They killed my father..idk why. Maybe was no use to them? Or because he was fighting the mind control? Or because I started asking questions? He got gangrene because of drugs Dr. Rose gave him & made his bones disintegrate. Infected whole pelvic area & got septic. Horrible death.
My mom is starting to break free from the mind control a bit. She suspects them of doing something to cause his death. Has requested his medical records several times and gets no answer. Went there in person and said receptionist said don't have them. Dr. Rose won't talk to her
This doctor's had trouble legally before, using his dead patients info to write prescriptions for the drugs for people. I believe they were mostly actually family members of the deceased wanting the medicine. He lost license temporarily when caught. I know he's hiding something
All pieces falling into place. These people will be exposed. Dr. Rose will be exposed. He convinced my parents I was fine & was not hurt by the sodomy. Was often alone with me with no parent. I know he is part of the "system" that abused me, with priest,neighbor,uncle,& bar owner
My dad refused--or was unable to break away from #mindcontrol--to see a different doctor when mom started seeing Dr Rose as a quack. .