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Oct 29, 2017 373 tweets >60 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
President and Mrs. Trump are dining at the Trump Hotel DC right now.
It’s a 7:41 drive from the White House to the Trump Hotel DC (with a motorcade; slower for you).
Wash Times contributor and member of Trump Advisory Board “brought my parents to meet the Boss” at Trump Hotel DC
Madison Gesiotto dined at the Trump Hotel DC last night too.
“I just shook the hand of the President of the United States, awesome” at Trump Hotel DC 30 minutes ago
Trump last visited the Trump Hotel DC on Oct. 14.
BLT Prime in the Trump Hotel DC is the only DC restaurant Trump has eaten in since his inauguration, I believe.
According to @nytimes' Tracking the President’s Visits to Trump Properties, today is his 7th Trump Hotel DC visit
Pic from investigative reporter @bangordailynews @darrenfishell of people waiting in the Trump Hotel DC lobby now
"Dinner out in never know who will be at the table next to you" at Trump Hotel DC
Video of Trump leaving BLT Prime at Trump Hotel DC, posted three minutes ago.
A pic from the rope line of Trump leaving the Trump Hotel DC.
Video of Trump leaving Trump Hotel DC, escorted by Secret Service and the the hotel's managing director
The guy posted by Air Force 2 in the afternoon, saw the president at the Trump Hotel DC in the evening
Periscope video of Trump leaving Trump Hotel DC through its main 11th Street NW entrance
Pool report on Trumps' departure from Trump Hotel DC: "cheers from a small crowd could be heard."
US Senate page got a pic of Trump (“high quality people”) at Trump Hotel DC tonight
“When you accidentally share a date night with @realdonaldtrump and @flotus 😍 #MAGA” at Trump Hotel DC
More from Trump's dinner last night at Trump Hotel DC: "I bet my dinner Trump’d yours. 😉"
Third pic at Trump Hotel DC in two days from Wash Times columnist and Trump advisory board member Madison Gesiotto
New group America First DC launches to “support the President’s campaign agenda”; announces plans to meet monthly at Trump Hotel DC.
Jared Kushner surprised Ivanka Trump with a birthday dinner at Trump Hotel DC last night, @politico reports…
Donald & Melania “stopped by” Trump Hotel DC’s Trump Townhouse for surprise party Jared threw Ivanka, per @politico…
"That time we met the President and First Lady. Both kids really into it. #potus🇺🇸 #flotus" at Trump Hotel DC
CNN contributor and former George HW Bush staffer Paris Dennard brunched at Trump Hotel DC today. (He ate there on Oct. 7 too.)
“When you finally shake President Trump’s hand 🙌🏻 😭👏🏻🎉 when he surprises you and shows up” at Trump Hotel DC
In June @thedailybeast reported Rick Gates could be "spotted milling about" the Trump Hotel DC
In March, @AP reported Rick Gates had stayed at the Trump Hotel DC "in recent weeks"
Candidate Trump meets with his "national security team"—including George Papadopoulos—at Trump Hotel DC 3/31/16.
H/T @johnpmcneil02 for posting the pic in previous tweet. Trump Hotel DC was about six months from opening at that time.
Sovereign Nations Conference happening 10/30-11/1 at Trump Hotel DC. Alan Keyes in attendance. Two GOP congressman also slated to be there.
Deleted my previous tweet, which (based on attendee's tweet) had the wrong name and cause. [Thanks @Fahrenthold.]
Rates to attend the Sovereign Nations Conference (three nights) at Trump Hotel DC: $1,904 (single) and $2,056 (double).
American Spectator recaps its gala at Trump Hotel DC, lists notable guests: Gorka, Rumsfeld, Conway, Sessions…
BREAKING: Trump Hotel DC announces its Thanksgiving dining hours. 🦃
Protest about Trump’s taxes being displayed on IRS building next to Trump Hotel DC tonight
Photo of protest at Trump Hotel DC an hour ago. Sign reads "Trump's relief response is a disaster."
Ronald Reagan Museum docent with connection to for-profit American Military University likes Trump Hotel DC
Associate at global law firm Paul Hastings at the Trump Hotel DC
First two lived at Trump Hotel DC; third opened an eponymous spa there (not relevant to story, just interesting).
Photos from today's Sovereign Nations Conference at Trump Hotel DC
NEW: Former Mexican ambassador to US says ex-USG official has indicated State Dept. instructed to suggest Trump Hotel DC for foreign leaders
Trump Hotels in the bottom 10 of the 1,600+ brands in YouGov’s brand-perception survey (by @sarafischer for @axios)…
Trump Hotel DC’s upcoming sushi restaurant, Sushi Nakazawa, posted its liquor license placard (via @PoPville)…
Group advocating to not cut taxes for wealthy and businesses parked a billboard truck w/audio outside Trump Hotel DC
Interviewer/producer & Calif. Republican party delegate/possible Congressional candidate thankful for Trump Hotel DC's fruit platter
Pres. of a public-affairs firm & pres. of a group uniting Christians to rebuild US pose w/former ambassador Alan Keyes at Trump Hotel DC.
Pres. of a national-security public-affairs firm delivers speech "Who's Breaking Europe?" in front of Lincoln, behind Trump Hotels podium
"'The Declaration doesn't say that we're all equal, it says we are all CREATED equal.' - Amb. Alan Keyes" said at Trump Hotel DC
Interviewer/producer & Calif. Republican party delegate/possible Congressional candidate drink Veuve Clicquot in Trump Hotel DC lobby
NEW: Watchdog files FOIA req re: claim that State Dept. instructed to suggest Trump Hotel DC to foreign gov'ts
Man claims to have given Trump Hotel DC full moon. Photo though shows quarter moon at best. #journalism
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform holding news conference on Trump Hotel DC today
NEW: Dems on House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform sue GSA re: failure to release Trump Hotel DC docs
Reps had requested expense reports and correspondence between GSA and Trump Org. re: Trump Hotel DC. Lawsuit alleges GSA refused to comply.
