'attack' AJ to give him fake credibility amongst POTUS supporting Patriots, thus poisoning the water and directing narrative of the 'opposition' through a MOS supported asset aka AJ.
4) All team effort, coordinated 'collective' attacks with pawns and actors serving black hat agenda and attempting to control/divide the Patriots.
5) This anon is exactly right. These people are controlled opposition placed to intentionally divide people with common cause. To this #Qanon replied:
6) Read the Q post below. Mueller is interviewing Corsi. Today #FakeNews@JackPosobiec was claiming in his feed Mueller wanted to interview him. Something is at play here. Q says both of them are connected to Mossad, which is a hell of a claim.
7) Keep in mind that George Papadopoulos plead to lighter charges because Mueller's team was planning to indict him as an unregistered agent of Israel.
8) I'm resorting to guesses, but is the left ready to throw it's relationship with Israel away? It seems an insane claim considering how many entrenched leftists are of Jewish heritage. On the other hand...
9) There is lots of evidence of a Muslim infiltration into the Democrat party. Recall:
10) Something isn't right here. The Democrats are in absolute chaos, look at the antics. Imran Awan seemed to have 40 or so under his thumb for Pakistan. Who else? And for who else?
11) Are Muslim interests controlling Jewish Democrats w/ kompromat & planning an eventual split? All the Saudi money has dried up. Iran can't fund it's satellites. How is influence being exerted? Hezbollah drug money? Blackmail material is that bad?
I can't make sense of this.
12) Doesn't add up so then an even more bizarre idea... is Mossad controlling parts of these entities & it explains the behavior in politics, MSM & Hollywood? Are they being directed to act this way? I know, it's a stretch.
13) The panic is so intense that it's resorted to this... use Woodward & the anonymous NYT op ed to invoke the 25th amendment? It's so dumb, it's hard to imagine. But look at the antics. People in panic act irrationally.
14) The Jerome Corsi stuff seems nuts, but read below.
Mossad seem awfully interested in derailing #Qanon. Think logically, the C_A has had its wings clipped (SA and NK) - what remains operational? Hollywood and the MSM? Control over corporations (NIKE)? Worth consideration.
15) Friends, what's going on here is surreal, literally anything is possible at this point. Eventually, the introduction of Mossad to the story was going to happen & it would complicate things. It has. What's your take?
16) My suspicion is Mossad might be in control of these Muslim groups & partially in control of American interests in the MSM, many politicians, and also Hollywood. And it might be/have been in cooperation w/ the C_A.
2) The cabal knows that FISA declassification is about to drop, and Q team seems to imply they were aware of what the Dimms were planning regarding Kavanaugh. Certainly seems so, as I found the specificity of the questions regarding a polygraph by Mitchell curious.
3) A best guess of "[CDE[F]?"
Note the "?" instead of an ] (end bracket) indicating there is more/are more people involved. I would guess Shiela Jackson Lee, Maggie Hassan and Barbara Boxer.
1) I expressed this suspicion about CPL Avenatti being a C_A sleeper the other day, and while it does not directly address him, this Q post from overnight confirms my thoughts in the overall thread:
2) ...the leap means accepting my suspicion that they have thousands of people in society lying in wait, tasked to be prepared for a coordinated effort, whatever it is, and you follow orders.
3) A postal carrier. A DMV clerk. A travel agent (lol, The Americans), or a flight attendant, a pilot, LAWYERS, probably lots of them, DOCTORS (Bush father doctor death), and you name it. The key is thousands.