They also posted *lists* of the records, down to the folder, from his time as Staff Secretary and Associate WH Counsel.
3/ The accompanying email also noted: "For information concerning future openings, see the letters of notification of intent to release Presidential records at…."
4/ They didn't say it, but I'm assuming that they're still processing the records from his time as Staff Sec and Associate Counsel.
For now, we have the detailed inventories of those boxes.
5/ Backstory: Several Dem Senators filed a FOIA request for Kavanaugh's WH records in August.
I filed a piggyback request on their request. In theory, I should get whatever they get.
Here's the crux of the letter from the GW Bush Library:
6/ They also sent a list of the Presidential Records Act restrictions (i.e, the PRA equivalent of FOIA exemptions), which includes the ones they invoked:
7/ They also sent me a finding aid for Kavanaugh's DC Circuit nomination records, which doesn't appear to be posted on the page with the records themselves.
2/ As always, we the people have the opportunity to comment on these requests (and on the National Archives's pending approval).
Deadline for this batch is Oct 8 and 10.
3/ Environmentalists should be concerned about the types of records the Forest Service is scheduling for destruction:
Pesticide Use
Suitability Requirements
Energy Management
Grazing and Livestock Use
Wild Horses & Burros
Waste Prevention & Recycling
Timber Appraisals
SCOOP: The NSA is planning to destroy all "records related to complaints and allegations of abuses of civil liberties and privacy" received by its Civil Liberties, Privacy and Transparency Office:
They want to destroy all actionable complaints, allegations, etc. just one year after resolution. (Complaints that they decide aren't actionable will be pulped after 90 days.)
The National Archives has already given its preliminary approval.
@POGOBlog 3/ Some of the records-destruction requests from the Forest Service seem concerning. They cover rural development, campgrounds, and procurement.