The effort that is being put into the rights of anti-Zionists to say racist things in Labour over the right of Jewish people to feel at home in Labour is sickening! #LabourAntisemitism
The Jewish community made it clear and simple to Labour: pass the IHRA definition in full – no caveats, no compromises. Jeremy Corbyn and the Momentum-dominated NEC have just failed the most basic test.
A ‘right to be racist’ protection when debating the Middle East is not just wrong, it is harms the cause of peace but it will also continue a culture where Jewish people cannot feel at home in Labour #LabourAntisemitism
Today’s decision is an insult. Labour does not know better than Jewish people about antisemitism #LabourAntisemitism
The four hours it took for today’s retrograde step to appear shows there are committed anti-racists at Labour top table but those apathetic to antisemitism won out, again. The NEC has bought the Labour Party into disrepute #LabourAntisemitism
The full extent of the new establishment’s defence of antisemites – and other racists – is laid bare on the Guardian front page as Disputes Panel minutes are leaked
There seems to be very little that the Momentum reps on the NEC won’t defend – incl racism towards Jewish members and a black council candidate – if they are deemed JC supporters #EnoughIsEnough#LabourAntisemitism