Marie Donelly Profile picture
Aug 27, 2018 3214 tweets >60 min read Read on X
It's art up for review in opinions, of course I'm going to gravitate towards something shared with interest, when he didn't say a word for 2 days! Why was he there? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I went through every single video he released in hip hop to understand him not saying a word. Easy to work out, he's a very bitter man who has absorbed all his parents immigrant opinions at home #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His parents are not middle class anywhere & neither is he #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was out of my mind in a depression crash after the course, but came out of it in recovery & can still remember what happened #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Someone saw an opportunity in my crash & tried to take advantage of the situation, to dig their heels & spite into middle class snobbery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I now see it as an opportunity to start the unfinished conversation which never gets started about black & white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pride & prejudice, it's what all cultures spin around socially, the book usually comes out of a female living in Hampshire? Jane Austen county #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Erm, I went to this art exhibition in London on my own before attending the course. I study lots of art on my own, to hold my own opinion. It was a beautiful piece of work… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My first degree was in creative studies with fine art in Bath, it would make sense. But quit because of arguments with course leaders & too many drugs & social nightmares in the halls of residence. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One of our family friends has a daughter who's a recovered heroin addict. Small woman, she fell in with the wrong crowd studying art. She's a good friend of mine. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*smart, not small, everyone was really shocked it was her who fell #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She didn't fall in with chavs, she fell in with toffs from middle class, our fathers worked together abroad. They left her for dead when the party was over #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All their parents can afford private rehab & arrange a new career whenever they want. Hers couldn't & she had to recover the hard way #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their parents will bury the evidence that it was their kids who peer pressured her into drugs & then left her for dead #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When they start doing it to me at uni they get 2 fingers & a fuck off, I'm going #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I will curate my own education for free & teach myself in freedom. Shove the student debt & lobbied content, sponsored by BP, to hang in a branded gallery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Skip to next attempt at a degree locally in Interior Design, Teflon lobbied, shove it again. I'm off to learn how to become a Certified Internet Webmaster in a year, for a fraction of the cost #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are all the families who got rich out of WW2 & the rebuild opportunity afterwards #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And Teflon was lobbied in for advertising it's use at the Millennium Dome, what a disaster that was & hideous in design #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The faith zone was what I objected to the most, there was nothing about being Celtic of Pagan.... more heresy fines....from the Church of England...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Prince Charles defender of the faith, divine rights of kings, sticks his oar in at RIBA & asks me keep architecture in Britain brown box or concrete traditional? Lovely sink estate towers for a colony of drugs to breed with rats #opendats #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*we keep, take a match to the whole lot & burn it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will burn itself down anyway for being built so cheap & it has & we have to pay for that when we didn't choose it too? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Highly likely one or a few of the neighbours in all of those buildings are off their face on drugs & working with all sorts of fire risks #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The ones selling them drugs don't want to hear that in snobbery, that's another heresy fine in racism? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No, they want to give middle class the bill for the fire & keep the drugs sales #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And the parasites will also steal the charity meant for the real victims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
See, there's a lot I've taught myself for free via art #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now I think I might design a time wheel for myself over invasions, so I can remember all the facts quickly #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now my mind has finally mended itself again, should anyone want to take advantage in the future they can have a copy to go away & educate themselves with #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might keep them occupied for a while & spare the black hole of the frog from further abuse, so it can quantum leap away #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Spin slavery anticlockwise to review all the facts & study the baby factories globally pumping morons out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Spin forwards to today & check all the tags used in Britain, one is #PolicingInCollapse of budgets, justice failed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dial up a number in history 1 9 7 8, I wasn't born at the time of slavery happening in the Atlantic slave trades. I was actually conceived in Iran #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Before the revolution, it didn't last very long....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wasn't born in Iran, I was born in Britain, up north. Where most of my family comes from #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The family only comes down South for work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's because London gets all the budget & banking is in the south, so is investment in infrastructure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
London needs all the budget to house all the baby factory children pumped out globally in culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My son is back from holiday & I've informed him of his future I'm deciding on. You're going to a new area to live & you have a year to adjust yourself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's an area with a high social count of Asian students I've spotted, they all seem respectable. You're going there & making friends & a life for yourself as you are interracial Asian #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You will still see your other friends, but it's time to think of you. What did he say? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Mum, I actually find Asian girls more attractive than white" ...good for you..#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's probably why I fancied your father....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yes son, Britain is sunk, take your interracial passport & prepare yourself for world travel #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I were you I'd be out of here by age 18 & off to see the world #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You have a little over 7 years to prepare yourself, time to fling you into a new situation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's going into the Asian community in Britain by being flung #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anything to keep him away from the likes of Mr Agu & gangs in their education growing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He will learn how to be Asian & educated over British & stupid, I've already decided #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not Asian, I can't teach him that, so he's being flung into their community to learn. I'm Celtic & already know who I am #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My dad flung me into every new situation, never did me any harm #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His dad's Asian father was never around, his white mother saw to that. My son is getting the Asian experience beyond his British stupidity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm tired of the Western education making us all stupid & lowered into racist claims, he needs Asian peers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He will learn to be dignified & better than me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His sister isn't as socially smart as him, he goes first & makes all the connections. She'll have to piggyback his reputation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He can go anywhere & be anything in fitting in, he got that from both of his grandfathers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One Chinese Malaysian & one Mediterranean looking Celt, the pair of them discussed marriage at my wedding & how they both got it wrong. See I'm now the woman & mother #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think Asian can make a refined Intelligent man of my interracial son #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I see Asian women as much more refined than me, I am after all a barbarian Celt, good at winning wars? I can win them more freedom of speech #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wrecking ball in clearing a space, the stage is now theirs to do something more intelligent with it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Raise my son, make him more refined, beyond me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anything but white & stupid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And anything away from a black gang digging their heels into him in bitterness & modern slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I will give the Asian community my son to do something with in trust #opendata #smartcitirs #bigdata #ai
Nothing but instincts, I feel they can do more with him & my voice as a white mother in freedom of speech #smartcities #bigdata #opendata #ai
No one knows how much I love my son #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's between Celtic & Chinese, do something good with him socially in the opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's very rare, he's been educated to listen to women & give them a voice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His independent voice at age 10 is he's more attracted to Asian women over stupid white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not lesbian, but I can understand it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their intelligence must be a turn on, it's why I married his Asian interracial father, out of all races in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We went to school together & he was a turn on in intelligence, every smart girl wanted him & I won in self determination. Age 14 I decided he was mine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Outstanding in physics & he could paint too, psychedelic art, he was mine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm 4 years younger than him, I won the children in breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He noticed me when I grew big tits. Okay, I abused the advantage #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He thought I looked like Drew Barrymore, I saw the opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I did, but only a little when younger #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was actually really cute when age 4 & I knew it with men #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Daddy, I have big blue eyes & blonde hair, kiss? All the men in engineering loved me & that makes you look good #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Kiss daddy, I'm cute #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sister is cute in Bangladesh #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But mwah daddy, I like cars, motorbikes & engineering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get me out of this pen, I want to be free #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm both of them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll find the keys at age 15 & help myself in the night #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I could work a machine at age 4 in a dress & could hand my dad a spanner #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's cute to watch in engineering, kiss after spanner "you're the best," #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's better than going to church for a forced confession #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My neice I'd just as good with daddy, only she gets prettier shoes...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*is, kiss? Mwah, "you're the best" and we mean it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My brother-in-law blames himself for their son not sitting still or listening, reckons he aged his mother by 10 years, no, my sister was the same #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My son is the same as his daughter mwah "you're the best Mummy" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know my son looks at me & thinks I don't want to end up like you #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fine, then avoid African gangs & go with Asian & refined #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If someone wants to be an author, a good one, they should travel the world & see everything before publishing, get all the perspectives. That's what he wants to be #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can give him all of Britain today & what to avoid, but he has a unique & strong voice of his own. He can see two sides of culture for himself. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one is going to enslave him to pay for abandoned & needy children in Britain, he's off to make something for himself in the world #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How big is the Asian community globally? He has the upper hand then in terms of numbers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are far too quiet in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's not white & no one is going to label him that in only seeing me in his face. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His grandfather is of Chinese origins & Britain failed to notice him or give him equal opportunity. He never yelled to have that noticed, so I can do it for him. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where he came from he's made it to upper class, in Britain he was nothing on the exchange rate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What has Britain given me out of all culture arriving in investment? A police in collapse tag social scandal & the bill for it, with no old bill #opendata #smartcities #bigdata
If that's the result I'll tell my son to get out of Britain as soon as he can #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's not being enslaved to pay for it all as a decent citizen in retirement, my protest will be he pay taxes & contribute elsewhere. I'll pay for that. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Still no Brexit deal, I'll do my own, faster #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One potential drug addict sale who got away #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Huge message for what's headed to Britain with its out of control crime. The highest potential earners have already planned to leave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I plan on going with it & not being a burden of debt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Alternative plan for other parents who don't want to see their kids wasted as a generation. Plan to prep your children for life abroad, offering some value in what they can give to another economy. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Many foreigners come to Britain for world class education, my recommendation is we take it abroad & all profit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Our government plans on wasting my son to educate everything undeveloped which arrives. I plan on him profiting from all I've invested in his education #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He won't manage to educate it, I never have, he'll only be beaten down by fools into a sinking slum #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know the Asian community is already seeing that in Britain, because they're taking their kids out of standard schools & fighting for a place in private #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Quietly as always it's happening, but I notice them leaving the schools #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they go all the schools are sunk & I'm not leaving my kids in them to sink #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have 2 who are top of the class & they will take their results with them. British education has never done anything for me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The education is now making special needs & disorderly the most important in classes on needs. That will never build an economy, just slaves of the future supporting them. But they are not funding the real special needs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll be a generation of drug addicts at this rate, in order to cope #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hip hop can have the dregs of what's left, it will give them something on their level to work with #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can have all the rage days when all the opportunity quit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Perfect social match, all the tantrums in the classroom become theirs demanding benefits. Try a biscuit as a bribe for good behaviour, the sugar helps slave trades in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Mine are going with fruit they can pick for themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not sorry if that's supremacy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Black dude in a car holla'd to my son "stay in school"...when independently thinking...cheers for the heads-up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He made me think how to convert 'peer pressure' into a social rise in performance #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Simple, throw your kid in with all the over achievers & watch them up their game #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Waste time not in those digging their heels in to drag them down. Take all the shit for them in doing it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The reverse of being black, I'll take all the shit for them in being white. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's kind of what an abandoned child wishes their mother would do. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've already been told that by tons of black men in Britain, they wish they hadn't been allowed to be groomed into a gang when grown #opendata #smartcities #bigdats #ai
They hardly ever get out of them & are always beaten down if they want to quit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will be even worse for them when more extreme gangs creep in & are looking for new recruits in a policing collapse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As that gets worse I lose my developed voice more as a white woman on rights, I'm keeping my developed voice. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
White women faught for it & I'm keeping mine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Part of the problem with those undeveloped extreme gangs is a woman never tells you want to do #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
African women are yet to get the same level of rights for themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I won't tell a man what to do #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*what to do. If I tell men what to do I'm only undermining them in their own culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And that will only make it worse for women or girls in that culture who are abused #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I see the abuse & how easily they lose their voice, it's scary how it's done in grooming #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even harder on a man when he's shamed for listening to a woman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't work in developed & will only get them looked down upon as backwards #opendata #smartcities #bigdats #ai
I can say that from the outside without telling anyone what to do #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why would I go backwards when I have more freedom on my own? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I listen to my ex-husband he'll have our kids lined up for being over achievers in modern slavery. I'm already seeing Asian is moving into private education to escape. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Part of the joys on interracial parenting, I'm seeing what Asian is doing before him & I'm white? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But then he was only raised by a white mother who was very uneducated? She didn't encourage him to expand #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why expect more? She was off a council estate in Britain & the children's father was/is a high flyer back home #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Almost illiterate & put fear into him that he shouldn't aim too high in life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was straight A's at school with little effort, I've lived with all the fear put into him & he's totally past reform now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If he was my son, as our son now is, I'd have thrown him in with over achievers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I always take all the shit for his fears anyway #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I can't tell him to overcome them, because he's a man trying his best #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Really I'm overriding his mother's authority in white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The epic failure of council estate integration #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My father told me I could be anything I wanted as a girl in engineering & to listen to no one but myself. So I chose metaphysics as my interest to expand beyond immaculate conception #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm telling my son he can be anything beyond white & council estate stupid or Asian in stereotypes & fears #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both of his grandfathers invested in privately educating me & expected me to get their DNA up & into over achievers. They never told me how I had to do it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Worked it out for myself, override both grandmothers on input & authority #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Show what's shaming me & throw the grandchild into the one which is overachieving & not #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both grandmothers are white & stupid holding me back #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They were white & stupid holding both grandfathers back #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's the return on that private education #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My son prefers Asian girls? I'm glad, I hope they are less stupid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I hope one can get my DNA up into over achiever #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've got my weight down in my son in breeding, so really they should fly, he's tall also #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The bones are as heavy as lead, he's a good specimen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Skin is white without bleaching agents, and he can run fast #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Perfectionist in grammar & respects women. My masterpiece in natural science #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When in Malaysia they liked how light my skin was, so he's already got super white built in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm seeing me losing followers & don't care. I will love my skin where it's appreciated for being light. So fuck off in shaming #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He also tidies up after himself & doesn't give attitude, he is the perfect son #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Flawless light skin is beautiful in Asian & people don't allow it to be recognised #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need a fake tan in orange #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dark flawless skin is beautiful in Asian too, both are equal in worth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's the flawless skin my son appreciates, he's noticed how flawless it is #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The diet, they don't eat Western junk #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm only testing how racist people are....doing a good job in finding out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In Malaysia the women carry an umbrella not to get a tan as part of their culture, it's smart they won't get burnt & skin cancer. I don't sunbathe because I burn. The whiter the better #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I resent being told I'm too white in my own country & need a tan. Do people forget they are immigrants from hot countries or what? Or how they invaded hot countries #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not American & turning orange in worshipping capitalism. I'm Celtic in original colour & place #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Invaders used to powder their face with talc in Britain to get skin as light as mine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now they offer me orange to get me to turn a different colour in Doritos? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When you don't burn yourself you don't look like a leather handbag at 50 & need fillers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's why Asian is smarter than white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Offers me an umbrella, not fake tan & cancer charity donations #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What it offers is becoming more refined #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Appreciates everything Celts used to be in refined before becoming uncivilised animals in gangs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A cup & saucer for starters over a takeaway plastic cup #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Make America great again? They gave Britain the plastic takeaway cup & threw away the British cup & saucer #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They also threw dinner in a paper bag & tried to sell it to me as faster #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They sent over hip hop too & thug life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The British copied porcelain from China, they are more developed than us #opendata #smartcities #bigdara #ai
Why don't the British recognise Asians are more refined? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Because they don't it's probably why we have policing in collapse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How many abandoned interracial children in Vietnam again? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh yeah, that's civilised & good taste #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Found the crux of it, haven't I? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well I've also attracted it into my experience, my car has been broken into on my mum's drive. Dogs didn't even bark, they didn't close the doors on it properly, so no bang was made #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
17 years & no crime at this address, zero. Now look at us? My kids suitcase was in car, all their clothes taken #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't know how they could even see it, it's got a private drive, unless they are going looking house to house #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
41 crimes reported in the area in June, antisocial behaviour, theft, drugs & sexual attacks #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
August is not updated yet. My parents lived here for 17 years & no crime ever #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
More than 17, it's got to be 20 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Surrey is also double in crime?…‘doubles’%20in%20Surrey&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2018 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There was nothing worth stealing in my car, it was only kids clothes? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably thought it had a laptop in it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How much am I going to have to invest in security now? Try it again, they'll get an axe in the head #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In fact I might spike my car with something #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum thinks she's good for self determination & freedom? Stupid white woman, stupid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll have to get the whole property rigged now in security #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Plus speak to people locally about hiring a private security firm #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nigeria has achieved nothing in containment, neither has Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've been up since 1am, heard nothing, but I did wake at 1am, must have been before. Meant to take the suitcase out, but didn't think anyone would steal it from a shit car #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hope when they open that suitcase & find nothing but kids clothes they feel awful #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why would I expect pity? This is Britain, they basically tell people to come & financially rape us! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Look how fucking empowered they are now from the silence!!!! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where is the fucking security for children? Where? Weak as fuck & we supposedly conquered the world? How? The British are flakes today & an embarrassment to themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's all a Notting Hill, fuck off, can't even organise a jolly without needing 13,000 police officers to make it civilised. Let them stab each other & lower the expense, animals #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My kids don't even have any clothes now! When is enough enough for these cunts? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Putting an axe in the skull of one as a fucking warning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If that doesn't work bring the Middle East in to chop off their thieving hands #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At least they'll put the fear of God into them & get some bloody order #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rather than feel empowered to shimmy it's semi naked ass in dress up & we pay for the fucking privilege of security #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If anyone wants to see that it's already free on PornHub #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If anyone wants to see a Celt swing a traditional axe, it's free in Hampshire. My kids clothes are not #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tel Maka Agu to get his dick out, I'll swing it down on him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That civil war is less than an inch away #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm ready to pick up an axe & join it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Go through my fucking stuff in my fucking car, I will chop the fuckers hands off next time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't care what colour they are, I know what's grooming all of it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't want the clothes back now, I want the hands #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where are those hands & how can I chop them off? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do I round them all up & get them shipped somewhere quiet where it will be done cheap? Then be quietly forgotten #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Right now I'm more than willing to do that & forget this ever happened #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I know I'm not alone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wankers, they opened it & found there was nothing worth stealing in it, left it for the bin men #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is nothing worth stealing in it, just clothes & a few toys #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was sitting in a shit car, what did they expect? Gold? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably one of the cheapest cars in the whole of Hampshire! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They also left beer bottles too, so it was probably kids #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What did they think they were doing hustling in thug life? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are going to get themselves killed in a civil war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know what they were doing, looking for electronics to sell for cash at CEX or a black market #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably to buy drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then their life is already over, doesn't matter if they die #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No wonder the dogs didn't bark, they thought it was kids & not a threat #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A dog doesn't know what a drug addict is, they only know what children are or the smell of drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They might as well put themselves on equal with Nigeria, no one is going to let them out of Britain if they are that undeveloped in crime #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe it's already time to leave Britain, it's already gone to the dogs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one is going to touch us if that keeps growing in crime & education #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Headlines today, don't listen to tossers saying it's not real, it is #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Those are the headlines of a backwards 3rd world shit hole #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How has all the security camera surveillance reduced any crime? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's all recorded but there are not enough police to investigate it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Criminals are literally getting away with murder #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are even fucking recording themselves on phones & posting it! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why waste my temper any more? This will grow really fast now, forget the warnings #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get the body bags ready #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rotterdam, 30,000 in 90 minutes killed. London, 6 million, 20 minutes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No, 8.136 million #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pick a side offering protection, already there #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
New law to make targeting the aged a hate crime? Lol try targeting white people generally for all that generation did & failed in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They won't get police or anyone signing up to protect them, there's too much crime & they want their independence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How have they protected us from this happening? We have no budget for anything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have ignored all the warnings, until it's smacking them in the face. Bit late now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wait until they go after gay also #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When the problem gets too big, it's his capitalism thinks, fucking bomb it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They won't try their luck again then will they? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*it's what. I've studied enough wars to see how it works #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This is happening on purpose, a planned controlled war to lower the global population, when it's too big on resources left. They let them in on purpose & rig the divide in underground crime #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Kids as young as 10 carrying knives & selling drugs to new prospects #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Also gangs flying in for a crime spree tourist holiday #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wtf? Where is she getting that money from to give away? OMG that will spark it… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's does that after doing this in Brexit? 10 year olds are carrying knives & selling drugs out of London & into the countryside to sell? African gangs are selling babies & human trafficking Nigerian women? Mobile phones stolen & going out? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A generation can't afford houses & are accused of racism constantly. We've seen no growth after giving billions in charity for decades. Neo-nazi will get volunteers overnight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Someone is telling her what moves to make to start a war & she's too stupid to notice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Robert Mercer, what's he been up to now? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The dark web, it links to all these gang heads yes? Those gang heads are giving crime tourists insights, addresses to go rob, a car & a mobile phone on arrival #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Are they by any chance hiring people advertising their crime speciality online & then paying for their flights? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
See if a billionaire has access to those insights he can rig the stock exchange through it & cut policing in the UK with lobbying #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
London is the most corrupt place in the world & all his competitors bank through it. I'm in a proxy civil war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't give a shit if 10 year olds have knives & drugs, they want to destroy the British & will use the bitterness of black to do it & convert others with hate. We're bait for a civil war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which will lead to a world war needing allies #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gladiator? Please, they never change #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Caesar, smart man, did all their hard work for them in war & invasion strategy, the accountants all stabbed him when he wanted a social rise. The accountants can't fight physically #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They've come into their own with the rise of technology, works with all their strengths, so do drugs, bombs & mass production #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hire a mercenary has never been so easy or rigging rule & divide. Bitcoin is their dream currency #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The bribes are so cheap to a billionaire who enjoys competitive poker #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Such power through a phone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Order anything, even a contract killer in convenience in seconds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only takes knocking their economy out with cheap bribes & no questions asked #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their budgets go missing, so I don't know why TM is so stupid in offering this #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their budgets are all stolen internally in corruption, so I doubt they'll see a penny of that investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Decades we've been sending money & it all gets stolen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Keeps the bribes cheap then to rig their economy, so the rich stay rich #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Outcome? Say goodbye to all of us, we'll take on last fucking bender as the best way to end our lives. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*one last, developed won't take that on, they'll take suicide #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then undeveloped is really fucked without anyone to steal from #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Miscalculation if they think it will end any other way. Death is better when murder is so cheap to buy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A selfish generation of elderly, selfish unloving youths, selfish middle aged. Fuck it & a killer doesn't care about colour or a name? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Civilisation has lost all morals & order #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dial a killer & give a transfer in numbers, rather than communicate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Order a body part, Jesus that's totally fucked up in control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Watch a torture killing for pleasure? What's to live for then? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cybercrime is on to this? They have no control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Data analytics is a fucking joke #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not as much as hip hop #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stop the violence? Ha ha ha ha ha, it pays well & fast & doesn't ask questions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't even care about a name, gender or colour #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Planned obsolescence, you've outdone yourself as twats, have a fucking medal of honour #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Please do, you all are total IGNORANT shit that couldn't read data analytics if you tried #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Record it all by all means with technology, but if you can't process it or increase the level of society with it, why fucking bother? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We were actually better off working in the fields #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Great fucking exhibition educating peasants about mass production & all they could have, look what it's reaped in bounty hunting? They're all thick using intelligence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would kill someone to get a bottle of fake fucking tan as glamour #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can give it a gravy boat for free & a brush #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bitcoin, do you even know who's using it to pay a mercenary on the dark web? Or who's advertising on it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get ya head out of fucking Disneyland #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Since we have embraced the lower classes as needy & deserving we have become the dumbest on the planet. Supremacy in any colour in intelligence is wise. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I don't care how that sounds, anything dumb is an easy bribe & it will do anything for money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can't even criticise neo-nazi anymore on having a point about being fiddled out of money. We've ended up under less developed dictatorship & it's more brutal #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gasing some to death is more civilsed than killing & not caring about the colour or name #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They're even selling body parts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Black will allow it to happen, especially if it's white, that's even worse, it takes pleasure in watching it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nothing anyone can do about that, it knows best & has chosen it's own future. Why waste more time in educating it further? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russia knows it's coming doesn't it? They only have 1 million in personnel… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain isn't even prepared or thinking it will happen, they're talking about bloody Jerk rice being made offensively in government! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The people living in Britain today can't even process what a war is or the reality of one. Or why they happen or who is chosen to be killed first & why #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can we talk about security seriously after last night? No, my mother is carrying on like nothing happened. She's just waiting for someone to smack her over the head & mug her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Let me make it clear, the people who take care of such issues are like me, we don't get paid, it's all supposed to be out of loyalty & we're treated like shit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Taken for granted we'll always be the sap giving like a moron who doesn't know any better. In fact we're giving charity out of pity to the needy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In fact I think the father of the child which wasn't with me said something once. "I don't need to worry about such issues, because I know there's people like you" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Really? Look how I've changed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone had their limits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*has, it's because they're human, only many seem to forget #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What do I want? I want people to stop insisting I ignore everything & they keep freaking me out with their stupidity & lack of control of an out of control situation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We have no where to run to & no one in charge of anything, that's what's freaking so many out. We sit & wait to become victims? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Shit, hand me a bowl of rice & some charity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Alert the human traffickers there's more potential #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are handing us to crime on a fucking plate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Cuckoo which drops it's egg in another's nest, self assured it will receive kindness. Hate to inform the Cuckoo everyone has the same idea #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are more cuckoos than reed warblers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's how thick the cuckoo is #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take it to someone who can do something? They are all cuckoos who offer for a bribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We ran out of reed warblers & they are so in demand they are taking to suicide? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That Maka Agu is one, doesn't stop abusing the reed warbler, not hitting on cuckoo yet for it's reply. It will be quick when he comes across it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dark web, who wants to buy his son? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Police? Police? Hello? Hello? White people, anyone? Oh they're not there? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Shit, is that the support white people offered me? Too bad, it's gone now & so is your son, deal with cuckoo #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Absolutely correct Mr Agu, you owe is nothing & neither do we owe you anything in loyalty either #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*you owe us nothing & that's exactly what he thinks #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The cracked foundations for handing us all over to crime , seeingpportunity to make itself rise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*bloody phone, seeing opportunity, only he's too thick to see it & thinks he's winning by assisting it to rise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Disneyland, he's too thick to even work out how Britain works #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's still a little grime punk with a shitty attitude & big chip on his bitter shoulder #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's that attitude which cracks all the foundations & expects white to serve it. It won't crime will rise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
White doesn't get paid enough to take shit from him & has no loyalty to his disgusting claims & attitude #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There isn't anyone to go to over this #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't want to hear their run is over in claims, they've had too good a run creaming off it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And they will not drop that attitude #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are nothing when Russia is out for survival, with China & Britain is in the way in being out of control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And the EU is starting not to give a shit about Britain & it's attitude #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My white mother being one, for her absurd claims about being of any use to the EU in giving something to the community #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't think she's given anything to any community in her life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What says it's giving love to the community in Britain in hip hop is only giving hate for middle class white? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I will admit my mother is totally selfish & somewhat evil, only she tells herself she's alright & I'm supposed to agree #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Typical of her generation & of the Roman Catholic or C of E Church in British. She seems to find shaming a real addiction for proving she's okay. Never admits her own failure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Just ignores all the child abuse within the church & carries on not caring #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't think a backlash will ever come from that & thinks I'm evil for saying she's disgusting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not her daughter anymore when I say that, but who'd want her as a mum? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's pretty much sanctioning child abuse as ok #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She even thinks I wish her dead, tbh I don't see much point in her living, but wouldn't harm her myself. I know plenty who would, she wants me to protect her from them? What about the child abused? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She even declared today my father wanted to drink, I yelled back, yes he really wanted to be unemployed because of a Gulf War. He loved feeling broken & useless & wanted to drink #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He loved having a bitch of a wife always shaming him, he loved all you did to break him everyday. What did you want me to do? Have a fucking brain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Have a heart, show some love, get the poor bastard some help & understanding from someone who really cares #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stop offering breadcrumbs off the table & calling it good enough #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He wasn't stupid, he saw what other men got or could buy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd have left her, stopped drinking & got myself some young hot totty, had some fun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's as cold as ice & I don't ever want a hug from her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't like hugs anyway, she's that cold #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't like anyone touching her & never has. Even babies don't melt her into a fountain of kisses #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Shopping & the mirror does #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She thinks she's fucking normal & not everyone likes being touched? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe not everyone does, but a baby shouldn't make you allergic #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In a word sterile & tries to convince me she has emotions & any form of depth. Like a block of bloody wood #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So terribly British #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why would any man ever want to touch that as love? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as why would any woman want a man who's just abusive, can't talk & offers nothing in depth? If she wants sex there's plenty around socially #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That was not my father, he could always talk about how he felt, drunk or sober #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How many women would want to marry him? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She destroyed him everyday for being a man with emotional intelligence, I got to watch #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Every time he went near her for touch she'd push him away, even in unemployment beyond his control he wasn't allowed a hug or to feel sorry for himself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No, he wanted to drink? He was totally starved of any affection #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She'd even buy him wine to avoid touch, then shame him for drinking it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's not alright, she's a very twisted woman who enjoys control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And that is very British in compulsory education & religion #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's also what to expect from our government #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's why I'm part of the pussy generation in shaming for speaking with any emotion #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What the fuck is wrong with us? I clearly have no idea #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd be perfect if I was sterile, selfish & mute with a credit card #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1am was when I woke last night to find my car broken into at 5 am. I can hear kids tonight, it's not boys it's girls out on their own at 1am? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Didn't give my son a knife for them freaking him out, I put the boy dog in his room. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is all the shaming making girls go mad? Because I'm not joking my mum could turn me psycho #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I see the Nigerian girls being abused in human trafficking has made it to the national news on TV in Britain. They are trafficked socially through hip hop events by dealers & DJs. They are trafficked by Nigerian men, they are black! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who is protecting those men & not the women in the hip hop scene? Who is accessing & abusing those girls/women further? It's not ME! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ah that would be the police trying to save them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They really are racist! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Bigoted white Pagan cunt"? Yes I am. "Racist"? No. I'm always a cunt to abusers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's the only language scum understands. Unless of course they change their tune & respect me for my honesty? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's abuse & corruption attacking me if I'm white in my own country, trying to address it. So "cunt" is fine if it gets the point across #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm mesmerised at how something claiming racism is free to call women "bitches" openly in this day & age #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How is that not a gender hate crime? Yet everything else is #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Human trafficking of women within it? I'm not surprised they are treated like bitches at all. It wouldn't know how to groom a lady in breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All it knows is how to create a prostitute as business & call it legal #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If men are not developed enough to follow the protocol of white men's laws, what are they doing in their land with backwards? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not racism if they are incapable of following those developed laws, it's backwards failing to understand them & why they are there! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they fail to understand them & why they are there then they can't be educated to process them. Their brains are no capable & classify as developed special needs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*not capable, that is technically classified as special needs in white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which means what? I'm developed enough in white to see we have a high proportion of special needs in black, not equal to normal in Africa #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why do we not have a proportion of equal to normal intelligence in Africa? Why are those special needs promoted as normal in African? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That would be the heresy fine & corruption I face as being white in Britain noticing. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In middle class most Africans in Britain are of normal intelligence equal to white? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can actually follow the protocol of white developed laws & understand why they are there? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Some of them even join the police force & army following them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Special needs children call me "bitch" from their own education & some call me by my married name in middle class? Mrs being the title? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The married name is correct, I'm still Mrs in divorce #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe I don't wear the ring on my finger anymore, but I still have the title #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need to waste my time explaining that to middle class, only special needs, over & over again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For some strange reason it doesn't seem to compute much beyond "bitch" in vocabulary? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might that strange reason be special needs in learning? So should I wish to liaise with it directly I have to use vocabulary within it's range? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's actually me having to lower my vocabulary rather than being forced to repeat myself on a range it can't comprehend #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm more than capable of talking in a superior range. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But that only gets me the title of snob & white supremacy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can do both in range & tone then #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one has actually heard my speaking voice, it's actually quite posh #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's actually posher than Hampshire & most parts of London, because it's Surrey. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To get such an accent in middle class your parents usually have to have wealth? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Make the most of accessing my thoughts/words if in Nigeria, soon you'll be cut off from accessing European networks online. Esp if Russia decides to invade Britain with China. To get us under control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will stop those stolen mobile phone sales & human trafficking, we can't be allowed to let white be bullied, Russia would never allow that of our race, for they are white too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neo-nazi won't have an issue with it & they will make sure this is never allowed to rise again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they capture Britain as their own territory they own the whole offshoring financial system. Something which would severely hurt America in power. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something I'm sure special needs won't be able to comprehend....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Monarchy is over anyway, because I think Russia plans to take them out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They shouldn't have been so stupid then as to abuse a developed system & crash it into bankruptcy. It will only be seen as a threat spreading to Russia if it gets more power in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only have an army personnel of 1 million & might be becoming the best in the world. They're working hard at it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they take over Britain too they really would be the best & also decide everywhere they go. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