Lawsuit alleges GSA's refusal to comply w/requests for info re: Trump Hotel DC was a "drastic departure" from how it acted pre Trump's inaug
Dems on House Oversight Committee asking court to direct GSA's acting administrator to supply them w/the requested info re: Trump Hotel DC
GSA, BTW, recently settled a lawsuit CREW filed over GSA not disclosing docs about Trump Hotel DC lease
Here's the (no longer live) stream of House Oversight Dems's news conference about suing GSA re: Trump Hotel DC docs
Rep. Cummings: Trump admin refusing to provide info on Trump Hotel DC ops, foreign payments rec'd, & reversal of earlier GSA legal position.
"[Trump] continues to serve as both the landlord, and he's also the tenant [of Trump Hotel DC]." – @RepCummings of @OversightDems
"We have no transparency. No ability to check for ongoing conflicts of interest or unconstitutional foreign payments." – @RepCummings
"The lawsuit is not just about a hotel in Washington, DC. This is about the president defying a federal statute." – @RepCummings
"This hotel is not just a building with Donald Trump's name on it. It is a glaring symbol of the Trump administration's...
...lack of accountability and a daily reminder of the refusal of Republicans in Congress to do their job and... help us hold them accountable." – @RepCummings
3 of the 17 Congress people suing GSA over Trump Hotel DC lease info are from DC and MD—where AGs are suing Trump re: emoluments.
Rep. Norton (D-DC): "This is a priceless property." Related? Trump's suing DC, says hotel's tax assessment too high.
Rep. @EleanorNorton also mentioned DC AG's emoluments lawsuit v. Trump re: Trump Hotel DC.
NEW: Per summons, next hearing for BLT Prime employees' lawsuit alleging racial discrimination v. Trump Hotel and its director is 12/22.
For a rundown of the employees' racial discrimination claims, read @OConnellPostbiz's @washingtonpost article:
Visits DC to meet about H2B legislation; stops by Trump Hotel DC. "Quite impressive!"
“Hackers Compromised the Trump Organization 4 Years Ago—and the Company Never Noticed” by @DavidCornDC and @AJVicens…
In July Trump Hotels divulged that guests at 14 properties had been impacted when one of its contractors was hacked…
And @ProPublica and @Gizmodo found WiFi security lacking at Trump Hotel DC.…
President Trump yet to visit a DC restaurant other than Trump Hotel DC’s BLT Prime, where he’s dined 7 times.
Last night's MAGA Meetup at Trump Hotel DC drew GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in VA/former Trump VA campaign head Corey Stewart...
...Paul Nehlen, running for US House in Wisc.—against Paul Ryan in GOP primary—also at Trump Hotel DC last night for monthly MAGA Meetup.
Ex-Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson & dir of group that's "voice for victims killed by illegal aliens" at Trump Hotel DC for MAGA Meetup
CNN/Bush 41's Dennard, Eric's wedding planner/HUD regional admin Patton, & campaign's millennial-outreach coord Barton at Trump Hotel DC
Fourth person in the group picture is the Trump Hotel DC's director of food and beverage.
Video from last night's MAGA Meetup at Trump Hotel DC includes interviews with aforementioned candidates
"Best selling author endorsed by @POTUS. @foxnews guy." spoke at Sovereign Nations Conference, hosted at Trump Hotel DC
Dr. Steve Lawson of One Passion Ministries also spoke at the Trump Hotel DC during the Sovereign Nations Conference
Professor Jordan B. Peterson, who researches modern understanding of personality and psychology of religion, speaks at the Trump Hotel DC
Lynne Patton and Victoria Barton celebrated their birthdays w/Katrina Pierson and Corey Lewandowski at Trump Hotel DC last night.
Looks like Apprentice contestant/West Wing advisor Omarosa was at the Trump Hotel DC for the celebration too
"Presidential Political Appointee" working for USAID poses at the Trump Hotel DC with former campaign spox Katrina Pierson
Revival Outside The Walls had its founding partners dinner at the Trump Hotel DC.
Brian Wesbury, chief economist of First Trust Portfolios LP and media commentator, addressed a group at Trump Hotel DC
Employee for gov't contractor Booz Allen Hamilton at the Trump Hotel DC
Professional faith-based speaker focused on love was at Trump Hotel DC's dessert night.
Executive director of pro-life Pregnancy Resource Center celebrated her birthday at Trump Hotel DC.
Change management, innovation, and impact consultant, who coaches execs on gov't hearings, had a meeting at Trump Hotel DC yesterday.
Consultant at gov't contractor Booz Allen Hamilton getting married at Trump Hotel DC today.
Two Trump Administration press secretaries; two endorsements of Trump Hotels (DC and Waikiki).
Solid recap of this Thursday night at Trump Hotel DC from "MAGAWoman"
In DC for the Israeli American Conference, visiting the Trump Hotel DC.
"When your Friends meet you at My BOSS’s Hotel in DC," which would be the Trump Hotel DC
"Field Representative for Congressman Dennis A. Ross (FL-15) at U.S. House of Representatives" at Trump Hotel DC
“Last night was ‘huge’” for a US Senate intern at Trump Hotel DC
Ernst & Young employee who “manages audit and advisory engagements for major French firms” at Trump Hotel DC
Founder & chairman of BlackPac, “Electing Conservative Leaders,” at Trump Hotel DC
“Conservative” Ohio Senate page at Trump Hotel DC
Father of bride who wed at Trump Hotel DC Sat. chairs major real-estate brokerage's gov't oversight committee and a hospital board
Breitbart White House corespondent at Trump Hotel DC to celebrate HUD's Patton & Trump campaign's Barton's birthdays
Political consultant who co-founded a national defense and intelligence focused PAC looking to "grab a drink" at Trump Hotel DC
Currently 3 of Instagram's top 9 posts on Trump Hotel DC's location page feature Trump admin or campaign staffers
Chair of group that vies to bring military business to Mont. "had to wonder over" to Trump Hotel DC for a cocktail
Field rep for Rep. Dennis A. Ross (R-Fla.) returned to the Trump Hotel DC for another meal.
