1)I am seeing an increasing number of people under the impression that #lightning as an overlay bridge network for #blockchains (via atomic swaps) is a great thing for alts.
And they can not be more wrong.
In reality, Lightning is where #altcoins will come in droves only to die
2) At the moment, all blockchains are entirely segregated from one another. The only real bridge that exists today are exchanges which are largely inefficient with enormous amounts of friction, ie. registration, KYC/AML, confirmation wait times for deposits/withdrawals, etc.
3) Friction & segregation of networks protects smaller networks from larger ones consuming & engulfing them. Network theory teaches us that we continually gravitate towards the singularity, after all this is the entire premise of a network. This is evident all throughout history.
1) The narrative, promise, and objective of #blockchain has been skewed and altered into some Frankenstein clusterfuck. I see so many clueless people talking about competition, applications, tx throughput, speed, governance. When did this space derail and spiral out of control?
2) The purpose of a blockchain is to recreate objective truth or reality and the *only* way we can achieve this is when its security exceeds any one person's ability to alter its records or censor future ones. Therefore, the *only* application of a blockchain is security.
3) Blockchains are *NOT* application platforms nor are they communication mediums. They are not built for this functionality as they are highly inefficient. They are first and foremost consensus apparatuses to trustlessly discover truth and create objective reality.
Over time, I’m open to it. But right now, it’s a farfetched grandiose idea.
Bitcoin is largely the only real and/or practical application right now. Everything else is snakeoil to me. And I’ll explain.
The thing about asset ownership such as real estate for example is that it exists exclusively in the physical world and adheres to the physical world’s laws and security principles.
Let’s say you have a tokenized deed on some decentralized ledger, then what?
Who is going to honor this deed? Surely someone needs to provide the *physical security* framework to honor and reflect the tokenized deed, ie. the state.
If you are dependent on a centralized body for security, then it’s a pointless venture to “decentralize” record keeping.