About time we were due for another one by my calculations #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Prince Charles would be sunk in defender of the faith, in a monopoly with Saudi Royalty. Russia doesn't report to Rome in authority, so it would be a win for them. Ukraine would lose it's positioning in banking also & our government #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
China gets to stick the knife in on America dictating trade deals #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
American advertising would totally lose it's hold on Britain & British culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain is a total pain in the arse, we will be taken down & overruled for being weak #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When the British are overruled they will abide to a dictator, they always do when weak #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Racism claims have proven that & how they'll allow themselves to be bossed by anyone. They've never been socially weaker in global rank #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Africans have made it look too easy & they don't have the economy or army to justify how? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All they have is a racism claim & that will be overruled by someone who knows how to drive Britain at full speed in developed. They only need to get behind the wheel. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe it's a good thing if we don't all speak to each other for the next 100 years? The last hundred haven't got us very far. A relationship which will never work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's also a relationship I don't want to own past slavery, having not been born at the time. We've given billions & nothing changes. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Africa would be better off if Britain had new owners anyway, we could then forget our past. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Happily I could get rid of the constant reminders from America also, that never move on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What a joke, it's black culture selling black & black hiding it in Britain. Enough, end the madness… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tell white culture to solve it? It's bringing it in to white & white already abolished it. White can't touch it because of racism & it's a pointless backwards debate, sending everyone back into slavery. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe black should finally grow up & get developed & take some responsibility for its own culture? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It can finally do that if Britain gets a new master & identity. Those stupid debates will be shut down a we'll finally move ahead into something new #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Close off the Atlantic line #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What could communism become past communism? A debate Britain can handle #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have already evolved beyond it in Russia & will be the next world leaders in power #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That should shut my mother up when it happens & makes up all the rules #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Say Goodbye to being British & say hello to something new coming out in culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't wait to see what it does with land registrations #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They've already won & they know it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
22% of girls under the age of 14 in the UK are admitting to self harming. I was NOT subjected to what they are 20 years ago in Britain. It is undeveloped culture influencing it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Almost 1/4, might not come as a surprise to places where women are treated as donkeys, shocking for the UK #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What might come as a surprise is how advanced armies are now in training soldiers to control something out of control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1 in 4 girls in the South East self harms & 1 in 10 boys age 14. Ridiculous & the parents are so weak in forcing them into taking shit constantly from something less #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What other developed country is going to stand for that growing? They won't, they'll come in heavy handed & take over themselves, plus enjoy it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll knock it so far into next week in teaching with brutality it will never rise again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How many years have they been watching Britain embarrassing itself with this crap? Getting no where, they'll resolve it in a week #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Check out their soldiers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1 word, China. Figure out their new support & how advanced it is in mass production. Take a look at the size of their population #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
China has been ignored & on a slave wage making everything for convenience, they will seize the opportunity to rise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I don't blame the either, it's about time they claimed a fair wage & some control over their pollution. India will join them, so will Pakistan & Bangladesh & Iran #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*them, they've all been ignored & all want grow, plus a better deal #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain is in the way of all of them & so is Africa, with their never ending nightmares & issues #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*all want growth, big world out there, bigger than smaller issues, they've all had enough of watching them never get resolved. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is there a new power in white with a game plan that can solve this & get things moving fast? Yes, it's Russia #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All they need to hear, they'll back it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3D printing growing, they won't think twice about flattening anything, because the rebuild is so quick, if they want it to be #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can build anything they want if they sweep time wasters out of the way #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will not get involved with African politics when it's full of time wasting corruption. They'll take what they want, because they can #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Land rich in resources & potential of them, ooh they'll take it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russia has a distinct advantage, so many on the same team & organised #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain & Nigeria are wastelands of divide quacking about all the potential they have, delivering nothing for years #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Whilst they are busy quacking others have been organising themselves in unity & power #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Success always goes to the ones with their heads down working on delivering a game plan #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain has been too busy trying to overcome crime & having budgets cut to do it. Plus a load of earache in backwards nonsense #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even France can't stand us currently & their fisherman are attacking ours over territory. We are No1 pain in the arse. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Fishermen....I saw them on their boats waving 2 fingers with an F off, kinda says it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No doubt Germany, Italy & Spain all feel the same #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who could blame them? We are a total pain & headache not needed right now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we were offering skills in engineering for 3D printing & sustainable, we'd be useful #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Our skills are in engineering & design, beyond that don't bother with us #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we are dealing with self harm, hate crimes, human trafficking, slavery & jerk rice, forget us #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm qualified in design, I don't ever get the opportunity to do it anymore. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most people probably don't even realise that that is my career or was. And I'm a woman? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Instead I've spent 5 years understanding propaganda, corruption & social failure in Britain? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I watched Lenny Henry last night in a 'special' programme all about himself. Talking about how far he's come in Britain, got a knighthood from the Queen. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He did his own sketches & all I thought was unchallenging & moronic. Then he quote a speech from Shakespeare, who happened to be British & white, it was the only time he sounded intelligent. The rest was jerk rice. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*quoted, he didn't do a very compelling version of Shakespeare anyway. Didn't seem to understand the intent. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Give Shakespeare to Leonardo Di Caprio, he did something new & compelling with it as a kid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He never trained as an actor but thought he'd give it a go, he made other actors look good. The professional ones....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lenny Henry is a Butlins or cruise ship entertainer, nothing more, the rest of his success is racism claims through the BBC #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's worth millions now, that's how he's made his wealth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All his money has come from white people, anywhere else he'd be worth nothing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lenny Henry has made his wealth from white people winning wars #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's also the face of charity for Africa in many TV programmes, I feel as though he's part of what cheat's everyone, the BBC. Run under a royal charter #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His ex wife is white & a talented comedian? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's kidding himself if it wasn't her success which got him a social rise. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'd never have got beyond Butlins lower class entertainer #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*cheats, he never talks about Dangote or Nnamdi Kanu, Nnamdi Kanu also lives in London...along with Idi Amin's wives & children. He sells Comic Relief instead & gets a knighthood? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We've been giving billions the causes such as Comic Relief for decades & they never return growth or success. BBC is under a royal charter, so is jerk rice in dumbing down #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*to the causes. That's the part which divides, we're not that stupid & it's not racism. It's racism rising on benefits claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will be that which gets us invaded for getting in everyone's way with our nonsense & being out of control in crime #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The power of media, no wonder kids don't want to watch TV anymore, it's all moronic nonsense dumbing them down. It's part of the 1 in 4 girls self harming at age 14 & 1 in 10 boys. Does that need a charity also? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Keep making us watch this shite & shame us if we say it's BULLSHIT. They will start cutting themselves for the heresy as a fine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well done Lenny Henry #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I wrote a play about Romans destroying Celtic culture with brutality, would I really want an award from the Roman empire for writing it & a Roman title? It's obviously a sick joke & bribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I like how Lenny Henry is used a cheap distraction from the white peodophiles at the BBC & the new face of charity blinding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'll have kids cutting themselves over it in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only they are a new generation of white aren't they? Born pure as babies, such a kind way to get revenge back. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Abuse the children of ones who abolished slavery & bring slavery in again in black. It's why there's been no growth in Africa #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Monarchy is a firm of royalty as gangsters, they are the heads of every bloody charity & for decades they never work! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something is going to have to come in & invade & take them out by force. Nothing else will or it will never end the madness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I suspect it will be Russia, because nothing has changed for over 2000 years in Britain in madness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have overcome communism & Britain is still on the same tired nonsense #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Every Roman empire eventually disappears & this will be the next one & last. Especially as we are so close to climate change & absurd levels of pollution & overfishing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's embarrassing to watch what thick people do with Shakespeare, some even hack it up for fashion as art. So stupid they can't even understand the allegory is about the madness in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the themes of Britain, everything anyone ever needed to know the complexity of, it's all there. Instead they say "it's white"? Please, shut the fuck up. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't study it, they don't understand it, too thick to process it, they can only quote it like plebs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was the level of our entertainment before TV #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's how thick we've now become #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Reduced to talking about black & white, clapping like a seal when getting an award. Arguing over what jerk rice is in appropriate recipe. We are now morons #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anyone smart would cut themselves to still feel alive & check it's a feeling of reality #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not that I do cutting in self harm, but I can understand it, it does feel like we are living on the ward of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have to drug the majority with antidepressants to accept it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So nothing has been won or achieved, people are drugging themselves or self harming to make special needs feel better & encouraged #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wow, he's amazing, brainwash me some more to be impressed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If Lenny Henry calls his career a lifetime achievement in coming far as a minority, in reality I wet myself laughing at the celebration of the claim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Designing a steam engine, building a boat, going into outer space, designing & building a bridge which doesn't break, that's an achievement in coming a long way #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Writing plays which stand the test of time in accurate observations, that's an achievement. Anything else is worth ignoring in men. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lenny Henry had an observation, he & Trevor McDonald were not security men, I note both don't have their original African names & I don't know what tribe they come from. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would be a lifetime achievement if they both found out & educated us all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All he can tell me about his origins & history, I get jerk rice as culture? He's still got his slave master's name #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nothing about Africa or origins at all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I had an invite to meet the Queen I'd be asking for my original name back! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Give me a play on the origins of that, then I could see how far it's come past slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When it's willing to risk it's life in art to set the truth free, bleed for the freedom of speech, like white & British had to for their plays. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When it's bleeding I'll be impressed, because that's what it takes to come a long way past wars #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Show me the pain & feeling of starvation, looking at your dead mother & father beside you. Then having to carry on, then we'll all be learning about Africa #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Show me a sentimental version on TV asking for or needing charity & I'll give no reaction #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not stupid & I can read a poor script in a play #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As my 4 grandparents were English, Irish, Scottish & Welsh, there's a lot of history to keep me busy on identity. Irish I'm currently on. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Southern Ireland it turns out, some entered into the Hotel industry & they emigrated to America #opendara #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then I need to know more about this treaty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh here we go, Russian America & Empire… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3 big churches competing for the land grab, Church of England, Roman Catholic & Russian Orthodox in tribes… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russian Orthodox is not controlled by Rome or British Monarchy under divine rights of kings. They have their own army & tribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are a powerful threat to both institutions & always have been in white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've got one for jerk rice, what have you done with appropriation of Christianity in blends such as Rastafarian? They are not true to the origins of Rome #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What is smoking weed to get close to God about if not a mockery of the faith? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can list all the original flavours of faith in Christianity in white & the armies they come with #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Weed isn't one of them & neither is a racist claim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Heresy & land treaties are the recipe for disaster. Flame grilled in going to hell if you don't pick the right side #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm Celtic Pagan as per my origins, do I get to watch another war over this again? I'm maxed out on heresy fines #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get on with it & leave me out of this one, let me know when someone wants something designed in 3D printing....we're low on Celtic Warriors #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anyways, I'm guessing jerk chicken is a blend of Irish & Nigerian cooking in origins....bit like rum & whisky #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not as spicy as Nigerian & not as bland as Irish. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Jerk rice they should be grateful for, because it's suitable for vegan in social inclusion #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or did they not notice not everyone eats meat? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tried a new rum, wasn't cheap, made in Scotland, it's disgusting, stick to whisky & engineering. They know nothing about spice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Science made it? I can tell, cough mixture tastes better #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So does your laughable version of Christianity, doesn't even mention how it came from Romans invading Celtic Pagans to take it in! Explain a nunnery or monks divided by gender #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Jerk seems to be based on jollof with 1 change, no crayfish & the pepper, everything is substituted away from home & origins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Substituted for a jalapeno #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Scotch bonnet is not the original in origins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Haberno is also from Mexico, so what comes from Nigeria? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Did someone from Nigeria go to Mexico & bring back the seeds? Bit like how potatoes were brought into Britain? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does anyone really have a claim? Seems to be more to do with domestication in agriculture & selective breeding in we explore the world #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh for goodness sakes, Spain & Africa, 8th century. Like they wouldn't be sharing knowlege… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fish & chips, classic British dish now, but potatoes don't originally come from Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Like I say, the unchallenging & moronic debates are making kids cut themselves over the madness to cope #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Celtic Pagan, we study nature with a faith in God, not organised religion.... we're farmers, engineers & crafts people. Until invaded by a council of order as God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Albion/Britain is great place to settle for farming because the land is so green. Lazy farming, it's easy to grow here. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
An island surrounded by water for fishing, what's not easy about living here? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
An abundance of fruit trees in nature, must have been paradise when we arrived #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rivers, lakes, natural spas, there's everything we ever wanted here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who can grow the biggest marrow? Who will sabotage their competition's in war? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In walks a woman with the biggest one & destroys them all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Typical, origins Africa to New World? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who owns claim to the Jesus of marrows? Who can grow the biggest one with science & drugs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Mini gherkin anyone? The part most throw away from a McDonald's burger #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Of course, that's why my mother should be in charge #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have thought about this, what is Jamaican or Afro-Carribean? A floating special need. Doesn't have a tribe in Africa to refer to in roots if it didn't find out & doesn't know it's real name. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A dumping ground of slaves abandoned & never resolved. The Irish ones never mentioned in the blend #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rice does not come from Africa originally, it comes from Asia as far as I know. Unless Africans can prove it's native to Africa in species & farming domestication? Indians know all a out spice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*about spice, they know all about farming, as does the whole of Asia #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even the block printing of African prints on cotton comes from Thailand #opendata #smartcitiies #bigdata #ai
The engineering & craft is from Thailand, only the print is from Africa in origins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If you want a taylor made suit in Thailand, they don't even have to measure you, they can work it out via eye & sew a perfect fit. How many Africans can do that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*tailor made, they can even copy a bridesmaid dress by eye, I know, they did it for one of my bridesmaids who was in Thailand at the time. Sent the fabric, they got it perfect #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That would have been my sister-in-law who is interracial in English & Chinese Malaysian #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm watching this & can feel it's mean to wind me up. He has to go to America for medical treatment? They don't have hospitals in Uganda?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
White Americans are objecting to their police brutality, yet white is accused of police brutality in America against black? I hate this bullshit, it's designed to make me vote left or right #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*meant to wind me up, pop star politician? He's the next bribed Idi Amin #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Germany's neo-nazi uprising isn't extreme at all in views, they are obviously fearing terrorism that Syria has experienced infiltrating their community #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Just been watching the protests & listening to what they say, the same potential terrorists are walking in with Syrian refugees #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are the same people which have been attacking the refugees, that's why they flee for their lives! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't come with a badge marked as bad or good #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are raping Syrian girls in refugee camps & claiming to be Syrian? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Syria doesn't have a developed prison at the moment, it's as though all their convicts are loose. What would Britain be like if we opened all our prison doors? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even worse, what would America be like if they opened all of theirs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Open all the prison doors in America & make all Americans refugees, what would the state of the traffic coming out be like? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
None of them wearing a badge saying good or bad #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then some idiot stands in front of you & declares they are all nice & hasn't thought of that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they are all nice why does every country have laws & prisons? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Those tagged neo-nazi have thought of that & their fears are NOT extreme #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's no developed check on what's entered, Germany pretty much said all come in. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are obviously scared & for a very good reason #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One said "open your eyes" to a lady defending refugees. The lady defending hadn't thought of there being open prisons walking in too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
With the science we have today they should be able to process refugees quickly with computer testing them for criminal minds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have insights & drugs for everything, how could they miss that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I get all my insights on Nigeria by having spoken to tons of locals there online, they have all told me the differences in tribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am yet to speak to any Syrians #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Brexit is therefore a bloody nightmare in terms of data sharing. Think of places such as Poland, their checks will not be anything like France, Germany, Italy, Spain or Ireland #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all have different checks & different budgets & internal police corruption. How does that work with refugees who have no paper trail or digital history? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nigeria doesn't have a developed computerised policing system either for checks. They are still establishing an army. Budgets can easily go missing in government? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How can they check the validity of anything coming in & how can we be so developed under technocracy accepting it? It's absurd #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why haven't they figured out profile checks when there is no paper trail or digital history to check & trust? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably because it would blow the brainwashing of charity & racism claims profiting? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Whenever I've been for an interview in a technology company, HR has given me a computerised personality test? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I was to claim "I have potential", they'd laugh & show me the door on my claim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take the test, provide 3 professional references, probation period of 3 months & I'm the least likely to be corrupt? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's what I have to prove as white in Britain & I don't get to complain, I'm CRB checked too! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't really work when anything with no paper trail can wander in & claim to be the Pope in pure & instantly get benefits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He is a commedian, because I don't see that many white footballers in British football teams. For the numbers in diversity black is given more exposure than anything else. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*comm as in sounding communist. How dare he dictate we should give our whole culture away when we have offered up our home. One of the kindest systems in the world & it's destroyed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's people like him who have made us so stupid, we put refugees at risk of being attacked by neo-nazi in fear & not thinking straight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He knows nothing about data sharing internationally, nothing about the standards of African record keeping in crimes. He knows very little generally about culture. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If Nigerian government can lose a budget so easily & get away with it, it only shows how difficult it is for Nigeria to establish a digital police record system that's trustworthy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does Nigeria want Britain to give that corruption more exposure in media to influence the world? Silencing them further in their complaints #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Biafrans already declare the BBC is biased & full of lies! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why do they all have to broadcast from Britain? Why can't I watch African TV, broadcast from Africa? Then I'm getting plenty of diversity from Nollywood. Why isn't he promoting that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can't all fit on 1 channel, so why don't they all have their own? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's unless you can't think beyond the 4 main channels Britain used to have? #opendata #smartcities #bigdara #ai
Oh he doesn't promote Nollywood, he promotes Comic Relief as the charity they need? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Errrrr, Ethiopia has a booming film industry too, but they are halted from growing it? Why isn't he involved in assisting them with quality he learnt in Britain??… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That was the whole point of us taking immigrants in, so they could improve the lives of others in their cultural roots #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They were not supposed to take the cameras over to Africa & constantly show us starving children needing more charity & little growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's what keeps us ignorant & stupid, we trust such embassadors of culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then we have an argument with someone not thinking straight, saying they are all nice let them all in. But they don't have a paper trail of what they left behind back home? Could be many crimes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then people get scared & neo-nazi will rise, because they did let a lot of criminals in, not checking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We also don't get to see what all our corruption does over there on camera #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So we are blind in trusting cultural embassadors educating us when blind & they really have made us stupid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You're only as good as what you know & all we seem to know are lies #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Desmond's was a sitcom based in Peckham in Britain, almost the whole cast was black, living in 1 area of London. Where do white people go in their home?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
These are our limited experiences on African culture, they are nothing like Africa. They make us ignorant as hell #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We should have international cinemas in this day & age, showing films from all over the world #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Instead we get the same old franchise deals from America, tapping us for more sales again, with a lack of diversity in their offerings #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we had films imported from Nollywood there would be no arguments about black people not getting acting roles #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's because they are a majority in colour in their home #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Should I move there & complain about a lack of white people in Nollywood? Or would it be more intelligent for Africans to promote African films? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why do such men always rant hate speech about white & not say how much money we've given them in charity or opportunity? Why do they always date white women? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What's the return on investment, Jamaica, The Carribbean & Africa is no better off for their work? Neither are the British, we're more divided than ever in a policing collapse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But he's done alright for himself though? Not bad for Butlin's level entertainer #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He moans about a lack of diversity in colour on TV, they never even used to use a white northern accent at the BBC. It had to be southern & posh. He got a social rise at the same time with a northern accent in black? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
White northerners have been abused for centuries by white southern & some how black & Nothern overtakes them by moaning? They haven't been here long & it's not their cultural accent, it's white's! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Every place in the UK has a very different accent, why might that be? And it was already different & white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why was the BBC accent dictated to sound like the Queen's English in south & the BBC is under a royal charter? He goes & takes an award from her? #opendata #smartcities #bigdat #ai
Graham Norton is a comedian & host, he's also Irish & gay in supporting diversity. There is so much diversity in the UK to support #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stephen Fry is gay, all these people demand the British support them & give them opportunity to broadcast themselves? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Erm where has their voice been on the peodophile ring at the BBC? Or women not getting paid equal pay? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ambassadors of culture educating us on trust, so why are we all so thick listening to them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are children of African origins dying in London from air pollution. Mainly because London is overcrowded with too many cars on the road. Why do they not support white or straight people in changing that with intelligence? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Indigenous is probably more climatised to it in white in Britain, because our DNA lived through worse in the Industrial Revolution in Britain. African did not #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
London was once a cloud of black smoke in coal being burnt, it was local to us in resource, we had our own mines up North & miners. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I expect many white people suffered & died because of those conditions. They didn't get to complain? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We didn't swap to oil until after WW2 & lost a whole generation fighting a dictator threatening to invade us. Then we invited immigrants to come & help us rebuild? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We also have gas. In 1945 we needed a bigger population, now we are overcrowded in a housing crisis of over 66 million residents. How can that be? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is too much oil used & contributing to pollution in having too many cars on the road & we have far to many residents in multiculture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*too many, what do they want us to do when it's impossible to change or build infrastructure that fast & right off the investment in all the machinery & infrastructure? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'd have to be totally thick not to get it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*write off, the pressure put on my generation is insane & the last made a total disaster in planning for longevity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Planned obsolescence is the capitalist model in technology & we are still running with it. We were also educated to & it has created a 1% holding more wealth? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all made their money out of corrupt charities, oil & wars over oil? Giving dirty bribes & selling weapons. All the public money given to charity failed & it was rigged to in the capitalist model taught #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even Children In Need was an abuse of trust by ambassadors of culture at the BBC. They failed to protect children being sexually abused within their broadcasting organisation. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now the elderly needing care is set to double, within this enormous population. It wasn't there in 1945? They didn't have the pressure of having to care for such numbers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neither did both parents have to work full time & raise children in order to be able to afford the cost of living? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
On top of that we have a policing in collapse with budgets cut, crime we can't touch because of racism. Kids joining violent gangs grooming them to steal & sell drugs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I also failed to mention human trafficking coming in as a new addition from Nigeria? They won't be the only ones bringing that crime in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Still got that backlog of Syrian refugees also & we don't know who's who in terms of citizens from an open prison? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh & French fishermen are attacking British around the edges in water. Because they feel they are irresponsibility fishing & on their turf? Brexit is also a nightmare in data sharing? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And what about the homeless numbers growing on the streets? #opendsta #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Didn't student tution fees also go up & we lost EU grants? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yeah, jerk rice......#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hmmm, missed 1 in 4 girls aged 14 self harming & 1 in 10 boys. Plus hiring a mercenary on the dark web, who doesn't need your name, only the victim's & just your money in Bitcoin #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You can also order a baby from a baby factory, or a slave in human trafficking of body parts for your medical needs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The royal wedding cost £27 million ish in security, the souvenirs got the wrong ginger celeb #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Trump's disaster visit also costing millions in security #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Little diversity of culture party in Notting Hill needs 13,000 officers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And London needs a giant sewer pipe the size of 3 buses, costing £5 billion, to handle all the shit? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is a nation of needs around London also? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And we don't have a Brexit deal? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then there is Grenfell Tower? To top it off someone found guilty from within the council of fraud is white. The rage day protesters are demanding black to work at the council? She hurts everyone & is stealing all our money! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The money she stole comes from predominately middle class paying taxes & in a majority it's white! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Free money for some in benefits ranting, hard earned cash for others giving it to be managed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Again white is a victim of crime by white in Britain again, making things worse for us with immigrants #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When do we get to rant about it ourselves? We are not supposed to be broadcasting ourselves anymore in diversity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So what has diversity achieved in broadcasting? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can I pay to receive films, news, music, sitcoms etc directly from somewhere like Nigeria please? I'll back that in diversity broadcasting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Shouldn't be too hard to subscribe to a channel through internet TV #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I won't necessarily watch it all the time, but £20 a month in a subscription would be better than paying a licence to the BBC in a dictatorship & save me a lot of hassle #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd be supporting diversity & paying directly to giving them an economy & opportunity, plus educating myself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can Jamaica do one also? I wasted £25 on a disgusting bottle of Scottish rum this month. It would be worth it to get stupid people out of my face. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll take a masterclass direct from Jamaica in cooking & cut CO2 emissions by not flying out. Broadcast the correct recipe & history from Jamaica & I'll watch & pay for a subscription #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But I want Jamaica to pick the chef & historian! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I'll do the same with Nigeria in the deal. £40 a month, split between the 2 in investment & no charity. Millions of white people could join me? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't want to touch racism again in Britain, give me education direct from the horse's mouth & curated by them locally. I'll pay to learn it privately #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And what is the best rum, jollof or jerk recipe? When did they all appear as dishes in history & culture? Answer those questions on taste #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Give me that in broadcasting & it will be world class in interest signing up to know #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Have the arguments on separate channels, I'll tune in when I choose & ask for a Celtic one in Britain, to focus on my own cultural debates #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Romans are blocked from sponsoring or advertising on it, so is capitalism & Monarchy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Corruption isn't very good at gambling is it? She's made me feel better that I won some of my taxes back. Because I won enough to pay for what? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To pay for my kids' school uniforms this year, when their father has informed me he's unemployed & can't find work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't talk in the chat rooms, I talk here, but I can read what they say....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
New cosmic lineup last night, Satan found it's place #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the moons it has in dark matter, I note her name is Scottish? Looks Roman in behaviour to me at the council. Someone give her a Glasgow kiss #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Satan & moons when a Pagan Celt is reading it in dark matter not tasting good #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone's been brainwashed to go to the capitalist moon, not sun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even Scotland there are factories making weapons & selling them up there… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am yet to obtain a list of all the factories… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As far as I can see Romans are still everywhere #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My kids' school uniforms come in at over £200, because I have to buy branded items that the school dictates #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ordering them online for next-day delivery worked out cheaper than the petrol to go to their only supplier & buy them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never mind, they have what they need & I won it from corruption stealing from tax payers, putting money into online gambling? I heard God telling me when to gamble #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cheers for the time spent on school shopping was 1 hour. Turn up at Clarks at 4.50, miss the rush, get 20% off one pair & out. Be informed the wait was over an hour during peak times today. Sunday will be carnage. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need any, I already bought my seasonal footwear in January, if anyone remembers? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are ready to go & were worn today, perfect fit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And madam has been treating herself to luxury? Chav #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's a year younger than me? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I hate a new local tale about a devil to share also, it's an eye opener for criminology. But later it shall be told....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*have, not hate, gossip from mother off the vine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Comes from a connection of my mother & God mother & the 2nd wife of a man in their historical jollies group. The 2nd wife everyone detests as vile. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She has son & daughter, the son raped his neice & went to prison. The grandmother didn't do much. In & out of prison all the time this son, and it's never his fault #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Always back to mummy for sympathy, he went back into prison again, this time for receiving drug's. He called mummy from prison...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Help, help, I'm going to be stabbed" to his mummy. Next he's in hospital, used as a mule, the drugs exploded inside him, he went into a coma & died #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was 37, no one cares apart from mummy, he deserved it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Shame his neice didn't get to call her mum #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Note his death ended with a big bang in chemistry sales? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's always a worse bully in crime, looking to make money, Britain should be worried about Russia. Not as much as Africa in Britain. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have no idea of seeing anything from my perspective & what a brutal bully is. What they call a terrorist is a pussycat #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russia has faced both Europe & America in bullying, it still survives! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will take all the pain & calls taking it strength in order to rise again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Different version of Christianity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's how it interprets Jesus suffering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one can take more pain than Russian or Chinese #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will not call mummy for help #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will not ask a woman for pity, that's the weakest thing in their eyes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Celtic is different, it will fight among them all & understand both sides #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Has a hatred of women & children being abused, understands the need to feel like a man & survive #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pagan in origins, not Roman Catholic or Church of England, it will understand Russian Orthodox #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The chimp with the frog, I'm seeing why what's in prison uses the chimp as a mule & put drugs by force up the black hole. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Miscalculation in what was placed & they leaked into his system. Causing the coma & he died #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Coward was no one without his mummy protecting him with excuses #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Control issues as a man, it's why he raped his neice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The most absurd aspect is all the parents who are similar to me, buying all the traditional school uniforms, making sure their children are well turned out. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dumped in a classroom with all that crime growing by force, I'd put all the crime in a secure unit, rather than let it groom. We have drugs to sedate it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It should be scared of what we can do to it for control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where Romans do have a point about order, even if by brutal means #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What did I find in the suitcases recovered from my children's holiday? PJ bottoms missing, socks, underwear, lots of bits & pieces....they weren't stolen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No, their father has them at his & his girlfriend's house, they didn't pack them or send them back. And I paid for every item of the clothes myself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not only could he not pass his driving test until the age of 43, he's now unemployed, can't do DIY, nor back a bloody suitcase #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rude to point this out & it's shaming? He doesn't stop shaming & dictating to me, he's fucking useless. High in logic too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*pack a suitcase, these logical types, they leave space junk everywhere right? Forget about them, think they do nothing in floating. Do a design once & call it done. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are entirely to blame for the state of Britain & ignoring everything breaking. They ignore everything & dictate nothing is an issue or out of control, apart from emotions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Morons, deluded morons who are an embarrassment to themselves if they think they are intelligent & not out of control with it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Social leeches who require constant propping up for all their failure & they hide it by enslaving others. Then shame them if they get angry #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The worst kind of feeble men without mummy to wipe their arse constantly #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Mummy makes excuses for them doesn't she? Her eggs have nothing wrong with them. She's as shit as them in failure & can't produce a man. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does she go round picking up all their space junk? Is that why they are so deluded & demanding of other women & slaves? How educated & successful is she? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm sure she won't want an independent, educated & commercially successful woman pointing this out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The mother who makes excuses for her son raping her granddaughter has just lost her son. Someone shoved drugs up his ass as a weak mule in reality in prison. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My father went to prison briefly at the height of his alcoholism. Drink driving without a licence, he got 12 weeks. He saw men being raped in there. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one touched him & he was groomed into nothing, he could hold his own in intelligence & strength. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In fact he walked out with my respect than when he was taken in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*more respect, I came to visit him, he coped in there & came out & had another drink. Then decided to stop drinking & got a new job with more pay abroad #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never once cried or called to get him out, took his punishment & then walked away. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His mother was very hard on him & insisted he be a man #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She also ran her own catering business after his father died. She ran a cafe under the arches in London & made wedding cakes on the side #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Had she not done that he wouldn't have been a man holding his own #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No excuses allowed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A lot of men would probably smack a woman for how I speak to my ex-husband. I told him to "get something right". He took it & probably will now. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nextdoor's husband, the Ukrainian family, he's pathetic & his wife constantly asks me to pacify his special needs. He's pathetic & so is she. There's nothing wrong with him, apart from being weak. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everything is a fucking challenge & it's all because he needs his mummy. He has no mental or physical issues really stopping him. He can even ride a bike for miles #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'd be the first in prison to have drugs shoved up his ass as a mule. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get a new babysitter & stop leeching off the British for protection #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Thank you, today's salary earned & stolen taxes taken back. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
More than min wage & won in less than 30 mins on £15 wagered. Still plenty left for others to win #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't get too greedy, that's the secret #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In & out, it won't go higher than that without risking losing it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They want me to come back everyday to keep up their numbers, they will only rarely pay out a high amount. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Slavery, it's how most things work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not supposed to win & am supposed to be thick & greedy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Over 5 years I've made over £50k & invested most of it on general living. £20k spent on 2nd hand books & varied media. The rest on my kids. It's how I don't need to ask for funding in my research #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2nd hand phone with pay as you go, which never has any credit, I use wi-fi to get online. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The phone is a Sony Xperia & it's been good for over 2 years. Rarely use a laptop anymore... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Still have plenty of storage left #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gave up on iPhone, total con & slow to force an upgrade #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I already know what planned obsolescence is only too well #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My car is crap, but it was free & only cost £800 to MOT, fully service, tax & insure for a year. Petrol is cheap because it's a small engine. It's been paid for already for another year. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've had nice cars & nice things, I can still spot a bargain & buy class, so I get away with it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not many have the library I've curated of over 800 books & have little in the bank #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
£80? I'll make it go a long way in investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Slavery is based on stupidity & greed biting the donkey carrot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Worth a lot when you care what others think of you #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I earnt £65k a year in an office job I'd be worse off when calculating the overheads & tax contributions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't really get away with driving a crap car when earning that much in an office. No time to hunt for bargains #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The peer pressure is to look the part when selling planned obsolescence? That means investing it it also #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You won't get away without spending a lot of money on how you look #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Again I'm not supposed to win am I? It helps to be greedy & advertising the model #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She buys convenience over & over like a slave. I double up on time & have my own homemade ready for convenience & labelled #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2 batches in one cooking time, I can cash in on the effort later #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's is painful to watch #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*she is, she could bankrupt anything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I use Twitter as my research database because the hosting is free & I can keyword search anything & download it all for free. Plus share it at the same time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Microsoft isn't getting a penny out of me in planned obsolescence. Facebook isn't getting ad revenue #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Online gambling isn't getting any chat #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Twitter gets all the chat & I get the free database & hosting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Those who work in technology could work all this out for themselves, but don't have the time in working in an office job #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Plastic free hangers? No thank you, they always break & look hideous mother. I'll buy metal at half price & organise myself. Classic wood with metal would be better #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