John Akouri, considered to be Trump's ambassador to Lebanon, conducts "#diplomacy" at Trump Hotel DC
The Hollywood Conservative, who's been on Fox News and the BBC, is "back at home base #HQ #DC at Trump Hotel DC
Scientist previously with Trump Campaign, now with Dept. of HHS, was at Lynne Patton and Victoria Barton's birthday party at Trump Hotel DC
With Keith Schiller set to appear before House intel committee today, flashback to him hanging at Trump Hotel DC
Indiana state GOP convention delegate at Trump Hotel DC
The House Oversight Dems lawsuit v. GSA's acting administrator over Trump Hotel DC docs assigned to judge Amit P. Mehta (Obama appointee).
Trump Hotel DC & managing director filed motion to dismiss or compel arbitration in BLT Prime employee's lawsuit alleging racism
Omarosa's wedding WH photoshoot is in the news (by @jdawsey1 for @politico). Here's her that day at Trump Hotel DC.
GOP looks to eliminate preservation tax credit Trump applied for for Trump Hotel DC (by @lesleyclark for @McClatchyDC)
Entrepreneur/media consultant who runs DC-area strategic consulting firm at Trump Hotel DC tonight to cheer on Ed Gillespie. #ElectionDay2017
After discussing Explosive Ordnance Disposal on Capitol Hill, Foreign Area Officer for U.S. Navy heads to Trump Hotel DC to celebrate anniversary of Trump's election.
Founder of Warfare Media, which was behind the DeploraBall events, at Trump Hotel DC
Rundown of Trump v. D.C. (the city, not the lawsuit) goes deep on Trump Hotel DC (by @chrischeuermann for @SPIEGELONLINE)
Senior VP at Twentieth Century Fox checked out the Trump Hotel DC men's room
DC and MD AGs opposed Trump's motion to dismiss their emoluments lawsuit over Trump Hotel DC on 11/7.
Jill Kelley—who you may remember from David Petraeus scandal—is throwing a party tonight at Trump Hotel DC (by @elainaplott for @washingtonian)
Revolutionizing Retail Conference, R2CON 2017, happening at Trump Hotel DC, Nov. 8–10
CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump currently at the Trump Hotel DC
First Liberty Institute, legal org dedicated to "protecting religious liberty," is having a dinner now at Trump Hotel DC
NOW: Donald Trump Jr. is at Trump Hotel DC on anniversary of his dad's election win.
Recap: Jill Kelley's reception, First Liberty Institute dinner, & Revolutionizing Retail Conference happening along w/ Trump Jr's visit at Trump Hotel now.
Person posting w/ Trump Jr. at Trump Hotel DC here is a policy analyst at Heritage Foundation who's been on Fox News.
Donald Trump Jr. shaking hands at the Revolutionizing Retail Conference (R2CON) at Trump Hotel DC tonight.
Wash Times columnist and Trump Campaign advisory board member Madison Gesiotto back at Trump Hotel DC tonight. At least her fourth time time in three weeks.
Don Jr. sharing campaign 2016 memories from Trump Hotel DC this evening
Attorney/DC bureau chief for radio station poses w/ Don Jr. “a true gentleman” at Trump Hotel DC last night; gets compliment from Big League Politics reporter/Breitbart vet
“Naturally it was time" for Fox News, BBC guest The Hollywood Conservative to meet Don Jr. at the Trump Hotel DC last night
President/CEO of media coms firm marks "One year Anniversary of President Trump's Victory with campaign manager Corey Lewandowski” at Trump Hotel DC
Former Breitbart political reporter and pro-Trump commentator Cassandra Fairbanks at Trump Hotel DC last night for #MAGAversary
"Because where else do you spend an anniversary such as this…” writes Breitbart journalist at Trump Hotel DC
Going-away party for The Hill’s dir of emerging platforms at Trump Hotel DC last night. Daily Beast reporter, Reason editor attended.
Talent acquisition specialist who recruits for gov't agencies posing with Don Jr. at Trump Hotel DC
National Review questions CREW and fellow plaintiff's standing in their lawsuit v. Trump re: Trump Hotel DC (by @THEODOREKUPFER for @NRO)
Trump Hotel DC's hiring a security officer.
Don Jr. poses with pastor Dr. Darrell Scott of National Diversity Coalition for Trump at Trump Hotel DC
Companies Equinox, LOC, and Index participating at Revolutionizing Retail Conference (R2CON) at Trump Hotel DC
CREW filed a FOIA req w/State Dept for docs related to Malaysian PM's stay at Trump Hotel DC
CREW's FOIA req comes after former Mexican ambassador to US tweeted report that State Dept. was pushing Trump Hotel DC
Here's Malaysian PM Najib Razak at Trump Hotel DC—original photo no longer available. Caption: "Route to the White House."
Businesses Unique Secure and Chinese-based Lenovo also at Trump Hotel DC for Revolutionizing Retail Conference (R2CON).
In 2016, the US military cautioned against using equipment from Lenovo as it posed a spy threat (by @BillGertz for @FreeBacon)
.@ProPublica and @Gizmodo have previously reported about security issues with the Trump Hotel DC's WiFi network
R2CON is Nov. 8–10 at Trump Hotel DC. Lenovo reps could have been there when #MAGAversary brought in Don Jr., Lewandowski & others; also Jill Kelley's party was then.
CREW's FOIA request, BTW, is at least the second to cite former Mexican ambassador's tweet re: Trump Hotel DC. American Oversight filed one last week.
Breakfast in question was at Trump Hotel DC
Here's a pic Turkish foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu posted 1/19 on Instagram of him chatting with Michael Flynn at what appears to be Trump Hotel DC Presidential ballroom
Founder/President of Black Conservative Federation at Trump Hotel DC to celebrate anniversary of Trump's election
US Naval Academy soccer player at the commander-in-chief's Trump Hotel DC
"Arizona Deputy State Director at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc." at the Trump Hotel DC
Daily Beast writer got a scoop by hanging out at the Trump Hotel DC bar
Per article (and photos posted in this thread previously) Trump campaign alums Don Jr., Corey Lewandowski, David Bossie, Michael Caputo, Katrina Pierson, and Darrell Scott were at Trump Hotel DC for #MAGAversary
In case you were wondering, Trump Hotel DC rooms have Nespresso, not Keurig (at least my room did in April).
