When low-dose aspirin is not only a bust, but is associated with higher all-cause mortality, #cancer, and more bleeding in healthy elderly nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
3 @NEJM papers of a randomized trial of >19,000 people by @JohnMcNeil6 @ASPREE_aus and colleagues
Congratulations to the @ASPREE_aus investigators for taking on this important endeavor, not accepting dogma, and publication of the unexpected results with lucidity.
You might ask why a prior meta-analysis showed aspirin to be so protective vs. death from #cancerthelancet.com/journals/lance…@TheLancet whereas the current trial had to be stopped prematurely due to futility. And the results obtained were anything but futile.
Trying the micro-needle blood draw (my 1st experience w/ this)
It was a truly painless, efficient way to collect 100 ul of blood
Just push the green button; it took 2 minutes to get the red light to go on (= full sample)
According to the company @7sbio, the sample is sufficient for whole genome sequencing and 6-7 lab tests (not CBC or electrolytes). I have not seen any published data. This is one of at least 4 companies w/ micro- needle (so small you can't see them) blood draws.
Their 2018 paper @natBME provides the methodology, the data for HbA1c (@US_FDA approved) vs venous standard and projected price of $5. nature.com/articles/s4155…
to read the full paper rdcu.be/Hlzi
[fulfilling transparency; peer-review standards] await data on other tests