3/ We heard President Trump mention ANWR during his Montana rally the other night.
We KNOW getting that legislation passed was monumental, as it's sat in LIMBO for 50 YEARS.
Since we KNOW it was approved to be opened up for drilling in late 2017, WHERE DOES IT ALL STAND TODAY?
4/ Background on ANWR.
DECADES ago(1980, to be exact) Congress set aside the land where ANWR drilling will take place.
Yes, that's correct. The use of the remote land had ALWAYS been intended for drilling. pubs.usgs.gov/fs/fs-0028-01/…
5/ The National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska is the largest block of federally managed land in the United States, the NPR-A contained approximately 895 million barrels of economically recoverable oil and 52.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
6/ But because of Bureaucrats, Red Tape, Enviro nuts...and CANADA
⬆ YES, you read that right, CANADA
The land has sat in limbo and the resident's who have needed the work and great pay have suffered.
7/ Enter Secretary Ryan Zinke.
Many know Sec Zinke was a Navy SEAL, but what most people DO NOT KNOW is Sec Zinke is also a GEOLOGIST.
THAT is why President Trump picked Ryan Zinke to head up the Dept of Interior.
8/ Sec Zinke is NOT just some politician making decisions without TRULY UNDERSTANDING the complex issues, such as oil drilling.
Secretary Zinke doesn't mess around getting thing's done. @realDonaldTrump
9/ May 31st, 2017 Sec. Zinke signed a Secretarial Order to jump-start Alaskan energy production in the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) and update resource assessments for areas of the North Slope, including the "1002 area" of the (ANWR)
10/ By early Sept. 2017, the discussions with local Tribal Leaders and the public were finished up, as were the Up To Date studies on the impact of drilling in the area.
Sec. Zinke took his finding's to President Trump and within 90 days, ANWR was approved.
11/ Sec. Zinke streamlined the approval process by removing multi agency oversight and layers of Red Tape that bogged this down for decades.
12/ The biggest hurdle removed was the Division of Fish and Wildlife and put the BLM (The Bureau of Land Management) in complete control and oversight of AREA 1002 within ANWR
The ANWR area for drilling is called 'AREA 1002'. The Left want's you to believe the entire Northern region of Alaska will be destroyed by drilling.
ANWR as a whole is 19 Million Acres, Area 1002 is 1.5 Million acres.
14/ The BLM is undertaking a Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing EIS to implement the leasing for drilling, 👉which will limit the footprint of production and support facilities on Federal lands to no more than 2,000 surface acres.
15/ ⬆ SEE THAT? ⬆
Drilling will actually ONLY USE 2,000 of the 1.5 Million acres of approved land.
So, we are at the pre leasing phase right now. In LESS than 2 years that is AMAZING considering it sat in limbo for 50 years.
16/ In Contrast, The OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) already has 3 HUGE leases in the Gulf to start drilling.
Remember, Obama shut THAT down for drilling.
And AGAIN in less than 2 years, that was ALL turned around.
Expect drilling to start up in ANWR in 2019.
17/ Now, let's circle back to CANADA'S part in all of this.
Canada is VEHEMENTLY against drilling in Alaska's northern slope. They have lobbyists working HARD in DC TO STOP THE DRILLING, FOREVER.
18/ WHY?
Once AGAIN, it was something done by Politicians, buried in thousands of pages of BS political paperwork.
WHAT was buried?
👉 A TREATY with Canada, over drilling on US land in Alaska.
In 1987 the Treaty drawn up required both countries to “avoid or minimize activities” that would disrupt the Porcupine Caribou Herd traveling through Alaska and into Canada.
20/ Now, there is NO PROOF put forth by Canada to prove drilling could or would hurt herd population. THEY JUST DON'T WANT ANY DRILLING IN THAT PART OF ALASKA.
21/ Now. Go back, Remember the AMOUNT OF OIL AND GAS in that region. IT'S HUGE. IT'S MASSIVE!
OIL. From the TAR SANDS.
22/ Canada MAY THINK they have a legitimate voice in the issue, but THEY DON'T.
WHY? The final say so comes down to the US.
See, that 'Treaty' specifically states “There is no commitment that either side makes that they would stop development.” and Sec Zinke KNOWS THIS.
23/ Sec. Zinke has already pointed out to Canadian Lobbyist's the US DOES NOT ENFORCE the 'Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund' onto Canada.
24/ WHAT'S The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund?
It's a fund that ALL oil producers MUST pay in to. It's used to cover the cost of oil spill cleanups. However, the US has graciously exempted Canada from paying into it.
2/"...the first thing we should do is deal with the children who are being separated from their families at the border. I think we should get rid of ICE,” ~ @SenGillibrand.
Notice how she avoids any mention of human trafficking (HT) but focuses on the Trump smear tactic of...
3/...children being separated from their families.
Instead of educating the viewers on the human rights violations portion of the issue, she obfuscates by separating focus on 2 lesser points. Those being that immigration is "civil rights issue" and an "economic engine".