Her brother just got elected to Congress in Utah, she's getting a hook up from their sister at the Trump Hotel DC.
US Marine at the commander-in-chief's Trump Hotel DC
President of a think-tank focused on "educating and empowering Beltway decision-makers on key national security issues" likes the Trump Hotel DC's clothesline bacon
Rundown of the top 11 GOP officials to spend money at a Trump property, including Trump Hotel DC (by @Fahrenthold and @OConnellPostbiz for @washingtonpost)…
Dems haven’t spent any money at a Trump property (only Dem I’ve seen at Trump Hotel DC was Terry McAuliffe, there for an event to benefit vets).
SVP & Group Publisher with HarperCollins's Christian Publishing, in DC with her team, visits the Trump Hotel DC
"God Morning America" posts artisan soap maker From God's Garden at Trump Hotel DC
The Museum of the Bible had a block of rooms at the Trump Hotel DC for the former's grand opening this week.

It sold out.
Trump Hotel DC is hosting the Museum of the Bible's black-tie dedication gala on Nov. 16. Tickets start at $2,500.
Trump Hotel DC also hosting The Turnaround: An Appeal To Heaven National Gathering in February.
Insight on @washingtonpost's article on the top GOP lawmakers to spend money at Trump properties
Based on social media posts and web searches, I've been surprised by the amount Christian groups gathering at Trump Hotel DC.
Trump Hotel DC getting a mention in AG Session's Congressional testimony this morning
Peterson spoke at the Sovereign Nations Conference, hosted at Trump Hotel DC, earlier this month

10 former government ethics officers just filed an amicus brief in DC and MD AGs lawsuit v. Trump over Trump Hotel DC, supporting AG's opposition to Trump's motion to dismiss
In DC with a group to "strengthen German-American relations" featuring "background talks with delegates from the US administration," visits the Trump Hotel DC (translation via Google)
Five Democratic congressmen file articles of impeachment against Trump; Article II cites Trump Hotel DC as violation of foreign emoluments clause
The articles of impeachment's concerns about the Trump Hotel DC possible emoluments violations are similar to what the three emoluments lawsuits (CREW, DC/MD AGs, Dem Congressmen/Senators) lay out.
Former intern/spokeswoman at Trump rallies now in the hemp biz just posted a pic from the Trump Hotel DC
"Washington’s huge new Bible museum says it wants to stay out of politics. But its opening gala is at the Trump hotel." (by @mboorstein for @washingtonpost)
Tomorrow's gala isn't Museum of the Bible's first event at Trump Hotel DC. It held much of a $5,000/person benefit in October there too.
See—Kirk Cameron was there!
Ben Carson's the most probable Trump administration member to attend Museum of the Bible's gala at Trump Hotel DC. He's already visited the museum at least twice.
At least 10 DOJ attorneys & paralegals, making $133,000 to $185,000 annually, are defending Trump in four lawsuits involving his businesses, including Trump Hotel DC (by @npenzenstadler for @USATODAY)
"Just arrived at Trump Hotel in Washington DC. Here for opening of Bible Museum." writes minister, author.
Trump has visited Trump Hotel DC six times in the 300 days since he’s been inaugurated. He’s yet to visit another DC restaurant.
Reminder: The Museum of the Bible's opening gala is tonight at Trump Hotel DC.
Calif.-based U.S. Navy SEAL Family Foundation fundraiser offers donors two nights in the commander-in-chief's Trump Hotel DC (by @CarlPrinetweets for @SDUT)
Chicago Cub Ben Zobrist was at Trump Hotel DC last night for the Museum of the Bible's opening gala
Fox News's Judge Jeanine Pirro at the Trump Hotel DC
Eric and Lara Trump attended the Museum of the Bible's opening gala at Trump Hotel DC last night
Executive chairman/executive director of Singapore-based real-estate developer at Trump Hotel last night for Museum of the Bible opening gala
President of the Museum of the Bible, Cary Sanders, at Trump Hotel DC last night for the museum's opening gala
One off the Duck Dynasty guys at Trump Hotel for Museum of the Bible's opening gala
Christian Broadcasting Network's congressional correspondent at Trump Hotel DC for Museum of the Bible's opening gala
GOP congressional candidate from Ohio, Christina Hagan, poses with Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro at Trump Hotel DC
More than 700 people attended the Museum of the Bible's opening gala at the Trump Hotel last night. Tickets started at $2,500/person.
Much of The 3rd Archon International Conference on Religious Freedom will be at Trump Hotel DC Dec. 4–6
Liberty Univ. president Jerry Falwell Jr. and wife Becky at the Trump Hotel DC last night for Museum of the Bible opening gala. Pose with Judge Jeanine, Eric and Lara Trump, corp ambassador for Hobby Lobby
US Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos poses with Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. at Trump Hotel DC for Museum of the Bible opening gala
TV producer, including for The Apprentice, Mark Burnett was at the Trump Hotel DC for the Museum of the Bible's gala
Sputnik co-host just checked into Trump Hotel DC
Star of A&E show "Country Bucks," Matt Busbice at Trump Hotel DC
"160 conservative ladies" visited the White House today and then spent the afternoon at Trump Hotel DC
Donate to the National Republican Congressional Committee and you could win an all-expense–paid trip to the Trump Hotel DC (by @BeccaSavransky for @thehill)…
At Trump Hotel DC, the average cost of a two-night stay has fallen by 52 percent (Jan. 2018 vs. Jan 2017). By @urban_achiever for @Telegraph .
Analysis of today's earlier story about the Trump Hotel DC's average cost dropping 52 percent, from @TheEconomist
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macroanalysis at Treasury Dept. under George W. Bush recently stayed at the Trump Hotel DC
At least as of 16 hours ago, Trump Hotel DC's Thanksgiving brunch was not sold out.
