Wow! Get this! First, @staceyabrams has a detailed, doable, practical plan for economic development of Georgia
Next, Kemp has mocked Abrams for having student loans & debts like you and me.
Kemp? Stiffed a friend for a whopping $500,000!
Wow! Geez!
And education!
From early childhood learning to truly universal pre-k, fully-funded K-12 public schools, apprenticeship programs, tuition-free technical college, and debt-free four year college @staceyabrams has a plan to educate Georgians.
There are two key issues that @StaceyAbrams has been highlighting repeatedly WITH DETAILED PLANS as she tours the state of Georgia to talk about her campaign platform: K-12 education and jobs creation.
Tim Gionet's a Trump supporter. His family operates Russian Encouragement Ministries
He's 1 of the "fine people" Trump & Republicans defend while they call citizens like us a mob because we don't want another lying sexual predator in a position of power
This is a photo of Trump signing Gionet's arm. Photo & additional information, like his access to GOP convention…
Video recorded by phone of Trump supporter Tim Gionet shows some of the "counter protestors" in Charlottesville from prospective of Nazis
See the people, like us, protesting against Nazis?
According to Republicans ... we're the problem, we're the mob
Heather Heyer was killed in this spot by violent racists on Aug 12, 2017 when Nazi Trump supporters, many of them armed, swarmed Charlottesville
Trump, "they were very nice people."
Raising our voices about another lying GOP sexual predator? A mob
Trump & Republicans. Jeff Flake, Mark Rubio ... "both sides”
It's a lie.
Speaking out & taking to the streets, raising our voices and demanding respect for women, that children be released from cages, that facts matter ... that is civilized.
Still shots of the people protesting Nazis, racists & white supremacists in Charlottesville From the camera of Trump supporter Tim Gionet.
Showing up and shouting loud for decency? That's not a mob ...
"I have watched John Kennedy talk on television about missiles in Cuba. I saw Lyndon Johnson look Richard Russell squarely in the eye & say, "We shall overcome." I saw Nixon resign & Gerald Ford tell the Congress that our long national nightmare was over"
"I saw Jimmy Carter talk about malaise & Ronald Reagan talk about a shining city on a hill. I saw George H.W. Bush deliver the eulogy for the Soviet bloc & Bill Clinton comfort the survivors of Timothy McVeigh's madness in Oklahoma City."
"I saw George W. Bush struggle of make sense of it all on September 11, 2001, and I saw Barack Obama sing 'Amazing Grace' in the wounded sanctuary of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina" - @CharlesPPierce
Kavanaugh repeatedly lied. He signed a letter to his friends about their beach week rental: “FFFFF, Bart"
He was asked several times about the name Bart. He was under oath & lied every time. Here is one example w his own letter next to his perjury @JeffFlake @SenatorCollins
Kavanaugh was asked at least 4 times about being referred to as "Bart."
From the hearing transcript:
LEAHY: I’m trying to get a straight answer from you under oath. Are you Bart Kavanaugh that he’s referring to, yes or no? That’s it...
Benjamin Daley, long-sleeve white shirt; Michael Miselis, backward red cap; Thomas Gillen, goggles around neck & Cole White, white shirt/ sunglasses, right; charged & arrested in connection w 2017 Charlottesville racist / GOP rally