Influence and connections are social capital. A person or entity who has ‘good social capital’ can ask favors, influence decisions, and communicate efficiently.
Social capital is of primary importance in politics, business, and community organizing
Financial capital: Money, currencies, securities and other instruments of the global financial system. It is our primary tool for exchanging goods services with other humans
Intellectual capital is best described as a ‘knowledge’ asset. The majority of the current global education system is focused on imparting intellectual capital — whether or not it is the most useful form of capital for creating resilient and thriving
communities. Having intellectual capital is touted as the surest way to ‘be successful’ it is often motivated by the desire for financial or social capital. For example, “going to university” is primarily an exchange of financial capital for intellectual capital.
It is supposed to prepare people for the rest of their lives in the world.
We accumulate experiential capital through actually organizing a project in our community, or building a strawbale house, or completing a permaculture design.
The most effective way to learn anything comes through a blended gathering of intellectual and experiential capital. .
I can see that ‘Human Capital’ is a combination of social, intellectual and experiential capital,
all facets of a person that can be gathered and carried in essentially limitless amounts. But there’s one more form of capital that a person can gather and carry inside themselves.
As one practices their religion, spirituality, or other means of connection to self and universe, one may accumulate spiritual capital. It contains aspects of intellectual and experiential capital, but is deeper, more personal and less quantifiable.
1/3 Note to all registered attendees for the YPF Skill Acquisition program 2.0 starting from Monday 10th to Saturday 15th September, 2018
1. All participants must come with an evidence of Registration either in hard or soft copies.
2/3 2.Participants are allowed to attend training classes for just one skill. 3. Lateness is strictly prohibited. All participants shall be at the training hall on or before 9am throughout the training period.
For so many Startups, the excuse for not actually starting a business or executing an idea is the capital to start with.
Some have had to quit an idea to pursue the needed cash but never came back to the idea. Only a few young minds could manage through.
2/4 Few sources below could help with that needed fund:
*Family members
*Angel Investors
*Venture Capitalists
3/4 The list above is actually supposed to help out with the needed resources but if none works out, use what you have to get what is needed not what is desired, but remember to always be godly.
Have you started that business and want to grow it big? Use the tips below and see the results in the nearest future. 1. Organization:
Organization will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done
3/9 and what potential challenges you could be facing. This gives leverage on time to create strategies to overcome those challenges.
3. Understand Your Competition:
Competition breeds the best results. To be successful, be ready to study and learn from your competitors
4/9 and implement lessons learnt.
4. Understand the Risks and Rewards
Taking calculated risks helps your business grow. A good question to ask is "What's the downside?". This knowledge will allow you to take the kinds of calculated risks that can generate tremendous rewards.