5 for £2 at Sainsbury's, reduced from £4 currently. They make organisation more satisfying #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Although these are the best & most satisfying for a system of good order #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I like to open a wardrobe & see everything evenly spaced out on them. The most satisfying in observing order as art. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If it wasn't satisfying people wouldn't buy it when the merchandise is hung that way in the shop #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A jumble sale reduces the value of the garment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Logic will buy plastic & some of the nicest most expensive clothes, reduce the value in seconds. These are cheap clothes, upmarketed to my children. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The shoes were not cheap, but most important for growing feet. My mum has the most hideous bunions from wearing cheap fashion shoes? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I blew most of the shopping budget on the shoes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The trousers always get ripped or stains on them after playing football at lunchtime. This year I bought tougher & more comfortable shoes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
By Christmas the knees will have holes ....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But the shoes will be fine, they have a football nose on them, unlike soft leather, which scuffs. Intelligence is in the superior design #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have a nose #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The girl's are easy to be reheeled, the heel always goes & the sole #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who wants kids looking like Oliver Twist by Christmas, after spending over £250? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That is the intelligence behind the planned obsolescence model #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When I'm not selling it I have more time to research superior design? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A woman who criticises me on taste & systems? The state of that wardrobe, Oxfam makes it look more appealing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who wants to borrow something out of that wardrobe? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nothing wrong with the clothes, it's how they are presented #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Over 30 years my mum must have spent over £5k on ideal home magazines. I ask why? "I'm getting ideas...." I started a degree in interior design & completed the first year? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Staging the ideal home was wasted on her, she learnt nothing about taste or design #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Give me the £5k back she invested, I'll put a new bathroom in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But I'll use real stone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And rip that B&Q shit out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My dad wasn't a designer, he was a practical engineer, he left all the taste to her. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
30 years of ideal home study & that's what comes out? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not many in a configuration I really like TBH, touches, yes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all still look a bit mass production & plastic #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3D printer? I could design my own #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now those I like #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
With something which doesn't waste water in design #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only I'd have them in rose copper with white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I like industrial copper, mixed with natural stone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Floor? Marble effect #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I hate the grout lines in floor tiles #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They get filthy & look nasty after a while #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't have it then? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You talk too much, you should be making money, fine, I'll make £40 in 48 minutes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I make that £95 up & my deposit back #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For 1 day's work in less than 2 hours playing, that takes my annual salary up to nearly £23k per annum in office work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Poker? Not quite there yet in willing to risk losing in playing for cash online #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Foolproof yes? Frozen chilli, cooked from scratch & defrosted #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Apparently not for the convenience Queen, throwing it in a pan to reheat was too much effort. Microwaved instead & contaminated by melted plastic #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I like how it's melted a little resting place for the spoon, handy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Should I even mention again my mum is a retired teacher??? This is not new #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If anyone ate that they'd probably get cancer now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Someone like her could easily make a 14 year old start cutting themselves if forced to eat that politely #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The mothers at my children's school did the same in stupidity, they bought panda pops for their organised social events & we had to pay for the event & give money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Government is now having to bring in a ban on energy drinks, to curb the stupidity. It's a bit like drugs, they start on something soft & go onto something harder.… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How have I ended up doing what I'm doing as the only route to not participate in it? What did my best friend from age 10 end up doing as a career? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's the Marketing Director for Redbull or was 4 years ago, she doesn't have children & another reason for closing my FB account. Yeah...."it gives you wings" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then I got into an argument with more morons from my generation in hip hop, they supply drugs, aggression, racist hate speech, misogyny, thuggery & knives to the loaded kids. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then another argument with my ex-husband, allowing his almost illerate mother to pump the crap info my children in grooming. He would dictate to me I have to allow it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I go & do a course in permaculture to try & change it, we split up. Then he gets himself a girlfriend who has an allotment & only grows organic food? #opendata #smartcites #bigdata #ai
She also has a degree in sculpture, she's like a less successful version of me? Only older #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't use her degree, she works in some boring role at the council in an area totally unrelated, working with children? Her friends are not marketing directors of huge brands #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's the parenting of the last generation & all the advertising they watch #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ping, it's done. They don't understand science or plastic #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Technologically & scientifically illiterate in the digital consumer age #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only I won't be self harming over this, more studying the phenomena of the stupidity & the effects it has in social cultural anthropology, in particular criminology #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I effect is 1 in 4 girls self harming & 1 in 10 boys age 14, in the Southeast of England, today. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*1 effect, I can pivot in the use of marketing insights #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The most interesting aspect of the dynamics is when it hits a long term relationship in its mid 30s. I found the same thing as one of my other best friends, only she has an Oxford degree. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He is interracial Asian (oriental) & was adopted by wealth, I married interracial Asian abandoned by his father, because the white mother was insane. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both men highly intelligent, she married hers & me mine, her from 17-34, me from 21-34/5. Her ex said "I've found someone like you, only she's less complex". Guess he meant thick & unchallenging? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Somehow it's a social success to find another white British woman less academically or commercially successful & hold her up in advertising in multiculture? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well she will be the replica of the adverts using women on TV? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bit like the new Microsoft advert of the African American woman in her early 30s/late 20s. Who promotes using a laptop to write a blog about sprinkles & colour. She's like a special needs 5 year old in simplicity? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doubt she blogs about politics, climate change or lobbying, she does sprinkles for cupcakes & twirls in her pretty dress. Disturbing in a grown woman with full on breasts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't seem to know about or mention the human trafficking of Nigerian girls/women, coming into Europe through Nigerian DJs &: drugs dealers on the hip hop scene? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Should I mention I've run affiliate marketing programmes, I know what sprinkles is blogging for? And who's sponsoring her to create the content #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She gets a tracking link which counts all the affiliate commission she gets for selling sprinkles & colour in her twirl on her unchallenging blog. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She didn't mention that in her little advert or blog for Microsoft, when does she suck her thumb? Or is that the advert for PornHub commission? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Didn't use this in the advert did they? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Classy promotion of school girls via technology #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only I picked the safest one! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are much much worse & they wonder why men from other cultures come in & rape women or girls? It's not peodophiles, it's mainstream in grooming #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Extreme & graphic & on film, easily accessible & growing in demand. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Thick girl/woman won't object, it's her chance to socially shine. A frog with a hole for chimp, not a wife or mother & undermining all of them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most of it comes from America & it's not even frowned upon entering Europe, neither is hip hop? It can call women bitches, marry white & still claim racism & sell drugs & violence legally in art? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Multicultural women or girls in hip hop educating think this is normal? Bullshit, they enjoy white women being abused & promote they are superior. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Women & girls used to have tight control over them from good families, it's peasants. Kinda the level they socially are on benefits. They don't like that I see them as thick & am a snob. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum has 2 degrees & watches TV constantly, she's now doing this to a dinner which needs tipping into a pan? Only she's done that to food ever since the 80's? Served it up as fine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ding, I'm a chef & a woman, I can compete with homemade. But she can cook & is getting lazier & lazier in mind & habits? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She ruined homemade & didn't think anything of offering it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum doesn't even realise she's being groomed into being something close to this in unchallenging by advertisers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A mindless whore, yet qualified? Why do they call Western education evil? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sales in mindless #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This is a natural change in our culture? No way, it's lobbied in & done with strategic & political grooming, it's a hate crime to question or object to in capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People are choosing it? They are not, it's promoted as being mainstream & they follow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Thick gets highly rewarded for promoting it by advertisers, when they suck their thumb & do a twirl in a pretty dress as a grown woman. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd be fired in marketing or advertising if I pointed that out! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The most interesting part is how the adopted interracial son & the abandoned one think me & the other woman from married white parents are complex? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think they'll find we come from middle class mainstream in a majority & made a mistake in trying to understand them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How is that complex to understand? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Any woman who has no questions will do well #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Such a good grounding for a relationship when questions are off the menu in intimacy. Robotic is the winner in following orders #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Quite frankly the man has no grounding in culture & shows no leadership. He makes everything up as he goes along. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He doesn't know what he is & white in my parents' generation did have more idea, based on thousands of years in culture. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't answer the question, what are you in leadership, culture or ideals an educated woman is supposed to follow? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Skips to thick which won't question making it up as he goes along. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can't follow making it up as he goes along, it's absurd stupidity & dictatorship #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No leadership as a man but wants to declare himself a leader? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Look at the state of girls & women in my culture now, you have lead us to that? Wow, you really are going somewhere in leadership, brothel & human trafficking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Over 30 & dressing like a child to be spanked in schooling #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One of those most important questions for such men is what are your religious views? Many don't even belong to a traditional faith, holding the majority. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't answer it publicly, they rant at home with no leadership in ignorance, the partner the captive audience with the Pope #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then Ukrainian neighbours overhear & stick their beak in claim they are immigrants also. Start rule & divide. However they are both white & Ukrainian. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What the hell have they got in common with an interracial Brit born Chinese Malaysian/Viking man, abandoned by his father. They don't even have British accents? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All they have is British citizenship, a passport & a right to vote. They answer nothing either when you question them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His mother was white & Viking, she wasn't Celtic #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ah, do I spy Ukraine? Strange, his Viking mother couldn't stand the Ukrainian neighbours either? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neither can he, unless it's to win a political point in dictatorship? They certainly didn't drink beer together #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain is not a free for all bullshit, make it up as you go along, culture. That's what we've become under dictatorship & capitalism promoting morons in leadership. It's why we fail. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are so moronic they don't even understand indigenous culture & our history with other majority cultures in the world #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are a minority in the world, shouting down to other majority cultures in leadership #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What they have as minorities is access to Britain's history of having an empire & developed banking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Capitalism loves them for that if they'll promote capitalism mindlessly by sucking their thumbs & dressing like grown up children #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get a real job & pay taxes, what in? Advertising which promotes it? Or government which takes a bribe to ignore it & promote it further? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How about I promote his it's influenced my mother? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*how it's...Ideal Home....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What will the wife of the future be? Looking great in leadership #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If she has a brain she'll get divorced & go buy over 800 books, to go educate herself...feel pity for her father & kids #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tell technology I quit on promoting this further #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother in law was a minority in Viking, she was definitely crossed with Roman in breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her hair was dyed blonde constantly & eyes very light blue. Her hair was naturally red. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She hated breastfeeding, promoted the bottle & that is not Scandinavian, it's Roman in wet nurse. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She also hated Irish red heads, saying they had a vile temper. They're Celtic & so am I, she hated my temper. But I was golden blonde, then strawberry as a child? She dyed her hair my colour? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her 3rd husband has a daughter from an Irish red head, she has red hair & a bad temper. I've never had an argument with her? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She has light hazel eyes, same colour as her hair. My eyes are dark blue & Welsh? From my Welsh grandmother who married my Irish grandfather, who was blonde, she had auburn hair #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My grandfather was from Southern Ireland #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So I'm a mix of Welsh auburn, dark blue eyes, Irish blonde & light blue Celtic eyes in my colouring. I do not see eye to eye with Viking Roman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Mixed with my father who had black hair & deep brown eyes, making my sister chestnut with lighter brown. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I come from 4 Celtic tribes & names & also belong to a Scottish border clan. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Many relatives with dark colouring in Newcastle, although some are dark & have blue eyes. Tons are left handed like me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If left handed Romans used to try & drive the devil out of us in education & try & make us right #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why would we like them for that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Left handed is feminine & sacred in Celtic, emotional intelligence, in Roman it's a goat?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am indeed a left handed goat of the devil #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sadly not a chimp who rapes a frog, they are much more superior in evolution #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Divide me into the goat devil heresy fine flock. Goats like to butt things, maybe that's the evolution of the Glasgow kiss? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Show some love without talking in using your head #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You're either a goat kissing or a sheep in following the flock #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So how come I can use my cutlery the right way round & eat spaghetti with a fork & spoon? Many right handed can't, I can also use chop sticks #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum was brainwashed to write with her right hand, she lays the table the wrong way? She is left handed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Right handed doesn't always notice, I do #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where the devil goat fails in Celtic. My kids are home & they've updated me all about their special weekend. They were given a whole £4 by their dad's girlfriend #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This was to buy him birthday cards for his upcoming day. They also made him a birthday cake, under her direction, because I'm not around. No pocket money for them? They got none. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I paid for their school uniforms & she awards him with a cake in grooming my children? I'm not going to make it worse by picking a fight. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
However I will say I can make cakes, the last year we were together I made a special jelly in a pig mold. Chopped the front off the pig & served him the arse with a candle #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was more than a cake, it was a sociopolitical statement in art & sculpture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I still have the pig mould should anyone wish to use it for mass production in homemade #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Did I get something wrong in wife? Oh dear, never mind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can't help it, I'm left handed, thick & dyslexic, reading everything backwards, take pity on my logical disorder #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Isn't school uniform meant for children? Or am I to buy it for myself as a wife? Confusing it is, pocket money is now to be spent on the father, as an award #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even more confusing when the girlfriend grooming is older than me? She sounds more like Grandma #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does she fetch his pipe & slippers too, like a good dog? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I like how grandma finally taught him to drive at age 43 & he's cruising in her Nissan Micra. Sexy in a man #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It only took another 2 years of teaching past me & us blowing over £1k on teaching him. He had my old Mitsubishi Colt rusting away, waiting to be driven when I was 23. I got a new Mazda #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was reported to the police as abandoned outside our flat, because it sat there for so long not being driven. Even though it was MOT'd, taxed & insured? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Guess who had to get it shifted? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If he's still claiming it's my fault he never learnt to drive, that is total bullshit, he's 4 years older than me! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As I said to my kids on the way home "I'm really sorry about this shitty situation, I can't think of a better word. Get to 16, do what you like" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I won't say anything to him, it only makes it worse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can't control an older woman who is nothing to do with me telling a man he's a good father, when he's a total failure. And I'm the only mother of his children & paying for them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He has rights as a father to see them & I can't control that or what he introduces #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nor can I stop him & his gob spreading bullshit, to cover up the fact he's a failure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as I can't stop that other knob in Finsbury Park with his crew & bullshit, to cover up the fact they are all failures too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as I can't stop science delusion, planned obsolescence, capitalism & it's bullshit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It really is a shitty situation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't think of a better word....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's why I serve up a pig's arse with a candle in it, to celebrate all the achievements #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am a self confessed total bitch at times, I even take the piss out of Maka Agu, directly to his face & call his white Hungarian woman 'cupcakes' #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She put something on social media that I spotted, 4 chocolate cupcakes with "I love you" on them, one with a strawberry, plus "Chocolate for chocolate" in the offering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
After I took the piss, he made her make her account private, lol. Because I'll serve him a pig's arse with a candle in it also & he doesn't want white women or black men knowing that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He totally wants a thick white woman & I enjoy taking the piss out of 'cupcakes' as developed or educated in white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I made them for any African man I have dated as a white woman, they'd piss themselves laughing at my stupidity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think they'd be expecting jollof rice, most Nigerian men don't eat pudding or cakes. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They might eat fruit though? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only eat cake if born in Britain or America generally, Nigerians don't tend to eat that sugary crap. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The pig's arse in jelly is more appropriate, considering the slave trades in sugar #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm white & my family never owned a plantation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm the racist one? Ha ha ha, "Chocolate for Chocolate" from cupcakes.... pushing the plantation as love #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do they even know what chocolate cake is made from or the slavery which goes with it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What it used to be was burn someone for hersey, now it seems to be to drug them & profit? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know they rake it in & I know they don't care. They go out & party after a day of raking it in, laughing about not caring. That is capitalism & it's called creating jobs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They won't be laughing when it blows up in their face, that moment edges closer & closer through their stupidity & greed. The "it will never happen", oh yes it will #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't even think about it all coming out of a machine & really fast, where the raw materials come from or who the product goes to, or who's manufacturing it. They have ZERO control of their profits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's all made by someone who really needs a job, any job & capitalism offers them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Capitalism also offers to destroy natural resources & society as it does it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The thick rewarded for promoting it, the intelligent drugged for saying it's going to blow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Intelligence knows that & often takes the drugs, because it's better than living with the punishment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then thick can say "it's really sad what happened to so & so...." They made it happen on purpose, and try to ignore it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They shouldn't bother trying to show any disingenuous concern, but then they are rewarded for being thick? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have changed the world forever in doing it & no one is going to care about them when they are old. When old I mean 50, maybe even 45? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To an 18 or 16 year old 50 is old #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How old is Mr Ti2bs now? 37? He's old, no one cares what he has to say anymore, need to be under 35 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Technology is with youth, they're going to drive it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will not trust anyone over 35 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We thought we were the jilted generation, they are the abused & abandoned #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When you get to my age you see it, the thinking, you are young enough for me to abuse & not let you question me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You'll trust me to sell you drugs, rearrange your face, body & DNA. I want that opportunity to experiment. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't trust them, I know how they party on the profits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't care how low I've fallen in 5 years in financial or social penalities for my morals over abusing the next generation with capitalism. Year 6 & my son held his head high #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Year 6 of putting up with me over them & my son turned up with exactly the same level of attire for school as everyone else in affluent. My daughter is yet to start school. She'll do the same. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not on benefits & don't have a council property, nor do I want one. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know I'm supposed to be punished & forced into poverty for not joining in anymore & have been. But I really couldn't give a shit about the shaming. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can see my whole compulsory education flash before me in schooling & how it was all lobbied & rigged. To dumb me down, make me malleable & thick, a fan of wars won for freedom. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A devotee & servant to Monarchy, paying for all their needs. A Christian, a fan of 'dare to know' in atheist science & a lamb to the slaughter of capitalism. Charity giver. A servant to it all, not questioning. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Respecting elders & their authority, no matter how hypocritical & out of control they are. Loyal to brands enforcing modern slavery & destroying resources & irresponsibly polluting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Passive in every single way, willing to be shamed into all of it. Lied to about every single aspect of history & culture & gender. Take it all as acceptable & no choice. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And bullied constantly about the supposed history of my forefathers. When in fact they had all their land taken away for trying to put a fair democracy into Britain. Reduced to white as an identity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then handed the debt & all the interest mounting for an overpopulated, socially & economically defunct, miserable looking wasteland, now called Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They couldn't have created a bigger turd of a gift if they tried. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something nasty to pick up & bag as a legacy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Technology is freedom in the right hands, because it all comes from the human mind with design. 3D printing is that freedom & I'll wait for the intelligent to serve themselves with it, on demand. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Convenience will die when the thick can no longer access it so easily & enslave intelligence to serve them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will start when the cracks get wider in Britain & people are thrown into surviving on their wits & innovation alone. I'm already ahead by throwing myself into that situation. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The more I see of this & the word "Catholic" the more I know Romans lied about everything & forced my ancestors into religion. Then the Church of England made it worse. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now Prince Charles has decided his forced & inherited flock & power will become under the dictatorship of all faiths in "multiculture". They never gave a shit about religion or God or Celts. We're slaves with an altered script. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're just used for whatever agenda they cook up next. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's no sympathy for the hanging, only crocodile tears, they all come from Celtic stock, moved around the British empire to fill up the space. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can see Celtic mixed in with all the victims in origins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The torture of them is always entertainment for Romans in origins, always has been, always will be. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I haven't delivered the hardest Brexit blow either yet have I? Exactly as I predicted, once working out Robert Mercer rigged Brexit with propaganda & insights #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
With no deal they are predicting we could become 3rd world overnight in penalties, unless we sign with whatever America offers… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Incredibly bad when government sold off & encouraged sale of most of our assets to foreigners, over the past few decades. They'll dump it, not invest in infrastructure & go. Esp with policing in collapse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We become dirt cheap in such a situation & the value of us drops in trade deals #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Crime grows rampant, as it has in Nigeria, overnight. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bitter youths, no spends, no future, they are easily groomed into crime. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which means what? Looting & riots against small- medium sized businesses & middle class #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When you're a nation of racism complaints, finger pointing, petty arguments, lack of talent & skills, crime, nonsense, no one wants to know you or invest. The conclude dullards. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*they conclude, especially as the British haven't had it tough compared to other countries in poverty, with no benefits system #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't have the luxury of having access to credit to buy things & pay later, plus spread the cost. We only get credit if we have a developed system offering skills & no moaning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #au
Whilst we've been embroiled in the BULLSHIT non stop complaints, other countries have been getting themselves organised, ready to pitch over our loss. They'll get the investment & credit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Feudalism within our government, petty bullshit & corruption, time wasting nonsense & crimes they didn't need to do within our central structure. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They could have made it work with the EU if one half didn't dribble at the capitalist model of America. They've totally screwed up with arrogance & finger pointing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They would have been better off staying British & loyal to Europe & culture & roots. Instread they put fear into us over being white & isolated, with more coming in to attack us in our home #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Instead, totally alienated us & we got played & tricked into Brexit, promising the life we had 20 years ago, before the decline started #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We could never have the life we had 20 years ago when being more realistic, we're overcrowded by hangers on & debt & absurd demands. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are too many people floating as refugees who've had their lives & countries destroyed by capitalism. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which would be the American model Tory toffs dribble over in jealously & rate. It's nothing to rate for most Americans feeling it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The model is screw someone else, then go party on the profits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We all have our low points of feeling we need our 5 minutes of joy, to make us feel better. The repercussions afterwards are not worth it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Someone else profits from the 5 minutes of weakness & stupidity. They encourage it too. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's in those 5 minutes of weakness we make our worst mistakes. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's exactly what Brexit was #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Being unfaithful to Europe in marriage & having a superficial fling with America #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America isn't loyal in it's marriage to itself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably the most awful aspect of America, how it hurts it's own people with capitalism. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They supposedly have everything, apart from the freedom to be honest with themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've had that opportunity, didn't feel good #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Amazingly I've just found a job I'm perfect for, qualified for, less than 10 miles away from & it's specialised in 3D & total despair I thought I'd help myself to a future. Forget the MSc in digital education & dept #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll follow my dad instead & go the learning on the job route, always works better than logic #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*and debt. Had it with education in this country & everything lobbied, going direct to success is always superior for opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I get the job my kids are going into the best education I can buy. Had enough of them being slammed down to serve everything else in stupidity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we have to save ourselves when abandoned, I'll go with winning teams always. 3D printing is the only winning team #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That would be engineering in design & it will not tolerate listening to nonsense or arguing over petty issues. It's predominantly men who just want to work & I'd rather be with them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
5 years or researching this propaganda & science delusion capitalist tosh & it's worth nothing as a future in skills. Only a deep & frustrating understanding of failure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If the product line is next to me in sales in 3D, that's all the control I need locally in power #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Recycling is an abundance in waste in Britain, shouldn't be too hard to find tons of it to repurpose. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I still have my design skills & they are all that ever bring me success alone with my own ideas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most of them I taught myself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which is probably the same for most Celts in engineering, Romans added nothing in value, they only bring war & debt & colonies. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I stand to make a difference in any field, it's probably 3D engineering with all the research I've done. Definitely not charity, politics, science delusion, education, religion, culture, art or capitalism. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Had they offered a degree in it 20 years ago I could have got there faster. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And where would Britain & my generation be today if we had embraced sustainable & local mass production on demand? Using our own innovation? Not in debt & waiting for a deal from America #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We'd be flourishing in cutting edge infrastructure & skills & looking great for investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3 lobbied degrees I've walked away from since I was 18 & I know I'm right about this being rigged #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I made the sacrifice of quitting a well paid job to raise my kids, tried an ethical business, cost me a marriage & debt in a financial crisis. Didn't go for another marriage. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Went for 800 books & re-educating myself & now I want a return on that investment. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I had to undo everything the compulsory education taught me for failure manually #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What they led us to was that, bankruptcy & a wasteland of crime, drugs & modern slavery, plus a housing crisis. Kids cutting themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I asked what this symbol means when I was 7 at a private Catholic convent in London. I was made to go look at a cross. It means you're Celtic not Roman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've been writing a business plan in my head overnight, reckon I can change Britain faster on my own. If I sell my business ideas with 3D printers to Scotland, N Ireland & Wales for creating jobs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take everything I learnt in eLearning at Sony & give it to another business, selling B2B, a British company at home. All my contacts in the UK are my own #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother could only apply for roles as a teacher or tutor. She has SHAMED me for never sticking at anything. Interesting....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I walk into a job in a factory, pick it up without training & get no complaints. I can pull my weight, not complain & keep up the speed in the line. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take that experience of 3 days of watching illegal business activity & come away richer in knowledge for it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Spend 2 weeks thinking about it, then think of a new approach, one in design & sales with 3D. I have a foundation studies in 3D design completed, plus a 1st year pass in BA Hons interior design, plus CIW webmaster designer pass #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Plus Exhibition Designer, plus Online Specialist at Sony, plus E-commerce Manager, plus E-commerce Product Executive, plus Senior Marketing Executive, all in different verticals? Perfect for 3D printer sales in all markets #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lycos & Sony are two of the best brands on my CV, but I was doing B2B & B2C sales & customer support with my new ideas? Which would be clients, a company doesn't exist without them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Those clients all really like me when I give them superior technical support & get it fast whenever they need it to keep trading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I never work for a cheap brand, I always pick the best to sell, so my clients all follow me with trust #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all know how critical I am of technology, don't care, so long as I pick something for them which won't fail in investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now if I say I've spent 5 years independently researching the technology market for failure, self funded...they can trust I know what I'm talking about when I pick something #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What I have picked is old school skills in engineering, applied to where technology is going. A company who saw where 3D printing was going over 20 years ago in vision. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That means experience & learning from failure & success at a steady pace of growth & the experts to invest in to drive it today #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They started at the same time as hip hop taking over the arts & education, they are still going at a steady pace. I'll easily flunk hip hop as moronic & pick them as the future of culture growing. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can make their own merchandise locally & know how to make it themselves. Plus assist others to do the same, with talent & skills #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are the answer to removing modern slavery & lowering capitalist irresponsible pollution & I'm proud to say they are British & outside London, working hard! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A positive area of growth in technology in Brexit, what's not to like? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Enough of this nonsense & finger pointing or asking for hand outs, time to get back to classic British business....time wasters will be ignored #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We've had all our EU funding cut for education, doesn't mean we can't offer new apprenticeships to youth through new business direct? All it takes is the sale of the right machine in investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get qualified in supporting the growth of that machine, there is a new economy & degree course of the future #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not currently an official qualification, it requires the risk of investing time to learn it without taking out debt? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
20 years ago some people in engineering took that risk, they are still there trading quietly? Plus not leaving Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Isn't it time to start selling that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where needs jobs & growth the most? Scotland, N Ireland & Wales, plus Northern territory, I am a Northerner down south with a Southern sales accent #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hmmm that means manufacturing at home with plenty of people to make it, ready to get to work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Newcastle is a hot spot for manufacturing & engineering with a high level of skilled unemployed. They'd pick up a new machine in no time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Scotland, N Ireland & Wales is the same, so is probably Yorkshire #opendata #smartcities #bigdaga #ai
Why are we all waiting for foreign investment or a deal from America or the EU? Recycling materials we have in abundance from waste #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Over 66 million helping us there with planned obsolescence, milk it then for a land of honey #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One man's trash is another woman's gold #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I know the indigenous Brits don't mind getting their hands dirty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Me around Britain on tour knocking out 40,000 pieces in 24 hours at every location...beat that growing as a rapper in edutainment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
RAGE DAY KILL in art #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
From my brain & energy alone I can have over 320000 pieces going out in 24 hours, adding to the economy in recycled, in only 8 intelligence sales & my little black book of private numbers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are NO rappers who've made it into my little black book of private numbers in qualifying #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only push naff merch as style #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's people like my father who design all the machines they'll want to access to produce merch in the future, try & get past me & my research into modern slavery. Checkmate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My line of business doesn't require pity party funding in being a self starter #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I only need to have educated myself with talent & make 8 sales #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the contacts are mine & I don't share them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Works on reputation alone & I'm known well for my criticism of finding quality in everything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
5 years & nothing, I finally found something to rate in Britain growing with technology? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's been quietly working hard for the same amount of time as hip hop spitting insults & violence? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Kill the father or marry the daughter" I believe Mr Maka Agu aka Mr Ti2bs shared on FB, before he became involved with his current white Hungarian partner #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not a clue who he was talking about, as I was only a public spectator of that statement. But it did make me think...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't want to ever marry again, only promote my white father as the engineer behind the superior machine in sales, which can reduce pollution & modern slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only his FB account became private in investment from public, after I spotted that public sale? Confronting him about the violence of it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was more concerned that his mother was connected publicly to him posting it & didn't say a word? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She saw her son post "Kill the father or marry the daughter?" Knowing he only seems to date white publicly, she said nothing? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She had a lot to say about him publicly doing well when I pulled him up on this & he became a qualified fitness instructor after only 2 weeks on a course? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2 weeks is not a degree in physical sports or the equivalent? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wouldn't rate it over a degree in nutrition #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dietetics I believe it's called & closely related to bioscience, so how come he's free to call himself a guru & practice after only 2 weeks?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I expect nothing more & nothing less out of something totally stupid & so easily impressed with itself as developed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A total embarrassment to Britain & our developed & highly educated economy as an offering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are plenty of qualified people in Britain who have a degree in nutrition, bioscience, sports science or whatever & they are of African origins. He's an embarrassment to them & insult to my intelligence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Under his unqualified quack social opinion, that makes me racist, in reality he's the smear which bankrupts Britain on reputation for quality & qualified #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's stealing business from qualified Africans in Britain by claiming he's a health guru? They all paid to earn their degree? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's making white people dumb as clients by claiming he's professionally qualified & charging a high price #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's what to expect from my reputation for criticism, only qualified makes it into my little black contact book #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I want advice or commentary on how I look, I'll go to a professional & have them struck off if they speak to me as he has. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No professional has, that's because they are qualified & professional? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have worked in IT & sales for over 20 years, whilst being female & qualified? It's gets me zero respect with his level in society, get me employed in the real world #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If people are willing to hire it for themselves, fine, but put a block on tax payers giving compensation to them when it goes wrong. Including banning them from accessing NHS regulated services #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In particular physical injury, if it happened under the direction of someone not qualified to assess their medical needs or records or understand medication they might be on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They should be banned from accessing complimentary health if they are stupidly hiring someone unqualified to assist their health needs. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they recommend something they might be allergic too, who will they ask to pay? If they injure themselves & can't work they'll claim benefits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*allergic to, we really don't need all the reports to trading standards when it all goes wrong...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think he should be deported & don't care for his excuses. Disgusting man when we have racism hate crimes & he was offered opportunity… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'd have been hung for that if white in Britain 100 years ago #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's only sorry because he was stupid enough to get caught #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Redesign the banking system with intelligence, don't try & fix something so easily broken. Don't bother using him for his lies #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People have gone soft in the head & there's no money left in Britain. They wonder why & think they are still in a position to offer charity? I expect such softness from a country which is asking for help #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They do sound as backwards as listening to people who would support Idi Amin #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will get no help & no investment for taking such an approach, just laughed at for being stupid idiots #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will only get help & investment if they start to show they have got some developed control & order #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What do they think Nigeria is trying to do & why British soldiers train them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Therefore never mock Nigeria for having such levels of corruption or any African country, when falling victim to it in Britain or the UK. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The women are not stupid there, many men are exceptional liars, they can even con white men & women #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I pride myself on breaking men down to telling the truth & getting a confession, women & children too. I show no reaction when I get it either. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Unless they have some money for me to replace my own financial losses they've caused me, I'm not interested in a word they say. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Sorry" is a very expensive word #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
£1.4 billion is a very expensive sorry, "sorry" is too cheap to say #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His ass should be sorry for how far that money could go, all the way home in blowing it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can make him sorry in sending him home & left open to how much he blew in opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
£4 billion is what Theresa May offered the whole of Nigeria in investment, £1.4 is what one Ghanian lost in rogue trading? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was stupid & lost that money, someone else got it, who? He is assisting in making Africans look stupid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was probably either Russia or America at a guess or both. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2008? That's the crash Europe bailed out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wouldn't blame Russia, they've had so many sanctions put on them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might have been Russia who got the loss as a profit, because of sanctions, playing America & Britain in win/lose?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they weren't under sanctions there would be no need to take it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All this business with Ukraine is really testing their patience #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not ALONE, it's really testing mine in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Syria is paying for it in a proxy war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd rather do free trade with Russia in 3D printing, to help rebuild Syria #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The EU council has already told them it isn't going to pay! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we're talking Nigeria, connecting to greater Africa & Syria in growth, I couldn't care less about Ukraine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Send it home in disgrace & give people some answers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He lost over 1/4 alone in the investment Nigeria was offered as a whole #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not black, he was only 1 Ghanaian & Nigeria is totally different. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As always deportation is "racism" in the claim?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He is abusing African people in the claim! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd hang him, black or white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He has abused our hospitality, feels no sense of shame, he's SCUM, he should be hung if he wants to be considered UK #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we were racist he would never have got so high in our society in opportunity, to go & blow it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If we weren't so soft on racism claims he wouldn't have got into that position, not feeling fear #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'll be feeling fear when neo-nazi grows & starts culling people of colour, because of him & his claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Started that way for Jews in anger about them taking too much money & not sharing opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When will they learn what Europeans are about? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No more warnings, they are so stupid they don't even study how wars start in Europe & how they are hard to end #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
