THREAD: BORN THIS DAY, 1925 Anthony Wedgwood Benn (better known as Tony Benn). Always outspoken, here are a few of his more memorable quotes... 1/
"The Labour party has never been a socialist party, although there have always been socialists in it - a bit like Christians in the Church of England." 2/
"There is no final victory, as there is no final defeat. There is just the same battle. To be fought, over and over again. So toughen up, bloody toughen up." 3/
THREAD: ON THIS DAY 1881, riots took place in #Basingstoke by locals who’d had enough of the Salvation Army’s weekly temperance parades & took matters into their own hands. This resulted in THE BATTLE OF CHURCH SQUARE.
It pitted church vs church, & mayor vs council. Read on...1/
By 1880 Basingstoke had a population of 6,500 who were fond of a drink or two & supporting 50 pubs & 3 breweries in the town.
The Salvation Army decided to “save” the town and sent a couple of ladies down to settle the Old Silk Mill & bring some musicians down too. Soon weekly temperance marches were taking place in the town Sunday mornings & afternoons. They were here to “Aim fire at Sin and Satan”
THREAD: On this day in 1355 there was the MOTHER OF ALL STUDENT RIOTS in Oxford which resulted in 470 years of humiliation to Oxford’s local government officials & resulted in the equivalent deaths (factored up for today’s population) of 1,800 students & 900 locals. Read on: 1/
It all kicked off in a pub called the Swindlestock Tavern when two Oxford Students - Walter Spryngeheuse & Roger de Chesterfield (posh-boys no doubt)- complained about the quality of the wine being served. 2/
The taverner, John Croidon, took offence & a row ensued resulting in the students throwing their drinks at Croidon’s face. They then attacked him, & a good old bar fight broke out. 3/
THREAD: I’ve just discovered my all time new favourite ever MP.
JOHN “MAD JACK” MYTTON was Tory MP for Shrewsbury 1819-29, but lasted only 30 minutes in the Commons before getting bored & never returning.
He wasn’t exactly “conservative” in his outlook. Read on... 1/
Born into a wealthy family in Shropshire he inherited the family seat aged just 2.
Expelled from Westminster School & then Harrow he was home-schooled after that by terrorised tutors.
Gaining a place in Cambridge, he arrived with 2,000 bottles of port.
He never graduated. 2/
After a stint in the army he came into his inheritance aged in 21. This is where the fun began...
At 25 he decided to run for Parliament and secured his victory through open bribery - he dished out over 1,000 £10 notes to local voters - a small fortune in modern money. 3/
THREAD: 2018 marks 100 years since (some) women got the vote nationally, the right to stand for parliament & the first election victory for a woman in a UK general election.
I thought I’d introduce you to the very first 10 women to be elected MPs...
(You’ve met some before) 1/
Elected as the Sinn Fein MP for Dublin St Patricks in 1918 (2 yrs after being sentenced to death) Markievicz never took up her seat at Westminster serving instead in the Dail as Minister for Labour - making her Europe’s first female cabinet minister. 2/
Winning the 1919 Plymouth Sutton by-election, US-born Astor was the 1st woman to take her seat in Westminster, 1st Conservative & 1st elected in Great Britain.
Known for her sharp-wit she asked Churchill if his disguise at a masquerade ball was to come sober. 3/