Today I PRAY that Humanity will Wake Up and throw down the False Idols they have been deceived to worship! Idolatry has no place in this World. Do not place ANY entity above the Lord our God in your heart or mind!
Tonight was the Emmy Awards, an awards show dedicated to glorify the already glorified Actors on TV.
Think about it. They give each other Awards for being the best liars. 🤣
The opening act had some big zingers!
70th Emmy Awards: Opening Monologue
What’s is the BIG DEAL about the [RED CARPET]?
They honor themselves like Gods. The Deification of Hollywood needs to end. Appreciate the Art for Art’s sake, but stop idolizing and emulating these people!
History of the Red Carpet
Now some big names are now coming forward and calling Q is a LARP (today of ALL days)!
They say the #Qanon movement is Dangerous. Why? Because they see some people propping up Q as a Great Idol above all others.
Why do they really say this?
Plausible Deniability.
An EDUCATED population armed with the TRUTH is dangerous!
But not in the way you think...
Rise Against - Re-Education (Through Labor)
If a misdirected individual takes it too far, people could get hurt, they say. #FakeNews has already used this tactic, when a man blocked a bridge. All he wanted was to have his VOICE HEARD for the government to release the unredacted IG report!
People are SCREAMING for Truth!
We have been LIED TO BY EVERYONE for so long that people are FED UP!!!
This farcical movie has reached it’s CLIMAX. Our government can choose to DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING and give us the TRUTH so we can make a true informed decision on how to proceed, or this Republic is Doomed!
@mentions@Magapill says #Qanon is a too big to fail Complacency Psyop because we just sit back and TRUST THE PLAN!
Are you BLIND? Do you not see the numbers? Do you not hear the voices? Frankly, I commend all of my fellow Anons in this massive #Qarmy for staying as calm as we have!
We TRUST THE PLAN because Q Team has shown us results. #Qproofs are ROCK SOLID!
And we do have great leaders! The beauty of #Qanon is there is no central leadership for the enemy to attack. #WeAreQ
WWG1WGA (dedicated to Q and all of the Anons)
You don’t see the minds that are waking up, engaging, getting involved, learning, and PRAYING!
For this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE of epic proportions. No other power than Satan is strong enough to have led this Country so far away from our Constitutional ideals.
It will take GOD to lead this Country and this World back from the Precipice of HELL!
Q Team serves at the pleasure of the President.
Q Team serves US!
We are ALL Patriots!
We do not glorify Q. #WeAreQ
Where we go one, we go all!
#Qanon is not a CULT or a Religion.
We are a PEACEFUL BAND of Patriots, Anons, and Autists that are using asymmetrical warfare in an INFORMATION WAR to take back our Great Country!
Trump: 'In America we don't worship government, we worship God'
Trump is breaking the back of ALL of our adversaries: ISIS. Muslim Brotherhood. NK. Trade Imbalances. C_A. Drugs. Lack of jobs and education. An economy that was dying under the weight of regulations and STUPIDITY in DC. WTO. Human Traffickers. Corruption.
And the DEEP STATE!!!!
It was these same people and these same tactics that elected President Trump! And we will continue to help the cause in any way we can!
So turn up the volume, grab your popcorn, and Enjoy the Show!!!
And since she does it so well EVERY SINGLE DAY, in the Spirit of WWG1WGA, here are Q’s posts for today... as threaded by the awesome @LisaMei62!
Who was Agamemnon?
The Greek king that was the head of the “1,000” ships in the Trojan War Against Troy. He literally sacrificed his own daughter in order to appease the gods so they would favor the winds of his sails and the journey of his fleet.
(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
Which couple was photographed covered in gold?
Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?
What does this represent?
Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically the sun god Ra -- and often used it to craft objects of spiritual significance.
Why is this relevant?
They made many current/former enslaved children famous.
Hollywood is filled w/ them.
Find the loudest voices.
Who was adopted?
Who was born in?
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.
The spirit cooking discovery is bigger than you know.
Follow Maria.…
[Why not?] [if true] D's do not want DECLAS [TO PROVE] POTUS was colluding w/ RUSSIA?
Why are D's opposed to DECLAS if what they say is true?
DECLAS would [PROVE] evidence v. POTUS to obtain FISA WARRANT - why the block?
Define 'Projection'.
See article above - redactions made to 'protect' exposing the REAL TRUTH?
Logical thinking.
McCabe Memos [source] >>> NYT [RR] 'wear a wire'
Sessions Subpoena >>> McCabe Memos delivery to House
Baker Testimony >>> House [what was learned?][D]
You know what scares me about this... it wasn’t long ago that truth telling patriots were legitimately scared of being declared ENEMY COMBATANTS in the same fashion.
I’m not saying it is, but WHAT IF Q was a final push to identify the conspiracy minded?
Let’s talk about PUNK ROCK.
Punk Rock is a Mind Set, not a clothing style!
It is those that recognize the CORRUPTION in our system and REBEL!
Truest Punk Rockers believe we are Punk Rockers for GOD!
Turbonegro - The Age Of Pamparius
We believe the WORLD is Ugly and Tainted with Sin!
We believe in Something Greater!
We are NOT Anarchists!
(Though would be convenient and I considered it... it sucks. My original initials are AQO for a reason...)
Here is my favorite Female Punk Rocker:
We got MAD LOYALTY in our ranks! Like you wouldn’t even understand!
Like a Military System!
We Honor Truth, Beauty, Freedom & Time!
Mad mofo knowledge too!
We’ve been kicked down and learned to research for ourselves FOR YEARS!