Columnist for Hotels Magazine, Mary Gostelow, dined at Trump Hotel DC's with its managing director
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is one of the top-spending legislators at Trump Hotel DC, as @Fahrenthold and @OConnellPostbiz reported: Here's a pic of him there with a hemp lobbyist.
Wife of a healthcare lobbyist, who had been an aide to a GOP Senator, was at the Trump Hotel DC (and met a Duck Dynasty person)
US Marine patronizing the commander-in-chief's Trump Hotel DC
Includes six dinners at Trump Hotel DC (he’s yet to eat at another DC restaurant)
NRA TV personality celebrating Thanksgiving at Trump Hotel DC
"Headed in through the front door of the White House," then "Happy Thanksgiving" from the Trump Hotel DC
Donald Trump Jr. was the featured guest at a party for Trump administration staff at Trump Hotel DC "where dozens of high-ranking officials sipped cocktails and Trump wine" (by @drewharwell for @washingtonpost)
"Trump Support Group" "whirl-wind tour of Washington, DC" "to be shared with fellow Trump supporters" includes accommodations at Trump Hotel DC
Spokesmodel for Fortune 500 companies at the Trump Hotel DC.
DOJ lawyers representing Trump in the CREW emoluments lawsuit say his dropping Trump SoHo "undermines" the plaintiffs' claiming of standing (by Jonathan Stempel for @Reuters)
MAGA Meetup DC, which met monthly at Trump Hotel DC, is now defunct. Replaced by American First DC—which will meet at Trump Hotel DC.
Heritage Foundation VP for foreign and defense policy studies, Jim Carafano, spent Thanksgiving at Trump Hotel DC. Praised it on the radio; mocked José Andrés for backing out of the restaurant there.
VP of DC Log Cabin Republicans at Trump Hotel DC
VP of legal and human resources, secretary and director of Canam Steel Corporation ate at Trump Hotel DC. "On the legal side, I manage all legal issues including contracts, government contracting..."
"The Nazi sympathizer next door," Tony Hovater, featured in NY Times article, in front of Trump Hotel DC in Dec. 2016 (h/t @BuzzFeedNews)
Lobbyist for electrical contractors at the Trump Hotel DC
Conservative operative dined at Trump Hotel DC
OMB director of communications John Czwartacki's tweet today getting play for showing maybe-acting director Mike Mulvaney—and donuts!—at CFPB. Here's Czwartacki checking into Trump Hotel DC in Aug.
U.S. military couple "felt like we were royalty" when they stayed at the commander-in-chief's Trump Hotel DC
"Trump Staffers Are Throwing Yet Another Election Anniversary Party at DC’s Trump Hotel" tonight, with Eric Trump in attendance (by @elainaplott for @washingtonian)
Interesting that "an administration official" confirmed that Eric Trump is speaking at the Trump Hotel DC—he's not a member of the administration, but rather oversees the Trump org's business interests.
Like many luxury hoteliers, Trump Hotel DC's represented at ILTM Cannes, which "introduces global travel buyers to an unrivalled collection of international travel experiences."
About to open Nakazawa in the Trump Hotel DC, Alessandro Borgognone and his publicist raise some, um, interesting questions (by @emilywalz for @byt)
Trump Hotel DC employees suing hotel and managing director over allegations of racism opposed defendants' motion to dismiss last week
SCOOP: Trump Hotel DC employees suing Trump Org and hotel's managing director over allegations of racism amended their complaint last week—now it's a class action on behalf of minority employees. Seeks $45 million in damages.
Original filing no longer seems available on DC Superior Court's site (case 2017 CA 006517 at; confirmed the changes with plaintiff's attorney.
Per @OConnellPostbiz's article on the initial lawsuit for @washingtonpost in Sept., three plaintiffs had been seeking $14.5 million in damages.
Transgender attorneys posed in front of Trump Hotel DC today after appearing in court to oppose Trump's transgender ban
Washington Times columnist and Trump Campaign Advisory Board member Madison Gesiotto back at Trump Hotel DC. Tonight it's for a holiday party.
Intern for Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX) ran into Texas AG Ken Paxton (R) at Trump Hotel DC.
.@washingtonpost reporter @OConnellPostbiz's update from Trump Victory Anniversary Celebration Redux at Trump Hotel DC
Eric Trump has departed the Trump-victory anniversary celebration at the Trump Hotel DC
Curious: Is Texas AG @KenPaxtonTX actually staying at Trump Hotel DC? And, if so, are Texas taxpayers picking up the tab?
Here's Eric Trump, EVP of The Trump Organization, at Trump Hotel DC to celebrate anniversary of President Trump's election
President Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, poses with prominent Trump supporters Diamond and Silk at the Trump Hotel DC
Trump advisor/Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner at Trump Hotel DC tonight celebrating anniversary of Trump's election (posing here with a retired Lt. Col and intelligence operative)
Counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, celebrating anniversary of Trump's election at Trump Hotel DC tonight
Trump election anniversary celebration at Trump Hotel DC last night: Trump Org EVP and @realDonaldTrump’s son Eric Trump, president’s DIL and Real News host Lara Trump, Trump advisor Katrina Pierson, Wash Times columnist, Trump supporters Diamond and Silk.
Trump election anniversary celebration at Trump Hotel DC last night: Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson, Apprentice contestant/West Wing staffer Omarosa, and Trump supporters Diamon and Silk
Trump election anniversary celebration at Trump Hotel DC last night: former AZ Gov. Jan Brewer, Trump campaign mgr Corey Lewandowski, and Trump personal atty Michael Cohen w/others mentioned earlier.
