Alcohol is the solution for a true alcoholic. It’s a powerful cure for what fills up empty feelings, hides fear, represses social anxiety and boosts self confidence ‘sought for’ in an entire lifetime
The problem is: the cure kills them, jails them, mentally institutionalizes them, or worse... leaves them alive, functioning like zombies. Their family and friends are left bobbing in the ripple of their collateral damage
Alcohol is one of the deadliest drugs in the world & it’s everywhere. Like a poisonous, deadly fruit of knowledge hanging on apple trees on every street corner begging to be picked. Some ppl are immune. Some ppl aren’t. If u know ur genetically predisposed & you drink? Lookout.
Do we want an active alcoholic that’s in denial in the Supreme Court?
He’s scared shitless of the FBI
Chronic severe subtype
“... the rarest & most dangerous type of alcoholism, making up 9.2 percent of alcoholics. Chronic severe alcoholics average 38 years of age. They begin drinking early (at 16 years) & develop alcohol dependence later (around 29)”
I suggest we don’t passively stand by anymore while our electronic election infrastructure is toyed with
We should already be putting together community groups devoted to protecting our power grids
electronic voting should be banned FOREVER. WE go old school on purpose
U want symbolism? well then,
u got it
#papervote SYMBOLICALLY to TEACH AND REMIND ALL THE GENERATIONS TO FOLLOW US what can happen to America by not safeguarding who we let have control.
Trump shouldn’t have passed step 1 #BanElectronicVoting
Voting day should be a national holiday after all this bullshit