50 fucking years & Africans haven't learnt a thing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How many years has Africa been at war within itself? It's not European levels of destruction when it starts, they really want to see our hardest in action? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My God, they are really stupid then about white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Without Britain they'd be screwed, they've lost Britain already #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Over government has been hiding it & protecting them for so long when assisting them in their own corruption. When the curtain falls they don't want to meet the angry riot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Our government, Britain is broke & it will turn nasty overnight without a deal #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I take it people know what the British can be like at football matches? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yeah, well put them with Germany & the rest of Europe in big gangs. Don't even bother standing in their way #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
By all means keep him & don't make an example of him, but don't say the warning wasn't given the next time someone white gets treated like a criminal for a parking fine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Especially if the one enforcing it is black in authority! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That will be all it takes in a bit more hypocrisy & dictatorship #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are all about to blow in almighty outrage #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People have lost their houses & ended up living with relatives because of that crash. Homelessness growing & food banks rising daily in demands. It's not a joke at all. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We also bailed all the banks out through our government using our money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That sort of BULLSHIT doesn't happen in Europe without a seriously violent backlash #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might was well be honest, the fight has been coming for a while between white & black, so many want to have it out to end it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At least 20 years I've been watching the tension grow as the absurd shaming, crime, violence & hypocrisy takes the piss #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will be in America too, don't forget I/we were not born 50 years ago & don't appreciate someone born deciding they have a claim to make us pay! When born at the same bloody time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*might as well be honest....there are too many "individuals" who stack up to a lot of crime & too many who expect hand-outs without having an economy at home. They all need an economy at home #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If someone wants to become a Samaritan, they should go out & volunteer in the countries where there all come from. Not invite them all to come, without asking anyone first in their home. Or we'll have genocide on our hands #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are too many greedy hypocrites who worship capitalism & have the nerve to claim racism, to hide they are easily bribed by corruption #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not good liars, they are incredibly thick ones often, conning brainwashed people & killing an economy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even worse, they all fail accurate history in their claims, they don't care, they have a claim to freebies. It will kick off Nazis again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Please confirm we are a different species in mutation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They obviously think they are smart enough to enslave white themselves, they are not, they underestimate how far European & American goes in killing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are provoking a generation which was lied to & told to give charity, that generation is about to snap #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not only that, they've had more opportunity in the West than any other Africans in history & we are now a pit of crime, violence & backwards lazy yobs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They blow it every time in being easily bribed & stupid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can run rings around most of them & confuse them too easily, it's not difficult #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I buy someone something doesn't mean I love them & if I get angry with them, it's not hidden love, it's often justified hate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They obviously need brow beating over & over & over & over & over again over what developed rights are. They don't get it & need an authority over them to enforce it. They do not need pity excuses. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one has the time or patience for it, it's exhausting & they fail to integrate in the New World #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need beating over what racism is, over & over & over & over again in claims. It's clear what can't fit into developed & get along #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It can't even compute what female developed rights are, it's like talking to morons in repeating yourself. A hammer is eventually taken to the skull to bash it in. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or just genocide to get rid of the issue once & for all as the sacrifice for getting freedom again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Genocide is seriously on the cards because everything else has failed & this has gone on for so long without a proper full on war to end it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're investing in aerospace & that is still talking nonsense about racism. A divide will come in New World & undeveloped to end it holding everyone back #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When we become overcrowded & overwhelmed in needy, we fall to 3rd world & those who want to go full speed ahead won't let it hold them back. They'll cull it & no one can stop them, they're too powerful #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have money, there's an abundance of mercenaries willing to do it for pay, case closed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So many of them who couldn't care less, they have nothing themselves, no loss to them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They wouldn't reason like I would, they'd take the money & do what they are paid for #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are advertising themselves for the job all over the dark web #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They overpower everyone in not caring in detachment, claims or emotional reasoning or logic is wasted on them. They are robotic & hardened #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Comes from their own circumstances in life, no one cares about them & they have nothing to claim which will pay out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Millions of them floating about, abandoned & left alone, because of the destruction of capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They come in every colour, not just black & white...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't insult them now when they've been ignored for so long #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They know only too well who gets convenience at their expense & destruction #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's that what hardens them & they will be the hardest to convert from not caring #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They live with abuse daily & without developed laws protecting them. For them it's their normal in survival #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People who live in their TV bubble forget they even exist, they do & the TV is a bubble staged in reality #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How do they think they survive without benefits, policing, complimentary healthcare & an economy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's our army which protects us from them & capitalism which uses armies to destroy all they had #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Racism wants us to take our army & policing down? Well then they will be exposed to everything willing to take a salary to kill them in opportunity. They've been protected from it for too long #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all have nothing without access to banking & imports, they bounce to 3rd world overnight. When exposed to not having the protection Britain organises in trade deals globally on a white reputation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That reputation is based on fear, we could colonise the world with our power & intelligence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I mean they're basically demanding anyone white tells themselves they're shit & they're great, to make them feel better & special. Yeah, that will last #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We'll we've done that for quite a while, be a bit of a shock when they find out we lie to make them feel better & shut them up on their claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Well, bit similar to "does my bum look big in this?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A very male approach in not being honest to avoid an argument in a loaded situation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The situation is loaded & was always going to explode. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh you are racist then? No & no, I can't win in an argument against something which won't accept not being told it's great constantly in weakness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The loudest & weakest stop the humble & talented ever being noticed, so it's totally loaded & mad #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are also the easiest to bribe & will claim racism if they ever fall off their perch #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"You tricked me", you're own weakness & vanity did that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*your, it's the madness which can't be argued with or it will explode all over someone else #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It has to be special & it demands that it is treated so. Or it has a paddy & someone will kill it for the paddy tantrums, so it learns #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What will kill it doesn't have any feelings for it at all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't tell it that & if you do it won't accept it, it's so utterly convinced it's untouchable & special #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't get more loaded than that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Diva down a catwalk, only takes a leg out to trip it up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't handle money or power when so easily bribed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My daughter has handed control of her diet over to me, because her father said I was abusing her & too controlling. He gave her free spend to buy whatever she wanted from age 11 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's gone from a size 8 to a 16 & it has finally made her cry. She feels she's out of control & can't handle all the temptation or be trusted to make wise choices at school #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I would never have given her such freedom, because I felt she was too young & immature emotionally. I've agreed to take on control of her diet, because she was never overweight when I ran it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I treat her better than I treat myself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Feel the same about Africa when it comes to temptation, too immature in developed to handle all the freedom & temptation of the West #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not ready for it, can't handle it, out of control with it when accessing it, binging & they go bonkers in out of control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Too big a jump in power & responsibility #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Culturally they have a very humble centre to their existence in roots, there's a reason for that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They always seem to need music & community as their salvation, too much logic & numbers doesn't suit their style #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's no shame in that, they are a different culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everything is portrayed as innocuous & twisted around to even make us question ourselves. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not easily bribed & don't need to question that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even my daughter can't handle the bribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Capitalism will never have a conscience over this #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The reverse of Westerners, too much sun & spirituality does funny things to their brains, they need discipline & order #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They work like clockwork & are lost without their routine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only they organise nature in quiet worship in roots #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gardening or a quiet walk how they find their way & peace #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't like to talk about their religious views, they prefer to connect to it in nature quietly #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't like getting lost in spirituality when it has no self control. Feels as though it's an abyss of delusion & dreams which turn to nightmares, far away from a controlled imagination #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Far away from anything close to God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tripping, visions of no clarity, everything too much sun brings #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Simple question, say there's a chemical attack, similar to the one Britain had in Salisbury, how will they clean it up? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How vulnerable are they then in dragging us down to such levels in society without developed science or armies or weapons? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm sure anyone educated would agree they need protection for themselves & their children & wouldn't make a racist claim or worship capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The attack itself is madness & I'm more convinced it's a pair of mercancies hired off the dark web, they're so unprofessional. Why would one victim hope to return to Russia attacking her? #opendata #smarcities #bigdata #ai
More convinced it's crime tourism, booked on the dark web, by someone who stands to profit from the chaos… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wherever they got the chemicals from to release has access to science, wouldn't be surprised if it was Ukraine fear mongering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What's the relationship between Russian & Ukrainian billionaires competing? What's the differences in their ideology? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This would be considered nothing on their own turf over differences. Very different views about war & winning. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Many times I've seen someone tagged as Ukrainian/Russian, what does that mean? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've lived nextdoor to 2 sets of Ukrainians in Britain for over 10 years, their corruption is blatant & laughable #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They love nothing more than a bit of fear mongering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
An opportunity to rise as civilised & a cut above criticising #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They totally abuse Eastern Europeans in human trafficking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So I've been handed power in trust, fine, don't eat that, eat my investment instead...and she did #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hmmm taking the piss out of toff white, who don't represent most people in Britain, yet they live in Britain? This is racist & we didn't ask her to go #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And what does he stand himself next to? Only Fools & Horses, which is classic WHITE British comedy in London #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to, my favourite Iranian racist feminist rapper #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Suffragette claim? Ha ha ha, they were all WHITE & British, disgusting woman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This made me look her up again to see how it's all worked out so far...sorrty, no signature from me, seen enough #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When I see my own history & culture abused, claimed as their own & then mashed into a twisted version of them claiming they assisted it, f off. She laughs at me being white & middle class with 2 fingers. Disgusting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Suffragette? She's a culture whore & twisted racist dictator in Britain against white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I cannot actually believe she has the nerve to insult white British women so much #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Appropriation? They have to be kidding, they all look like something off C block H, not white middle class jam makers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rappers v nurses & midwives? Do people have any idea how much abuse nurses & medics take today & how many gangs they deal with? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Benefits moaners the lot of them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only nice as pie when they want another hand out, then it's 2 fingers again to middle class #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They really do think we're as thick as pig shit don't they? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm astounded someone claims to be Iranian & feminist speaks like that, claims to be Muslim & then tries to cut me out of my own heritage in Britain, with a bastardised version of it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gets angry if anyone criticises her & calls them racist? She's the most culturally insulting piece of worthless shit Iran could kick out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think she's free in Britain & avoiding prison in Iran, take her back & show her where she belongs, throw away the key #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I do not want Iran's rejects thank you, why doesn't she go back & win freedom there for herself like a real woman of balls? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A woman? I wouldn't even rate her as anything beyond infected crawling worm #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How about a swap for a real woman? I know of just the one, with a true family in Britain waiting for her freedom… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now she looks like proper suffragette material & I don't hear the Iranian feminist rapper mention her? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Of course the racist white family come from Hampshire middle class & she's married to their son? Who's been fighting to get her back every day & their daughter #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where is she in the line up? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The thing is I can hear her praying to God? Not the other one #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now, why isn't she worth promoting? Is it because she's married to a white middle class British man? They have a child with a right to live in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is it my imagination or have the British totally lost their bargaining edge to dictatorship from chavs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's when neo-nazi rises....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Confusing, I have found someone worthy of a place & no one but me is promoting her in this space? So what are they coming out to counter protest for?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which one is it they are welcoming in Europe? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yeah..... true developed democracy, we need another rap album funded on human rights! Never mind the Asians in the sweatshop making all the merchandise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never heard of him, but fantastic, he's all for racism claims...gawnnnnn (go on) benefits loop #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Erm we don't watch American football in British culture, so how does she know who he is? Why is she do desperate for approval from American rappers? Does she know this is not America? Do they? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do Americans even know who the suffragettes were with the BULLSHIT version she's sharing within her hip hop education? It was white men who allowed them the vote! Didn't call them bitches & hoes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What exactly is she celebrating here? She got the right to vote by landing from Iran & goes directly towards women being called "bitches" as a feminist, smart #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And with a racist claim!?! Total winner for feminism, damn she's good for change #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is she sure she's a good girl & doesn't do drugs? Because I swear she's smoking crack #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh, she's tackling misogyny in a predominantly immigrant modern culture & riding the success of white suffragettes, but won't use colour on what she's trying to tackle? Only racist towards white? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But she's celebrating white women getting the vote from white men & cutting most white women out? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't have the balls to deliver her message direct to Iran, let me do it for her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's having a go at Iran & masking it through immigrant culture. White women already won their freedom & the men gave them plenty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't look down on her or her culture, because she'd be so free in speech back home! Don't be respectful to British women like me who won it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Iran says "Death to America" so why isn't she promoting what her culture feels? Instead she's worshipping America in Britain & promoting she's Iranian/Persian? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Brits aren't that stupid, we know when someone is disgracing their culture & using our freedom won in war to do it. It's not racism, they're seen as cowards #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We also know when someone is addressing their culture with bravery & no disgrace #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is no smear of snobbery against her, only the chav & she calls it racism. That is the crux of most racist claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A very expensive & socially dividing claim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So powerful in divide it will fuel neo-nazi rising at such rates of corruption, hypocrisy & greed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When we start getting terrorist attacks for supporting the chav we know we are blamed for Western education being at fault as evil. It was all her choice in freedom #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That was not the point of giving opportunity, the point was to allow someone to address their culture with bravery & a bit of support, for positive change. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am British, white, indigenous, middle class & female, I TOTALLY know that's what they gave women more freedom for. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If someone can't address their culture with a little freedom & bravery, then the whole idea of freedom of speech has failed. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What have I won in a vote? Nothing & therefore there is nothing to celebrate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have won Brexit, racist claims, social demise, policing in collapse, a bankrupt economy, violence, knife crime & drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only a chav could celebrate that as a 100 year landmark in progress #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In reality women have gone backwards with it & this was released 2 hours ago about our progress… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
100 years ago a vote of confidence, now we're asking not to hate us? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not an easy ask with what Theresa May hasn't delivered in power. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I may vote myself into a sex change at this rate, just to win #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Flush anymore chemicals down the toilet & the beard will naturally happen in drinking the water #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Girls are reaching puberty earlier, is it anything to do with all the hormones in the meat & dairy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have truly won nothing in 100 years #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My daughter has handed her freedom over to me to manage, because she can't make educated guesses yet. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Age 13 the freedom made her cry, because she doesn't know what to trust #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
100 years has only taught me I can't trust what I vote on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Men could have told me that before #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is that the hate crime rise? They told us before the demonstration it wasn't worth it, 100 years later we confirm the man was right #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Feminism is now turning men into the enemy of women in a hate crime rise. The only freedom I've won is to criticise women on failing to deliver power? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they have to bring in hate as a crime 100 years after winning the vote. The vote was a crime in winning any freedom. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Government must have thought women were stupid & this would be a plus. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We've given them women to blame #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How very obliging & Roman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Bible all over again in textbook #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't protest for a hate crime to be brought it in then, government will only make more money out of men & they'll spend less on women #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The £££ signs a Roman always loves, how to make more in fines & taxes out of the hides in a gender split, monk & nun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They couldn't give a damn about women, the more hate the better if there's a fine to collect out of a confession. Bless you child, we shall assist with heresy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only want the frog with a black hole #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They like children in that kinda range, hate rising against women only assists in collections #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2000 years, I see that past 100, 100 years before 2000 women were the Goddess #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pagan, not immaculate, direct & to the point #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
May as in Theresa, every Bishop's favourite puppet for a King or Queen in checkmate fines. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Helps assist the racist claims if she can't dance & has no white curves. Stereotypical propaganda, they only object in 1 way traffic, yet do nothing to assist human trafficking of Nigerians in Europe? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Jerk RICE heresy, yet Christianity remains inappropriate in every reform? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At least pick a showgirl if judging on colour #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Let the women pick her, she won't disappoint #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why are online sales growing so high in statistics of interracial porn? Is that the racist approach to benefits? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or the fast sales to making an easy cheap-shot buck in demonstrations? Why few complaints about that equality? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It doesn't qualify for Jerk RICE heresy? Shame.....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And Jesus Christ remains? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both remain with heresy & jerk reform. New Age Last Supper, replaces the Christmas capitalism feast. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Another restoration period? Too kind for the divine rights of regicides #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Appropriation is such fun! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Interesting approach & comment from a "crew " member #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hmmm, her youth projects are working? She's not teaching any skills other than ranting & they have no money? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hmmm their shares are tipped to fall by 10% possibly. How many people work under contract in America & would be fired for breaking the rules within them? Esp if making it political & an insult #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's predominantly white people in America who earn & spend the most money isn't it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And it is predominantly their ancestors who built it too? Not good signs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Seeing as they did an orange baby one for Trump too, it's not about racism, more about crime & bankruptcy of the infrastructure & economy & standards of education #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Confused on why a supposed independent feminist artist is worshipping a conglomerate brand in loyalty? Promoting she wears & buys their clothes, then asking for funding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why isn't she asking the brand Nike to sponsor her & her youth project in business? She's supposed to be top of her game? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all wear their overpriced products, so why aren't they demanding investment from them? Why middle class in hand outs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That level of thick is enough to wind anyone up, but it will claim it's racism, not them being thick & demanding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do they not offer sports to youths for sponsorship? Or is that what the reformed rapper fitness & health guru is covering, without a degree in the field? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We've always had tons of sports in Britain to offer, before they built on all the fields for a housing crisis in overcrowding & benefits claims. Now we're on conglomerate obesity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But at least all the kids have trainers for fashion they don't like to get dirty....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That would be a city fairy thing in soft influence & crime. Willing to spill blood with a knife, can't get mud on it's trainers? Spoils the whole look #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Guess they are too lazy to get them dirty & clean them? The blood is left for someone else to clean up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do they also need educating on the trainers being meant for sports, endurance & dirt? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I get they are used for fashion, but they don't have the money to buy them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And they seem to think they are above working in a factory making them? What is that in racism against the ones who do? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sounds like modern slavery & multicultural superiority to me in hypocrisy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Could be the cause of the blimp....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why haven't they applied direct for a job at Nike? Or does that kill the claims? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Guess they've never heard of a staff discount in saving the economy & money? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or supporting local manufacturers in Britain? To make the £ stronger in trading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But they get supporting each other locally in a crew in art & claim there are not enough jobs? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Funny that...feed us some more jerk RICE with turkeys carving up the path, before Christmas sales #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh Gawd, not mentioned often in history at school… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Assassinated? He was first cousins with? Henry V, Queen Elizabeth's grandfather? She was also a cousin of Hitler & married another cousin, Phillip? Who was kicked out of Greece #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Last German Emperor, also a cousin. Ended up in the Netherlands? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So did this special meeting, organised by a Prince? To encourage "Atlanticism" in Europe. So what was the bombing of Rotterdam really about?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yeah - MIDDLE EAST = WW2 over oil #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
S Y R I A & I R A N v Saudi Royalty with German Monarchy today - Prince Charles, they're all cousins in white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think the British are idiots (toff Government) for winding up Russia over the chemical attack, without a serious talk or evidence. It could trigger war. Why would Russia want that? They'll lose growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't bother listening to Ukraine, they're all in Britain for help & if they were any good at talking they wouldn't be here. Neither would all the other people running away from whatever #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One question which has not been answered is why did British government allow an ex Russian spy to live in Salisbury among unknowing British civilians? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why are their dodgy & extremely sheepish Ukirainains living nextdoor & nextdoor but one to my old address? I had no say in them coming & no understanding of why they are here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*are there, they integrate into schooling with other children with their own & I see them as a total security threat in being here. I do not want the risk. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Total strangers who constantly speak in Russian in front of me & all the community, speak English whenever they feel like it. They could be anyone & wanted in exile or fleeing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why has British government dumped them all in our communities & brought this risk into Britain? That is the question. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not welcome & it's not racist if they bring a security threat. No one wants that brought into their community. Plus it's not their issue, it's made to be #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Those who want to bring it into the community can get out of the community in speaking for everyone in it without asking them all first. Go join theirs in fighting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Personally I'm sick & tired of these do gooder British types, who want to bring every problem in to be supported & overload people who didn't sign up for it. They do nothing themselves, just volunteer us #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not doctors, nurses, police or teachers, who the hell are they to overload all of them serving it all in demands? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yes come in & we'll support it all? Dictatorship in enslaving people who work hard in that system & didn't ask them first. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't give me this multiculture BULLSHIT as our new identity in British, that only belongs to people who get in to build the system, make it work in faith #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We have become a dumping ground for everything in exile or fleeing something from somewhere else. In with them are criminals let off from back home, as part of a deal. They remain active in corruption #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They dump them in random places & give them a home, tell us to tolerate, call everything racism, if we start to question who some of them are back home #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Traitors to their own government & people, by selling ours insights about back home. Unless of course they are rising up against corruption? They don't think our country is not assisting it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When they give insights I guarantee our own corruption sells it on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Meaning we will get incidents like Salisbury & no one will have a clue who's hunting who, when they all lie & do backhander deals & they are all covering their ass #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all move all of them around to different places in exile, there are so many moved they can't stay on top of their game #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dark web therefore has a social rise, they won't ask for any details, just the job & take the money for the hit. They could be anyone in the world & they are in unorganised #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Blowback of capitalism, put so many people into a situation of fleeing, lose all order of numbers floating in the game #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only have deep insights on someone like me in developed & I'm not even the threat floating with the upper hand of having no history or records anymore #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their data in analysing it is therefore worth nothing if they are trying to piece together a criminal coming from a blown up society #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Like trying to identify a refugee from a few million tents #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is no accurate date left on anyone in any of those tents #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They destroyed all the local knowledge by blowing up their homes & civilisation with & for capitalism to grow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They won't even admit they've shot themselves in the foot & can't move those refugees, because they blew up all their data in civilised #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ah, some of those refugees move & so does corruption with them in hiding in opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hip hop makes it even easier to hide when everyone puts their hood up in walking around. Plus they protest about stop & search #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We know we're dealing with undeveloped crime when it's so amateur. They create 3rd world disasters wherever they go & are running out of civilisations to destroy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In some ways I see it as a bit of an opportunity, when it's all destroyed, at least I'll get to build what I want in freedom again? Only faster with technology #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Certainly no freedom at the moment when no one can move #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That Ukirainain yoga pants woman who lived nextdoor to me is out of her mind. She walks her daughter to secondary school holding her hand. Says nothing is wrong. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Ukrainian, her child is the only one walked in to secondary & she sits with hundreds of kids selling each other drugs & having sex under age #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sorry to inform her of this as I often do, but she thinks I'm the one imagining it? I went to school with it in Britain growing up here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She sits on a yoga mat all day deluded she's safe here in exile #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think she grew up in a safehouse somewhere with money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's repeating her childhood on her daughter #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So what was she & her family running away from? I've met her mum once, she came from wealth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wife who doesn't do much herself, her husband is her personal charity work, he is only middle in skills & earning potential #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The glamorous grandmother gave it away & the younger sister who could be a model visiting. Someone rich married beauty & it was groomed in standards #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's not model material facially, but she has the model figure & stature. Her mother shouts I was the highest rank socially when young #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She knows how to breed & train dobermans, that's a security dog. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who knows all about dobermans & holds their child's hand walking to secondary school, looking like royalty in middle class Britain? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most people won't touch the dog because it requires specialist training #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dobermans, committees, philanthropy when skint & yoga, it's not middle class in natural #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At a guess, daughter of a politician's or high ranking merchant's wife #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which means high level enemies if they did something wrong #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only 1 refugee tent in the crowd #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There was another tent which stuck out with her, African, Nigerian, always wore traditional outfits. Statuesque, walked too straight, tall & proud, breeding said royalty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never flustered, never not composed & timed to perfection. Would take a seat in a plastic chair like it was a throne at school #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When she stands next to jogging bottoms & flip flops she looked ridiculous being there or the jogging bottoms did #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
British government screwed up on those visas & placements, too obvious what they've been assisting to move #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know when the characters on the stage are all stood in the wrong places & I haven't moved from mine #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nigerian doesn't come in on that level usually, not in middle class. It's up in London & the posh areas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She couldn't see what I saw further up the road from her walking, a little skank drug dealer who was also a new arrival & trying to get turf #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was given council housing & she had a 4x4 in private residence. She was the only one wearing her native clothes with pride #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both were tripping up in who they really are #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
British government tripped up thinking I'd be thick as British & wouldn't notice vast change in my own community #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are all placed with Russian spies, Ukirainains & everything else. I can't work out how hip hop can't even spot true African royalty near a skank drug dealer #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's easy it's oil & WW2 in European monarchs fighting as cousins, Russia becoming communist & out of reach in Russian orthodox faith. Nigeria has oil & is divided in faith #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russian Orthodox doesn't report to Roman Catholic in Rome or Church of England, they are a major threat as an army & force. Their land the size of an empire #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America is the new world all of them wanted & it doesn't have a Monarchy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nigeria will suffer every time in faith that these two meet over land, politics, faith & oil. Their royalty was all knocked out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm in the British white flock, I'm never ever to support communism as an idea, that would take monarchy & offshoring out & capitalism. One of my relatives was a regicide & they all came back in the restoration period #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not that I do support communism, I'm more liberal republican #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Meaning I don't believe in anything which elects itself with divine rights or dictatorship #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
However, I do believe in natural selection with the Pareto principle. 20% was born to rule others in being more intelligent & wise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Nigerian royalty I saw was in that 20% naturally in breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even when knocked out still shows its true colours & origins with pride? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why I'm spotting that in middle class I don't know. But I know a drug dealer skank is not middle class #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I also know 5 years ago a Nigerian man approached me on the train. Asked for my number, called me 7 times & freaked me out when I changed my mind about a date #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was only in London for the day on my own, he was not a skank, he was living with his uncle & actually a doctor. Noticed I was educated & dressed appropriately #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When I confirmed firmly I changed my mind, he asked if I had any friends who might want to date him. He was looking for a visa & wife #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He should never been in such a desperate situation when so well qualified & also good looking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The NHS is screaming out for doctors, he obviously blew everything he had to get a visit over to see a relative & get out of Nigeria #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wasn't interested in being a visa or wife #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think the 7 calls was because the visiting visa was running out & he needed a wife he could accept as decent #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He had picked trains to sit himself on to find a woman & try & make it look accidental or like fate. He didn't pick a bar, he approached me reading a book #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He even apologised via text & was not aggressive at all, only wanting opportunity & a future #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never happened in London before & never happened to me in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I even felt bad because I do have girlfriends who would definitely love to date him, but I couldn't expose them to that as an introduction through me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Early 30s, doctor, handsome, polite, well dressed, not aggressive, who wouldn't want to date him? But not under those rushed circumstances #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There has to be a better way & it's being honest & asking what exactly British government is doing with visas & entry? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nigerians are not alone in this, Thai has the same issues along with Egyptian lecturers & students… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
On Tuesday I think it was, an Egyptian MA student in Engineering called in to talk on BBC radio 4. He studied here, yet has to leave if he can't get an employer to sponsor his visa? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's all rigged for failure then, so why is government trying to destroy our growth? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How to explain the viewpoint? If they all get into positions of power in Britain in banking & authority through racism claims, everyone is screwed & everything hidden.War kicks off over it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One will be stupid enough to hire a mercenary or 50 off the dark web, thinking it doesn't matter #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all come with enemies #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's what Britain becomes in multiculture saying "come in, be one of us"....we are now one with you for all your enemies. Only no one asked the community first? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Queen never asked the British if she could make her disgraced cousin a prince & her husband. He came with nothing to offer, he was kicked out of Greece #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Markle also comes with nothing to offer, loads of people who have nothing to offer have been given a title in Britain. They have NO right to those titles if we don't want a Monarchy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's got no land, no family connections, no history to offer the world as heritage. The rest of the world which does will laugh at her as chav marketed. She has no breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She sits next to decisions made about one of the most important armies in the world & she brings yoga & acting? Worth? Shit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ditz with a credit card & no more than a clothes horse, doesn't even come with foreign languages #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's only good for an advert in branding, she'll always be looked down on by cousins marrying each other or strategic marriages between wealth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's an advert of how low Britain has fallen in global rank & bargaining. Yes she interracial black, but not African royalty or European #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What breeding comes with is the history as a story & all the noble pictures to put on the wall #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Put her in a museum & all we have in a history line is capitalism destroying culture & her selling it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even a doctor arriving from Nigeria can sniff out I have some land & try to broker his own deal. He did that in reading breeding on a train. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'll know I have friends of the same breeding for introductions if there is no deal. A rapper from N London could not & neither could his crew. Why would I introduce them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'll be the only one I introduce on his own & that's why he removed himself from London & sat on trains going out to where the breeding was. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doctors, nurses, teachers, academics, professionals, those are all my friends, he sniffed right. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Coming in from Nigeria he'd be Surrey or Hampshire doctor in rank & property or salary. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only his exchange rate on currency is set by the world bank & corruption #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His level is not moving out from London to Surrey, Hampshire or Berkshire in high numbers, it's gangs & drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So why can't he get a visa on his own? My community would be happy to accept him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Totally embarrassing when people treat them like charity cases & they are only held back because of a currency exchange in culture. They rank higher than them usually #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even more uncomfortable when coming into direct contact with it in reality & the person is trying to avoid losing pride #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only makes me more resentful towards hip hop morons spitting shit & getting funding to spit it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Usually they are half baked idiots who don't dress well & spend a fortune on the look & can't pronounce words clearly #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Constant noise pollution on every radio stations & nothing else comes through anymore. When the first bar opens I know what the rest will be to follow & switch off #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*every radio station, flicking through all channels regularly as I do, it's all hip hop & rap with the same old, you jealous, I be big, in the club, got a car,, got myself online....blah blah blah blah - special needs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even scaled up in vocabulary it still says the same thing on loop #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Swear it's all funded to make us stupid & follow in brainwashing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Racism & jealously if you object, it is like being mean to special needs by calling it talentless shit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know it's special needs funded & rated as talent when I encounter an African doctor desperate for a visa via a middle class educated wife. If I won't accept the invite he asks to meet my friends #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Love is the last thing on the doctor's mind, finding a secure base to establish himself is. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would be the last thing on my mind too & it is, I have so many issues of my own to take care of. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His apology was accepted without judgement, I'd probably do the same thing myself if in his position. He wasn't selling drugs, he was creating civilised in bargaining #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He is a good catch with a lot to offer, only he doesn't know I have a very complex divorce & 2 kids. I wasn't wearing my wedding ring when he approached me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't remember the year, but guess it was 3-5 years ago, remember the event I was attending & oddly it was sponsored by Microsoft?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Porn sites featured in the discussions & someone on the panel had gathered evidence they do nothing bad to society. I was shaking my head in the audience & fuming. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was the only one sitting there from the arts with all my knowledge of hip hop #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was all middle to upper class logic & scientific charts, graphs & insights. Nothing based on real street level uploading from phones or accessing technology. Nothing on the dark web or human trafficking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Generally nothing social on culture or trends #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nearly every sale for hip hop comes from a phone online in networking socially #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would never have experienced such growth without the open internet #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It is an unregulated official self-rated education for youths as culture? Anyone can join it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all object to divine rights of kings & self elected bodies in government? They are all that themselves in hip hop spitting. Each one a self elected King or Queen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are so many kings & queens they outnumber peasants #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then I come across traditional African robes & an official accent, sitting in a plastic chair like a throne in middle class England. I immediately think true royalty knocked out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Too intimidated to approach it, the energy around it was too strong in asking any questions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What if it told me Britain is the reason it was knocked out? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I would expect to receive a look of death for unknowingly causing it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Encounter a naturally powerful African woman in breeding, you never want to see that look #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You're seeing her children thrown in with peasants #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To someone educated it's so obvious they don't belong there & never will #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wouldn't feel comfortable meeting her for an informal conversation without going to a 5 star hotel for tea & having 2 hours to get ready in my best presentable clothes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not someone to be randomly approached with such important questions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Intimidating because I could only manage a farm, local council or business. Her level spoke of kingdom #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Locals are comfortable approaching me, everyone was intimidated by her energy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Apart from peasants who notice nothing in class #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone middle class sat up straight near her feeling self conscious #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You wife of high ranking army, we wife of King. Make an appointment to meet me & make an effort when you come. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*me wife of King. I know my rank. High ranking army wives are comfortable talking to me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Interest in fine arts & antiques, we frame the royal portraits & keep the records of history organised #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Book an appointment if you wish to query the royal records #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sadly they are all off limits & archived in there.... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The African bloodline has been reduced to a zero in public knowledge. Princess Diana had Indian… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Links to Portugal #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Prince Diana's children have Indian heritage proven in their DNA… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If there's any royalty in my bloodline it's probably through a high ranking soldier having an affair with royalty in some kind of relationship support #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The bit of rough on the side #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Celtic is always rough on the side #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We do not have a history of parading, we like informal & local as atmosphere #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The battle dress is practical & rough too, not pretty & ornate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Our parading uniforms are now ornate, but not Celtic in origins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Our natural tastes are quite rough & meaningful in symbols #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To anyone else junk, tatty old coin, to me it's a symbol of nature expanding with honest engineering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bling & fancy items don't hold much appeal over land #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never shown my mother the clockwork Swiss repurposed necklace I bought myself. She chose one at an open market for me herself? She'd buy my sister gold & bling, her taste #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If cutting ribbon for jewellery over chain, I always use a lighter flicked across the ends to seal it from fraying. I prefer ribbon to a heavy chain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bricks are even worse, I look at the quality of bricks on a building to rate it. Cheap bricks & poor mortaring are offensive to me? