So you think you understand socio-technical systems from your knowledge of the technology? The tech is just the enabler; humans have agency.
networks of networks of Humans relationships are complex:
Couples a challenge
Families are more so
Interactions among Tribes...
I've modeled out, created and verified
-physical properties of adaptive aerospace materials (03-04)
-evolutionary game theory (04)
-word of mouth process and enterprise software decisions(05-10)
-tech and env impact (06-07)
-bird flocking for multi-robot control (05-08)
- computation and communication trade-offs in sensor networks (08-12)
- relationship local vs global optimal for value flow in nets (10-14)
- disease propagation in human contact networks (12-15)
- geographic cost/value asymmetries in advertising (14-17)
as a rough outline
After all that, my time as
player, captain, coach of ultimate frisbee teams (2003- 2017)
taught me as much about humans, what they will and won't do. The boundaries of our mathematical assumptions on rationality. How to use all that technical knowledge.
It turns out if you need to manage ~30 people you aren't paying to travel, train and cooperate to achieve shared goals over multi-month seasons over multiple years you are eye-deep in humanity.
Battles are won and lost
Bonds form and break
A team evolves as it an its parts do