Trump election anniversary celebration at Trump Hotel DC last night: for this selfie, former Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson went to Jared [Kusher, SIL of and advisor to @realDonaldTrump]
Trump advisor/son-in-law Jared Kushner and Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson joined by Gina Loudon of Fox News at Trump Hotel DC for Trump election anniversary party
"Former SR Political Advisor/Nat'l SPOX: Trump Coalitions & Voter Engagement at Donald J. Trump for President, LLC" Karen R. Giornio with others mentioned earlier at Trump Hotel DC for Trump election anniversary party
Trump supporter singer Joy Villa had "An AMAZING night celebrating the VICTORY of @realdonaldtrump" with Trump DIL/Real News host Lara Trump at Trump Hotel DC
And here's Villa with "My girl Kellyanne Conway!" at Trump Hotel DC for Trump election anniversary party
Fox pundit and Trump campaign advisory board member Harlan Hill at Trump Hotel DC for Trump election anniversary
Former WH press secretary Sean Spicer attended the Trump election anniversary party at Trump Hotel DC (but his tie did not). Joined by a campaign aide who's since worked at Commerce and State.
Model/poet/Olympic-hopeful Elizabeth Pipko at Trump Hotel DC
Trump Org EVP/Trump son Eric Trump plugs Trump Hotel DC night after speaking at Trump election anniversary celebration at Trump Hotel DC, in appearance confirmed by Trump administration. Also, pictured: President Trump's grand kid and Trump chocolate.
.@washingtonpost journalist @Fahrenthold requested info from Texas AG’s office after @KenPaxtonTX photographed at Trump Hotel DC.
Bartender turned Trump campaign staffer turned congressional relations for Regions II, V and VI, at HUD Victoria Barton at Trump Hotel DC last night for Trump election anniversary party
Former George W. Bush staffer and CNN commentator Paris Dennard was back at the Trump Hotel DC last night for the Trump election anniversary party.
Based on social media, last night's Trump election anniversary party at the Trump Hotel DC was much better attended than the earlier Trump election anniversary party at the Trump Hotel DC (thrown by Trump administration aspirant Jill Kelley).
Trump Hotel DC debuts Louis XIII Salon
.@chefjoseandres—who backed out of a restaurant in Trump Hotel DC and later settled a lawsuit and counter suit with @realDonaldTrump—appears to have no regrets
Here's the letter DOJ attorneys filed 11/24 on behalf of @realDonaldTrump, stating plaintiffs' standing in CREW emolument case is weakened with Trump Soho dropping Trump.
Slew of amicus curiae briefs in support of plaintiffs' response in opposition to motion to dismiss filed yesterday in DC, MD AG's v. Trump lawsuit
Madeleine Albright, Ryan Crocker, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry and 18 other former national security officials state that if DC & MD AGs' allegations against Trump are true, they have a claim upon which legal relief can be granted.
10 former gov't ethics officers say DC, MD AGs' allegations in lawsuit v. Trump over Trump Hotel DC "identify conduct that is on the wrong side of every reasonable line a court could draw."
Dems on Senate EPW committee seem happier with GSA over previous concerns about Trump Hotel DC lease (by @WBJDan for @WBJonline)
Trump supporters Diamond and Silk pose with Trump advisor/Trump SIL Jared Kusher and others at the Trump election anniversary celebration at Trump Hotel DC
.@BahrainEmbDC Will your National Day reception in DC be at the Trump Hotel again this year? Thank you.
Also, @BahrainEmbDC is Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa staying at the Trump Hotel while he's visiting DC this week? Thank you.
Trump Hotel DC one of 23 Trump businesses getting subpoena requiring them to preserve records in DC & MD AG emoluments lawsuit v. Trump (by @AndyNewsNowInDC for @bloomberg)
Analysis of today’s ruling giving DC & MD AGs subpoena power in emoluments case v. Trump from @Fahrenthold and @OConnellPostbiz for @washingtonpost…
Principal at a government relations and public affairs firm [lobbyist] wishes, "Merry Christmas from the lovely Trump Hotel!"
Public relations pro/"government expert"/county organizer for GOP at Trump Hotel DC, apparently not thrilled with CNN being shown.
President Trump plugged Trump Hotel DC today in a speech
Robert Irvine of the Food Network's' "Restaurant: Impossible" at Trump Hotel DC.
Alt-right #Pizzagate proponent Jack Posobiac and his wife pose in front of the Trump Hotel DC's Christmas tree
Trump Hotel DC has put out one press release for all of 2017. Which is low, as my inbox can attest.
More details on the Trump Hotel DC's new Louis XIII cognac salon
Texas AG’s office replied to @Fahrenthold’s inquiries about whether @KenPaxtonTX, photographed at hotel, spent state money there.
"You never know who you're going to run into at the Trump Hotel [DC]. Thank you, @seanmspicer! 🇺🇸"
Shorty after the "one and only" @marygostelow" dines at BLT Prime w/Trump Hotel DC's GM, she publishes her article on the hotel, which receives it well:
America First PAC and Republican Jewish Coalition throwing a Hanukah celebration at the Trump Hotel DC
Insight on Kusher's mood comes from another guest at the Trump-election anniversary party at Trump Hotel DC (by @emilyjanefox for @vanityfair)
Founder of a group that subsidizes young people's attendance at AIPAC and "created dozens of first time donors" and his wife returned to the Trump Hotel DC to celebrate her birthday (they got married there in Oct.)
Intern for Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) poses in front o the Trump Hotel DC's Christmas tree
In town for a holiday party at the White House, this former NFL player and founder of a hunting-gear company visited the Trump Hotel DC
Eating steak at the Trump Hotel DC last night, the GOP's national director of military and veteran engagement declares "God I love this city. #trump" ken-at=1024936088
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's EVP of global sales—"responsible for the US and International Education, Adult Education, Pre-K, Home Schooling, Private Schooling, and Specialized Curriculum"—dined at Trump Hotel DC
Delivers software to the public sector, on "#Team45", and celebrated his anniversary at Trump Hotel DC
U.S. House of Representatives communications director at Trump Hotel DC
.@UKCoachCalipari was at Trump Hotel DC when in town lobbying for Kentucky donor Kelly Knight Craft to become ambassador to Canada. Asked @universityofky if Kentucky taxpayer funds were used at the hotel
CREW attorneys reply to DOJ claim that Trump Soho ditching "Trump" weakens their standing in emoluments lawsuit (executive summary: they disagree)
Of interest: CREW attorneys cite co-plaintiff ROC's (a restaurant-worker advocacy group) members employment at three José Andrés D.C. restaurants. Andrés, of course, settled his own lawsuit with Trump and has been a vocal critic of the president.
