"At what point is sex a negative for a young male? When it gets in the way of those things?"
-This goes for young guys and old guys
Sex becomes a "negative" when getting laid becomes your origin point of motivation.
Meaning it literally distracts you from your mission/responsibilities to the point that you are reorienting your actions and activities around a woman/getting laid
This is can time based distraction, or psychological
The young guys especially, the psychological distraction is much more powerful and it can dominate your thinking
Not to discourage you from getting your kicks in, but you need to learn how to channel your energy into productivity
This is simple as it get, this program prioritizes squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, and chins/pullups. You do these compound movements, and then you do some DB and bodyweight movements afterwards for further building
There are no machines, no cables, no complicated rep schemes.
You are only training 4 days a week, but the workouts are pretty brutal. Y
you will be tired, you will be sore
expect to be in the gym for a solid hour. Each workout is 25 total sets
Program Diet
-Eat 3 meals a day
-Eat your bodyweight x 16 in calories on training days, 12x on non training days
-Each meal should have at least 8oz of protein, plus a sizeable amount of carbs. Dont worry about fat