... @LisaMei62 posted this and I put it into a thread and added some links for reference. Hope it helps. Here we go>>> "Anon put together a list of bullets that lend credibility to the theory that Mueller isn't targeting @realDonaldTrump." #TheMoreYouKnow#MAGA#MAGA2018
1) Points consistent with the theory that Mueller is not targeting Trump. (Contrary to what is widely ASSUMED) *Trump tweets vs Mueller: Would you antagonize someone investigating you? Would your lawyers allow it?
14) Trump appointed Sessions. Sessions appointed Rosenstein.
15) "Conspiracy to frame Trump involving F B I - D O J - D N C - C_A is 180°" contrary to any Trump collusion possibility. Why frame someone for a crime there is sufficient evidence for?
16) Strzok promptly removed from Mueller's Special Counsel after texts surface. Page left prior to Strzok. (And likely produced their texts to IG)
17) Mueller offered immunity for past transgressions, in exchange for carrying out a charade?
18) Mueller wrapping up? No significant new direction/developments.
Dear @Navy_Lady_45, @chipSerrelli, @tdbgolfer, @SenKamalaHarris I’ve no interest in paying for what should be someone else’s responsibility. In other words, your body your business. However I fully support federal funding for those who are raped &/or are victims of incest. (1/5)
Since numbers of those who live their lives irresponsibly by far outweighs the numbers of those who are victims of abuse (rape/incest), then there should be a law (on its own) that protects those victims. (2/5)
Victims who are in need of help because of sever circumstances such as rape or incest should absolutely get help through federal funds. As a tax payer & a citizen,m I’d be the first to support that. (3/5)