1/ TIL that suspended users can still access their archives. And you can post said archives on the internet for the world to see. So, let's talk about @thomaswictorronfor37.org/wictor/index.h…
2/ First keep in mind his tweets are voluminous, and the archive algorithm is nowhere near Twitter's production site. So have patience, his tweets will show up.
3/ Second, my site ronfor37.org is officially archived by the Library of Congress as a campaign site. So I'm happy to have Wictor's tweets be preserved for posterity as part of the site.
4/ You can see by my own Twitter archive mrbiggs.net/twitarch/index… that Wictor and I had similar developments. While my Twitter started in 2009, I didn't start tweeting in earnest till 2014 - the Israel/Gaza War.
5/ That's when I met Wictor. As someone with family in Israel, I knew the news we were getting didn't reflect reality. Wictor had the eye to see that too, and his research into the war was beyond anything I'd seen.
6/ It's embarrassing, really. All these billion dollar news outlets were printing obvious and lazy #fakenews and here was Wictor, an amateur on a computer, cutting through all of it and bringing us Golden Age era research.
7/ To me that was the beginning of the end of the left, when its false premises and lies became evident. The following years saw more and more people getting redpilled, Trump's election, and there was Wictor, cutting through all the bull.
8/ We always knew our days on Twitter were numbered. Twitter is a publisher, not a neutral platform, and we were not a part of their curated agenda.
9/ See, I work in tech, and a major part of my work is distinguishing between bot and human, legit and illegitimate messaging. Twitter hides behind their algorithm. A high profile case like Wictor getting banned, a human was behind it.
10/ I'm already compiling information about key races in the election and how Twitter uses bot-style accounts to push the narrative and harass them with fake #BlueWave rhetoric.
11/ Wictor's ban was based on an obvious lie. Much like Roseanne's ban. Twitter wanted their excuse and they got it. But they forgot one thing.
12/ See, the tweet that got Wictor banned talked about state violence. And the state's right to use violence as an act of law enforcement. It's a key part of any liberal order.
13/ Wictor was talking about using state violence against a leftist assailant against an elected official. Something law enforcement works tirelessly to de-escalate from ever reaching such a conclusion.
14/ But by banning Wictor over even discussing the topic of state violence, they show their curated agenda is no longer suitable for discussion on policy.
15/ See, my district is dealing with the real consequences of the state of California refusing to enforce the laws. Because of this, vagrants are metastasizing and developing brazen bike theft, prostitution and drug rackets. Not to mention the filth.
16/ Every day it's another horror story, another complaint, another helpless resident. The police do nothing, the city government does nothing, they're stuck in an utopian fantasy of giving everyone homes and everything will be better.
17/ Twitter has the same agenda as these leftist politicians. Law enforcement is to be a thing of the past. And if there's no debating it on this site, then it's definitely crossed the line from a platform to a typical leftist rag.
18/ But it's okay. At least we can recover our tweets. Because tweets like Wictor's are historic documents. Someday, a student will study our time, and they'll come across my site at the LoC, and everything will click.
19/ oh, and you can read the tweetstorm that got him banned in the archive. It was a response to Alyssa Milano's unstable diversionist tactics at the Kavanaugh hearings. September 2018. Tweet 16.
2/ As an Email Administrator, it's my job to determine legitimate messages from malware, spam, and bots. In that sense, @DanaRohrabacher 's timeline fascinates me.
3/ Just for the sheer amount of mindless vitriol he receives. You'll notice it started with this tweet:
1/ Lots happened in the past 48 hours: Dorsey hearings, Alex Jones banned from Twitter, Barack Obama comes out of the woodwork.
2/ All three happened in coordinated fashion, and it's leaving a lot of people confused on how to respond. Let me see if I can shed some light on it.
3/ Let's go chronologically, starting with the Dorsey hearings. Namely, that he ostensibly did NOT deplatform Alex Jones along with the other Silicon Valley giants.
1/ This tweet got me nearly 2000 likes, 600 RTs, and 100 new followers. So some backstory is in order.
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by @Ron4California view original on Twitter
2/ I've actually had a twitter relationship with @therealroseanne for the past three years, ever since the Gaza conflict, along with others like @ThomasWictor
3/ We were sick of the lies coming out of Hamas and how readily the mainstream press and institutions would propagate them. So we developed our own network.