DOJ lawyers, representing Trump, replied to DC & MD AGs' opposition to DOJ's motion to dismiss emoluments lawsuit (executive summary: they still think it should be dismissed)
Legislative assistant for Sen. Ted Cruz (R–Texas) at the Trump Hotel DC
Trump Hotel DC reportedly the location for pro-Trump Super PAC's Christmas parties on consecutive nights
Flashback: Same pro-Trump PAC is also throwing its Hanukkah party at Trump Hotel DC
Anyone know if America First PAC is throwing events at the Trump Hotel DC on Dec. 9 and 10 so it can get five in a row?
If you're attending these holiday parties—or any other event, for that matter—at Trump Hotel DC, please send me your pics and account.
Trump Hotel DC is hosting a conference starting today titled "The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands & The Middle East." Reince Priebus, Marco Rubio to speak at hotel; Wilbur Ross spoke to conference at different location.
A new visual protest on the Trump Hotel DC’s Pennsylvania Ave facade tonight.
"Edit station set up at Trump International Hotel for capturing, editing and digital media distribution" for The Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands & The Middle East conference
Anti-Islam activist Bridgette Gabrielle of ACT for America with former Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson at Trump Hotel DC in Oct. [H/T @saysdana]
A Fox Sports radio show hosted an event at Trump Hotel DC tonight
Trump Hotel DC allegedly has a “tinfoil room” set up to conduct “secure communications” with private spies (by @matthewacole & @jeremyscahill for @theintercept)…
Despite tagging herself as being at Trump Hotel DC, alt-right personality Laura Loomer was a 0.4-mile walk away, outside National Press Club at 14th and K.
Robert Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank AG for info on its relationship with Trump—which includes a $170 million loan used for Trump Hotel DC (by @StevenArons for @bpolitics)
Today at Trump Hotel DC: "Christian Research Institute President, Hank Hanegraaff delivers remarks during the opening of the day two of the 3rd International Conference on Religious Freedom"
Also at the Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands and the Middle East conference at the Trump Hotel DC, Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Orthodox Church of UK delivered a benediction
IBMer working on "defense and intelligence sales" at Trump Hotel DC this morning
Trump Hotel DC managing director with other Trump Hotels employees at hotel trade show in Cannes, soliciting international clients
In October, I emailed four people at Trump Hotel DC and Trump Org asking if company ever created a system to track foreign payments. Never got a reply.
"Dozens of Christian advocates" at Trump Hotel DC this morning
Yesterday Fox Sports Radio host Clay Travis hosted an event at the Trump Hotel DC; today he toured the West Wing. (In September, Travis said on CNN that he believes “in only two things completely: the First Amendment and boobs.")
Trump's attorney denies Bloomberg report that Robert Mueller had subpoenaed financial docs from Deutsche Bank involving Trump Org's finances (Trump borrowed $170 million from bank for Trump Hotel DC)
John Calipari did stay at Trump Hotel DC in July, but did not use state or UK general funds per athletics spox in prompt reply to my inquiry. Doesn't rule out UK athletics funds being used though; so I asked.
NEW: The University of Kentucky athletics department paid for @UKCoachCalipari’s Trump Hotel DC accommodations this July, UK athletics spox confirms.
ICYMI: University of Kentucky athletics department paid for John Calipari’s Trump Hotel DC accommodations this July when he was in DC to “congratulate” major UK donor Kelly Croft on President Trump naming her ambassador to Canada.
UK spox points out that athletics department does not receive taxpayer dollars. Kentucky athletics are funded by rights/licensing, ticket sales, constitutions, student fees, and other (per @usatoday)
Donations to the University of Kentucky's athletics department's K Fund though are tax deductible
America First DC—for "Patriots interested in politically substantive networking" and offering "New Media tips & special MAGA events"— has its kickoff meeting tonight at Trump Hotel DC
Former Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson poses with friends in front of the Trump Hotel DC's Christmas tree
Radio host who once worked for Bush-Cheney and Romney campaigns was honored at Trump Hotel DC last night by the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Analyst who researches government-driven markets including aerospace and defense at Trump Hotel DC
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) at the Trump Hotel DC last night, where he addressed the International Conference on Religious Freedom
President of the Black Conservative Federation met former Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson at Trump Hotel DC
Here's Donald Trump Jr. leaving Trump Hotel DC before heading to the Capitol to appear before the House Intelligence Committee
"Kinda biased" former Secret Service agent and GOP Congressional and Senate candidate stayed at Trump Hotel DC last night.
Trump Hotel DC chef is assisting Pennsylvania students with their Christmas buffet
Policy director for Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity at Trump Hotel DC
Breitbart politics and national security writer with a danish at Trump Hotel DC
From video announcing debut of American First DC meeting at Trump Hotel DC tonight:

"I think it's important to meet at The Trump. It's where people have fun. There are a lot of VIPs that like to go there an we share time with them."
Impact Awards luncheon, "honoring leaders defending liberty," was at the Trump Hotel DC today. Sean Hannity received an award—as did James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, David Clarke was in the audience.
Project Veritas's James O'Keefe at the Trump Hotel DC today received an award from Impact for his defense of liberty
Conservative Republican candidate for US Senate in NJ, Rick Pezzullo, thanks Trump Hotel DC for its hospitality
At Trump Hotel DC today, Project Veritas's James O'Keefe cited JFK and Thomas Paine, claimed he was the one being attacked. Watch for yourself:
The host of today's Impact Awards at the Trump Hotel DC was Ginni Thomas—wife of U.S. Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas
To recap: Clarence Thomas's wife gave awards to Sean Hannity and James O'Keefe for "their commitment to defend liberty" while Sheriff Clarke looked on at the Trump Hotel DC this afternoon.
