World Domination Plan...salute to Bill Cooper 1) Convince people cabal has been defeated 2) Report strange anomalies in the sky by several federal agencies 3) New-age movement embracing the philosophy of an "evolved" species 4) Leak black-ops intel to a controlled opposition
When they called you a sinner did you not naturally look up to someone without sin? When they call this alien "evolved" are they not using the same kind of persuasion? We saw a dozen hurricanes on the map yesterday. Simultaneously! If a solar "anomaly" hits, too. It sets a stage.
What a rollout, too. The alien could tell us all how bad we are. How we destroyed the terrarium. How we are not capable to govern ourselves. It will talk of "dissolving the ego" as the key to higher consciousness. Transcending gender. Transcending your need for boundaries. #QAnon
Humanity will be "toxic." We will call each other animals as if its bad. But with no ego, no gender, no prejudice, you become a hollow vessel to vibrate like a crystal from the "true" source. Why is a pyramid of stone bad by a pyramid of crystal good? #Discernment RIP Bill Cooper
If you spend your life reading every piece of black-ops intel you find. Have you read the truth? Are you an expert on the truth? Or does it taint your own gnosis? Your mind is a living metabolism of the quality of the ideas you feed it. Is a sprinter fast for consuming Cheetos?
Today, I watched a caterpillar climb a tree. Alien! If you keep your mind in space you are a prisoner to someone's science fiction. You inadvertently call our world mundane. Pedestrian. We cheapen our humanity by believing in a Space Pope and replace an ineffable God w/ a lizard.
Didn't John Podesta want to be the voice of disclosure? Didn't Aleister Crowley have the same idea with his fiend lam he pretended to channel? If i was a psychopath with $21 trillion, I would build myself a reptilian space pope.
I’d want it to feel benevolent, and completely disarming. I’d want the public to think it was highly evolved. I’d give it a backstory that it came from the stars and was billions of years more advanced.…
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Gnosis. Dr Ford incident had nothing to do with Kavanaugh. The cabal already knew they lacked the votes. Dr. Ford was placed on camera as a trauma thumper; a pied piper calling the inner victim of injustice in every one of us. The voice of Dr. Ford sounded that way on purpose.
You can weaponize body trauma by insisting it's a celebration. This causes dissonance that many are simply not in touch with their bodies yet to discern. We are crammed full of propaganda in school. You can create a class of trauma survivors with pictures and sound.
You can activate this trauma army later with a simple story or a facial expression. This technique is far from new. It's not accurate to relegate it to #mkultra. We are all Manchurian voters thanks to academia and tribal pressure. This proves we are not in touch with our bodies.
It is a psychological trauma to have an abortion. It's not reproductive as much as it is a form of self-mutilation. If you don't think a life is growing inside you, at least admit it is a part of your body and that you demand the right to mutilate yourself.
Look at how we hide self-mutilation behind "healthcare"...
Abortion = reproductive health
Circumcision = body sanitation
But what are the psychological effects of both? Is that care? Is that health? Why do you think so many are so angry?…
Consider the first known cult; the cult of the phallus. This is carjacking the body so we retreat to the neck. We are ruled by our vision crammed in the skull. The all-seeing-eye controls us. What's a little mutilation between the brothers Osiris and Set.…
Our first lady is standing in front of the Sphinx. She is standing in front of its underground ceremonial chamber. I keep telling you guys to follow @2ndfor1st#QAnon
What were they looking for in Indiana Jones movie? What's in the Ark?
1.) Golden jar of manna
2,) Aaron's staff that had budded
3.) The stone tablets of the covenant.
Trauma is epigenetic resonance. How far back does it go? There was a first trauma... the first supper. The reason for the Hajj. This is the beginning of "The Satanic Reverses."…
There is no guilt. There is only a vibration of trauma. We crucify ourselves for being hollow. We retreat underneath the flat crevice of our own feet. That time is over now. We agreed to a new era. A new gear has engaged the transmission. We are bodies again – not heads in jars.
[Please share the full thread above so people can read about Saturn first. ]
Why does the entire world participates in genital mutilation?
If your cellphone sent you a message tomorrow afternoon telling you to go somewhere would you? False flags use drills as cover. You should have your cellphone with you. More information is always better than less. @MattyBoz3 was suggesting otherwise, but i disagree. Trust...
@MattyBoz3 Here is my hierarchy of trust...
1.) my gut
2.) my head
3.) my heart
4.) @realDonaldTrump
5.) Q
Q is tough b/c the comms could be hacked. So could Trump's twitter. But 1, 2, and 3 are fully encrypted and safe if you listen. Make sure all 3 are in tune! Listen to them.
Just to clarify, i dont mean to speak for @MattyBoz3, i had retweeted his thoughts earlier and it gave me a lot to think about. Red October is a time for each of us to consider these things.
Anger is a natural reaction to injustice. Both people were credible. Dr Ford was sexually assaulted a long time ago and Kavanaugh wasn’t her perpetrator. The assailant was Feinstein who took Ford as her victim and forced her up the steps of the capital.…
Feinstein is the assailant Kavanaugh, Ford, and America are the victims... Fantastic video from Amazing Polly! Please share, she knows exactly where/what the enemy is.
I am triggered. Put a saddle on me and i will deliver mail. False allegations only hurt the man who spends his life working on his honor. It is the slimiest form of rotten tomato that only hurts the impeccable. Feinstein is a slime ball.