1. Trumpism is made-in-America ugliness that Kremlin interference helped to empower. To defeat it we must address U.S. white supremacism.
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2. Facing their flaws and accepting legitimate criticism is something that authoritarian/narcissistic personalities and groups refuse to do.
3. To the authoritarian, feeling safe, in control, and protected from ego threats takes precedence over empathy and redress of grievances.
4. This requires the repression of critical truths and the generation of "alternative facts" - gaslighting on a large social scale.
5. But as Freud understood, the repressed returns. Refusal or inability to face truths they fear arrests the development of authoritarians.
6. Failing to do the hard work necessary to become emotionally mature, the paranoid personality manifests extreme defense mechanisms.
7. We rightly associate authoritarianism w/ projection and whataboutism. Note too the presence of defensive fetishes derevth.blogspot.com/2017/01/aborti…
8. On an institutional level, e.g. an authoritarian church or government, the institution's reputation is protected over people's safety.
9. In fact, authoritarianism is abusive, and when realized on any social scale results in the covering up of many abuses and crimes.
10. Hence our Right's refusal to own the ugly aspects of US historical and present realities. Hence their freakout about Confederate statues
11. Hence, in fact, the attraction of our Right to strongmen and of many, including #SoCalledPresident, to Vladimir Putin specifically.
12. Look how Russia has sanitized the narrative of the last GULAG prison camp preserved as a museum. rferl.org/a/russia-perm-…
13. In fact there are many similarities b/w Russia and America related to what we might call imperial provincialism:
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14. With US authoritarianism ascendant, we can't take a democratic future for granted. To resist, we need to understand authoritarianism.
15. Russian social critics have made key contributions here, and studying Russia has helped me see these patterns:
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16. It's also important to remember that Trumpism is propped up primarily by our homegrown Christian Right. They radicalized the GOP.
17. The radical Christian Right and GOP have stolen disproportionate power in order to impose authoritarian rule on a majority opposed to it
18. Understanding our Right's affinity for and direct ties to Russia is important. They both play key roles in global right-wing networks.
19. I've made contributions to the monitoring, documentation, and analysis of these global right-wing networks: politicalresearch.org/author/c-stroo…
20. So make no mistake, right-wing populism is a serious global threat to democracy and human rights, and the Kremlin is playing a key role.
21. At the same time, to blame the Kremlin for the existence of Trumpism, which is very much homegrown, is intellectually untenable.
22. So let's study the affinities and the networks and the direct malfeasance and highly likely Trump campaign collision, of course.
23. But let's not fool ourselves into thinking that will solve all our problems. Impeach Trump, and the Christian Right is still in power.
24. #TheResistance needs to understand the Christian Right's homegrown American authoritarianism in order to fight it.
25. In this regard, may I suggest that those of us who lived and left the Christian Right, #GenerationCultureWars, have something to say.
1. I just sent out this month's newsletter for all @Patreon patrons who support me with a $5 or higher monthly pledge. If you find my work valuable and would like the inside Stroop scoop, please consider joining them!
2. At the end of the last academic year, I faced a choice--move back in with my parents in Indiana to pursue the freelance writing and speaking opportunities I was getting more of, or adjunct at the University of South Florida for low pay and no benefits. Or find something new.
3. Here's a thread with some of my life story up to the present. The travel to Austria next spring to do a semester of research mentioned in it fell through despite me having been promised it for years.
Another reversal of an improvement for LGBTQ acceptance in an evangelical institution (World Vision is the other one I have in mind). Evangelicalism doesn’t change its patriarchal ways. It just casts out the people who would make it better.
I also RT requests for financial help fairly often. Unfortunately, many in the #Exvangelical community have needs and are hampered by lack of education, meaningless degrees, or lack of professional experience outside evangelical institutions. The social costs of leaving are high.
I don’t want or expect anyone who can’t afford it to give, and I don’t want anyone to feel obligated; even just RTing those requests is immensely helpful. It is my hope that someday we’ll have some kind of foundation to fund #Exvangelical projects and meet needs. #EmptyThePews
Sometimes crowdfunding is all that stands between an #Exvangelical and homelessness, or being forced to return to a toxic, abusive living situation. That’s the uncomfortable reality. I do make small donations myself to almost every fundraising request I amplify.
September is a big month! I’m at the airport on my way Florida for The #Exvangelical Community: Paths, Projects, Prospects. In the last two days I’ve filed two pieces with editors, and this week I did podcasts w/ @NiceMangos and @kitchencultpod (@haettinger and @mxdarkwater). #FF
Next weekend I’ll be in Charleston, South Carolina to give a talk for @CHShumanists, and am very much looking forward to that! October is also pretty full!
1. A few thoughts on Trump's dinner in honor of evangelicals, which I'll be discussing with @RickSmithShow later. Key context to consider is that fascism is concerned with defining who belongs to "the nation" or "the people," and who doesn't. Internal enemies (Others) are needed.
2. This dovetails neatly with the way in which fundamentalist believers police who does and does not count as a member of their religious confession. This is critical to understanding the Christian Right's politics of "religious freedom":
3. Indeed, as I have written elsewhere, "Fundamentalism is authoritarianism in microcosm, or on the margins. Fascism is essentially fundamentalism in power." The vast majority of white evangelicals are authoritarian and fundamentalist.