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cotton too, it has to be a high thread count & no polyester, brilliant white & not a single stain or flaw #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Flashy gold & poor bricks & no quality cotton, I smell fraud #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Flashy gold has a kingdom to be walked around in fine arts & quality #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The gold has to be beaten to make it fine, a fine art in knowledge #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Friends do think I'm mad, but I can't stand a fake #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll buy an original brick & call it treasure in quality #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For I can't actually listen to the British talking anymore, they sound so absurd & stupid. Listening to this discussed on the radio made me feel ill… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Criminal man decides he 'feels' like a woman, gets moved to a female only prison & rapes women there? He's a mad man #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The British have become absurd in tolerating anything without question #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Are they going to give children to such people too under human rights? Don't want to know #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Queen Elizabeth couldn't rule shit if she tried, the UK is an open special needs camp of lunatics #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pacifists & do gooders really don't expect neo-nazi to rise? They are so weak in controlling anything, they are constant victims who ask for it & inflict it on others too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't actually help anyone & that is the worst part of their care #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Happened with spreading Christianity also #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He has more rights than me in Britain, it's disgusting, he gets away with a slap on the wrist. Most criminals do. Including Maka Agu who is excused as a BLACK drug dealer by white people #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He offered to get me any drugs I wanted, knowing I don't do or like drugs & knowing I was a single mother of 2 going through divorce. The 1 time I met him, no apology. Less than 5 years ago #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Certainly wasn't asking for them, he was promoting what he could get in life for living #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm convinced he's a control freak who likes to ruin people's lives, to make himself feel better. Meeting him is like meeting the devil in person #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Seems harmless until you clock what he's doing & how he's trying to get you addicted under his control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Turn me into a skank then laugh at me ruining my life & then profit with shaming #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Any woman who gets involved with him romantically will have done drugs to impress him & be under his control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The hypocrisy is feminist rapper ShayD who claims she has never done drugs & is cleaning up the streets. One of her best mates is a dealer she backs fiercely? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How many lives has that man ruined & never thought twice about it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His energy is toxic & so is he, he gets people to inject shite into themselves for years & gets away with it. 2 weeks on a fitness course & he promotes clean living? Sick fuck #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm most angry at the British who let this all slide like cowards #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tell kids not to do drugs, be paranoid about saying anything racist, hand them over to him why not for care #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Keep qualified Nigerian doctors who don't do drugs out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No Nigerian or African I have ever dated has ever offered me drugs. He's the only black man I've ever spoken to in depth who has offered me drugs in Britain. He's a rapper? I have never dated him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He talks on behalf of representing black people by voting himself an expert & spokesperson #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I go from standard compulsory education trying to brainwash me, to bouncing into that, doing the same in grooming. I hate both of them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No different from a perv white priest #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No different a liar & opportunist than him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They prey on women's pity & understanding & trust & also children's. Men are much blinder normally in that area & trust women's intuition. Women are weak in pity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Women justify what men do in society because they are weak in giving pity. They make it harder for women who are not. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Men trust those women emotionally, don't, they have a weakness when it comes to giving men pity. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Women often don't give the right men pity, because they ask for none. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain is filled with women who insist we give understanding to the weakest of men #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's actually them who are weak in having a soft spot for a charity case they want to take on as a pet project. To fill their empty lives of meaning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Like a cat which scratches them & they insist it's love #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The animal is actually ruined in being pampered & shows them no respect #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But they've trained the animal how to be wise in playing abuse games for rewards. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain knows how to ruin animals in pampering & how to abuse them also with no care. They are not balanced socially anymore on what abuse is or love. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They create the demand for charity all by themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Charity is a smoke screen for their conscience in trying to buy love #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They fail to address why they are the direct cause of so many charities being needed to correct social failure. To make them look good & caring #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something they follow the collapsed empire on, in Queen Elizabeth leading the way. Not talking about why the charities are all needed for failure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Smack around the back of the head with a piece of wood, then kiss to feel better #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yes, that's love #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Feels like abuse & twisted to me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I woke up yesterday feeling as though someone had done that to me, smacked me hard in the neck & back with a piece of wood. Whiplash for no reason #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Such strange symptoms always come & go & I don't go & see a doctor or take meds. They are usually a symbol of something deeper going on. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It does feel symbolic of the kind of love Britain offers. A hard blow & no explanation for feeling the pain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then the attacker goes & does charity for someone else, to prove they are kind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Heresy & hate crime to insult them over this, all part of the dignified act #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get used to the blow & kiss after, call it love & be grateful for the attention they spared. They told you, you were lucky to receive it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russia must know our love well #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Europe probably does also #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why does Britain take such pride in birthing children into the shame of it's legacy? Teaching them to give everything away that they earn in honesty to pay for it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's only grooming into taking abuse & calling it a way of life to be proud of in toleration #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We say "sorry" by default & don't even know why we are saying it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hip hop is a culture based on exactly the same shaming, abuse, charity & heresy & hypocrisy as Christianity. Only more stupid & evil with drugs. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Crusaders of the cause, spreading it globally as the salvation with fear & intimidation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A reformed cult above the law & preachers not yet brought under regulation, with a bit of Islam brought in for diversity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the bishops cover each other's backs & hide any dirty deeds in a brotherhood or sisterhood of kind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are the very things they say they hate about white culture. Yet ignore all white history fighting that very thing for freedom & justice. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
British culture has a history of being enslaved by such things & letting them slide out of control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was actually the basis of the American Civil War & most wars in Europe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am feeling like I'm trapped in an American Civil War with Nigerians & Africans caught up in slavery with Britain. Many Africans have offered to fight for capitalism in the North. Carpetbagging in the South #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Muslims have also offered to fight for capitalism & there's a crossfire in hypocrisy & crusaders with reform #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Someone's hit me hard on the back of the head & reminded me of history #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Whiplash, it's here again & not new #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hypocrites are carpetbagging & pushing for a Civil War #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Temptation of material things the real agenda of what they're fighting for #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Drugs are providing that opportunity in an innocent sale, I did have 1 meeting with the devil then & he said I "looked like I wanted to cut his throat" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Correct, wasn't racism & wasn't a look of love, that was exactly the feeling of the look & before he offered me drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A feeling of someone trying to poison my mind & sign up as a crusader for a carpetbagging civil war & get high whilst doing it. "Your country needs you" in action #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The more you carpetbag & loot for the crew, the more you're winning & will be rated #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People's Army? BULLSHIT, it's a new uprising in hidden capitalist support for N America, cheap soldiers in bribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll always be South in that Civil War, but a Notherner in Britain down South, supporting North needing opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America's South is Britain's North & our South their North. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
North or South is always based on where Romans plant their ideology to grow in a council #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They always pay soldiers with bribes to join & the other volunteers to join their army against them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Capitalism is always a cheap bribe in recruiting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Romans always force poverty to increase sign ups #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And they always offer drugs in temptation, alcohol, cigarettes & sugar, plus a wage #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rule & divide, worked for centuries #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The minute the bribe of the drug comes they always get a look of "I want to cut your throat" in anger #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They forget I grew up watching my father become an alcoholic & how it began #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was left on his own with an addiction he'd always lose in battle to #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Once addicted it was always an opportunity to shame him on his weakness, yet profit on the sin stocks selling it in volumes? He then becomes a charity case or pet project for someone with no meaning in their life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Suddenly my whiplash has gone? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Western education is totally evil & the reformed new version of it in hip hop crusaders #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The capitalist devil drip feeds to children who sing for their supper in crusading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's only drinking another's blood in carpetbagging cannibalism. A Roman's favourite Gladiator sacrifice in entertainment. Peasants love to watch them wasted #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even a credit card now feels like it was capitalism devil temptation in child bribery, only at age 18. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tricked all my life into the debt of it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Go on, be a drip fed devil child singing all the adverts for your capitalist sponsored supper, in addictions they process in. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The satanic hymns of the New World, we don't even realise we're singing in "sorry" by default. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sorry is the charity bill, in the final act of human sacrifice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To break them from rising as doctors, dealer gets the pat on the head #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The whiplash explained, 24 hours before starting my own cycle I am always super sensitive to everything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sun & moon presently in Leo & mercurial #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Change my mind about machine learning, the uses for it are far superior to the moronic tasks of doing peasant careers. It can learn all my cycles & map them accurately. Show me a bigger picture of metaphysics. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Less chance of it being weak as a human & feeling a threat to issue a heresy fine. It runs on pure harvested energy in nature, only a human can taint it in programming, a puritan of code would not #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It can show me what all my feelings mean in connections of the historic path. Too many for my brain to hold in projection, when it's over 2000 years. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The dataset of Roman entertainment is a loop in linked behaviour, to a species level in mutation. Cheap bribery of peasant soldiers & they always love to watch gladiators defeated & killed. Unless one makes winning entertaining #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The peasants are chimp, related to the baby factory & also cousins marrying each other in wealth, then having global wars over empire turf. Gladiators are gorilla related #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neanderthals & Homo Sapiens in mutation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hip hop knife crime growing is related to peasants enjoying gladiator's put in the ring & fighting to the death. Also linked to crusaders in Christianity patterns looping #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need to try & reason with thick peasants anymore over this in heresy, just give all my findings to machine learning, to connect with history & DNA deep learning advancement. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Gladiators...the machine can map all the pieces & connect research from different fields, much faster than I ever could #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Put in deep meaning, what is the academic & religious reform version of their ethnicity, which way did their ancestors go after slavery or war? Link it to tribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How much diversity is there in their natural breeding? What were the chances of a relative being raped? Link it to baby factory & Fibonacci rabbits #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to technology advancing in a timeline in moving herds at speed in slavery or with a passport, from ship to plane. Wars over oil or sugar or whatever was the trend in sales at the time. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Currently it's mobile phones being stolen by thugs linked to hip hop & sold to Nigerian middle class starved of opportunity. Also crime tourism linked to the dark web. Chart with refugees floating #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to a database of sounds in a timeline, from hymns to a satanic verse in advertising & music getting less challenging. Work out how we are dumbed down. "I'm loving it".... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to a visual database in another timeline & stocks & shares of raw materials in trading & the products & addictions linked to culture in a global map of hot spots #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to medicine & disease, show all the hot spots of obesity in the West & tooth decay, linked to sugar & show multiculture in today's advertising #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Also map laws changing in trends, map racism today & see my bigger picture & dataset connections #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to another dataset of charity & war, map all the Monarchs & connect who was in management & leadership at the time. Connect to lobbying & politics & when standard education came in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Connect to religion & the new world, show a 3 way split on America, Roman Catholic, Church of England & Russian Orthodox over America - jump to a Civil War #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Find a 3 way split in our mutation & 3 main species entwined. Neanderthal, Homosapien & Denisovan #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Denisovan is Russia #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pagan is the original homosapien #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The triskele, 3 legs running when joined & expanding in chaos. Isle is Man is offshoring in a Roman network & Monarchy front #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neanderthal is an extra ingredient in foreign matter always flying in...with a big bang #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The one which was supposed to go extinct in our atmosphere....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Chaos expanding in fractals, joined in 3 legs running in mutation, over space & time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gold is looted in all the wars & peasant soldiers easily bribed to start it, the rest of us get drafted in under the Roman council in slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Carpetbagging cannibalism, drinking another's blood #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Romans are carpetbagging cannibals who enjoy looting. They had a Celtic curse, may the thief go mad & blind… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They always loot & dump the evidence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I know what this means #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's why I don't like gold or heavy chains, they remind me of slavery. I only like original materials in raw & engineering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If you have gold it's always something Romans will want to loot & it brings war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ironic as I'm also a trained gilder & work with gold in frame restoration. I only like gold for telling the story of arts & crafts. A touch, not a room dripping in it. I can't wear gold, brings me out in a rash #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Welsh gold is the only gold I can wear #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sun is behind the moon in my sign of Leo & mercurial. I could feel the whiplash of a slave master in Roman hitting me into slavery, as Celtic before starting my own cycle #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Roman is not my natural cycle, permaculture is with technology & Pagan with God as Sun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Capitalism with planned obsolescence is Roman, with satanic verses in advertising crusaders for the cause #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm more Puritan about technology & code #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Advertising has become a reminder of Gregorian chants to my ears in cult worshipping. Sounds like a satanic brainwashing verse for capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A reminder of devil worshipping & human sacrifices to make it grow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Heresy & the death penalty, it's Roman hypocrites who worship the devil in capitalism. They also killed Pagans & banned metaphysics #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not Puritan in faith at all, but pretend they are #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they were Pagan & ended up in the Middle East they were stolen in a white slave trade #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They already invented computers, wireless ones, over 2000 years ago, run by Sun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai…
It's all code for their computers & engineering secrets, you'd have to be dyslexic to crack it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My daughter handed me her power on Wednesday, until she feels old enough to handle temptation. She's had packed lunches all week & no toxic behaviour. I made every one with thought & different #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Friday was wholemeal pitta with roasted vegetables, peppers, courgette & tomatoes in olive oil, with a little cheese. Dried apple rings & banana chips. Today she's found her own version of movement in maths #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A step counting app, she's calculated she needs to do 10,000 steps in an hour of counting & walking. All her own idea, no shaming & she's off & taken her brother too? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's also standing up straight more & showing her height & figure, she has a nice figure developing in curves when she stands tall at 5ft 11 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't see it when she slouches & doesn't care about her posture or self #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anyone would think it was a miracle turnaround, it's all her own self determination which makes or breaks it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't notice the satanic verse constantly blinding her in advertising & capitalist sponsored self destruction #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This is a girl who has never declared she's getting exercise, she has taken pride in being a slob for 2 years? Cried when realising she's gone for a size 8 to 16 in only 2 on school dinners & offerings #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*gone from, at one point she was eating 3 cakes a day at school when I read the items in the online account. I didn't shame her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Naturally she's a healthy size 10 to 12 as I should be #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't drink fizzy drinks, I've never allowed them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Although she has been allowed sparkling water with juice in a blend. Cained 2 bottles already #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was left alone with the TV as a free babysitter, to listen to all the satanic advertising verses? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sunny Delight, always Coca Cola, all that brainwashing capitalist bollox going in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's all American in lobbied influence in the New World #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Americans are brainwashed crusaders for it & at one point so was I, without even realising #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hip hop has done something else in an extreme reformed version of it with faiths & violence & drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They write the satanic verse when under the influence of drugs & I can hear it all in the chants pounding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not close to God & it's not art, it's close to cult in worshipping capitalism & looting like cannibals drinking blood #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What the baby factory spits out in pure evil #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The anthem of the baby factory pumping in Nigeria & gang banging in online porn, ca ching, ching in bling #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And the white slave trade auctioned as whores #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When they smile they all show gold teeth from drinking blood like cannibals #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have the teeth of drinking for capitalism as crusaders #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Each drug injected buys a gold tooth in exchange #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as a Gregorian chant in lines forced into schooling with a uniform #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't carry a cross they carry a knife or gun, drugs as the Bible #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Preachers of reform everywhere promising change, they are all beyond reform when worshipping the devil in capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have one tussle with the devil in sales & he wanted a conversion, he only got a look of wanting to cut his throat #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can read him like a book, he wants to drink my white bloodline to buy himself a gold tooth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One injection of drugs sold to me & he can afford it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His body might look fit with trained muscles, but his teeth are gold yellow from all the drugs he smokes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That would be a fake in clean living, dirty on the inside #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is that a spliff I see? Looks like one & he's protecting his angel from the devil? He is the devil pushing #opendata #smartcities #bigdats #ai
That is a spliff loaded with drugs & he can get harder things #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He grooms that he can protect any angel from the devil, he is the devil to tussle with in sales conversions. He wants his gold tooth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Love this in hate towards white middle class from his best Iranian Muslim Feminist rapper friend. Capitalism is rich toff not white middle class, thick bitch #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Next time she asks for funding in Britain from white middle class who don't avoid taxes, how about I punch her in the throat? She won't be able to talk again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No need to crowdfund me for that, I'll happily do it for free as a civil servant one on one & rip out her hair at the same time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Clean up the streets? Not a problem, give me half an hour with her down a back alley & they will be better off #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's really missed out on Celts in schooling, I can teach her first hand about our army in winning convenience? The one of hard knocks #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've been waiting over 3 years for the opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't call it racism or violence when she's promoting she's loves it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't get mad or destructive, I just fuck something up when I feel like it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've always wanted to give some bitch a slap over the white slave trade in the Middle East, she's the one I pick in dog #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Obviously sucks the cock of anything to get herself ahead in social climbing. No wonder the mouth spews filth as virtue #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even bleach couldn't get it up to middle class clean #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Burn the rags & boil wash her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Henry Higgins couldn't make a flower girl out of that in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I hate her because she pretty much endorses stealing or looting from middle class who paid for her benefits sad ass in Britain. And it's her type colonising Britain as immigrants breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She calls London "her city", her turf, takes the history of white people in it & makes up her own BULLSHIT Iranian version. She only landed here when her mum did. Her mum wasn't born here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And her mum came with no skills not speaking English properly. She has half brothers & sisters in France? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Think it's her dad colonising Europe with his seed, not the other way around #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't want to learn about their sad little lives or pathetic parties. I don't even want to know they exist, they don't, only think they do. She's a piece of worthless shit, with or without money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She has a spot in this world alright, it's in an Iranian prison for blasphemy. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are 4 planets in a light lineup presently, with 2 other occurrences at the same toke. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*time. Police commander in Uganda shot, along with his wife #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Monkeypox diagnosed for the first time in Britain, contracted in Nigeria, it is believed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What is this woman's real name? She never gives it & I believe her friend gave mine away & my address online. I'll find it out & pass it across to authorities in Iran. She'll like it there when deported #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's Igbo selling drugs & racism claims & I know his enemy in tribe is Hausa Fulani. Does he want to meet them & what they do to Igbo in roots? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Thought I'd advertise the pair of them for free, as they can't get enough exposure in Britain and Saturn is lighting up in satanic verses today #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's an unknown history there in creating enemies out of Pagans #opendata #smartcitiea #bigdata #ai
Before, Pagan it's called in Polytheism, aka metaphysics with Sun as God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
NEVER in my life have I ever been threatened by anyone white in Britain from any tribe. Only a few individuals & we ended it with a 1 on 1 fight. I always won & got respect. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For the first time ever my daughter's cycle has started on the same day as mine. Sun behind Moon in Leo with Mercury #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She handed all her power over to Leo to manage in mother Earth? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A chimp which bangs a frog would call that cosmic nonsense #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who's a cannibal with a taste for cousins?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's some other stats too, is that correct about TB? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well why the hell is it there? Human trafficking coming in & the demand growing for sex with it… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why has something dormant started to rise in slums again? I'll bet it's the need for a massive sewer in overcrowding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So I love this about middle class colonising in pharmaceuticals. They are so grown in disease & can't invent the drugs to cure it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A Nigerian doctor wanting a wife & visa was sat on a train going out to white middle class & asking me for my number? Or if I had any friends who might be interested #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was taking the same route out of a London slum as my dad & that was over 50 years ago! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The sewage is going into the River Thames & I guarantee what's taking a dump in London isn't generating enough in tax to cover it. They want middle class to pay or should we let them die from disease? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might explain our local councils around Britain going bankrupt in middle class & our pothole issues? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Overcrowding & moving out from London, linked to what?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Alabama rot for dog walkers, the sewage is in the mud… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only a moron would insist we can all live seperated & stick two fingers up & demand support for DEVELOPED infrastructure. Yes, all come in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Deportation is going to be high to get numbers down after this, when we have no budget left. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I suggest all those who say "all come in" dig for Britain & get themselves a shovel #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Plenty of shit coming out of holes to manage, they don't want to get their trainers dirty #opendata #smarticites #bigdata #ai
They don't know how disease happens? It's because they are greedy & thick, plus deluded bell ends who spend their whole life bragging about being special. They spread it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Looting carpetbagging cannibals who will die out again. They don't know how to clean water or deal with their own crap in a developed sewage system #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I hope their shit flows into the Queen's taps & she drinks the dark matter #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She seems to have a soft spot for disgraced pikeys kicked out of other countries. She did marry the biggest one as her cousin after all? Disappears on a yacht for months with friends & other women? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh oh to social circles in high places...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Skip to the innocent Thursday club & spy a "Kray Brother".... guessing that's the twins?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They gave all their gangster turf away, didn't they see they were being conned? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They already knew other gangsters in Nigeria who could undercut them with an army of footsoldiers over oil! Is that near a baby factory? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yes it bloody is, where did l
all the babies go?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nothing worse than a thick gangster being conned out of their own turf. And a woman works it out? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They said the biggest mistake was doing all the work themselves, they should have hired a mercenary. Already on it, I know of the dark web. Handy for accusing Russia! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't do drugs as a gangster you won't miss everything in being out of it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sales, know your market & who's undercutting you for a family visa, medical tourism & private education for their wife & children thrown in. Who knows who I mean? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yeah, that's the one. Few in London or the UK even know who he is #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They were soft on them, they could have been bombed in 20 minutes if Britain was really assisting in a war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They want to deal with Russia & EU armies over this? It will be quick I promise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America too? Even faster #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are a bit paranoid about disease & money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"All come in" will be on it's family knees begging for a cure when their children get ill. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't ever say they were not warned over & over first #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Buhari is an old man, what will he care? He'll be dead when it happens, like the rest of his corrupt crew #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother has the same approach in leaving a legacy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Queen & Prince Philip are over 90, what will they care? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Another generation wasted, who cares? Cover it up until they snuff it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But didn't they have fun & some good parties? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sing that satanic capitalist advertising verse for supper...."mmm I'm loving it" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone's gone to the Moon & stuck 2 fingers up to the Sun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sound of 7, 7 times the Nigerian doctor called me looking for a visa & white middle class wife! I'm not for sale #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rather be on my own with Sun #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't live in London & haven't for 30 years, it's African Brits which have failed to inform us on Africa. I had to find out for myself. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But they've outdone themselves on informing us on racism, total failure on African corruption, which happens to be black? So they are nice criminals not to be judged on colour? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If ever they wanted to raise their profile globally on intelligence now is not the time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What started 10 years ago as "I think planned obsolescence is a bad idea" in instincts... growing to "I don't know how to grow food"....better learn how..#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Has escalated to "they have constant wars to get the raw materials for planned obsolescence"..."they lobbied my entire education with capitalism for it" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"they hire mercancies abroad to rig their politics for it"...."they dumped tons of nuclear weapons in the sea after WW2"...."they rig rule & divide globally with religion in media" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"they run everything at Goldman Sachs on a physics algorithm in screen based trading, which can't be questioned & they did it before deep learning was established in technology" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"they invent loans in digital alchemy to sell weapons to create the wars, to get the raw materials, for planned obsolescence" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"they kill environmental protestors globally who have noticed capitalism dumping pollution illegally in cutting corners, or destroying biodiversity to get more" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"charity is rigged for failure & corrupt also, to make sure it repeats" and "there's a great big pipe being built to handle all the crap, but where will all the waste go?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How stupid I was to think all I needed to do was learn how to grow food for independence...#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's literally no getting away from all the shit of planned obsolescence, even if I quit my job! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The part I was most stupid on was coming away from the key decision makers in technology driving it. But then I did have a career break to raise my own children & went to my husband who worked in technology instead? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Started talking to friends next about this, didn't want to know, then expanded to lower class in hip hop, to get them to see sense about middle class & the system, didn't want to know #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then it was Biafran protestors in droves, didn't want to know. Now it's at a point of all of them causing it collectively in their own self determination & reductionism. Well they are all collectively fucked #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Back to the people I used to work with who make all their developed convenience happen, like I told the consumers they did. This is a really bad situation. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The consumers are too thick to work it out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Biggest criticism is of some of the smartest people in physics who put the screen based trading in as an absolute on a simple algorithm. Before giving the machine deep learning socially to calculate with. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They made the machine stupid in calculating & I've had to educate all of them for free with the complexity of social & political affairs, in teaching myself! They made me stupid too at school! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I resent being made stupid in trusting someone telling me they are smart, when I wasn't old enough or allowed to question them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This will not be "against our better judgement" it will be against their total arrogance & lack of self control in educating children, who they consider will not be smarter than them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The deep learning of machines socially should have come before the algorithm for screen based training in fixed. The machine would have calculated chaos & an algorithm which constantly changes in nature & trading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would changes notes like music, with all the chaos going off globally at the same time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Each decade playing a different tune, because of the changing times in evolving #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*it would change notes like music, Fibonacci notes of a baby factory pumping in hip hop & classical at the same time in Pareto's principle #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cause & effect colliding in big bangs & all the fractals spilling out in 3 legs running. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It requires the complexity of the planets moving to guide it & understanding what the movements mean, they mean different revolutions in a clock with sound & that is metaphysics #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They had the technology, but it was looted by dumb greedy Romans & sunk! Capitalism strikes again, takes 2000 years to catch up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bit like a phone stolen, one will text a friend on it & send a selfie. Neanderthals spitting around hands in caves, a homosapien will use it to paint all it sees in the world. If it's not them, it's the prints of their kill with their own blood #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neanderthals like to record themselves committing crimes & then upload it in narcissism entertainment, it drives the dark web & online porn sales #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably why they are so stupid & go extinct #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Disease is something they don't worry about when they think they have drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Still haven't even worked out that we are mutated in 3 legs running, nor updated the machine in deep learning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am calculating a rise in Neanderthal DNA globally through wars & baby factory = species extinction in 3 legs mutated in running, unless there's a homosapien rise in breeding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We already knew we came from a big bang & we'd become mutated through rape. It was Romans which enforced Christianity you can't question through slavery & reset the clock. Have they forgotten this? Their capitalist DNA has #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They destroy all evidence of their corruption & only leave fragments they missed behind. Then evolve & try & work the fragments out? How dumb are they? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Guessing the curse of "may the thief go mad & blind" means nothing to them? Celts had something worth stealing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stupid curse in the law of attraction, they'll only end up more deluded & blind about punishing Celts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're metaphysical in dare to know, they might not go entirely mad & physically blind. Just deluded & ignore us being punished further #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The curse was poorly written #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But if they were raping Celts what do I expect? The purity in conducting metaphysics accurately will be reduced in numbers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We become mutated & partially blind & mad ourselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Meaning our own curse eats into us in further theft looping #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
An accurate reply from God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most are drugged now & so is the purity in conducting metaphysics in nature, their natural cycles defunct #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have never really gone on the pill & don't do drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they are on the pill or drugs, forget even trying to conduct metaphysics accurately. It's calculated through female cycles being in tune with nature #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's why the Pagan Goddess is female #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Men don't really mature untll they experience how a female converts their seed into life. They learn by studying her body, until then it's all in her head #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her body in design contains all the complexity for them to learn from in nature unfolding. She didn't design it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But she has patterns & cycles men can observe & calculate from #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as reading the seasons & weather in farming & how it all connects with Sun & Moon #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A highly intelligent design in nature, she can even make milk #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never marry an atheist, they won't even wonder on how the female body can produce milk in nature. They'll be more impressed with a microwave in science & bottle #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's because they are deluded they are God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't even count the amount of hormones & drugs given to the cow to make the powdered milk #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A very complex way of working out the design internally of women #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They think their children are as simple to create milk for as a cow? The mother's milk is unique & specific to the needs of their own child #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But this is in the mother's head untll science fails & declares the mother's milk superior. Then they'll inform the mother of this? So advanced in learning... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*until. Always waiting for the next release of intelligence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Roman, Celtic already had it worked out as Pagans #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Always waiting for a priest to update me on the next version of a reformed Bible. Currently it's God doesn't exist & science has all the answers. But Christmas is still worth something to capitalism as Jesus #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can't let it go, because they'd miss out on all the sales #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where would planned obsolescence be without Jesus's birthday? Skint & without a reason for a party #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And also down on religious weapons sales following in the New Year, to get more access to raw materials #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Just imagine if I didn't need a microwave & bottle or cow to feed my own baby, should the imports be held up? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If only I'd come with breasts which could do it on demand? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe science will invent them one day to come with the ability to make milk? Wouldn't that me amazing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*be amazing, wonder when they will release the model? Will my ex-husband inform me of what's possible now? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He'll probably get them implanted first & tell me he's a woman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Good, I'll get a sex change & become the man, then shame him when they sag #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are no more than fun bags anyway, to such a scientific mind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yes, thank you soooooo much for the super toilet which isn't built yet & has no way of flushing it & it's racist if you ask who's shit it is to be managed? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It connects to the mega farming, the mega superstore & everything mega about a super smart city of the future with mega brands. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fucking awesome in mega ideas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's calculated to be worth $7 trillion? That's the final cost of the sewer budget going over in miscalculations & delays in delivery of the MEGA capitalist pipe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
May I point out one small fact? London is the most advanced in Britain & had the most money spent on it & it has the highest levels of TB in the West. Which is a Victorian slum disease in overcrowding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which would be a basic engineering issue technology hasn't solved first, with superior design? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Instead Teflon was lobbied into my BA Hons interior design degree for a useless Millennium Dome, which had a limited life span in planned obsolescence & investment? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is it making sense now why I also quit on the stupidity of that in education & avoiding taking out the forced debt to learn it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No matter what I've personally done to avoid this disaster it has been unavoidable & forced on my generation to solve & no money left to solve it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pure science has berated the value of the fine arts for years & cut all budgets on them. I really beg to differ that science has achieved much in intelligence or value at all. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
An all singing all dancing city such as London on the surface in smart technology & a crumbling culture & infrastructure beneath it. Victorian era slum disease rising at the same time in intelligence? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Simple, they cut European as advanced culture in fine arts out of funding & gave the budget & voice to slum city in recognition selling violence & gangs & drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everything advanced in European multiculture was forced from fine arts into advertising for capitalism, pushing planned obsolescence for a job. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They gave all the funding to the baby factory not middle class #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Kind of a confirmation of how stupid & shit pure science thinks fine arts are & worth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Monkeys on typewriters banging out random meaningless crap as Shakespeare #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ignorant philistines! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The break away from Rome in the Church of England is not important!?! Or arranged marriages in wealth or cousins in Monarchy at war with each other over ideology & land? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's everything Shakespeare wrote about on love & madness & the tragedy which follows #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Overcrowding & disease in herds at war with each other #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No matter what science does I still default into being a pain in the arse & out of it's control #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sadly for science there are billions like that in chaos #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ruins the pure in absolute theory #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sadly that's the reality of nature pure science doesn't understand #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am everything in fine arts that breaks the purity of a reductionist absolute #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nothing worse for pure science when I spot all it's backwards failure & can count the social cost #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm supposed to be dyslexic & thick? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But I can count the social cost of a shitter out of control in pollution, under smart technology? #opendata #smarcities #bigdata #ai
It's a really big turd in lower class in London with no place to be flushed, the size of 3 buses in a pipe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When it spills it goes back to Victorian slum disease #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know that turd in London is not predominantly white or Celtic today #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I know I'm Celtic & dyslexic & know how to make an organic toilet with sawdust & a bucket for making organic manure to grow crops? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In other words I know how to independently & responsibly manage my own shit for growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I only have 2 kids of each sex & I'm a single mother, I know how to manage my breeding & their shit too? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My father left me enough land to manage all their shit & needs, only my mother stands in the way with advertising #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was a smart piss head, but he still got that right? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never inherited anything & left me enough land in self made, without crime? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Actually that's a lie, he did inherit £7,000 from a distant relative in a claim, goes all the way back to a regicide & I'm still driving the car he bought with it, 2 years after he died #opendata #smatcities #bigdata #ai
I've never inherited anything from my mother's side of the family, that's the side with all the degrees & titles? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not one entrepreneur or MP? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are no degrees on my father's side of the family, only self made business people & an MP who was an entrepreneur in silk & coal? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anything I've ever inherited has come from them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well my son has just confirmed how smart his sister is. She can hack his PS3 from her phone & play Rick Astley? Don't diss it, she could be in charge of security #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She did that before going for her walk & didn't say a word? She's a smart girl who makes me laugh #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
5ft 11 with curves & interracial Celtic & Chinese Malaysian, she's hilarious in breaking all absolutes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A hacker from communism with curves & exceptionally tall & a rebel in security intelligence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Goes on a Pagan walk to be at one with nature afterwards? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She picked Rick Astley in sound? He's a white ginger man who sounded black in soul? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Exceptionally deep soulful voice, people thought he was black before seeing he was actually white & ginger in fine arts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He sounds black in soul #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her brother is such a Celtic male in hypocrisy, he's a default Sonic fan, then Harry Potter, then Fortnite battle royale in loyalty & crusading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There was a time he was Ben Ten & he declared his loyalty would never change brands. His friends are all the same #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not surprised his sister hacked him & disappeared, not saying a word #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can hear her brother talking to his friends saying "why did you shoot me?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They then laugh at shooting each other for hypocrisy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Educate me some more on boys? They change brands more than girls in loyalty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As I said to me son, "you explain everything about religion"#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To which laughed & declared Fortnite will never change. Sure Hun, until the new release of something else excites you.....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You're not even 11 & have declared that loyalty to me over 6 times already #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I logged into Skype under my dad's ID, found his Egyptian friend who sent my daughter gold earrings when she was born. Wished him a happy Birthday from my father, from beyond the grave, it's his B'day today? So Skype tells me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother wanted to talk to my sister in America, normally my daughter does it, but she's on a walk, odd I'd log in for the first time in 4 years on his birthday? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That makes him him 67 today? And Virgo, oh dear, that's the same as my ex-husband? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3, 3, 3. We were married on the 3rd, he was 30 on the 6th & his birthday is 3 days later? That's a 7 again in calling out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm 4 years younger, 3 & 4 is a 7 in Egypt in sending gold gifts to a female born? She's currently a 13 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So he's 11 years younger than my father, with 2 years missing in the algorithm? My dad was Leo too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
