I don't know if people truly understand the depths of my despair.
My insurance company said I reached their yearly cap in June. I am now responsible for 100% of all my cancer treatments, prescriptions, dr/hospital visits out of pocket myself until January 2019 when cap resets.
I have no way to pay for any of it.
Why is that important? Because my cancer will continue spreading to more and more organs while I wait for January to roll around.
I need to stop it from spreading NOW.
The longer I delay my cancer treatments - the farther it spreads.
The farther it spreads the higher my chances are of dying.
All of this is going on because we don't have #MedicareForAll.
How TF would you feel if you had stage 3 endometrial cancer and you couldn't get cancer treatments for it?!?!
How would you feel if you knew you could have a shot at beating it by getting treatments early enough but can't because you don't have the money to pay for it?!?!
Imagine knowing you have a chance to live - but being denied that chance?!?!
Simply because you don't have the money - knowing that this wouldn't be an issue if you lived in another country.
is one of the biggest frauds I have ever seen. She pretends to be progressive now but you CANNOT take the prosecutor out of her. She DESTROYED entire communities in Frisco by prosecuting POC for petty shit & locking up our (mostly) men -fathers, brothers, sons.
An entire Frisco generation grew up with an absent father - at least part of the time - because she would heavily prosecute marijuana cases because they were easy wins to keep her "win" stats up. People did YEARS for small amounts.
I'm not talking county jail time - I am talking San Quentin time which is minimum 2 years. For WEED possession. She fought bail, fought ROR's and hardly EVER reduced or dropped the charges. For WEED possession.