1. The weaponization of our society seems to cover just about every facet of #American lifestyle. From life's necessities to technology, to media, even our governing agencies. We have to ask: #WhereDoesItAllEnd?.. in #MartialLaw?
2. Let's first define what it means to '#Weaponize'. It's simple...do the opposite of what something is supposed to do:
A. Make drinking water unsafe
B. Make food poisonous instead of nutritious
C. Allow @TheJusticeDept to let crime flourish
D. Turn our news into lies: #FakeNews
3. Clearly, the single greatest threat to our society and our entire earth is #GeoEngineering - the spraying of our skies by both military & commercial aircraft.
6. Processed food in #America has become pure poison. Between #GMO's and grains #Dessicated before harvest, most products on your grocer's shelf have some sort of weed killer that is hazardous to your health.
7. The spraying of weed & pesticides on crops is creating adverse effects all over. It's in your food, it drains to water sources; it's in animal feed, and kills bees which are essential to pollination.
These companies are deliberately trying to make us sick!
8. The devices we use are also '#Weaponized'. The track us, surveil us, listen to us & even record conversations.
Large social media conglomerates all have roots in the @CIA. They provide them with your whereabouts AT ALL TIMES, while the companies sell your metadata for profit.
9. Even the people surrounding us are '#Weaponized'. They carry guns!.. under control by those who have programmed them using #MKUltra & #MindControl tactics.
Recent school shootings prove this. They involve people known & targeted by the @FBI and the @CIA.
10. And, of course, there is the #Weaponized#MainStreamMedia - #MSM... subjecting us on a daily basis to a @CIA program called #Mockingbird that has operated without impunity for the last 50 years.
11. Journalists are paid by @CIA to write corroborating stories. They are complicit in keeping #Truth from the public.
#America believes almost anything they are told. They are lazy, unwilling to investigate sources or ask for hard evidence.
12. Well, we just happen to have the #MSM's game plan right here. It's #AbsoluteProof that what you see and hear in the media comes straight from this document. READ IT!.. AND YOU WILL SEE.
13. Consider understanding more about how #MainStreamMedia is #Weaponized in this thread. They work AGAINST the people to keep #Truth hidden from the masses. They are #ThoughtTerrorists, and they are in EVERYONE's living room.
14. Almost every department of the US govt has also been #Weaponized against its own citizens. These 3-letter agencies have been infiltrated by #SeniorExectiveService members - the #SES.
15. Some of our govt. agencies have literally HUNDREDS of #SES employees. Many of them collecting two salaries for doing a single job as a member of the #SeniorExectiveService, which is a dept. of the @USArmy. Obama alone added 7000 members to the #SES.
16. #Weaponized weather. Your government has spent #Billions of your tax dollars to control the weather. #HAARP is one of the most successful weather control programs ever. Billions have been spent on this single program and there are #HAARP stations positioned around the world.
17. The #USMilitary has believed for 100 years that controlling weather is essential to conquering our adversaries.
But now it appears they are using it on us to create floods, droughts, storms & forest fires. It's the reason why we have more disasters than ever!
19. Someday soon, in just 20 years, when there is almost no life left in our acidic oceans from GeoEngineering, everyone will wonder how did #WeThePeople let this happen... #MAGA
1/ Let us know when you realize that #TheStorm and is about to take place here on #America soil & the political landscape will be forever changed by @realDonaldTrump
3. As it turns out, #Q was alerting us to the #SeniorExecutiveService – Keystone of the #CivilService - It's "employees", some in the 100's at many of the 75 agencies the #SES has infiltrated, is now 9,000+ in 2018.
3. In this 49-page plan, #MediaMatters for #America exposes how they keep @realDonaldTrump off the airwaves - keeping you under-informed & unaware by using #TriedAndTrue under-reporting techniques across these major networks.
Although it was 'cleared' as a '#HumanitarianMission', there was another more sinister purpose. Notice that these are #NK soldiers in the photos - clearly in some kind of 'Ops' room. #QAnon
2. During their #NorthKorea visit, this video was taken. Notice how @EricSchmidt controls the conversation as they walk around.
@Google was there to show-off new servers they had set up. Why would the #US be helping #NK - a hostile threat? #QAnon
3. Computers are clearly a powerful weapon that would only help #NorthKorea further their #Agenda and increase the #NK threat level against the world. #QAnon