The President said release the Carter Page FISA and the Text Messages of Comey, Page, Strzok, McCabe, And Ohr to the PUBLIC!!
Any member of Congress or Senate on either side of the political aisle not okay with that, is a traitor to the Republic.
Are you fed up yet America?
This is why I only trust Trump and no one else! The evidence of corruption on both sides is overwhelmingly obvious..
If you don’t trust Trump by now you never will. There is no place in this movement for Never Trumpers like Joe Walsh, Trish Regan, Ben Shapiro and others.
They are bought and paid for opposition period!
Look around you, they are working on both sides of the aisle to destroy this President.
His track record of success in the first 20 months is jaw dropping.
Any Politician not willing to back him up, is yet again a traitor to the Republic.
If you’re not Pissed off right now, you’re not paying attention at home.
This is a multi attempted failed silent Coup against a duly elected sitting President. They are pulling out all the stops to undermine his Presidency in every facet.
November is the most important election of our lifetime.
You must get out in droves.
Losing is not an option unless you want America to be lost.
The other side doesn’t play fair, they don’t care about the rules or your constitution.
Hell they don’t even care about you
Fake MAGA accounts keep telling you about a Red Wave Rising.
I’m warning you about a Blue Tsunami of epic proportions
Never underestimate your opponent in anything
Act Blue has now raised $1.5 Billion for the 2018 Midterms.
They only spent $1.2 Billion in the 2016 races
They are coming for the House and the Senate, and if we don’t turn out in record.m numbers these criminals will succeed.
You must vote in November like your way of life depends on it, because it does.
Never get complacent in anything, complacency leads to failure.
We must get involved at all levels of these Midterms.
Make Phone Calls ☎️
Put out Signs 📰
Knock on doors🚪
Retweet Candidates
Share Articles
Share Poscasts and YouTube videos
We must do our part at any and al levels
If you’re too scared to share a tweet, you don’t need to be in this fight.
It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.
I for one don’t want to explain to my daughters and their children one day why we didn’t do enough to save the Republic.
We’re literally fighting for our Nations existence and people are upset by words and feelings...
Do you think George Washington on the battlefield said “Thou said a mean word to me, and I am accosted by it. I shall return to my tent and cry thyself to sleep”
Our Founding Fathers went to War over Tea... yes Tea!!!
Some of the people who claim to be on our side are mad at language I use...
Seriously? Are you offended by the Language our Grandfathers used in WWII? I assure you it wasn’t pleasant.
Grow Up and Grow A Spine!
I am shocked every day by the cowards who claim to be MAGA.
They say they are America First, but they can’t even be bothered to support those who are on the ground fighting.
They can’t even be bothered to share the Truth when it presents itself.
They are shameful individuals!
I see a lot of people blaming the liberal left.
Not so fast my friends
They are tyrannical and succeeding
But ask yourself how or why?
Because the Conservatives in power have rolled over and allowed it to happen.
Trump has finally empowered some of them to do good.
As much as we are irritated by the left I am far more irritated by Fake MAGA and Conservatives who don’t have a backbone.
We have sat by for two decades while they transformed our Nation into a politically correct society from hell.
They aren’t going to give it back easy
If you think the left is going to just give back what they have created without a massive fight, you’re wrong.
We can’t win a battle of this magnitude with people that are worried about what others do, think, or say.
The time for thick skin and work is now.
We can win in November and you have to believe that.
But winning doesn’t happen by continuing to be politically correct.
It’s time to channel your inner bad ass and get it done.
No more excuses folks, those are growing old on why some can’t do, say, or partake anymore.
Anyone who’s not willing to comply with releasing the Carter Page FISA Memo and the text messages of Comey, Page, Strzok, McCabe, And Ohr WITHOUT REDACTION Needs to be fired immediately.
You and I need to be ready to fight like hell for our President when this starts!
Be Ready
It starts now, less than two months until the most important election of our lifetimes.
Are you going to fight?
Or are you going to be scared of what your friends and family think?
That’s a serious question by the way, because too many of you are.
I’m sorry you feel that way John. We’re the only team in America fighting for the truth in multiple cases. We’re on the ground in Las Vegas right now with Licensed Professionals Investigating. We don’t just make YouTube videos.. We actually do the boots on the ground work. -MC
Furthermore we’ve been In Vegas working for a week, we’ve raised $320... not sure where you or anyone else thinks our team is “making money”
All of our Funding is public on Go Fund Me And Fundly.
Plane Tickets, Hotels, Meals, Travel, FOIAs, etc. are you trolling Tom Fitton to?
And Yes, this turned into a thread. We have hundreds of thousands of followers and the only people who ever complain about our Funding have never donated, they don’t share or retweet our Intel, they just complain. We have less than 500 donors in 1.5 years.. those are the facts.
This card was left in US Marine Lieutenant Colonel Matt Meck’s Door. He’s not an ATF Agent, he’s an FBI Agent. Colonel Meck is blowing the whistle on Fast and Furious. We are going to help him anyway we can. #FastandFurious
In just a few minutes I will have an Exclusive LIVE Interview with Former Navy SEAL and founder Craig Sawyer. It's going to be heart wrenching, and I'm truly honored Craig has entrusted my team to do this story. @CraigRSawyer We will not let you down.
You will be able to listen LIVE on all of our platforms, and I encourage you do to so.
Again, this will be the first time that anyone will hear what Craig Sawyer, Former Navy Seal is about to reveal.
I know the back story, and I'm crushed for Craig and his family. I am however proud of their courage, fight, and God loving spirit to want to get this out
Every American that wants to see another good American who will uphold the Constitution on the Supreme Court should be sharing this, and calling this number!