Project Veritas’s James O’Keefe shared another photo of his award acceptance speech at the Trump Hotel DC today.…
Butts County, Georgia commissioner liked the bacon at the Trump Hotel DC (it is really good)…
Weekly Standard contributor found “Christmas cheer” at the Trump Hotel DC…
Breitbart political writer posts “Christmas🎄in America 🇺🇸” from Trump Hotel DC
And America FIrst PAC and Republican Jewish Coalition are throwing an after-party at the Trump Hotel DC
Some Trump supporters are unhappy with David Clarke and the person sitting next to him at the Trump Hotel DC today.
"Advocate for the US-Israel relationship" who introduces the the perspectives of the residents of Judea & Samaria to the international community "davened the afternoon prayer" at Trump Hotel DC.
"Chief Counsel of the #Armenian Cause" speaks at the Trump Hotel DC during the Persecutions of Christians in the Holy Land and the Middle East conference
At Trump Hotel DC: Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, former Trump campaign spox Katrina Pierson, a possible GOP candidate for Congress, and a senior White House advisor with the Dept. of Commerce
This international interviewer and executive producer's "CHrismukkah" party at the Trump Hotel DC had a "great mix of Ambassadors, Congressmen, Government, White House - FRIENDS!!"
Conservative Republican running for US Senate in Virginia and former Trump chairman Corey Stewart was at Trump Hotel DC last night for the America First DC kickoff
Bloomberg updated its story on Robert Mueller subpoenaing documents related to Trump's dealings with Deutsche bank, from which he borrowed $170 million for Trump Hotel DC: now reporting subpoena pertained to Manafort
One year ago today, Bahrain held a national day reception at Trump Hotel DC. No word if and where it's hosting a DC-area celebration this year, so I just emailed the embassy.
An unexpected front in The War on Christmas: The Trump Hotel DC
Video of GOP US Senate candidate Corey Stewart from Virginia at Trump Hotel DC for America First DC kickoff.
"New York’s acclaimed Sushi Nakazawa is accused of wage theft ahead of its D.C. debut in Trump hotel" by @MauraJudkis for @washingtonpost
Bahrain embassy not returning to Trump Hotel DC for this year’s National Day celebration per @Fahrenthold (it was there in 2016)
Azerbaijan embassy also not returning to Trump Hotel DC for one of its parties
At the Trump Hotel DC before heading to the White House Hanukkah reception
$250 minimum on food and beverage for the Trump Hotel DC's New Year's Eve black-tie celebration (seems competitively priced for a DC lux hotel)
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is at the Trump Hotel. He used to live there on weekdays. It's the second night in a row a Trump Cabinet member was at Trump Hotel DC (last night it was Zinke).
Congressman Roger Williams (R-Texas) at the Trump Hotel DC tonight.
Newt Gingrich honors Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie at their book party in Trump Hotel DC
Sheriff David Clarke is also at the Trump Hotel DC tonight for the Lewandowski/Bossie book signing.
Visual protest in support of Puerto Rico projected tonight on the Trump Hotel DC's Pennsylvania Avenue facade
To recap: In the past 48 hours, two Cabinet secretaries, a former Speaker of the House, a U.S. Senator, a U.S. Congressman, a U.S. Senate candidate, a U.S. House candidate, and the wife of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice have been seen at the Trump Hotel DC.
Works "to continually develop a Republican and conservative data ecosystem." Was at Trump Hotel DC tonight.
Eric Boling and Chris Cox also spotted at Trumop Hotel DC tonight.

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Sep 19, 2018
🚨Foreign gov't official patronized Trump Hotel DC today. Ford is shown here talking with the Trump Hotel DC's managing director.🚨
U.S. ambassador to Canada—nominated by @realDonaldTrump—invites two Canadian gov't officials to lunch at —

Trump Hotel DC.

Read 57 tweets
Sep 9, 2018
Patronize @realDonaldTrump’s Sterling, VA golf course.

Have your photo taken with him by the official White House photographer.
@realDonaldTrump The bride who got married @realDonaldTrump’s Sterling, VA golf course, chatted with the president/owner, and got her pic taken by the official White House photographer is

a government contractor (Kimberly Caldwell, the lead, collaborative R&D at Spirit AeroSystems).
"Soaking in the excitement of our marriage vows, welcoming a ceremony delay to watch POTUS play through, catching a congratulations from @realdonaldtrump, and including a couple of extra guests to protect our President. 👰"

– Gov't contractor
Read 6 tweets
Aug 14, 2018
.@nypost on “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart” in 2015 (by Maureen Callahan)…
BREAKING: Judge dismiss House Oversight Dems lawsuit v. GSA for seeking info related to Trump Hotel DC lease for lack of standing. "The fact that a political remedy is hard to achieve does not automatically swing open the doors to the federal courts."
Rationale the judge applied reaching the afore-quoted conclusion seems—to this very non-lawyer—like it also could be applied to the 196 Senate and House Dems' emoluments lawsuit v. Trump too.*
Read 193 tweets
Aug 6, 2018
1/ Some personal news...
2/ After freelancing for most of the past 13 years, I’m looking for a full-time journalism position. My kids are older, so a flexible schedule is no longer essential. And I miss having colleagues and working towards longer-term goals.
3/ That being said, I'd like to continue focusing on the kind of reporting I’ve done recently. And what is beat?
Read 16 tweets
Jul 6, 2018
.@realDonaldTrump hasn’t slammed Amazon on Twitter since it co-sponsored an event for government employees and contractors at his luxury Trump Hotel DC.
Tweet in which @realDonaldTrump criticizes Wash Po, but does not reference Amazon [h/t @eventsforgood]
Read 143 tweets
Feb 3, 2018
Details of the scene at Trump Hotel DC during SOTU (by @brfreed for @washingtonian)…
GSA employees spent taxpayer funds at Trump Hotel DC, BLT Prime. (As president, @realDonaldTrump oversees GSA; GSA owns the building Trump Org leases for Trump Hotel DC.)
(by @CristinaAlesci, @CurtDevine
for @cnn)
Attorney representing Cork wine bar in its unfair competition suit against Trump Hotel DC weighs in on CNN article that GSA employees spent taxpayers’ money at Trump Hotel DC
Read 1593 tweets

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