Dear Senator Graham: I am disappointed, but sadly not surprised by your response. Since the election of Donald Trump you have proven yourself to be a unreliable ally in the fight for our democracy.
Before the election you strongly condemned Mr. Trump for his poor behavior and unsuitability for the office of President. Unfortunately, you quickly changed your tune after a golf game.
I do not know and do not care what transpired during that game, but it is evident from your subsequent behavior that some discussion altered your opinion, converting you to be a Trump supporter, instead of a patriotic American, who had taken an oath to uphold the Constitution.
The fight over the nominee for #SCOTUS is another example. Mr. Trump has been implicated in a federal crime. He has been under investigation for crimes agains the United States since the beginning of his term.
Again and again he has shown himself to be more interested in appointing "loyalists" to positions of power, than competent people. Thus, it is no surprise that he has nominated Judge #Kavanaugh who's record shows that he believes that #POTUS is not subject to the rule of law.
The rule of law is the basis of American Exceptionalism. As a member of the Senate, as a man who has devoted his life to public service, I would expect you to realize this. In our country, all are equal in the eyes of the law.
Sadly, you are now saying that a man, under investigation for federal crimes, gets to appoint a Judge who may eventually rule in his case. He has chosen a man who believes that the accused in this case is not subject to the rule of law.
This is counter to everything we stand for as Americans and it is unconscionable that you would allow this to continue. Moreover, and of similar severity is that @SenateMajLdr is so obviously trying to prevent the Senate at large and the American people, from examining
Judge #Kavanaugh 's full record. This is a major breach of ethics and Senate procedure and only solidifies our feeling that the #GOP cares less about the rule of law than it does about its own power. That the #GOP, even those
who currently sit in Congress, are complicit in a criminal enterprise and obstruction of justice. Not too long ago, your friend, and a true patriot, @SenJohnMcCain call for a return to "regular order". It is obvious that you did not head that call and have an agenda
that does not include ethics, the best interests of the American people or dedication to your Constitutional obligations. The last 2 years have been sad days for America, where our ideals have be subjugated to the will of
a few men, intent on supporting the agenda of a POTUS who holds allegiances to a foreign power, and his own financial gain, above his duty as a public servant. As his supporter, you have become part of the problem.
I urge you to remember why you have chosen to serve in Congress and the American ideals that have always made this country great. However, I doubt it will do any good. Be advised, the majority of Americans do not support this nomination, and will remember
this betrayal at the ballot box. The protests that you have seen after the inauguration are nothing compared to what will happen if Roe vs Wade is overturned, or if POTUS is not brought to justice if implicated in a crime. It is in your power to stop this division in our country.
With @KamalaHarris being such an inspiration the last couple days, I thought I’d try to put this into words something I’ve been pondering for a while so here it goes, we all must remember ROE VS WADE IS NOT JUST ABOUT ABORTION!
Yes, the woman who brought the case to #SCOTUS needed an abortion, but the court decision was about so much more, the ramifications ARE about so much more!
The decision said the privacy granted under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment applied to the right to an abortion
In a greater context it said women have a right to privacy, guaranteed by The Constitution, they have a right to privacy to control their bodies Yeah, I know it’s ridiculous that this is even a question, but it is. Think about it think about how people walk
Dear @AriFleischer and @PressSec -I’m sorry Sarah didn’t get served last night but want to clear up a few things. We are no celebrating that she got kicked out, we do not want this. We are celebrating that Republicans are now being treated the way they want to treat everyone else
What did you think would happen when SCOTUS ruled bakeries could refuse to serve LGBTQ people on religeious grounds? When Hobby Lobby wanted to deny women contraception? When Drs started saying the didn’t want to treat Trans people? All on “moral grounds”
Did you thing the “right” had the sole ownership of morals? You’ve told yourselves that the “left” is a bunch of amoral crazy people so long you probably started to believe it yourself. Its not true. Our morals say treat ALL people with dignity regardless of who they are...