Youngs need to be told Biden got a big shiny rehab by Barack.
He was VILE to Anita Hill in front of her 80 year old BLACK country church proper one generation removed from SLAVERY parents. It was vile.
No, we aren’t running Biden 2020 anyone who Says that wants us to lose- a troll, right winger or chaos agent. There is no base of the party will for Biden, never has been. 1% in Iowa. Plagiarism Joe. #AnitaHill No.
Why would we run Joe when we have a woman who wears gowns with pockets?
‘91 tell us more about the size of his penis judiciary Joe.
‘91 Orrin Hatch glimpses us into Brainwashed uptight twisted #Exvangelical world. Normalizing, justifying Brainwashy Christian denial of #anitaHill lived experience.
‘18 Orrin Hatch, dementia patient Propped up as a figurehead for the pro rape @GOP
We had never heard words “sexual harassment”
Ick wasn’t yet labeled
NO ONE discussed porn in Public, ever,
much less in U.S. Senate on C-SPAN.
Rapey Clarence Thomas had a parade of fellow rape apologists and rapist wannabees covering their own sex crimes by calling Professor Hill an insane emotional hysterical overreacting delusional scorned crazy liar in front of the world.
Graphics by @FrancescaRizzo Part of a 4 year digital campaign to raise awareness of the names of the human victims of #Cosby’s 45 year drug and rape crime spree.
No one knows all of these survivors’ names.
They aren’t famous, they didn’t “cash in”
By being raped.
#KavanaughConfirmation and his fascist Theocrat cronies Grassley and Orrin Hatch simply following the crucifixion of Anita Hill model of Trotting out dude after dude who told us that Clarence Thomas “wasn’t” a porn addicted rapist. #longDongSilver
During the Anita Hill hearings a sharp line emerged between women who had been raped and harassed
and those who hadn’t yet reconciled and named their experiences.
“federal legislation could be on the way. In July 2018, Republican representatives introduced a bill that would protect adoption agencies with state or federal contracts who discriminate on religious or moral grounds nationwide. “
The fight over gay adoption parallels the fight over marriage. Republicans have long fought our right to adopt and have “legitimate “ families. Marriage and adoption to them made us “normal” so they fought it with a passion. #queerpol
And that’s who we hurt when we keep on tolerating abuse of these three power voices.
1,6 and 10.
“My takeaway that day was that he had done this thousands of times.
He knew exactly where to put his hand.
He knew exactly when to drop and squeeze.
He was showing me he had control and power.
He was showing me I meant nothing.” -me
-And that’s why I believe 8 women.
Progressives who keep blaming @SenGillibrand for the ACTIONS of A MAN because he was SO Progressive we can’t live without him are Killing the reps of real active elected progressive women.