1. The singular reason that I am on social media is to share empathetic, evidence-based information regarding sexual harm against children and adults. I have a particular interest in elite deviance in faith based communities - for several reasons. A thread.
2. 93% of incarnated sexual offenders self identify as religious or very religious. The very religious committed the most heinous crimes, with the highest number, and youngest victims (Abel & Harlow).
3. "I considered church people easy to fool... they have a trust that comes from being Christian... I think they want to believe in people. And because of that, you can easily convince, with or without convincing words."
5." Protestant evangelicals have two commonly held assumptions that promote victimization:
a. Naive Trust: if you are in the faith, you are more trustworthy
b. Triumphalism: clerics have a special covenant with God - support therein works towards givers self-interest" #churchtoo
6. "Con artists and schemesters know well how to infiltrate these groups and manipulate such denominational and sectarian loyalties... creating a fertile soil for victimization by unscrupulous people." - Shupe
7. And finally... As a survivor of child abuse and neglect, I came to Protestant Evangelical faith hungry for hope. I found predation where I least expected it - in the pulpit. These things should never be - but have always been.