9-7 is 2? In a 3, 3, 3 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
7 calls from Nigeria to white middle class as doctor looking for a middle class wife? What was the date? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
27th March, Pieces, that's my mum, plus 7? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or even Pisces plus 7 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm a 19 with my sister in a 3 years older exactly in Leo & my daughter is a 13 in Gemini? My sister & I are born on the same day, but we're not twins, we're 3 years apart in Leo #opendata #smartcities #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My daughter was born on the 3rd of the 6th in Gemini? Which is a 9 #opendata #smarcities #bigdata #ai
Gemini is twins? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My sister & I are light & dark from 2 parents & 3 years apart exactly in Leo? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Myself & sister are nothing alike & far from twins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My daughter is the only 1 he sent golf earrings to? Out of 4 grandchildren. He's Muslim with the name spelt wrong of the prophet in Egypt? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are alternative spellings? Called by his surname & it is Egyptian? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something is up with the meaning & timing on positioning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hip hop, daring to rewrite Islam & Christianity into a new form, when black? The Arab world… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one else would be so stupid to think it will ever be tolerated for long #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do they have an army beyond white to protect them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Screwed then aren't they when neo-nazi rises? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The women covered up as wives in that world are Pakistani/Indian & white, in a mix now in ethinicity & brains with Arab. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Egyptian is probably a mix in ethnicity of all those original tribes. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There have been many slave trades over the centuries, not just African. There have also been arranged marriages between tribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The heads of religions & wars are still Arab & white. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For 2000 years they have been the heads of those religions & for 2000 years they have remained heads with war & education #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both have conquerered the world & gained most of the wealth, how could anyone be stupid enough to undermine them without any army or wealth? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Turn against either & be corrupt yourselves in getting a bad reputation, no way will they take the hypocritical shaming over racism. Or the mockery of their original faiths changed. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is blatant racism from black against both of them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Plus they are all highly mixed in colour & ethnicity now through breeding & slave trades. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even Africans are mixed with both, but call themselves black? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I might be predominantly Celtic, but I probably have some Viking, Roman & Egyptian, Greek & Arab in me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2000 years of wars & slavery & the changing face of Britain, I wouldn't touch changing a religion. I go back to Pagan keeping God & have none. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are definitely Jews in my family line too....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably some Pakistani & Indian too & now there is also Chinese Buddhist in my children? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They remain European & Asian in identity, because that has the biggest army & they have no fixed religion. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will never join hip hop, it's banned from their identity. Mainly because it makes a mockery of racism & religion & is totally corrupt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not atheist either, this was an argument I had with their father, they actually belong to nothing other than detached. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't believe in anything but protecting your own family, even if that means disagreeing with your husband when he's culturally ignorant & the same with hip hop upsetting the majority in middle class. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or disagreeing with Biafrans in tribal feuds in Nigeria over religion or tribal differences. They are still all African, whether Nigerian or not in their mind. They all have enemies & should work together. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When it comes to disagreeing with America over guns & colour over slavery, they look after themselves & I stick with Europe. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Whatever Europe decides as a majority I go with. They are all bigger than me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But my loyalty goes to middle class Europe as a whole in voting, that's where I belong. Most of them are committed to lowering pollution & keeping peace & progress #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's going towards far right from liberal, but liberal still remains. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I do want out of Brexit & to remain in the EU. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But don't want to be involved with Ukraine joining & upsetting Russia. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
EU should settle differences with Russia & not go to war over Ukraine. Nor should Britain be winding them up & working with America on it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
With Britain comes the Commonwealth & that connects them to Europe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As a whole they deal with America & it creates an even in wealth, balance & power. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd rather go for an EU Commonwealth over Brexit & a deal with America #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The power would balance a divide in America & capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which knocks out hip hop growing from America across the EU & Commonwealth with unregulated history, education & divide. Because it's feeding African gang crime. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Mainly to stop the mockery of Christian & Muslim faith being mashed into something absurd in sales & culture, with a racism claim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The grooming needs knocking on the head & religion needs to be left alone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
African gangs are too easily bribed as soldiers crusading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America has not controlled that influence growing through hip hop, capitalism has funded it to grow through working or lower class. Africans will pay the price in racism globally #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Middle class needs a stronger footing in being politically active in a united trading network #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The divide is getting too big between rich & poor #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We need to force an amnesty on guns & weapons if it is ever going to change Africa or African politics #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America really does fail there in an influence on African Americans in gun culture spreading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Too many Africans tune into hip hop in Africa as a form of developed education #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They should tune in to becoming a doctor over a rapper #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Either America is going to sell Britain weapons in a deal to protect ourselves or we have to find another deal in culture, not divide or dictatorship over racism? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I refuse to be bullied by gangs or bullied into needing a gun to protect myself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have a simple faith in God & that is all I need. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Any money Middle Class makes should be spent equally on developed infrastructure, not racism claims demanding at gunpoint #opemdata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A flourishing fine arts scene across the EU & Commonwealth at middle class intelligence balances the stupidity of pure science socially. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It won't miss the basics in engineering & the size of the capitalist waste pipe. Nor allow Victorian slum diseases to rise again in Europe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will offer jobs to Egyptians who study at MA level in Engineering in Britain & not send them home because their visa needs sponsorship. Cutting the American capitalist monopoly out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My father's friend who's birthday it was yesterday is Egyptian & worked in engineering with my father. He is Muslim & they got on very well. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have been trying to work out what I'm supposed to see from all the signs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was actually a gang of girls, partially African in the group, who beat this poor Egyptian engineering student to death in Britain. They were heavily influenced by hip hop culture & music growing… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I doubt if hip hop even cares, they've never commented on it being outrageous, just the norm #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never had anyone from hip hop send my daughter gold earrings as a gift. Only her mother threats. It was a Muslim Egyptian in engineering who welcomed her into the world. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I have never met him, he worked with my father in the Middle East #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only yesterday did I contact him directly for the first time, when logging into my father's Skype account & it was his birthday. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What did he have up? A picture of his kids #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Scrap it then if they can't sort it out, we were better off before. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America is in no position to offer a deal if it's going the same way in divide. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America will be needing support, that comes from a sensible & stable liberal democracy, most likely to be an EU Commonwealth in shared ideology & power. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Middle class across all areas has to get more money & business back in trading, to avoid lower breaking into looting & war. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1% in capitalism has far too much wealth & power. It has totally broken global trading & relations #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Middle has to create business & employment opportunities, esp with apprenticeships for youths #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or they'll be groomed into gangs with policing budgets cut & drugs & knife crime will go through the roof #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's no budget for community centres of anything that expensive, if will have to be job offers & some pay #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So I'm going to do my part & go back into working in sales to create some opportunity, only in my chosen technology field, 3D printing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #aii
New emerging field, new apprenticeships & skills will be appropriate & especially in the basics of engineering. Valid field for investment & infrastructure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something places like Nigeria could seriously do with following over rap & gangs. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If youths are becoming skilled in engineering & infrastructure it's generating business & building bridges at the same time. Without the need to get a degree. Stopping traffic coming across to Europe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they get a 3D printer they have unlimited opportunities in what it can manufacture, rather than wait for a foreign investor to open a factory #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not going to get that investment when crime & corruption is so high in tribal & religious divide. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yet they are so rich in natural resources locally? They don't need oil with 3D printing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They should do better than anyone when they have an abundance in resources on their doorstep #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So there's no excuses really, they do have middle class technology businesses there who could offer apprenticeships #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I can start from nothing as a single mother I don't see why they can't? And I will be checking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I only have access to a phone myself in creating opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll set myself a sales target of at least 40 machines in a year & plant the idea of apprenticeships at each one. Keep clients fed with free research on what's happening in 3D printing growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll even provide a free website of all the research I do, for others to use #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If there's still excuses coming out of Nigeria & I create growth on my own, then that's an open story to view. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will mean they were outdone by a white woman in business & new trade, who doesn't have a degree or budget to work with #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Starting from nothing but a simple faith in God, where can it go without excuses? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Haven't got a job yet, I'll have to get one #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother has just said to me "you had holidays when you were younger that other people didn't have, they were all paid for", true. "But you saved nothing for me or my sister to go to university or our weddings?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"You also had nothing to give either of us for a deposit on a house. We were both taking out debt at age 18 to get qualified?" "You got your education all for free?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No comment, leaves the room, off to empty the dishwasher? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her parent's generation never took out debt, they saved for everything to afford it. Why did my parent's generation push mine into so much debt & save nothing to help us? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*parents' generation. They seemed not to be able to afford the rising costs & luxury & passed the costs onto mine from a young age in debt? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The sewers haven't been updated in London since the Victorian era, she's 76, why not? Why is my generation doing & paying for them now? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why have we been giving charity when we haven't even got our own infrastructure updated? We're undeveloped #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why are all our best engineers & architects sent off to the Middle East & anywhere there's oil & we have invested constantly in cars? Why haven't we sorted our own engineering? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have an answer to this & who probably took a bribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Buddhists also reside there as a minority in Chinese, am I now understanding Myanmar? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is it now starting in India too? Because of the amount of assassinations against Christians in Pakistan?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The name of Islam is becoming dirt for lying & bribing, a lot has little to do with Muslims… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They should care, the size of the Chinese population… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Really doesn't help encountering someone like her from Iran. But then balanced by meeting someone like my father's friend from Egypt? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My ex-husband's father is Buddhist Chinese Malaysian, his son doesn't even follow politics there & the Egyptian Muslim sent his baby daughter gold earrings through knowing my dad? He didn't even say thank you, I did #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But he will declare "all Muslims are peaceful" because he doesn't follow anything in politics, just chants whatever is in fashion in Britain? And he's atheist & interracial? I'm racist neo-nazi if I say anything as indigenous & white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He doesn't have 1 Muslim or African friend, all his friends are white indigenous middle class British. I don't think he has any Asian friends either? Maybe one friend has a friend who's "gay"? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
NONE of them follow politics, they all say they don't have time & none of them speak any other languages. Typically British & IGNORANT & he's hardly travelled the world, I have #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Try raising children with such a man or getting anything changed in Britain with insights & honesty. He also has the absolute answer for anything, he is pure science datasets & logic in absolutes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Question them & it's heresy & you are immediately a right wing extreme neo-nazi racist? He is half Chinese!?! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's been through the British compulsory education system without a father present & was raised by a thick white mum who was almost a lot of TV? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was the only one raised with enough manners to thank a Muslim Egyptian for the gold earrings he sent our daughter. As my ex, he wouldn't even remember they came. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As a person he's spent zero time working on himself & hasn't expanded since we left school #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As spiritual as a knackered spark plug #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I read some Kipling poetry, he would take the piss out of me at home & say "you're being deep". Whilst he'd go to the bedroom like a big kid & blow shit up in video games? Real sexy in a man #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't accept I really believe in God, that's mere delusion? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have zero respect left for him as a man & he can't stand that about me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's a capitalist worshipping IGNORANT knob, full of dictating crap when he feels like it, like many British today #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He should be ashamed of himself for knowing nothing about Malaysia or Chinese culture or politics #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Marrying someone interracial in Britain has taught me NOTHING about Asian culture, only British stupidity in the blend #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It has only taught me everything about racism claims in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I even told him that there was extreme corruption in education, I'm asked to pay for everything I shouldn't be & the quality has TOTALLY dropped. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm mad? I'm watching a documentary about school academies run by trusts in Britain. Millions of public money being stolen for work not carried out & no one can get answers from them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are stealing money from children & leaving them with debt the school has to pay back #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum wanted to watch a soap opera instead & she was a fucking teacher!?! She's hardly battered an eye lid #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's happened because of people like her being shit at their job & not caring. No wonder kids are stabbing each other & not caring. Just warned my mum she'll be lucky if her teacher's pension isn't ripped off her to pay for it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not the first is it? They were responsible for all the council housing weren't they?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No wonder this bitch has cottoned on to getting government funding to teach hip hop too. They're all at it, abusing children! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe the father of my children should get off his computer games & grow the fuck up? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Has this happened with the NHS too? Because now I'm wondering about Brexit & why they wanted to reduce the amount we pay to the EU #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Staff are too scared to talk anymore, they are being bullied by management & trusts… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The trend seems to be trusts putting a bill in for millions & not actually doing the work, just a patch & saying it cost millions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At one of the schools the government paid out for new boilers, they didn't put in new boilers, they reinstalled the old ones? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Let me spell it out for the British, all our money has been pissed away & we have nothing left & nothing to show for it. Just a shit load of debt instead & people putting in racism claims on slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fuck the claims I couldn't give a shit, they have no money to bail us out now. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Slavery was a long time ago & all the profits were spent on WW1 & 2, when they lost the bloody empire #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Guess a moron can't count the cost of how years at war & no economy stacks up? Rounds of ammunition & technology to keep a war going #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One question, how come Britain got debt to pay for winning & Germany didn't get any? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother was wrong as usual, it took 92 years to pay off WW1, what about WW2? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
92 years to pay off 1 war. Did they even think of that when starting it at cousin level in Monarchy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Should I inform immigrants that was the only reason they were initially invited? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Come & help repay the debt & rebuild a flattened nation. They expect the locals to be grateful? We won nothing in freedom, I was informed of the debt when I was born #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This piece of shit thinks I owe him something because I'm white? The only thing I owe him is a punch in the throat #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Him & his family coming rebuilt nothing & have paid of NO debt, we are now stuck with a Victorian sewer & trillions of debt to pass on to the next generation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*paid off no debt. Our debt is through the roof & they were all on benefits in social FREE housing. Along with Queen of the chavs & flung dung lyrics #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We are now living in the most expensive toilet in the world & it doesn't even flush. We get more debt every time we pull the chain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When we pull the chain hip hop plays & to save ourselves we jump in the sewer to drown it out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's that good as art & that needed & welcome #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All it leaves is shit floating down our rivers, spreading disease #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
De'nile is brown & full of shit & about Egypt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Egypt gives me gold & welcomes my child into the world without me asking, rest of Africa gives me a headache with fire arms, religion & debt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Drugs to make it easy & more debt to pay for them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In the history of Britain, when have we ever been floating in drugs & self harm like this? I fucking owe someone something for slavery? Get a fucking grip #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It doesn't need any help in failure, it's a bloody pro & destroying everything good & pure all by itself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There is no blessing from God in that part of the world, pure sin #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't see the point anymore it's too diseased & fucked #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one wants to take this shit on & try & make it work or solve it. That older generation can fuck off on getting any care. Pay someone else if they can afford it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not even worth fixing the infrastructure for ungrateful bastards always demanding, abandon ship #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Big world out there, I suggest the British go explore & invest their time in wherever is going to work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all want out of the shit areas to go spoil a nice one, they brought it in. I want out myself now. They even complain when middle class moves in & makes an area nice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Real issue is they are cowards & can't stand up to a gang or crew grooming them in. Why are they worried? Their life is not worth living #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only glamorise it to sell it to themselves that there's any point in being alive. They are slaves, they have to sell the drugs or are threatened #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They chose that over an education & getting a job? They're in contracts they can't even get out of for life. A threat if they leave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't even know what freedom is even when white people gave it to them, they go & enslave each other #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Freedom is wasted on them, they default to slavery every time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Can't even comprehend what I'd rather die than get sucked in to slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So stupid it's unbearable, the army is glamourised as making a man, serving his country, feeling safe with a gun & weapons, the bribe of a salary. Most soldiers come from lower or working class. They can't get out often. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Groomed into it because it gives them a sense of pride & power. They cannot ever talk about what they see in war, they sign a contract & will be punished if they squeal on it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
African gangs selling drugs have copied the very same model. They go out & groom young boys, glamourise the power of a gun, show them the fast benefits & money. Then they have to work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll get a call when it's time to go to war on the streets, go push drugs & battle for turf against rival dealers. No different from going to war with another country. They can never leave the contract unless having an amazing excuse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they do they are a threat with all the secrets of suppliers & might pass it on to another rival gang. They have the nerve to criticise white for slavery? They are more enslaved than ever, by themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A prick in hip hop things they can stop the gangs? No chance, they'd have to go up & talk to all the gang leaders & offer them more money to swap to a different money making field. With the possibility of being shot before heard. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They think I'm so thick I can't work that out & how stupid they are & why they fail so miserably in doing a poxy workshop in how to spit out some feelings & mix them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*thinks they can stop that, they are so thick they can't even work out the business model & how hard it is to get out of the contract, where a gun shot is the clause to escape. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Cleaning up the streets" they're not making a fucking dent on it growing, they can't offer any fast cash. Just an anthem to go with it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm only really fucking annoyed because my instincts have been right for over 5 years about this & I know who's laughing at me. I'll be arrested if I beat the shit out of them on my own, but they sell violence? And peace? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone knows you only get away with it if you hire a mercenary like a toff, but I don't hire anyone to fight my own battles #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They laugh even more by throwing some funding at this shit through the arts council & advertising, so it looks like the only cause #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Small change is thrown at that, no decent salary given to me because I'll demand a decent return, they are creaming millions in cutting corners #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cheap fucking soldiers bribed & so dumb they think they are finally rated as talent, getting the rise socially they deserve. No, just used as dumb & bribed. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain gets in this state in 20 years & it's had billions thrown at it in taxes? NO WAY, the 1% of wealth stole it all fraudently, promoting dumb lower class in the arts rising as the social cause. He got rich putting in invoices to fix it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are NOT supposed to make profits & all their accounts are not presented to government for inspection. Those academies came in within the last 20 years #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I think the documentary said almost half of all children in Britain, maybe England, now attend them. They are fudging their results… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can't afford private, they are killing themselves to be able to afford it as a better option #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's seen no money spent on it since I left school 25 years ago #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as London, smart technology on the surface level, they've thrown in some iPads & laptops, but the sewer hasn't been replaced since the Victorian era. Rest of the UK has seen little investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Grenfell Tower is about to happen everywhere & there's no money to cover it, when it all catches fire. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bet it's more than £1.78 trillion, government invented it all with digital alchemy loans we as tax payers are to pay back. The 1% has I'm embezzled all the money. Is it the same in America? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*I'm guessing, hasn't America got billions missing through government? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No, trillions & it's not been audited? British corruption has copied the capitalist model with envy.… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No wonder they push antidepressants to hide it & there's a fucking opioid crisis #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are sponsoring hip hop with capitalism at the same time to invent the social excuse front. Hip hop will blame middle class, because it's thick & doesn't know what big wealth is #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Switzerland is big wealth, you can't get in unless you have a large sum of money to give to live there. There crime is low & standards of living high. All banking & billionaires escaping #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In middle class I'm scraping above peasant currently & constantly trying to avoid homeless, with the rise in the cost of living & banking crashes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Scraping because I haven't worked in planned obsolescence for over 10 years, because I knew this would happen when I was 26! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I quit on making the 1% richer with the bloody model like a willing slave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Like someone quitting on being a gang member #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My job would be to sell it & groom the next generation & teach them it with eLearning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I take shaming on quitting that salary every fucking day. Mainly from my mother & ex-husband. I quit because I have kids #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I even take shaming from rapper cunts like him, who are too thick to understand it & he is too much of a coward to quit his crew for protection #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His crew are nothing in intimidation compared to a conglomerate or the 1% of wealth, who can cover up killing earth defenders in record levels through government #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They own the army, police, government & any mercenary with bribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Top rank in the army is intimidated by their power, they can knock anyone out & cover it up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can even set anyone up, even top level in banking to blame #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Once you're in & accepted a bribe, you don't get out. I have never accepted a bribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Your whole career destroyed overnight, the power they have over anyone socially #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they didn't have such power over survival middle class would speak up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They groomed us in from school with lobbied education when we were kids, we didn't know any better, our parents told us to get jobs working for them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Left us alone with a TV as a babysitter to brainwash us a bit more with advertising too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The TV was the planting of all the child bribes to go out & buy the convenience & work in selling it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're never shown the stark reality of who we'd hurt doing it or what damage it would do to the environment. We then get hit with charity to fix that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We are groomed to hurt ourselves & buy something else to make us feel better #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They knew they were doing it & didn't care #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum can't even watch what's happening now because of it, she switches over to mindless entertainment to avoid even looking. Makes it even worse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Complains she can't get anything right, none of her bribes work on me anymore. How I've changed & become evil not accepting them, they're cheap like her & her bribes. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her love is fucking cheap & nasty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't need drugs to handle it, I'm immune to the pain. Watching my father drink himself into oblivion over it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A daily dose of watching it builds up resilience #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Suppose it's the same for kids who get used to seeing people killed on the streets. They become immune after a while, I'm like that with watching people hurting themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Self preservation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's why nature is so clever in chaos, naturally builds up immunity to disease after a while #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pure science will call it a disorder, I see it as nature working all on its own in resilience & survival in natural selection #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The chemicals go down stronger & stronger, the weeds come up towards light more resilient? They can't beat God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The shaming goes down on the weed, stronger & stronger in toxic behaviour, only make me more resilient & have more faith in light #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why it works this way I don't know, I'm not God or light connecting everything. It just does #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe it's because people keep repeating God delusion not learning & it loops? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I changed my faith back to Pagan & it works for me? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't respect nature or Sun as God, I do & observe how it works #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They actually believe they are God & can control the world with the small power of a gun & drugs. They hold no energy compared to a sun, our lives totally depend on it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When that gun runs out of bullets or they have no drugs, they are TOTALLY powerless & turn to God in prayers to save them? Weak on Earth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Weak if I don't groom kids into capitalism with sales, disloyal to the system & democracy. Pitiful if I participate before the eyes of God or my own conscience? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They system of democracy is a joke & it laughs in taking bribes, until the bribes cry when they can't be free of their own system. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's when they want public pity for coming clean to buy back their freedom #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Honesty the release to clear their conscience & they stop being God & are only human again in weakness? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm immune to that pitiful confession as the last bargaining in sales to get freedom back. It ran out of luck in bribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Show some mercy? They showed fucking none in enjoying abusing us as children who would pay for their sins #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I was conscious the whole way through the abuse experience #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I'm conscious of them wanting me to repeat if for them to keep profiting, from all they planted in my head #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No more than a drugs mule to sell the convenience. Supposedly a mindless donkey with no brain, who'll happily eat the carrot when beaten with the shame stick #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Haven't they noticed a donkey bucks when it's really pissed off? They drug it to behave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And also say there's something wrong with the donkey. It's not that they are fucking thick & transparent in behaviour & bribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even a donkey can work it out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The donkey doesn't do the rhetoric of excuses about only being human & weak. That logic is only for the stupidity of humans to understand in more human weakness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The satanic verse of our mutated species in delusion about being worthy of forgiveness. We tell ourselves it's true #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The donkey won't give a shit, only spot we destroyed it's habitat & enslaved it to work for us. That's why it's pissed off & bucks #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Smart enough to know it could find food for free in nature, if humans hadn't destroyed everything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Comes with an instinct built in of knowing what to eat, who put it there for it to be conscious of? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might it be something greater in power like a God? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take it, take all the debt left for you as a legacy by the last generation who left it. Say "thank you, they died for your freedom. You've never had it so good." What a fucking lie & con #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was genocide & they were drafted into it by monarchs arguing as cousins over herds & territory. They are the ones who pass the debt on for their war games #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It is they who want me to groom & serve for them, not a fucking chance in hell. I'm the proud relative of a regicide #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It was a lawful killing, debated on in democracy & agreed it was necessary to end the madness. The other relatives only saw it as a threat & hired a mercenary to kill all the signatures & put in a restoration period #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know they laugh, I can hear them, I'll be laughing when they die of stupidity & disease again in overcrowding herds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can hear them laughing in the mockery of their speeches in every logical excuse they give #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"The walls were not falling down on the school gym, they only required metal braces to support them, this cost £500,000. Sadly that's the cost of living today" Roman cunt talking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"We may have put in for a rebuild in funding, but it was only an estimation, we have since had to re-evaluate things. It did not cost £60,000" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Are you challenging that I'm not talking truth before God, heresy fine, how dare you insult me? Do you know who I am?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata
Yes, you're a rich corrupt cunt who can bribe people in high places. I know exactly who you are #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's never been any different when my family has dealt with you #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
You can buy cheap bribes also & they are great as crusading soldiers or mercenaries who can be blamed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ask not why I got a calling here, but I was called to where X marks the spot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The sign means poisoned, toxic or pirates to me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Noooo, that's Roman science delusion as witchcraft #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A chimp with a logical excuse for being caught raping a frog #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is this where Romans originally came from? A nest of looters, linked to raping frogs as chimps. The original cuckoo nest. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
YEAH, that's Romans #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This was taken here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their original London.... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A museum is what a Roman loots & shows off to get tourism trade. If they rape corpses, might have had a huge influence on Egyptian burials? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sidon the next link, slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am in fact here right now on a whim, following a calling. Bells are ringing in 7 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3,3,3 was a nine & then there was a 7? And today is 9/11? 7 calls from a Nigerian doctor, 67th Birthday of a Muslim in Egyptian on the 9th. 7 bells ringing on the 11th. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
9 in Roman with 7 bells calling on the 11th? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I'm lost & don't understand past this point. The couple lived in Reading & were divorced #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Are they targeting middle class generally? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Are they so thick they don't know who is making the money in the 1% of wealth? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've watched her & her crew for a few years, she's the most attention seeking liar ever. She makes a lot of stuff up in bragging, a lot about racism & being a hero #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One incident was a few years ago & she made an announcement on FB, she caught a girl red handed on the bus, making a screw face at someone wearing a hijab (she doesn't wear one herself) #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She saw it so it must be accurate, she laid into her & said "what are you looking at you RACIST?" And all her mates wrote "good on you ShayD." This woman stands up to no one on her own #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How is a screw face evidence of racism? She might not have been looking at her & where's her evidence she was doing it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She makes a living out of fear mongering & selling herself as a hero, so does her made Mr Ti2bs. It's how she keeps getting attention socially & selling her stuff, to get fans #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have told & warned the pair of them to stop it several times but they won't, they think it's really funny. Is it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Because it will start a civil war & they don't want to see what will happen to them by neo-nazi #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The pair of them are total liars & I have called them both every name under the sun & given every insult possible for this fear mongering. It will get innocent immigrants killed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At once point we were friendly, until I noticed the fear mongering & asked them to stop pushing hip hop. Worst thing to ask when they are addicted to the attention #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*at one point. They are recruiting constantly with hate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am convinced 9/11 was rigged & many terrorists are sponsored, to create wars & weapons sales, for a monopoly on oil & religion. But it sparks copy cats who are inspired #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A lot of them time they are not very smart, don't understand the situation clearly, want attention & it gets confusing when they kill #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Especially if they are of Middle Eastern origins & friends with African or Afro-Carribean. Ignorant on Arab slave trades still running & using Africans #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That is what confuses me the most #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's Iranian & this is who she's backing? Iran has a history of using African slaves too? She doesn't mention that? Only white… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does anyone know why anyone is blowing anyone up or cutting off their head? Unless it's for making a lot of money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This being rigged would be enough to start it in wars going for the next 10-20 years in weapons sales & loans for terrorism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I believe it's Romans in origins & dates as far back as this #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Back to Jerusalem #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Interesting programme on Princess Margaret tonight, Queen Elizabeth's sister, her husband was bisexual & fathered a child with his best friend's wife. The 3 of them were a couple? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He denied it flat as nonsense, but it turned out to be true? His daughter was raised as his friend's & didn't find out until 2004? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He is therefore bisexual & was the brother-in-law of the Queen & defender of the faith for the Church of England? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her sister thought he was gay at first, but married him knowing he was bisexual #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am referring mainly to the peodophile rings in Christianity & government being covered up #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Also the one at the BBC under a royal charter & how Monarchy works with Saudi Royalty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Seems to be connected to the violating of a corpse & selling it as a sensational logical excuse. When it's just a non fussy chimp raping a frog #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bonobo is the bisexual in breeding? Ngogo is the war monger & coloniser #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which doesn't explain the gorilla which I feel more connected to in origins & I'm straight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm also predominantly Celtic & considered a barbarian by Romans? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All I'm thinking again is immaculate conception was a total Roman lie. Metaphysics was banned & I was burnt as a witch for doing it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Metaphysics doesn't work in discovery without my female cycle in nature. If connects to sun, moon & planetary activity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Immaculate conception would hide that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Celts were Pagan #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't understand how I can hear things in instincts, apart from getting answers to my questions. But I know it would get me burnt as a witch by Romans #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When there is a big attack, such as the Paris one, it affects the stocks market. Asia first, then Europe & Middle Eastern.… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Asia? Russia is currently showing the world it's military capabilities with China as a partner. 2 big powerhouses? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So many connections buzzing through my head this morning in knowing what humans are like when they get into power & take a biased revenge or view to influence....called projecting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For example, The Queen, her sister married a bisexual & had children with him, he was also swinging somewhat in a 3'some with another man & woman, who were married & she conceived his child #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Queen is defender of the faith for a very influential branch of Christianity, the Church of England, which broke away from Rome so Henry VIII could get a divorce. Rome wouldn't give him one, he was Catholic. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When he started the Church of England, planned by Thomas Cromwell, relative of Oliver Cromwell, they destroyed monasteries, nunneries & most Catholic influence in Britain by order #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So we now see graveyards in Britain divided into burial datasets of Church of England or Catholic in many areas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How have gay rights significantly changed in Britain since Princess Margaret married a bisexual who kept his preferences & daughter conceived hidden? She wasn't conceived with much care, just sexual experimentation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yet at the same time Alun Turing was gay & given drugs to chemically castrate him for being gay after serving in the war? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*Alan Turing, then add another major branch of Christianity seperate from Rome & C of E, Russian Orthodox, they feel TOTALLY differently about homosexual activity? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have even read Russian women blog that British women turn men gay. Explain to me how Princess Margaret was more German & married someone she thought was gay, but was bisexual? She could marry anyone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She liked him because he was exciting & a photographer & could give her some meaning to her sad life. Her sister was Queen, how would she shine socially? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Back to all the themes of Shakespeare & the madness of Kings & Queens, how they influence everything with their personal games & insecurity in the firm. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't forget Prince Charles is the son of the Queen & nephew to a bisexual man, who married his Aunt, his mother's sister? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1 question connected to this, how come government will make us provide security for the Royal wedding, pay for it, cut budgets, but will invent loans for Saudi to combat terrorism?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Meghan Markle converted to the Church of England to marry Prince Harry?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her father-in-law will be known as defender of the faith & he walked her down the aisle. Her father is Irish/Dutch in Mexico? The ceremony was hosted by an absurd African American preacher on our TVs? Easily bribed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What's the biggest complaint from Biafrans about Christianity & the Royal Family being evil, Lucifer & corrupt? Most of them are Catholic, which is Rome? They are attacked by Muslims in Nigeria in another tribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
British government assists Hausa Fulani with army training to combat terrorism, not them, they are ignored by British Monarchy & government & they are Christian? Buhari comes over for medical tourism to London? He's Muslim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all ask me what I know? I knew nothing until I started researching it, I was groomed in lobbied education to be atheist in science & be Christian to sell Christmas. My job is to sell planned obsolescence & oil demand, tolerate everything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I found out I'm a relative of a regicide who was a puritan & fined for hersey, excommunicated & most of the regicides were assassinated by an Irish royalist mercenary, hired to kill them, under a false name? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am to salute & worship the Queen, pay taxes whenever told & ask no questions about her firm of authority or history taught. Tune into the BBC like a good slave & pay the license fee to watch it. Await my next orders to follow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Donate charity whenever asked & consider myself lucky #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Certainly not supposed to claim a Celtic identity, revert to becoming Pagan again or try & learn how metaphysics works. They thought they had already dealt with that by burning women as witches & putting heads on spikes? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How annoying when another weed comes up in questioning light about it's existence? Spoils the whole monoculture landscape #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1 crop in a Roman field, there is supposed to be NO biodiversity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How can the 1 crop idea go wrong? The hides are supposed to be mindless & follow all orders
What's wrong with the hide? They need drugs to see straight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't know what's wrong with me, my Aunt didn't marry a bisexual & have another child in a 3'some & deny it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She divorced a man who ran off with other women & remarried a very religious one, who has a sister who is a nun? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are Catholic & it took some convincing for his mother to sanction the marriage when they were both divorced? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She never really accepted her when divorced & one of her daughter's is a nun, she was always slightly looked down upon #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How does that compare to the Queen's family in charge of the Church of England? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One can give me fines for treason & draft me into war? Also make me pay security for her Grandson's wedding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Have you applied for the sales job yet? No, my diary commitments, housing situation & personal life is in such a state I don't know if I could promise I'll be reliable. Trying to fix that first #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not applying for anything if there are too many people in my personal life to support first in affecting my schedule. It will ruin a business if I'm unable to juggle it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I want a clear picture in my head of exactly what is happening in Britain & global trading before I put any effort into a career again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know all the technology which has failed & is designed to fail in the home in investment & business. My own investments are now streamlined to keeping a few things which work. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm also convinced someone or some people in government are being bribed to make policing fail, so America can come in & offer a private business take over it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Because it makes no sense that they would cut their budgets when we are in such a state of crime growing, plus offer loans to other countries to fight terrorism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Suspicious it might be Theresa May & her husband #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The company waiting for it to fall so low in standards to offer a pitch & solution? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would come in with guns & sales of them & change British laws, plus advanced AI #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They only have to change their name to something else in a rebrand, pitch again, who would know or question it's the same people? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A thing they usually seem to do & get away with #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have created a good offering in rule & divide, should African gangs grow any more in grooming, human trafficking, guns sales & drugs, definitely white would sign up for a gun & licence to use it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Carbon copy of America & police brutality & prisons to control it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then we are where? Metal detectors in schools & shootings? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Today's headlines are? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lol I laugh when I see someone unfollow, wait until they get stabbed for their phone. Tell them not to bother me when no police come, nor an ambulance. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Definitely don't bother me if their kid gets stabbed in school for carrying theirs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not listening to anyone ignoring it or my kid's father, I'm pulling my kids out of school mixing with all classes. They are going into specialist ones I choose offering protection #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ones very hard to get into with grooming or claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know the plans of mothers wanting to escape grooming in high knife, gun & drugs crime areas. Move to a nicer one, they'll follow them there. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That is not a plan & it will solve nothing, only spread the social disease in Britain. Keep it away from me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Conservative Asian parents are already pulling their kids out, they are the ones who are usually good in business #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm only listening to them saying nothing whilst they do it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll end up segregated & deported with no help left & no one wanting to touch it anymore. They are moving out of high African into high white areas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Now they want to come & live with me in civilised & claim racism? No thanks, it's loaded #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I have to pick my own gangsters for protection I will, they'll all be British & ex-army in some kind of private co-operative #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are the only ones with experience to handle this growing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's this, totally ignored & growing like it's not even there & another request comes in. To add to the pressure. "Can you put the children on a train through London on Friday evening to come to me?" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Less than 2 days notice, no confirmation of any contributions this month or the mortgage being paid, or a job secured when made redundant. "we're having an ash scattering ceremony for my mother". She already had a funeral & wake #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I paid for the outfits at short notice, he was going to send to in school uniform. He's being typical in British behaviour right now, ignoring the main issues & demanding even more when doing nothing. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cut off point on it, it will have to take itself off & become absorbed into poverty & the divide between rich & poor. Middle class has to focus on securing money & security for itself. No more freebie favours or demands #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*was going to send them. Children are being neglected & left to suffer in awful conditions & ignored. I'm taking mine out & cutting off what's not keeping up with important issues #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Makes it even worse when the parents deny it's happening & are not concerned at all, leave it to the professionals. Those professionals are not getting paid enough, working constant overtime & are even called when on holiday? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are human beings & it's absurd to expect them to cope with that, they won't & government doesn't care #opendata #smartcitiea #bigdata #ai
