More evidence that Flake's FBI investigation is another #ThinkMirror. "THEY HAD THE VOTES" already and this looks like a counter-sting against the actual bad guys to uncover their fraudulent attempt to frame #Kavanaugh. Patriots are in CONTROL!…
This is the #RussiaCollusion scam all over again. Just like the dirty dossier to frame Trump, they did exact same putting that lying hussy in front of Congress to get Kavanaugh. They just cannot stop their treason. We'll have to stop it for them.
Yup, its clearly the ONLY thing this #Kavanaugh FBI investigation is about. They break the law to get us, we follow the law to get them. Losers.…
Patriots look after their own. They were always going to confirm #Kavanaugh - but not without clearing his name. They want to make sure to vindicate him while showing us all how [they] have been cheating the system for decades. Enjoy the show. #PatriotsFight#PatriotsInControl
1. I wish I could explain it better. There's a vast multi-generational mafia who hates all that we think is good. They've been behind all wars and communist revolutions for centuries. They crossed the Atlantic, infiltrated America and were about to launch an all-out war on us.
2. They'd hijack the leaders of a functioning country, install their brand of communism to leech its resources, collapse its economy and finally impoverish everyone. Then they would move to the next one. Can't you see just by looking at communist countries that it's not benign?
3. You can reject open borders and globalism without being a bad person. You can have compassion for all people without letting these selfish criminals manipulate you. When you have enabled them and gotten your humanitarian award, that is precisely when they'll come for you too.
1. Q says America will be reunified again. When we see the hysterics of the Deep State supporters who have been so severely deceived by the compromised mainstream media, we cannot comprehend how that would ever be possible. With all this demented hate, is Q delusional?
2. Well here's the thing. In America today, we are divided not by political affiliation, but by an ability to individually trust our instincts about what is wrong and right. It takes a certain strength to hear what others say and then judge for ourselves whether they are true.
3. The more insecure we may be, the more likely we will grasp onto narratives pushed by what we perceive to be the collective majority. Of course, as we have learned about the #MockingbirdMedia, these are not the majority at all, but a fabricated illusion.
Today's spitball: maybe Q's "RED OCTOBER" is not referring to #RedWave Republican red. That will only happen in November. What else could it mean?
Maybe the month where 95% of the country decide to vote red after seeing what the blue team are capable of. Although that may be a little basic for Q... 🤔
This is the month we learn what last arrows the Deep State have in their quiver. They will likely attempt to unload the last bullet in their chamber, so stay alert.
It is quite possible that #JFKJnr lives. The good thing for us is that, if it is him so brazenly parading himself in public, the Patriots are very advanced in their takedown of the Deep State. I have gone from 20/80 to 50/50 on this theory.
We cannot claim to be open minded about some things but then so adamantly resistant to others without due consideration. Coincidences are possible, but the number of them with this #JFKjrLives theory are statistically significant enough to deserve some inquiry.
The anon called R I'm pretty sure was an imposter though. Don't get thrown by that clown op.
1) In the 80s, there was this surge of moms freaking out about satanic symbolism in music and cartoons. They even said Mickey was evil. It faded out of the media and we laughed it off. But then something happened. It was called #TheStorm.
2) We learned that it never actually disappeared, and that those moms were trying to warn us about a surging force of evil that had matastisized throughout society, and frighteningly also into the very media we depended on for our knowledge of the world around us.
3) We learned what Satanism really is: a worldwide parallel secret society who look and act like you and me, but who are motivated to secretly indulge in acts that are so monstrous, we would never be able to comprehend the motives that drive humans to even dream it up.
Palestinians are not the bad guys. I know what evil looks like and they should not be separated, rationed, controlled and forced into poverty like this. Something is very wrong with this arrangement.
If people of another nation or group view America as an enemy, just remember who was running us up until Trump. If you understand #TheStorm, then you can understand why anyone would hate us... until now.
Terrorism is never right, but our Mockingbird media isn't the only one deceiving and casting innocents as the enemy.