An aggregation of US #SenateEndorsements for Democratic Candidates:
Demo candidates grouped by allied goal endorsements of national groups. In general, a sea of blue. Swing or Red states are exceptions.
Many organizations don’t finalize who they will back until the end of the primary season, in mid-Sept. Their endorsements are not complete, nor their final view of candidates. Combining various organization w/ similar goals overcomes that problem.
We know what the GOP has become. This is who we are. Most favor human rights, sensible gun laws, fair wages, health care, ending corruption, social justice, and saving the environment and the World. Simply, plain human decency, and our survival.
What kind of people oppose decency and survival?
I am proud to be allied with you.
Additional endorsements:
CA - Kevin de León - AFL/CIO, Climate Hawk Vote, DUH, DFA, Everytown Gun Sense
Del - Kerri Evelyn Harris - DFA
ME - Zak Ringelstein - DUH, Everytown Gun Sense
MO - Jo Crain - Everytown Gun Sense
Miss - Mike Espy - BlueWave
Miss - David Baria - AFL/CIO, BlueWave
WY - Gary Trauner - BlueWave, DUH
Sources, details, threads: (add an h):
AFL/CIO endorsements ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1028981555828584450
AFT/NEA Endorsements/Money from National Education Association +/or American Federation of Teachers
BLUE WAVE CROWDSOURSE: (add an h to expand threads)
GREEN – Environmental:
Climate Hawk Vote: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1033462062146576385
GiveGreen supported candidates - CLW, NextGen America + NRDC
League of Conservation Voters:
National Resource Defense Council: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1033454643119116289
Sierra Club: - ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1021436886995349504
Council for a Livable World: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1026974818212696064
J-Street: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1026975316407934977
Population Connection:
Demand Universal Healthcare (DUH): ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1033461983113347074
Democracy for America:
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, “Medicare Defenders”: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/103346172054986752
NETWORK Voting Record: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1033483633812758529
Human Rights Campaign: ttps://twitter.com/KenThomasRoss/status/1033462657083432968
NAACP Legislative Scorecard:
SENATE ENDORSEMENTS RECAP: Advocacies by major liberal groups to date. NOTE that many await the final primary (mid-September) to make a full list of endorsements, so this table will GREATLY FILL THEN.
Abbreviations (other than the obvious):
AFT/NEA – the two major teachers unions
CSGV -Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
CLW - Council for a Livable World
Emily -Emily’s List
End CU - End Citizens United
Senate Candidates endorsed (or receiving contributions) from the National Education Association and/or the American Federation of Teachers:
Ariz -Kyrsten Sinema
Conn - Chris Murphy
DEL -Tom Carper
Fla - Bill Nelson
HI - Mazie Hirono
IND – Joe Donnelly
OH – Sherrod Brown
ME - Angus King
MD - Ben Cardin
Mass - Elizabeth Warren
Mich- Debbie Stabenow
Minn -Amy Klobuchar, Tina Smith
MO - Claire McCaskill
Mont -Jon Tester
Nebr -Jane Raybould
NM - Martin Heinrich
NJ - Bob Menendez
NY - Kirsten Gillibrand
NV – Jackie Rosen
ND - Heidi Heitkamp
OH – Sherrod Brown
PA - Bob Casey
RI - Sheldon Whitehouse
Tex - Beto O'Rourke
VT - Bernie Sanders
VA - Tim Kaine W.VA - Joe Manchin
Wisc - Tammy Baldwin
The Uphill Battle to Take the #Senate
We have a chance for Democrats to gain the #SenateMajority after the Nov elections. The balance is currently 51/49 (including 2 Indep’s.). We need turnover at least 2 GOP seats, w/o any losses. With losses, we will need to win more.
Senators serve for six years, divided into three ‘classes’. One-third of Senate seats are in play every two years, plus any vacancies for early resignations. This year there are two of the latter.
Unfortunately, in 2018, we have an uphill battle. There are 35 races, but 26 are for Democratic seats, and only 9 are GOP. And most of the latter are considered ‘safe’ for the incumbents. So, taking the Senate in 2018 is a daunting task.
She is totally right that this is a civil war. But it is not the Justice Dept or the Supreme Court that is the main battlefield. Rather, it is in the Convention of the States. The Koch brothers intend to return us to the pre-Civil War days, in which there was not large
central government. No business, labor and environmental regulations, farm policy, health care, Social Security and Medicare, housing and poverty programs, highway funding, airline regulations, and education policies.
Fact 1: in the early 1900’s rich women & their children died at far higher rates than did the poor, because of common sense midwives, while rich had doctors w/o the sense to wash their hands, & tried to use & justify the cost of new (unnecessary) devises and surgeries.
Conclusions: 1) Beware of doctors pushing unnecessary and dangerous crap, for a profit. 2) Beware of doctors.
Fact 2: New England Journal of Medicine. 358: 252-260. Placebos
(sugar pills) are 80% as effect as antidepressants, w/o the side effects, which are usually dismal. Antidepressants are usually much worse than nothing. There are no happy pills.