It's a policing in collapse, connected to education suffering from having funds stolen & no maintenance put in. With gangs expanding in grooming & 11 year olds arrested for dealing drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not just anywhere, Hampshire, my county. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This couple given life sentences were from Berkshire #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Chemical attack in Salisbury was Wiltshire, next county on from Hampshire, haven't even checked Dorset #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stabbed in a pub toilet on a Sunday for declining to buy drugs?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take it the traditional Sunday roast is off the menu, it's now a line of Charlie instead or bag of Spice by force? Or a fucking blade in the gut for no sale #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He didn't get a sale out of me either, didn't get a blade in the gut, just the tag of "racist" & all my details put on line of where to find me. He can be found in Finsbury Park, he doesn't realise he has a lot of drug sales competition #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If you don't accept his sale, he'll make sure he tries to punish you. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who's ready for a neo-nazi riot on the rampage killing? Getting closer...... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Women will be raped in return as a payback for attacking white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll be Muslim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll enjoy making them pay so much, it always goes for women when civil war starts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll also go for black #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Neo-nazi doesn't do gang, it does organised army & it will get funding & it will go town to town destroying everything in it's path... growing in size & strength #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People will fly in to join it & release all their anger #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Americans will be over in a shot to fuel it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The proper crusaders & evangelists #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They train their entire lives for such a moment & have been waiting for it to happen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Target practice & then the for real #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I predict a civil war & Americans coming home to claim back their land as white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They still see the UK as their own land in roots & Europe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their ancestry, they won't let it go #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As much as they love America they love their ancestry #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That pain is going to make them blow & the bribes will have a blowback in resentment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the lies, the lack of justice, the constant triggering of fear, the drugs & faking it to hide it. They will blow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The promise of make America great again is based on the good old days of Europe in culture, if Europe disappears to drugs & crime it will pop their favourite story bubble of history & myth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's their story & their bubble, their history, doesn't belong to anyone else in roots #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In the past week I've seen 2 American cars imported & driven around Hampshire, with an American flag carefully displayed on the back shelf. I thought something when I saw the men. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have been to the new world & America is what I created, but I'm home, showing what I made. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Both those cars were driven by white Americans & they drove them around England like it was their own. It is. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They don't look any different from the farmers in Hampshire #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What are they doing in those cars cruising? Looking at the original fields? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's the same drive I go on in my banger to find myself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Land is land & it's beautiful wherever it is in nature, but people who destroy its beauty will always find themselves at war if they have no peace #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I really do like the idea of co-operative security as developed liberal progress.… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What will Americans do if those nuclear reactors leak along the coast? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fuck this shit, you're all on your own. Good luck when you're kids get stabbed or on drugs or you encounter someone in your face wanting money for some. No police there to save you #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russia & China have already won, Europe is sunk, so is America. Africa is destroyed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*your kids, I'll even correct the typo #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Middle East is going to be blown to dust & so are Africans for doing nothing but getting in the way with their shit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Preaching & racism, it's not worth shit to China or Asia, they are athiest or have suffered in slavery themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Get in the real world? Already there, it has a hit list of useful fucks or threats to kill when we are down to such levels in civilisation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Reform? The biggest power with army won't bother, it's tired of not winning & tired of this pointless culture shit that doesn't do anything but go down #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
China has a point, Islam has become a disease in terrorism & bribes, hoarding wealth & blowing it on watches, hair implants, teeth, cars & narcissism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Indians can remain spiritual & keep their mouth shut & work, they will prosper with brains #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They always go where the work is & can adapt to any culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Smart when conservative & retain their culture quietly anywhere #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Europeans have become boot lickers & drug addicts, they'll blow & lose everything in war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never back a culture so easily taken over by drugs, they'll disappear into their own hole of shit & weakness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are too close to African in weakness now, since letting them rise off their success. Middle East has nothing without Europe consuming or educating them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Middle East is sunk against China being atheist & not taking their crap, they don't need them , only Russia #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America has NOTHING without Europe or all the history of it in culture. They fall to a zero without it against Russia & China #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one will watch them on TV #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Canada the abused friend, Canada could have been as big as America in power #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Canada is bigger than America & Russia even bigger. Russia only has to claim Canada #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain has done NOTHING with Canada & neither has the Queen. Britain has a collapse & is falling to drugs & crime & invested constantly in Africa failing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America can brag, but Canada is bigger & hasn't done all the war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can have a go at all white culture because I am white & made up of it all, it's destroying itself & doing nothing to stop it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Middle East has blown itself up & destroyed itself over religion & oil, with assistance from white. It's just as sunk as white is. The pair have destroyed each other #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My two main issues in culture are Middle Eastern & African with white falling into drugs & crime, doing nothing to stop it. We've only poured money into Africa failing & blowing the Middle East up. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Put us in a dataset of 3 losers, Russia is seperate & can call all the shots in white culture & choose China over all of us. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not overcrowded & sinking in their own self-made shit, they have survived & grown under pressure & isolation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We have no excuses for the state of our civilisations, we've had all the money & opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Capitalism is not an excuse, it's a reason for the cause & a sinking model we're too weak to quit in addiction & failure dictating #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not staying married to drug addicts passing it on to their children, it only loops & they rarely get themselves straight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Europe & America are now a culture of junkies under African influence & sinking as fast as them into crime. With the Middle East blowing itself up in the middle of it all. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Raiding the European bank account & putting nothing back in, it's down to pennies & the quality of stock is on drugs as a herd in wasted #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It will bring more pain to Americans then anyone else, they've had the most in opportunity #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their root in culture is dying, it is connected to them. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When their new shoots in culture are selling drugs at age 11 in the most affluent areas in England, their culture & roots are dying & won't come back. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The weeds are taking over the garden & strangling the whole yield #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not any weeds, it's the drugged ones coming up stronger as the main yield & crop to sell, it's poison #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The gardeners could be seen as police trying to control it, they are walking away from it all overgrown #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are stronger gardens who have tended their beds better, even if polluted their herd is still good & stronger. They will have a better harvest #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have saved their seeds with more care #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The others have poured theirs into a machine in mass production, scattered it & drugged it to grow. Totally ruined the crop & soil #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Amateurs in civilisation, BULLSHIT farmers who are morons in harvesting long term #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The pure science yield #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gives no notice when it's work is all sunk, hands it over & says "failure in experimentation, more funding needed to fix it". There isn't any left without creativity & innovation or good relation skills #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Won't say sorry, have so reason, just excuses & I need fucking help. No one helps a loser who had it all & bragged #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*no reason, they'll only be judged on their garden yield & it's a total mess, beyond repair & needing too much investment. The weeds in it strangle other gardens. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I married that pure science charming loser, tells me the day before he's due to contribute, I have no money for our seeds. But I've banked an organic garden & slave to feed myself? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm weak, I need you to keep helping me, I can't think of you & all the damage I've caused dictating. Fuck off, you're sunk & finished & had it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have saved my seeds & can plant them anywhere with the knowledge I've banked #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I qualified myself in the organic & land management, I can move & don't need to ask for help #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am taking my new shoots out before the drugged weeds come in to strangle them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A self rated pure science dictator can drop to zero overnight & gives no warning. Pulls anything not diseased in to be strangled, trying to pull it out. Doesn't look at stronger gardens #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Puts itself in a tiny organic patch, deluded the drugged weeds won't come in & strangle it. Has no protection #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've been warning him about that for years #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Warning my mother too, pouring chemicals & drugs on her garden for years in investment. It's overgrown & in a right state now, she needs drugs injected in her eyes to see. She doesn't care for seeds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She needs a constant yield to keep buying those drugs for an addicted garden or bribed growth #opemdata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She can't get access to the bribes without war to buy them. War, drugs & bribes are strangling each other for growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's what happens to desperate addicts when they need another hit in their capitalist model #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They bribed the weakest seeds to grow, they are now overgrown drugged weeds strangling, ruining the whole crop. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Coming up to light in the whole garden, strangling all the crops. The weeds are there in biodiversity drugged & diseased & aggressive for growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pure science coming up as the yield in drugs, culture being destroyed quickly in the network of growth & application #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where is pure science with a social solution? Asking for more funding & help. Cultures which have been conservative & saved their seeds are stronger #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take one look at Europe & America in relation to the Middle East & Africa, no one is going to invest more now, we had it all & look wasted & overgrown in crime & disease #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In terms of land & hides we don't have that much between us. What we had we've destroyed. It only grows on bribes in addiction & crime #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're seen as a disease spreading to other gardens which are bigger & developed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The kind of stupidity I'd expect out of Africa when schools have been burnt down. No excuses for Britain when we educated the world with a language #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We've had that stupidity fly in & plants roots, it's a fucking social disease which strangles growth in culture & crime & drugs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Middle East joins it in seed spreading when it plants morons everywhere who need slaves to serve them. It leaves abaondoned seeds everywhere #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*abandoned, the most irresponsible farmers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Blows up its most responsible & caring farmers, turns them into soldiers, forces them onto capitalist sin & drug addictions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
African is learning to plant seeds in grooming with violence & drugs, Middle Eastern how to grow & plant bombs, it's all coming into my garden in Britain. It's a disease in the West, with pain killers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Biodiversity is infected with it all & growing up before light strangling everything in madness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pure science worship, they have no God in their souls #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all worship a cult of God delusion & plant with it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They will pay the highest price for that worship #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They all accept the bribes in weakness & are addicted to them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Those bribes know the power of them on the most stupid levels, if you don't accept they will now stab you to take them in for addiction. An encounter with the devil possessed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The only thing they are cutting out in temptation is the sale of free will #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The sale is the developed mind in language & temptation, a stab is a moron who didn't get a conversion fast enough to profit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Too thick to even invent an advert or brochure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Goes for an army of sales in intimidation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Undercutting pharmaceuticals in pure science sales, going in for a faster one on a street level & no need for an ad or brochure, yet or no, you're having it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*yes or no, money now, I'll be back for the repeat prescription, until you're dead taking them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If it's starting at age 11, they'll be dead by 20 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not even old enough to earn until age 16 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Write those fucking trillions of debt being paid off by the future now in the capitalist model #opendata #smartcities #bigdats #ai
They have an error in accounting if they can't calculate fucked in ability to earn by age 16 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The street army of pure science sales is growing faster than the time it takes the educated one to grow #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't any of these gangsters have accountants? Maybe I do have Jewish in me after all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not a Roman nose I've got it's a Jewish one in reviewing the situation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And it's Welsh & came from Moses #opendata #smartcitiea #bigdata #ai
A Celtic barbarian with a Jewish nose, add that to Egyptian from my father #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Easily sniffs bankruptcy & social disease rising #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When the air says it's time to abandon Germany & America #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain is diseased with both in weeds drugged & strangling #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russia will win this round with China #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Leaving team GB & not saying a word. The smartest in business #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I see them leaving the schools #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lose them & Britain is bankrupt, stuck with Idi Amin's wives & 43 children & the Middle East learning how to grow bombs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not racism, he is suspected of having that many kids & he was definitely bribed by capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Better shout louder than that #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He should know only too well how taking the bribe works out in losing everything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something more stupid copies the model & tries it for itself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gets a taste for the power & believes it can play God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Won't stop until it loses everything & then it's learnt it's not God after all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The story of Africa & the Middle East, with Britain assisting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Even our language has been destroyed down to a base of limited expressions & phonetic groans as communication #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Racism a subscription payment, until the bank runs out of funds. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Join it then & see how well it gets paid by the rest of the world in trading #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's labelled a disease #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm supposed to write the brochure to keep getting developed investment? Not a chance, there's nothing to write about, it would only be blown on crime #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stress me some more why not with the madness of pure science investment. What does age do now with security? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Blows it on IVF at 50 & has quads, doesn't save it for retirement. It's not a white man's world black can profit from. It looks evil conceiving & the Middle East will want to blow it up. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are burying their kids in the Middle East & white is fucking showing off conceiving quads with science at age 50 as the future? I am to be enslaved to pay for that? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Thick & white is blowing investment in a fucking baby factory it can't afford to raise or afford security for #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She spent her inheritance on it at age 50! It's for retirement, not to delude yourself you're 20 again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
4 spaces that's gonna need in a school & she's not even on the same wave length as my generation, she's on the same as my mum! My mum is 76 & buried her husband already #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No way are my kids sharing a classroom with that & no way am I paying for it when younger. Her investment was in modern slavery to take care of them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
People my age haven't even moved out of home & are not having kids, because they are too responsible if they can't afford to pay for them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are watching children blown up in Syria, refugees everywhere & then they have to see that & know they will have to educate & pay for it thrown into the system #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In the middle of a fucking housing crisis & it throws in another 4 kids as a pregnant grandmother with science assisting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That should be illegal to do that to my generation on grounds of human rights. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fraud & slavery in making them pay to raise them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The NHS is overcrowded, so are schools, policing is in collapse, refugees are waiting for a home in camps & that throws in 4 more with it's retirement money #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's actually broken all the calculations for the system of taxes by doing that & pensions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Science assisting it actually broke all its own laws of physics algorithms by taking £7000 & increasing debt with chaos #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What's wrong with my generation? Fucking nothing, what wrong with the one before it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fibonacci in rabbits is causing all the failure with IVF purchases & the generation gap is paying the price of the debt for science playing God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Middle East will see that as pure evil & I can't argue with them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I certainly won't ask Indians to stay & enslave themselves to care, pay for & put up with it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They were expecting better from us & a better way of life, that's why they came with skills #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's supposed to be grandparents helping my generation with childcare & financial assistance when near financial crisis. Not blowing all they have on an ego trip to be young & burden us more #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They aren't supposed to inform their kids & grandchildren they are pregnant & expect a baby shower or hand-me-downs for them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
By the way I'm having 4, beat that as a woman in nature. How clever science is. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I should be giving it a golden clock for retirement, not having to factor in 4 more spaces in a classroom #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't tell me I'm dyslexic & backwards when science is reversing the natural cycle in madness & fractals spilling out debt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It has reversed all the conversations to sound like madness socially with finance & support #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's totally fucked up seed saving & propagation of the seed in farming & managing herds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A world of humans can't cope with it playing God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll have to tell skills to go & save themselves from the madness & God delusion. The responsible thing to do #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Best plan in the world, tell them you'll be gone 3 homes & don't bloody come back. Pick somewhere with no benefits system #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*3 months, picks the hardest place to survive if you don't have skills #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How to escape slavery & leave it to it's own failing devices. Already working on my plan out of here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone with skills go there & build a community, make it impossible to get in #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Build it faster than anyone in 3D printing & breed in freedom with intelligence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Write off paying for the sewer & invest all you can get in a new land of opportunity. Invest in that new technology, quietly. Don't brag #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pick a land with little history of war or slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Work out where I'm plotting in white company in need of nice friends #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rice in resources, massive & already belongs to white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It is the New World for us, we can move & expand there #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We can offer India a place too & a better way of life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Take all the best bits from Britain & Europe & plant them somewhere else, only much, much bigger & quiet #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*rice in resources? Rich in resources, can be very cold, but a lot can grow there in warmth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What it offers is space when we are running out & the system is a total write off in Britain. It has the basics of a British system & divide which can be healed with French #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All it needs is that French touch to polish the idea in freedom #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Permaculture has a new home, I've been there before & loved it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll give the rough idea in freedom, give it to France to make it a superior culture in art #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wonder if France can see the opportunity of a brave New World I see? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No need to invade me this time & teach me culture, I can already see what can give style to my new ideas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bigger than France & bigger than Britain, just waiting for a bit of imagination & hides in Republic tastes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Call it seed saving in culture & somewhere to plant freedom & new ideas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What have we learnt in 2000 years of our cultures about invading & war? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Avoid Rome, the madness of kings & queens & religion #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yes, I want to negotiate my own deal with France, outside of the EU, America & Africa #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We are a winning team in rough engineering & style applied as culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can provide the rough in grafting, I only need the style & superior taste & management #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can hear the sound in 3D printing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Add French to a Celtic barbarian with a Jewish nose & father with roots in Egypt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I really am more than disgusted by science & the influence of capitalism. Walking out of Britain after this & not giving anything in taxes to parasites feasting… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are not creating jobs they are creating slavery all over again, only using mega farming in approach. They have destroyed humanity with pure science & funding. SO thick & deluded #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Antidepressants? Are there kidding? They are drugging everyone not to notice them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*are they kidding. I hope they burn in hell or people hire mercenaries to kill them for their work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They really groom innocent children in education to work for them in brainwashing via lobbying? No wonder I never trusted compulsory education in instincts & truanted. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Always felt someone was fucking with my head from afar & laughing at my innocence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Turns out that feeling was right, government sells us off in pimping to the highest bidder & our parents were too dumb to notice. 1 of mine wasn't dumb, just drunk, blinding himself to it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My best social insights for science is that I married their favourite pet in school. The grade A student, the loyal atheist, who spends all his time & money following the cult. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He punished me so bad for not following in emotional domestic abuse, blamed me every time it failed. Accused me of having disorders, tried to put me on drugs. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Was a time I'd do anything for him, now I laugh if he even thinks I feel anything towards him but pity for being a loser & thick slave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
98% for physics without even trying, I enjoyed squandering my gift & watching Oxford students try so hard to impress their lecturers & entertain me. Never finished a book until 18, they were all boring #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most could be read in 10 minutes to get the gist & throw the rest of it away as bullshit not needed, apart from Shakespeare #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
About the only writer pure science doesn't truly understand #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I suggest all indigenous & skilled & all newcomers & skilled leave Britain & leave for the New World. There are enough scrounging parasites here to work & pay taxes for the elderly. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This time my family won't be sponsoring spaces to the Old World of capitalism & Christianity is still beyond reform, atheist science is beyond humanity, God & sane. The new one is permaculture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's time the family finally left #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Reasons for leaving in a dataset
1) Monarchy
2) Capitalism slavery
3) Athiest science
4) Britain's involvement with the Middle East
5) African racism claims & gang culture
6) Parasites leeching off modern slavery
7) Total disgust
#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I wanted slaves I'd at least pick talented ones & pay them a fair wage. I can pick good slaves & tell them where freedom is, leaving the crap ones behind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The good ones work in technology with an interest in freedom & permaculture, they never make a racist claim or ask for anything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not a chance in hell would my family ever buy crap slaves who are useless, they spell bankruptcy for any economy & debt & misery for the future. Elites enslaved the educated & skilled to manage them. They can piss off this time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I know who sponsors the baby factory & that really is as thick & evil as hell #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Romans breeding again, demanding a wet nurse or governess #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's how they keep Celts enslaved & try & shame us that it's our fault. BULLSHIT they NEVER turn a profit & every empire crumbles #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are also a fucking disgrace when they create a child in a 3'some swinging & enforce education that it's normal. They can't keep their dick in their trousers or knickers on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same pious bastards run religion under divine rights of kings, I pity any Brit who follows & supports them in taxes & loyalty #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They hate families like mine who look down on them, it's why they fined us for heresy & took all our land & wealth away. Fuck Britain for that injustice & may they enjoy their sinking shit pit when we are gone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The new architecture is vile in taste by the way & a mockery in investment. It's been the same & forced for over 100 years of misery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Prince Charles likes it that way & asks at top level it remain in keeping with that style #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But then he does fancy Camilla over Diana? He obviously goes for a cheap car crash in design, the back end of a bus in tempting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The Queen only likes Markle because she reminds her of her sister. Willing to do anything to socially climb & calls it exciting #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Revolting licentious chavs the lot of them in benefits fraud #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Katie Price would have more class as Queen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At least she's an honest tart #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And at least she can turn a profit out of Britain! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pays for her own weddings, kids & security too....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's only selling herself cheap, that is her biggest mistake #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Had a best friend like her at school, she was exactly the same in insecurity & rebellion. Wanted to be a vet, did porn instead, lost all respect for her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Had to be the prettiest girl getting attention, it's not sexy, it's cheap #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The mad Italian looking one became my best friend after, the most interesting, wild & beautiful, scholar of arts. She is art as beauty, the one the men all notice & wears style #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Always honest & blunt with me, we fight a lot, don't respect anyone more. Bought a keyring when we were 16 in irony & wit from the Christian bookshop & she's not religious, more Pagan #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everything she eats or drinks is organic, the keyring was a can of Coca-Cola with the words changed to "Jesus Christ, he's the real thing". Never loved anyone more #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He was a beloved prophet, it's the way she mocks the cheap merchandise in his name for capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Doesn't the Vatican now accept sponsorship from McDonalds? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Her father was a scientist & her mother an artist & antiques dealer, they created the perfect balanced child for me to play with in the New World #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're both the same age & single mothers, I wonder why? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe it's because we don't swing & drop our knickers fast for a 3'some? We read books instead & don't do cupcakes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might that be why some women are covered up & banned from reading books? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe we were the kind of women in the Arab slave trade? ... along with Indian #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Also the ones Romans burnt alive as witches #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's our fathers they hate for being successful in business #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Kill the father or marry the daughter?" Maka Agu gave them all away in putting out his thinking #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm something he tried to cover up for noticing where his hate lies in racism claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Didn't think I'd be smart enough to read that or notice what it means in glorifying stupid women who are cheerleaders & clap like seals in white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their fathers will be too stupid to notice anything #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A smart African proud father would never give his daughter over to him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can pick one who wouldn't & he wouldn't mess with him, because he's a coward #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not sure his father was a tyrant or all the propaganda is true, I'd read his book if he wrote one #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's the only African man I've noticed who has learnt anything & has anything worth listening to #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He has studied tribes in detail & worked out why they feud so easily in African culture. I'd rate him as an expert on cultural anthropology for the New World #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He obviously has a conscience, he can't be that bad, which is more than I can say for racism claims who worship atheist science & capitalism. He's not his father #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Paying for forefather sins, he makes a good point about useless titles. Whatever happened to all being born pure? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why hasn't the BBC interviewed him & explained why all the charity fails? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And why was it German & Palestinian terrorists with AirFRANCE? Queen Elizabeth is more German than British & related to Hitler, she changed her surname after WW2 to Windsor #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Germany wasn't formed until 1815 after the 'Holy' Roman Empire collapse? That's not in the timing of slave trades profiting as a country #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't think I've ever seen any news on British TV about Germany or France's army movements? But we are all part of an EU or were #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Recruiting under 18's to boost numbers? They'll be less likely to know what they are signing up for… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A mathematician? Why does that smack of Alan Turing being tortured via chemical castration after serving for Britain in WW2 & Einstein being cut out of retracting his work?… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Communism & Russian Orthodox church as a threat in empires #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Communism doesn't do Monarchy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Monarchy does rule & divide in maths, with capitalism & slavery #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Physicists are good at working out hands played in poker, monopoly is too simple a game #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maths & politics is always Russian roulette in playing poker on a win/lose in war #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Russian roulette plays with chaos & China likes gambling? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Pick a hand to play poker with in science, I'll go with the one believing in & not playing God. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But Buddhists like gambling & believe you make your own luck? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A game of skill, strategy & chance? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Science delusion is mind fuckery, metaphysics is the real thing without a Jesus Christ miracle birth. There is such a thing as born blessed in vision & hearing. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Merlin was a fraud in magic & witchcraft, because he wasn't a woman with a built-in cycle. That's the only way to hear & feel the planets move, when you don't have a giant telescope to work it out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I knew the stars were sheet music for engineering, it's what they look like in reverse of holes punched. They light up to play a new song #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When they light up in sequence that is the music & the God Particle replying in chaos, "everything is connected don't you see" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not alien signals, it's the music of the universe connected by energy & light talking, the study of it is called quadrivium, the field metaphysics, with all 4 branches… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are probably some aliens out there, but they don't make suns flash & vibrate, that is only the power of a God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stars are suns are they not? Suns vibrate #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Music when it all plays together & you can see it at speed in bigger picture & hearing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Stop at Saturn when converted to sound, bloody evil #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Saturn's moon sounds possessed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The devil composed it & he is evil, a convicted peodophile, the bribed one worshipping capitalism sang it out of tune #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Him singing it himself & grooming children at the same time, with Jimmy Savile at the beginning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He even lists all the bribes & drugs for capitalism? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Arms that can only lift a spoon" sick perv, he knows he's preying on innocent children #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
First card played in science politics poker, 7 of diamonds, the meaning? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
7 - Soldiers groomed, as young as 7 years old. They are not old enough to know what they are being forced to participate in. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tony Blair, Faith Foundation, British Prime Minister at the time. After leaving he branched into selling religious insights globally… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Nigerian army, involved in that civil war - <CONNECTED> to Tony Blair & faith & insights sales… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cherie Blair, wife of Tony Blair, barrister, today? On the board of directors for Dangote Cement… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Dangote, Nigerian billionaire? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Music & stupidity? I can hear bribes & something coming from the West #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bloody hypocrite, with a white stupid wife who worships capitalism & atheist science #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Are there diamonds in that gold dummy? I sold my diamond engagement ring to fund my independent research & book library… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The only talent is her & he's stealing her sound & spitting crap over it for a capitalist ride #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
After all the abuse I've taken for proving this over & over again & the racist claims still keep beating, I can't wait to leave team GB with my seeds & never return to hell on earth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll go somewhere where American media is banned from being advertised #opendata #smartciities #bigdata #ai
Atlanticism failed, on epic record levels #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
French art sounds better & so does the New World in hearing it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
F this shite driving media & technology in trade deals #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And the golden nugget, yeah... because Asians are treated so well in Britain & are not enslaved to patch up gang crime flooding in to the NHS? Idi Amin's wives & children were living in N London in exile? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Didn't she sleep with Corbyn to get her place in goverment? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hurrah for swingers in a knicker drop, caught pants down as always… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm craving something remote & quiet in space on Earth.... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*government, there's a new community out there to be grown in seed saving, I'm sure of it. There are explorers also in my family name... #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yep, close to my father's name, looks like my dad too, the itch to travel has come #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Sir Lancelot has also been telling me he wants to go home to his roots & catch fish. He has no space to run in England, he needs to be a man as dog #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His sister is desperate in Saluki in the crossbreed to get off the lead & show how fast and can go. They both dream of an adventure in freedom #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*how fast she can go, there's no where left in space in England for me to let them be free #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I feel so cruel keeping them locked indoors & think the dressing up of animals up from America is total insane abuse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*the dressing up of animals in outfits, they are not children, they are dogs with a spirit of their own #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And how tragic India is in observation of capitalism in culture. The cow was once sacred, now they are milking humans for blood in slavery to sell to science? It has to end. #opendata #smartcities bigdata #ai
Obviously the British compulsory education hasn't worked on me in absolute. My mother asks as a teacher "would you rather we go back to working in the fields?" Actually yes, you are driving me to them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only I'm smart enough to take a 3D printer with me & see what it can do without human slaves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can take the technology out in wireless & mobile & plant it in the open field to survive #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I can do it whilst walking my dogs, they can even pull a sledge if necessary to avoid wars over oil. The girl can still have puppies, easy to find her a mate in breeding. Won't be her brother #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Saluki & Labrador, how would it breed with Husky for speed & endurance? I like the wolf eyes, speed & emotional intelligence of guide dogs for the blind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have 2 seeds in Saluki/Lab/Collie, mainly Labrador. Sister & brother from the litter, sister the first & boy the runt? A bit of data farming to start with in New World #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The boy exceptionally smart & intuitive, the girl exceptionally fast & talented in jumping high to catch birds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Currently they are 3 1/2 years old, one more year, with space & time I'd like to experiment in breeding them. See what difference open space makes in survival & happiness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A more humanitarian type of science in an open field of study, one with ethics at the heart #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Athiest science is sunk & Darwin wasn't even right about evolution, mutationism is the correct theory. He has all the answers to Africa in being an expert on cultural anthropology #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe his father did have visions, because I had a dream he was the right man for the job in leadership? Only weak to bribes, as many Africans are. Religion has failed to solve this #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Deep philosophy & observation solves it by working on how to disconnect from the ego #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've spent 5 years working on disconnecting from shame & bribes in deep thought #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Had a lifetime of observing my father go from hero to weakened alcoholic blinding himself from pain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All he ever got was shaming for being drunk, people forget all his triumphs, but I never do. He had sober moments of genius too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He taught me to swim by age 4 in only 3 hours of tuition in a pool #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I taught my kids in less than 2? Spent nothing on swimming lessons #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most parents spend a fortune in Britain on swimming lessons & it takes months or even years for their kids to learn? The instructors don't do 1 on 1 in the pool #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The logic again & insurance worries, fails in absolute. I could see where my son was failing in energy & a weak kick #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Power of my voice & commands in pushing, only took 2 hours to fix it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Learnt that from my father, he was a very imposing man #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He doesn't scare me at all, he's about the same in imposing as my father was #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Try dealing with that power when it's drunk, I could reason with it from age 8 & not very tall #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd always say something which would stop it in it's tracks of rage #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The gorilla not chimp in origins, very misunderstood #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As I'm dyslexic I can understand it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't mock the gorilla on being honest & deep, very emotionally intelligent creature #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Similar to a Labrador in use as a guide dog to the blind when trained #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He has good vision. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can see why Brits bribed his father #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Imposing, intelligent & can carry clout in Africa #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
British corruption always sets them up to blame #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Too many village fools to promote as thick in Africa for following. It's the same in British & white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Is it hard for me to find one who'll drop her knickers in Britain for white? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hersey fine sweetie for racism if I point that I don't know? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I only want to know how much she got for dropping her knickers in male attention she'd struggle to get in black or white? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No African Queen of beauty or intelligence... I've seen the competition & it's fierce #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Imposing also, when stood next too at school #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*to, I can spot a Queen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Boss woman queen #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not gay, but I know which I'd choose as a man #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
God, is this how it was for my father? I say my plans when I've worked them out, now my mum has bought a book on where I want to go & is super positive & hinting she wants to come too? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Ah, memories of the good old days in the 70s, living there with my father & the perks of his engineering career? It's ok if I'm just like him now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yesterday I'm a loser in shaming, today the sun shines out of my ass? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wow, how it feels to be the daughter of a man no longer here #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I come with kids, dogs, energy, life & a foul temper, Mrs uninspired doesn't have a life without me. She even said "life is never boring with you around"? #opendats #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's because I like gambling & adventure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My kids have gone to their father's for this ashes scattering of his mother, even though she had a funeral & wake. Really it means little to him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He got the train down after an interview to meet them from school, because I said they're not traveling 2 hours on their own on a Friday night with drunks & druggies #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Turns up, me organising everything, him texting on his phone like a big kid ignoring me. Get a grip, I'm moving thousands of miles away, bore fest #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The more I see him the more I'm glad we're divorced #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He ignores everything I say about the kids & life, I don't know why he has so much to say in urgency to other people in front of me, I never see him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not like he has an income currently or a job #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If it's his girlfriend don't they get enough time together at home & why does he need to see the kids? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm never on Twitter when I'm with him & our kids #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't ever want to get sucked into his sad limited little life again, he's going no where. All his friends are from the same sad little town we went to school in. Only the GF is new in 2 hours away #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's no different from when we were married #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The only good thing I have to say about my mum is she has no fear of adventure in world travel #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She can have bags packed in 24 hours & be ready to go #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There are some benefits to her delusion & lack of fear #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Always on holiday, she does like to travel #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Self determined to remain independent, I can see why my dad married her #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Really is a love hate relationship #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A list of what a grade A student from school ignores as an atheist at over 40
1) Policing in collapse
2) Gang crime
3) Biafrans protesting
4) Financial crisis reasons
5) Pollution
6) Wars
7) Homeless soldiers
8) Food security
#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
9) Green spaces disappearing
10) Drugs being sold by 11 year olds in the same county
11) Too many immigrants suddenly appearing
12) Human trafficking less than 40 miles away
13) A country becoming divided
14) I can't fix it
#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Basically nothing is his problem & he has too many problems of his own to take care of. Yeah, he has it real tough.
