When listening to the Republican-skies-have-fallen-forever analysis out there, keep this in mind. No one has any data. Every time you hear "this will happen" and "here's the reason why" etc., they're either guessing, projecting or flat aout lying.
The Deep State has always twisted data, but right now it is facing an existential threat unlike any it's ever confronted. It's not just the corruption of polls - that's old news! - it's also the newness of the conditions on the ground. No one knows what questions to ask.
And of course it's far worse than that. From poll construction (and tipping the scales) through to analysis and reportage, who cares to penetrate the surface to find the truth underneath? No one. So remember...
Every certain sure thing out there, is neither certain nor sure. If I had any data I trusted, I'd make a call. I don't have any, so no call can be made. I do know this. Our stakes are just as high in 2018 as they were in 2016. I'll be voting. How about you?
How does history make sense? It's an important question. The best answer I've found - and there's no proving it - is that goodness grows. Consider slavery. 1776's Declaration states all men are created equal, while it's creators were slave owners. Yet, the Revolution was good.
The Civil War was horrible beyond description. Yet, the slaves were in fact freed. No, not to be equal partners in America yet, we needed 100 more years until the 1960's in order to win civil rights for all. But, it came. Goodness grew.
Stepping back a moment, WWII occurred, and evil reached what was perhaps its greatest expression, but it lost in the end. Then, in the decades that followed, there were many terrible wars, worst of all for America was Viet Nam. Yet, we won the Cold War.
There is a part of our country that is now promoting and perpetrating political violence. We must look this in the face and call it what it is. Consider that term, political violence. It is organized and purposeful.
It is not mere reactionary, reacting to events. It is rather, strategic, planed and is in fact a "design," that is, it is perpetrated by design for a strategic purpose. What is that purpose?
It is the destroy the very basis of our nation, in law. It is to destroy the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution and deriving from, rooted in our Declaration of Independence. A true understand of this requires the homework of reading this book:
* Remember the Forgotten Americans
* Rule of Law
* American Jobs
* Quality of Life for Every American
* Heal Our Cities
* Build the Wall
* Make America Wealthy Again
* Make America Strong Again
* Make America Safe Again
* Make America Great Again amazon.com/America-First-…
The 10 points are what we should be talking about. We need to stop reacting to all the evil in the air, and refocus on our own vision forward. If you just meditate on these 10 points you'll immediately feel better. Try it!
To dive in more deeply, you will love @shestokas review. His clear thinking wipes clean all the mental cobwebs that Democrats are spinning in your head.
So what now? Let us assume Kavanaugh gets his confirmation. What then? First, be certain, the Democrats will ratchet up their evil behaviors to ever higher planes. I'm happy if you disagree with me, but try to hear me anyway. They have released their playbook into the world.
Picture the attempt to impeach. Of course, this requires victory in November, which, I believe, they've now made almost impossible for themselves. Still, imagining the terrible, they win the house and not only impeach Trump, but also the newly seated Kavanaugh. Impeachment..ssss.
It's far worse, though. There is a clear, fundamental principle that the Democrats have calculated is ready to be destroyed. The presumption of innocence, and the necessity of evidence. They're ready to top-end the entire idea of justice in America.
I don't want to ridicule Senator Feinstein. Rather, I am calling her decisions and actions on the line. She has sabotaged a good man, and sabotaged the process of his appointment. She has held all of us hostage to her reprehensible tactics. That's enough to judge her by.
I can't prove that Senator Feinstein knows that Brett Kavanaugh is innocent, while I'm confident she does. We don't need such certain knowledge. All we require is the simple memory that she never once asked him about this matter when she should have. This is proof of ill intent.
Take one more step with me. Where is Senator Feinstein's honor? How could you, as a faithful servant of the people, withhold this information if you believed it credible? Or, knowing it is false, wait till the last moment to reveal it? Why isn't her honor a topic of question?
1) I have a short story to tell, and then an application to make. We begin in the year 1978, and shock of my life, I'm Junior Class President and discover I have a shot at becoming Study Body President if I run. You cannot imagine how stunning a discovery that was.
2) So, well, you won't be surprised that I decided to go for it. It may surprise you that I essentially did NOT want to campaign, though. How do you run around saying "I'm the guy you need, hire me, I'm better than anyone else, vote for me...", etc.?
3) The answer is, you just do it. But at first, I didn't know that, so I wrongly thought I'd have all my friends campaign for me. Funny thing, we had a high school team working on polling data, and I was losing. A new strategy was required.