"You deploy because your nation sends you to these places. And then one day you come home and you realize it was all a lie."
"Our town is dying. One out of every four homes is an abandoned dilapidated structure, and you get told; keep picking up trash and let leaders do what leaders do."
"Elected leaders in our towns, our states, in our COUNTRY are absolutely are self serving."
"You know you come home and you realize. I can take you five minutes from here and show you where kids have it worse than kids I saw in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"So that's why I come back here and started speaking up, and I will not shut up for nobody." -- Richard Ojeda, dem for Congress, WV.
Fuckin' A if he ain't right on ALL those accounts.
Imagine being a vet, taking that oath, risking your life in service then coming home
And finding out your fellow citizens haven't done THEIR duty to our nation by doing such an easy thing as VOTING and PAYING ATTENTION.
Toxic pollution run amuck, homeless everywhere you look, shitty jobs, infrastructure from the 30s, and a shitshow bought gov't.
The military fosters a sense of self responsibility in a person, and a sense of how much bigger things are than one person.
Then you come home and find a nation of people who care more about a bigger fucking TELEVISION than if their neighbors are eating every day.
And why?
"I don't like politcs."
Guess who's fault that is?
We stopped paying attention, we stopped demanding accountability from our leaders, we stopped being a NATION and became individuals instead.
We let OTHERS run our nation; we're too lazy to do it ourselves.
Too many of our fellow citizens, even ones you may not like, are suffering on a mass scale never before seen in this nation.
November is the only chance we have to fix this shitshow, then EVERY DAY after is a day for progress.
I want you to think of a case about five years ago. In Florida a kid got drunk, slaughtered some folks on the side of the road and got slap on the wrist.
He claimed "afluenza," sayin' he was too RICH to understand what he'd done.
He had rich parents, who on the state level had plenty of political influence. They had some real power. His parents hired expensive attorneys and experts, spent a bunch of money, and I assume favors, and he got off.
I live in Indiana, where Joe Donnelly is up for re-election. The play right now from repubs is to hammer in how awesome Kavenaugh is, then either get Donnelly's vote, or to hammer HIM with a no vote come election time.
A commercial's been runnin'.
Let's dissect it shall we? 1/
Brett rolled out of a SCOTUS clerkship right into Ken Starr's waiting arms, a low level repub legal attack dog right off the bat. A real sharp tack. washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politic⦠2/
Kavanaugh's curious too, like when he wanted to know the details of Bill Clinton's sexual activities for the Starr Report. Because "family values." cnn.com/2018/08/20/pol⦠3/
This is a partial list of Republicans who have resigned or lost re-election because of scandal in the last eighteen years.
Mark Foley. Larry "Wide Stance" Craig. Newt Gingrich. Chris Lee. Mike Flynn. Scott Pruitt. Tom Price. Brenda Fitzgerald.
Taylor Weyeneth. David Sorenson.
Vivieva Wright Simpson. Rob Porter. Tony Tooke. Rick Gates. Paul Manafort. Steve Stockman. Tim Murphy. Trent Franks. Terence Flynn. David Petraeus. Aaron Schock. Benjamin Cole. Brett O'donnell. Thaddeus McCotter.
Paul Seewald. Don Yowchuang. Jesse Benton. David Rivera. Rick Renzi. Mike Crapo. Trey Radel. John Ensign. Michael Grimm. John Tate. Dimitri Kesari. Fred Pagan. Scott Desjarlais. Adam Khune. David Wihby. Mark Fueller. Samuel B. Kent. Jack Camp.
War zones are constant stress. The tension never stops, the threat of action being constant. In this information war the same applies.
The constant outrage, the looking for and stopping bad actors.
There's been a lot of malaise and defeatism amongst good folks out there, and the soldier in me refuses to accept that.
Morale is KEY to winning.
I've been helping that out, here and there on threads, but people keep asking me how I can be so positive.
Let me say first, emotionally this has NOT been easy for me, nor any of you out there. The pain of this administration is real for SO many, and each has their own reason. After the election I hid from people for days.
But then I got motivated again.
For my kids, for your kids, for our great experiment of self governance. I refused to believe that despotism will take our great nation.