#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's not connected to anything in the list & he doesn't rely on it being in good order? He pays taxes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Someone else will fix it, because that's what taxes are for. Those taxes go on policing & they cut the budget on how they are spent? So how can they do their job & survive? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where does he think his phone comes from in raw materials or how it is made? There's not a magic vending machine they come out of #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gang crime wants his phone to sell to middle class wanting it in Nigeria, that's something Biafrans are protesting about in London in connection. Gang crime wants to buy drugs & guns #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He wanted me to put 2 kids under 14 on a train at peak times in vulnerability through it all, in a policing collapse? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
.... on their own for 2 hours! They are not streetwise kids like I was at their age. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are also not traveling through England anymore, they are travelling through what walks the streets in Nigeria & lands directly on theirs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not only Nigeria, all over the world, arriving in London. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's landing in a policing in collapse advertised in our media? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anyone want to work out what the law of attraction is on us saying that to the world? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bit like putting pictures up of your house on FB with all the lovely goods in it, plus the address & saying you're going on holiday & left the window open & forgot. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not sure if anyone's noticed but houses with nice things in them in Nigeria have bars over the windows #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might be something to do with policing budgets disappearing? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How does the demise start? Has Nigeria easily climbed out of it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the new houses they are building for a housing crisis in a policing in collapse, I notice they forgot to put bars on the windows, as the prisons are also in crisis #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They haven't invested in prisons & the bars on them are starting to be kicked down to freedom in roaming #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
This is happening at a time when our population is soaring with new visitors wanting opportunity? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are advertising how weak we really are #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Advertise we have the tightest security in the world with the hardest penalties on crime, it wouldn't be happening #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I won't be advertising my kids are stupid & alone in going through it, they won't be #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Their father was mugged within 24 hours of arriving in KL when younger. He was coshed on the head with a motorbike helmet in wandering alone. Obviously didn't knock any sense into him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Reckon the gang watching him thought you look big & dumb. I wouldn't disagree #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They weren't white either, they were Chinese Malaysian. I'm white & the other half of him in culture, odd we both think the same? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Often I've felt like picking up a motorbike helmet when he ignores me & taking his money. No need for a conversation #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And I was his wife!?! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It would be the fastest way of getting maintenance money out of him for his kids #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yesterday I saw the opportunity when he was busy ignoring me & texting on his phone #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only I wouldn't do it myself after studying crime, is it time to hire a cheap mercenary? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In his mind now he's tall & a man, I'm a short woman in comparison & not worth listening to as a mother. I can extend my arm with a helmet & still cosh him on the head with force #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have twice the energy of him & rage, I can smack a golf ball twice as far #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Height doesn't alter the quality of the brain, only logic does #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To himself, tall & charming, to someone else, big & dumb with a wallet #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Science delusion strikes again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All the best logic in the world about other people, factor in who has poison poured into their mind daily in a domestic setting. Demand they tolerate everything? Bang #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Often it's within their own family network & then others demand they give more to others when they are not complaining about their own abuse? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How stupid & deluded the British are in not even noticing other people in their culture or country. Do they think police don't have issues at home themselves? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I could fake a news piece & post it on the BBC, I know the British would buy it. That's how stupid they are & elites know it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's run under a royal charter & they pay a licence to watch it, so of course it holds value & trust? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Elites know all about crime & where to hire a cheap mercenary. I could hire one to get my child maintenance & look shocked it happened, laugh to myself about getting what I want? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Obviously I wouldn't or I wouldn't have shared how easily it could be done #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My ex should be shocked at the intelligence he ignores & declares knows nothing. It's not like I hide it from him #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One question about global trading, how much is America going to put in for insurance claims after these natural disasters? How will that impact the quality of living in the UK? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A World Trade Centre, but America does the best out of it & has the highest overheads because of the scale of disaster on land? #opendata #smarticities #bigdata #ai
How much tarmac does 1 road need in America compared to the size of a small one in Britain? The scale & amount of people who access it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't want to be connected to it in a system of trading if it's connected in putting in such big claims, when it was already built & developed. Wasn't built on a good spot if it keeps happening #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'd rather break away & go into 3D printing with a continual replacement fast model, than rely on the logic of insurance in trading numbers. It's bringing me down. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What it's insuring isn't sustainable & is breaking too easily in the chain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The capitalist model of planned obsolescence failing before their very eyes & they are forcing more investment into it from a monopoly in global finance. Not replacing what's smashed up in wars #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The rebuild will be fast & cheap & fail again too fast, but put in a huge claim #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Biggest issue with that ex of mine, he can do amazing things in coding, can't do anything in building a civilisation in good planning. It's all logic & he's truly blind to risk. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not a manager of people, will admit this himself, I'm a manager of people & communication, he's insists on managing me with ignoring as the strategy? Shows how good he is as a manager above me. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's not even calculating what I get paid for professionally as my main skills. I calculate that as risk then in blindness & he works in trading managing numbers? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can calculate socially who can easily mug him! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not an advert to mug him, it's a warning about the risk of what's managing all our numbers with logic, we're being easily mugged #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where's all the money gone? Into the 1% who hoard it in wealth & advise to invest in more planned obsolescence. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They sell a mortgage in an area which isn't a good investment in sustainable & cream off the insurance claim, don't give it all back to who should receive it. Cowboys #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Happens again & again, Americans aren't learning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The nice Bible salesman, the carpetbaggers in a civil war, they should have learnt by now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm learning a lot when the 1% of wealth owns media & is advertising how vulnerable Britain is & our government won't give funding to the police & also says we have no control over immigration or crime #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Government won't give us control over our budgets to protect ourselves when we are demanding it! #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they do it slows down the housing crisis & numbers coming & that will stop profits coming from the demand rising for cheap builds & potential gun sales as the solution #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
2 things America is built on, cheap quality fast housing & gun sales to protect them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When they fail against environmental risks, there's always the insurance claims to cream off in gambling at Vegas levels #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
House always wins & the players keep hoping, distracted by the flashing lights & entertainment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Overnight in environmental gambling they can lose it all in risk & odds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They ploughed everything into capitalism with trust & needing a job #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What if the insurance stops paying out in noticing? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm always watching America & the system flashing lights #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Environmental gambling is chaos, which capitalism denies is a risk factor in climate change? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Yet insurance policies in Britain have factored it in & no longer pay out on it's odds? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
With all the new cheap building in Britain our environmental gambling failure goes up in risk, with no insurance pay out? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have all been warned in government that they are not building on suitable sites, but are still pressing ahead with capitalism? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bank of England is currently warning the £ could seriously bounce & home owners will be in negative equity in another financial crisis? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Will we have to bail the banks out again & learn nothing about planned obsolescence, capitalism, science delusion or digital alchemy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maybe we should learn we are easily mugged following America's example? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Our government is totally lobbied by capitalism & bribed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hire a cheap mercenary & bribe the judge to get away with it in stealing. Make a 7 year old a soldier & when grown say it was their fault #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Which is precisely why I stopped investing in building & planned obsolescence, gambled on investing in researching propaganda & failure at speed, looking for an area of growth in adventure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm now quite fast at processing propaganda & failure with the investment of time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Changed strategy since the last financial crisis hit me in 2008, 10 years on most are about to be hit by it again? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I haven't built up anything further to lose? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm still driving a crap car I inherited & own outright & run it on a humble existence #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If & when it goes bang it owes me nothing & I've lost nothing either in investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm going in the opposite direction & not applying for a job now, lose to win in strategy. Sell things off at a cheaper price & have less to lose. Skills remain a constant, but if the skills are juggling I'll lose in chaos #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
May sound like madness but space is a premium in storage & drag, complexity is time consuming in juggling failure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The market will be panic buying in 2nd hand quality deals #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I have no plans in staying or investing further in the market #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lose to win, another player's loss is another's win. But the game has to change & is yet to be decided in adventure? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Environmental is the chaos in odds & I plan on picking how to survive in it from a younger age. Rather than invest in stability which doesn't handle change or pay out in insurance? The overnight in gambling everything is the highest risk #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Technology which can change on demand is the only investment I'm making #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fixed technology is the biggest gamble if it can be wiped out overnight in environmental disaster & a huge insurance claim put in. It might not pay out anymore #opendata #smarticities #bigdata #ai
When older I won't handle change as well or chaos, so makes sense to invest in handling it now in environmental factors increasing in odds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm seeing Americans losing everything overnight in environmental factors & I don't think they are going to get insurance anymore #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They get more opportunity than anyone else & it's not a good sign #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If the environmental factors get worse they'll be pushing a boulder up a hill, only to watch it fall back down again in madness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
1 million homes & many don't have insurance or can't get it? That's poverty of 1 million overnight for America to absorb in poor planning… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's like taking in 1 million refugees overnight & no war? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
A house is the biggest investment of your life, an investor should always be advised to pick a good plot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or a property which can adapt to the changes of the plot in environmental factors in taking a hard hit #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
America as a whole is going to take the whole hit in poor investment & plot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Plus 1 million people not working & not able to work or pay taxes whilst in that position? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
3D printing is currently at a point in advancement where it can print a house in a day & cheaply. It's only going to get faster in ability & development. Makes sense to invest in that. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It might need to be at a point where it's read to print a town in a day & plan on having to keep repeating that? The machine won't get upset #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*ready, I'm planning more for that point in disaster in chaos & odds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Your sandcastle gets kicked down, so don't cry, you can always print another one with the bucket fast #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't make it a castle of love, the sea always come in. Only love creating #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*comes in, didn't we learn that when we were young in investing our time? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cried once in creating a masterpiece, learnt never to do it again in sand near sea #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Wasn't a good plot to build upon & it made my dad laugh watching me learn #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
His father owned a building firm & he knew I learnt empirically #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What better lesson about picking a better plot? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Cost nothing but time & no money lost, I still had the bucket & space? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*spade, the lesson was in learning what mass production could do with loving to create #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Make a template of the masterpiece & give it to the machine, it won't mind building it again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That is the insurance claim which will pay out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Freedom will be being free of America influencing Britain & foreigners telling me Britain is their home. Or Britain destroyed their home. Or I have to make them feel at home. Freedom is making a new home somewhere else in change. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am happy to give Britain up so I don't have to listen to any of them & be free to do my own thing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No one has to make me feel at home somewhere new, I'm happy to fit in & work, bringing new ideas #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll be quiet & work, because that's how something grows, when I owe no one nothing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
In Britain I always start out in debt someone tells me I should have to pay for, because I owe them something? I don't know who any of them are in claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Something of value I can take anywhere I go, wisdom, don't copy Britain in failure. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My family has given loads to Britain over the centuries, even it's life in war. We've only continued losing & I don't want anything in return, not even a goodbye. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I feel nothing for the place anymore, it's like it carries a disease I don't want. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not even worth fighting for in any kind of battle, the value is a null #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lose it & anyone would be winning in odds #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What is that disease? Mental illness in self harm #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Toleration & saying "sorry" & not knowing why is self harm & asking for a disease in mental illness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Offer a solution, Brits don't want it, they are happy keeping the madness of an apology for every time something else goes wrong #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The sorry is very expensive, it's why people I don't know tell me I constantly owe them something #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's made me not want to be British anymore. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
British means you have to be constantly sorry & that is a mental illness by force #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No, I'm choosing to be happy & free #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Others come to Britain telling us they need something, I want to go somewhere else showing what indigenous can do for them when free #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I want to prove to myself it's true beyond shaming & claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hope others similar to me follow me & the jerk rice is left ranting to a colony of itself #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's an embarrassment to have to have to be associated with it by force #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't bother kicking it all out, anyone with any sense would go to get away from it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Any talented immigrants who came & work like dogs putting up with it all should leave too #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Who's up for a challenge in technology? Snow & wildness with a few months of sun. Go make something new under pressure, throw yourselves into survival, I'm going first. Civilisation is still there as a backup #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How does it feel to be alive & thinking for yourself? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Go on, get out of that office #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
10 years since I quit pushing planned obsolescence & 5 years I haven't had a job, nor been on benefits, I've found a way somehow? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm also divorced now, a mother of 2 & only just 40 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where to start on land with nothing? Chemistry & biology. What new taste in alcohol can I brew & what new kind of dogs can I breed in superior for the habitat changing? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Experimentation is a new phase of development in 'dare to know', with deep thought applied #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Vodka, in a new blend? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then what kind of new building to house it all in, with a 3D printer making it? Can the dogs provide the energy for the house in waste? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or if they like to run, can they run on something which can capture the energy? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Bet they could power a home & enjoy themselves at the same time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Might even work for India on a larger scale? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Or even horse power? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No different from a horse wearing blinkers on a road #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's some American historian talking in a documentary about Romans on TV. In particular York, he's talking about the "barbarians" being invaded over 3 decades by them. That would be Celts dick, me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If talking about my history I'd prefer he refer to Celts as Celts & Romans as invading, savage raping cunts, and get history right #opendata #bigdata #bigdata #ai
There's a burial ground they're trying to work out, they think it's the grave of gladiators, it is. A lot of them bred with Celts, then they turned all of the men into soldiers by killing their mothers #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My father was more Mediterranean gladiator, he became a Celt over space & time in DNA #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If people hadn't noticed a lot of Scots have got black hair, mixed with a ginger beard #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He came from somewhere like Egypt originally & got mixed with Celt, Spanish & Greek? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mum is Welsh & Irish, mixed somehow with French? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Probably the chaos of disappearing into the unknown & having enough of war, forced religion & invasions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where I plan on going, there are still native tribes, close to suicide about being invaded. Much rape happened in the Christian residential schools. I'd like to talk to them about Celtic Pagans & explain what happened to us too. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They were forced into those residential schools, they were forced by Roman DNA, not Celtic. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They can still be part of a New World & it's nothing like Romans or capitalism planned. It's one which worships nature & Sun as God #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I plan on bringing the last Celtic tribe #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anything still Celtic will follow & divide itself from Roman DNA in nature #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They'll stop saying "sorry" & apologising to & for Romans, they'll seek freedom without a war in peace #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They won't go to the atheist moon, they'll go to the Sun with faith #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're not so much barbarians, but we do like to challenge ourselves by living in the toughest conditions in peace & quiet #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's where one gets to know nature intimately in learning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Romans don't understand it because they need slaves for everything in comfort & convenience #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I understand they are weak & can't handle nature without soldiers to fight their battles. They never fight, they live in the tent directing whilst the battle goes on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Until they rape a woman who can produce a soldier in seed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What started as a tent became a castle, then a bishop's palace to hide in, then an EU council to hide in & direct on strategy or a White House? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Maka Agu lies that I hide behind a laptop or phone, I already went up to see him once face to face, to argue my points with him. Once was enough to learn he's a total liar & disappointment as a man #opendata #smartcities #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I went up on my own & called him out of the blue that I had arrived, because I knew he didn't have the balls to face me alone if I gave him time to think. He was there with 10 mins at the station to meet me in Finsbury Park #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We went for a drink & he sat there & lied to my face for over an hour. I didn't react & let him talk, then went home & got rather angry about all his claims. Never dropped it since learning he's a total liar & fraud #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's only the start of a tipping point of people just like him in Britain. Enough to make anyone honest & hard working want to leave. No point talking any further, they only lie #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Romans love them, they're easily bribed #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So I don't put videos of myself online, who'd want to watch them? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I wouldn't, I'd rather watch something someone made as a proper film director or a demonstration of something worth learning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Going into the unknown is something I enjoy, but as a normal person in real life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
We're not all rappers or narcissists who make pointless videos of ourselves & our opinions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rather go direct to a new place & be there in person living #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Meet with most people to talk about your views, they are usually pretty normal #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Must have gone on about 25 dates in total with men I met & vetted online, all different colours & religions & races & nationalities, from Hampshire to Croydon in radius, over 2/3 years. All my own choosing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All were normal apart from 1, who turned out to be a total weirdo. Maka Agu was the other weirdo & he wasn't a date. So 2 out of 26 men were not alright in the head #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But the volume of weirdos is definitely growing since they announced a policing in collapse & immigration in crisis? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where do they all come from? They were not there before #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm always that person at the station the only weirdo asks for a light? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's like I'm a magnet for them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone else is looking at their phone, watch or paper avoiding them, but they come to me? Must have nurse on my forehead #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
"Yeah mate, ahuh, know what you mean, mmmm, sure... fascinating"....please don't be getting on my train....#opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Meds time is it? Gotcha, absolutely, listen much longer & I'll have a mental breakdown again #opendata #smartcities #bigdats #ai
He's supposed to be the son of a tyrant, I've watched him talk in a video, he seems honest & alright. Not scary, if I met with him I'd probably be safer asking direct questions #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Anyways, if I made videos people would look at my colour, looks & gender more & not listen to my words. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When in written format with pictures connected there's more chance of paying more attention to the words I say. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Metaphysical becomes more of an experience in understanding #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's all in my head not bra size #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why else do men ask women to cover themselves up? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not all men can listen to a woman without being distracted by her physically being a woman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Either I'm shamed for hiding or shamed for exposing myself, this is the most sensible way of getting my points across. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Arts research has also shown that if you use a generic icon, not your face, people are less likely to project their prejudices onto it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Where did I learn that? Them, I've even met 2 of them in person & had a chat whilst they were wearing gorilla masks.… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are correct #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My guidance on how to communicate as a woman came from them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Most useful when going through a divorce #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Talking to 2 women with gorilla masks on forces you to listen to what they are saying without prejudice #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Shame that Iranian feminist rapper ShayD is so thick she doesn't even know who they are & shames white women for taking off their clothes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She does it in Britain with the freedom of not having to wear a hijab? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only another reason why I can't stand her & Mr Ti2bs for their racism against middle class white #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Talking to those 2 ladies was a lesson for me in not projecting onto Americans, because they both were. It's only the capitalism worshipping in America I don't like #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
But they are free to do it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Half the problem with America, capitalism owns all the media & has the loudest voice in bribes #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rare to find an American who's honest with themselves, I found 2 in London, wearing gorilla masks, kinda says it all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have both met me in person & I didn't have a mask on #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Then it all comes out about Harvey Weinstein? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I met them around the same time I attended the unfinished conversation which never gets started exhibition? I talk to everyone… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
After that I visited tombs looted from Egypt in the British Museum, they had a lot to metaphysically say, them I visited 3 times to hear more #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Rosetta Stone was the crux of it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They hold all the answers to my true Celtic identity stolen & destroyed by Romans #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well, just been to buy some second hand boxes & the chap was British born Indian, with 2nd or 3rd generation kids. Lovely, friendly, helpful, honest & reasonable man. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never met him before, paid cash for the boxes, 1/5 of the price of new, only uses once. He asked where I'm going & I told him where. He said "bless you, I don't blame you, anywhere but the UK, yes?" "Yes" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*only used once. Gave me his business card, said he does removals, asked for a ballpark figure, 1/4 of what I've been quoted so far? Sold. Said "love it when its easy"...he said "me too" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No attitude, no racism, no nothing, polite, professional, not too nosey, just friendly, the kind of neighbours I like #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They have integrated their culture so well into Britain & don't get enough credit for it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Taken at random encountering me, absolutely no complaints, more proud to have them here & part of us now. Only disgusted it's all fallen apart in divide & anarchy with corruption. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I do believe it is beyond reform now #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Too many drugs, too many gangs, too many rappers, too many international billionaires lobbying, too many conducting benefits fraud, no money left or energy to keep giving & no future #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do I take my mother with me & find her an apartment? That's the question. Or leave her to self determination, shaming & to rot in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
After all she has done to me & my father over the years, it's a tough call #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can already hear Indian families telling me I should take her with me. But she really has been wicked in worshipping capitalism #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They are obviously better than me & have more patience, but I never probably could leave her to rot, I'm too much like my dad. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Would rather leave her if honest, but don't think my dad would forgive me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He always knew she was weak in vanity & materialism, it's something he forgave of her character #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She doesn't age well as a woman with such weaknesses #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The temptation to be young & desirable again is a total curse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never want to be her as a woman #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She hurts too many people #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Same as Maka Agu, only he's not my mum or blood. I don't ever want to see him, talk to him, be near, have my kids grow up with his, nor have him follow me where I'm going. He can have the UK & rot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Call if a settlement figure, have it & all the jerk rice ranting & other bullshit. Just don't come near Celts when they leave, we won't won't to know you again #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*it a settlement figure, have what's left & don't bother white Celts again for anything, not ever. Certainly don't reach out for understanding when plagued with hate inside #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
And that's me done talking about this, it's finished, so is the UK & it's madness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Well made a start on poker, beat Kim Jong-un & was taken down by Vlad from Russia? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Currently between him & middle America to win? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Never played before, won 4 hands out of 6, not bad. Might study poker full time for a while.. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I'd been betting with 000's I'd have won $16,000 in 35 minutes? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Fascinating watch how people bluff & clear someone out, she was totally winning a minute ago. He spotted I was new & raised me to risk my whole pot #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Why did this come up when I searched the name? Speaks 13 languages!?! And does that? Damn that's genius level crime… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's reminding me of something & he was a historian? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not liking where it's going #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Art containing hidden symbols #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Everyone's gone to the moon? The Sun going down with the rape of Europa… #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Always an interest in children & grooming #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
One look at him on a train, weirdo, on drugs, avoid. Instincts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Instincts would be correct, he's swinging on bars like a chimp looking to rape a frog #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does science take DNA samples from these offenders & keep them in a database of insights? They should & I want them kept out of entering the New World, I want it water tight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Do they check them before offering IVF treatment? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What if a 50 year old takes herself off to Turkey for IVF & comes back pregnant with quads? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They might be failing in Britain, but I can take all these insights somewhere new & advise #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What if a 50 year old has 4 of them through IVF? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need it, I'm natural selection & this is not myth but allegory #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The pattern of the nature of the beast is 1 product, 1 focus, whatever is trending, presently it's science & drugs, plus arms sales #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's been silk, cotton, sugar, rum, oil, vitamins, horses, swords, guns, religion, women, bones, gold, diamonds, whatever, it has trends & monopoly patterns #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Not currently trending in mass sales, if was an independently researched solution, to avoid planned obsolescence loss in investment, the risk lowered. 3rd property in 12 years which I'm in where the central heating system needs replacing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
An electric airer, the element of an oven basically with a cover over it to bake the clothes dry. £199 in investment, 6p an hour to run (approx) in electricity. In 24 hours it's done 2 full washes & also heated the room #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My mother was very against having the TARDIS in the room, this morning she commented how warm the room is & the central heating isn't on? She's changing her mind when experiencing it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She has a gas fire which she never uses, because it's too expensive to run? Why did she have it installed then? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As I commented to my mum, there's no need to put the washing in the airing cupboard then take it out again, it's been airing as it drys. She didn't figure this, but the TARDIS could be a working airing cupboard? Also heating the house #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What I love about it is there's no need to pipe or wire everywhere when the central heating fails & needs replacing. Nor pull up a floor with underfloor heating, the cooker element is in the room, stacked in use for heat #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How much piping & radiators do we go through in raw materials when replacing failure? Or all the pipes & maintenance for gas? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Don't even need a smartphone, it has a digital timer I can set or I can simply switch it off & not have to work out a complex programmer or thermostat. I can even trust my mother to work to it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If it fails its under guarantee, covered for 2 years. Not bad for £199 investment & technology my mother can be left alone with in risk #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She has screwed up the thermostat & the programmer on the central heating system, fiddling, swears she did nothing? She left a magnifying glass in the airing cupboard trying to read it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She leaves the magnifying glass everywhere as evidence when she's been interfering. Like a 76 year old child shrinking in the world as Alice in Wonderland reverse. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If there's a stepladder & magnifying glass near my mother has been involved #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Becoming the Golden Girls & the Sicilian grandmother, I've even caught her taking pillows off the sofa when driving, to see above the steering wheel on long distance drives. She's shrinking to 4ft 10 #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Does that make me her sarcastic daughter Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My neice is Alice in Wonderland, only cute with the magnifying glass belonging to grandma. Grandma leaves it in more obscure places than her & her small stepladder? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Grandma doesn't like to admit she's getting old in vanity & using them in weakness #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She therefore needs technology a child can be trusted with, or she'll cost a fortune in playing & be a nightmare in telling off #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I feel like I'm running an orphanage #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What if she bought an iPhone for £1500? Which is the cost of the latest model in Britain, she has no idea what she's buying in sales with technology #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
£1500 & she'll be thinking the logic of adjusting the heating via the phone will be something she can handle in investment? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm still on my 2nd hand Sony Xperia & it really owes me nothing after 2 years, same as my car #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Came with 12 months warranty & a replacement from CEX if it broke #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tons of storage left #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When I get low I only have to move it to the SD card #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My strategy has changed from lose face short-term to win long-term in gains #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How to survive without taking out a job selling planned obsolescence & handling the shaming which comes with it. Been dealing with difficult customers all my working life #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My skills, no one else gave them to me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
No time wasted, the next wash is drying #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Am I asking anyone to pay for me or fund me on benefits? No, I'm always investing in more independence & risks for when failure occurs #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What am I asking? How much is your investment failure going to cost me? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I can calculate the price & risk of keeping face #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's going to cost me a ticket out of Britain & to have to pay a premium in a new life somewhere else in risk #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's if I'm going to keep face long-term without egg on it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain always insists on keeping face & it's a high risk in expense for hiding failure #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
So I'll lose face to win long-term in investment. Costs me nothing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm airing clean laundry & it's self sufficient & that doesn't lose me face when I'm a single mother, not on benefits with knowledge of engineering #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That failure is going to cost losing my skills & quality in Britain. When I go others will follow, taking theirs. Leaving? More crime to be solved growing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That's the win for ignoring us & advertising me need more skills on a cheaper wage & living expectations #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*advertising we need, so advertise & house it, see what it brings in long-term investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I don't need anyone to tell me they are more skilled & I need them in Britain #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
When I go I take thousands of years of loyalty with me & that can't be easily bribed or bought #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's what wins wars & convenience for Britain? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What will Britain do when they can't pimp that out training other countries how to fight anymore? It's lost the barbarians #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The barbarians gave up loyalty to the fight #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How uncivilised to leave & seek out some wilderness as a better place to grow? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm taking what's developed with me in skills & banking it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's above the undeveloped claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Britain shouldn't complain, it will solve the housing crisis quickly, leaving more room for growth #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Less people needing benefits, always a plus #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll take pride in taking the potential marriage visa with me #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Creating a space for more gay marriages & their children or anything else which wants to grow. Very thoughtful, less to convert in mind #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hasn't anyone worked out the house gambling system yet? Small deposit for new players, they win a little, then lose, gives a taste of winning, so they keep putting money in. Old players quit with broke #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Only a few will win & they'll advertise it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've been playing with an American betting system for 24 hours, not hard to work out #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
My £ is worth the same as the $ it used to be worth almost double? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The $ can buy twice as much as the £ in value, but now the £ has to pay X 4 for the same? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
How? If not rigging the £ to lose & sell it a much cheaper value in quality for it's investment #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If I lose short term that's awesome, because I'm waiting for America to fall on quality & skills to drug abuse #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The warning will be ignored, so wait for the fall? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I invested $20 & won over $300 on the slots immediately, decided to put it all back in & nothing paid out, as expected. Then put in another £15, won a little, nothing, then it asked for more. I will win more being skilled in poker. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
For $30 dollars I've learnt the whole system in a night? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The games & graphics are better & there's tons of them, all on the same system #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The man dealing my card in 'realtime' poker, me v the dealer, the card was on the screen before he turned it over on the table? There was no delay in timing #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The packs were all stacked & he didn't shuffle them into chaos? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He took a new pack from the stack & swept it across in a straight line & put it in a card dispenser #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I've already worked out a way to try & break the system with chaos #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Double myself as a player, bribe a partner to join me in justice winning #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's not illegal if I know the other player & ask them to try & beat me at the same table #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll pick someone awesome at maths #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She is me doubled, she has my brain & her father's, she can crack any maths code. He's only wasted his brain. I need a tutor, that's all #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She's only going to be assisting her nan how to play me in technology at the same time #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If her nan wins or I do? Shame #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Double the currency from Britain in gambling? Double the chance of a return #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Vlad forgot about British allies in war & poker, he beat me yesterday, today I'm coming back with force #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lose to win against a win/lose #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The shit tricked me as a newcomer yesterday, today I have learnt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Newcomers get $300 in temptation on a small bet? Great, that's being kept & going into 1 losing in poker. I'll add a newcomer #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Slots accumulating to the poker table, across 2 accounts #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
As always I'll cut across the logic & see it it works #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I am laughing, because the father of my children thinks I'm still working an 8 your shift from 10pm to 6am on a minimum wage in a factory, 5 days a week. Plus doing a 3 hour drive to & from school on top. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*8 hour shift, plus running a car by myself, plus washing, cooking & cleaning, helping with homework & everything else which comes with children. He does 1 Saturday a fortnight & is currently giving less than the legal minimum #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Oh & pack up an entire house on my own, sell it, pay for a solicitor & sort out where to put all the contents? He calls me lazy & taking advantage of him? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's hilarious that he thinks I'd be stupid enough to kill myself doing all that & think it's alright #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I did work in the factory for 3 days & still have evidence of the contract. He'd say it's typical of me not to be trusted if I was to quit straight away. Even though I don't claim benefits? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What he really means is I'm not a very disciplined slave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Funny that, teachers have been saying it all my life & so does a drug dealer who failed to get a conversion? I'm a bit tricky #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The factory was operating under modern slavery & breaking rules on ethics which aren't even legally in place yet. That won't matter, it's the fact I quit & didn't say? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Tricky? Not at all, I only cut across logic when it fails in being corrupt #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That mother of his, he didn't do shit for her, no decorating, hardly any visits or calls. No assistance out of duty at all, nothing. He claims to be the loving son now that she's dead? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He doesn't do anything for his sister or brother either & they do nothing for each other. They all put on a front of being close & loving together when together. They all rarely speak to each other? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Marry into it & you're forced to put on a front too & pretend it's a functional & loving family. It's not, they're all selfish & look after themselves #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Divorce it & be free to say what you like about "the firm" #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll never get an apology for being forced to put on a front for that dysfunctional & unloving family #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's the face value of Britain I'm talking about & it's really expensive for other people to maintain by force #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I might be the only one to notice his mother died at age 65 & her own mother outlived her. She was a grafter always trying to prove a point, she could work the hardest & be a single mum. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She certainly proved that point & it killed her not long after she could finally retire meeting her 3rd husband. Her house was the cleanest & it put her in an early grave #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
She did the work of a whole family & never taught her family to pull their weight & all work #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll always be lazy & taking advantage of her son if I don't put myself in an early grave to prove it. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
He's actually a really lazy git, putting on a charming fake front #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The thing is her house is filthy a month after she died? He kids have inherited nothing, the house belongs to her husband & he's not their dad #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
*her kids, what point did she prove in wanting to win? I only see loss #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's nothing to take advantage of, her son has no money & few skills of use #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The front of Britain, truly, what's left to take advantage of? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Gone are the days of gold digging, someone's tripping if they think there's anything worth ripping off #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If he came in marriage with a certain amount a year in inheritance, sure, I'd say it was taking advantage & I'd expect staff #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The best someone can come up with now is "you're only after dick" if I'm not interested in ripping it off. The truth is it has nothing worth taking advantage of & I know how to if it did #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'm not even after the penis, even that looks sunk on quality in claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They literally have nothing worth ripping off if that's the level of skint in claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Lose to win, it's fine with me in making delusion happy #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
To be accurate the British way of life is currently paying X 4 in price for the value of the American cheap one #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
At one point in the 70s the £ was worth 2.5 of the dollar & even then $1 could buy twice as much in value? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll take it on face value, the £ is worth nothing & has been destroyed. But the British can keep telling themselves it's worth something in having some front #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's got a Queen's head on the face of it #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The British can't negotiate a deal without embarrassing themselves anymore #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They're almost begging to be accepted at any price #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
They're begging because they are keeping up a front on not being embarrassed about what we are offering today in culture & skills. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
That means white is begging the world to keep investing in us when we become multiculture, as we have today #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
If they're embarrassed it's racism or a different kind of white claim? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The white which breeds & does benefits fraud itself in Britain, along with the racism claims doing it too. #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
It's costing x 4 now to keep supporting it? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The front is going to bankrupt them #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
Hate to say it but they'd be better off supporting multiculture by being labelled racist snobs, it would bring the cost of living down for everyone in culture #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
What would people rather, unquestioned acceptance & begging for a trade deal or racist snob & cheaper prices for their family, no matter the colour or skills? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
All depends if losing face doesn't matter to you where money & winning is concerned in looking like you're losing? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The rut is benefits fraud & racism in a monopoly surrounding it in claims #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
I'll give an example, there's a black man who's conservative in Britain & prides himself on keeping his hair short & wearing a suit, hiding the fact he's sleeping in his car & keeping his pressed suit at his nan's for interviews #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
There's another black man priding himself on wanting to have a huge afro & be accepted for the same job? One's complaining & one wants short conservative hair as his identity? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai
The short conservative hair isn't complaining & not wanting to advertise he can't afford rent. He's trying to get a job. I'm white & more likely to date the conservative one who doesn't complain? #opendata #smartcities #bigdata #ai

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