When you are the first person to ever tell an abuse victim you believe them, and you see their reaction to finally being told they are believed; the weight of the call to “believe women” takes on new meaning and an infinitely greater sense of urgency. #metoo#churchtoo
And I say this as a black man. Fully aware that there are a multitude of men who are in prison and have been to prison because of false accusations. I fully recognize that o could go to prison cuz of my ethnicity based on a false charge. Stil, I generally believe women.
“But here’s the thing, despite the history of false sex crime claims against black men by white women, I still have no problem believing women when they tell me they’ve been sexually assaulted...”
My position isn’t that Kavanaugh absolutely did it. My position is that some of you talk like there is no possibility he could have. I’ve not said there is no way Dr. Ford could be mistaken, I’ve said many folks defend Kavanaugh in a way that SHOWS they’ll ALWAYS side w/ the man.
My primary issue (among many) is that the GOP has made it clear they do not care at all about sexual assualt allegations. Their leader, Trump, mocks it & is guilty himself. My primary issue is those who profess Christ who also abound in Apathy towards victims of sexual violence.
Yes, after listening to testimonies, I believe Kavanaugh is significantly downplaying his high school drunkenness & it’s possible he assualted & doesn’t recall. I also think he displayed demeanor consistent w/ abusers.
Regardless. How Evangelicals talk abt issue is concerning.
1. The moment Kavanaugh chose to publicly call out Democrat’s for a conspiracy, he disqualified himself from SCOTUS. Even if true, the partiality he spoke with disqualifies him from the court. I’m sure other Justices face palmed at that.
2. There is no way he can be voted in without a further investigation. I do believe the democrats intentionally withheld info for their own purposes, and it worked. Regardless of motive we are where we are. The credibility of the court & Senate require further investigation.
3. There are significant gaps in Dr. Ford’s story. How she get to party? How she get home? When was it?
Some of these can be answered w/ investigation, others can’t. Lack of answers doesn’t mean she is not telling the truth. Trauma causes selective memory. Story still credible.
Adultery is the bitter fruit of pride. It happens when a demonic lie is believed. A lie that tells you, “you deserve better [than her/him]”. If lie is believed when one doesn’t adhere to scripture’s admonishments to remember God’s Grace & instead they forget the very gospel.
The gospel tells us a few things.
1. We are human, and with that comes inherent dignity. We deserve much better than abuse as image bearers.
2. In our sin, we deserve hell and eternal separation from the source of all truth, beauty, & goodness. We don’t deserve romantic love.
3. God is sovereign over all things, including the relationships we are in. Who we covenant to, in marriage, does not surprise God. Pursuing someone else when a marriage Covenant is intact is unbelief- practical atheism of the highest order despite what we claim to believe.
Obscure Local Church ministry > Any public Christian platform
The church will have bought into a worldly conception of power & influence when it begins weighing a leader’s credibility according to public persona & connections rather than local service & hospitality.
The couple who invites a struggling saint over for dinner out of the abundance of love despite their struggle to manage 4 children and overdue bills has done something no less glorious than the man who preaches before a crowd of thousands.
The single saint who joyfully gives up a Friday night to babysit for a family who hasn’t had a date in weeks/months is doing work no less glorious than the Christian radio host who is broadcasting internationally.
As we hear prominent evangelical figures dismissing biblically informed social justice as being “not the mission of the church”, remember that’s what slave holders said to abolitionists & segregationists to advocates for racial equality. King died most hated man in America.
Despite the white-washing of history that has sought to both sanitize Dr. King and elevate his support among white Americans; King was despised. He was despised by southern Christians, and hated by many Christian pastors. They considered him divisive to the body of Christ.
Black AND White racial equality advocates have always been despised by the conservative “evangelical” church in America. Yes, some within the ranks of evangelicalism have joined the cause but once they did; they all became fringe and despised by many. Read your history, beloved.
Can we admit that when we use “bibilical” as an adjective it is usually about control?
Biblical Manhood
Biblical Womanhood
Biblical Counseling
Biblical Marriage
It’s often abt trying to make our own interpretive perspectives into absolutes, & they’re often guided by culture.
I believe in absolute truth. I believe Christians must submit to the word of God & the truths found in Bible are not relative, but absolute. I also think some faith traditions go beyond what is written & still classify their way as what is the only “biblically” faithful option.
I’m not against using the Bible as an adjective. There truly is such a thing as biblical justice. Justice according to God’s Word and not worldly philosophies. The world has its conception of manhood & there is a biblical conception of manhood as well. I fully recognize this.