminder That Democrats...
1- Are Socialists 2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed. 3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
2/ .
Newsday --- September 21th, 2018 --- Fri
Nov 6th, 2018
46 Days Until Mid-Terms
I am adopting "The Wictor Block" Rule:
Be smart/playful/sincere....Feels Good Man
You come at me too hard and aggressively....looking for a response:
I will Block and Move On.