It’s been awhile since I tweeted abt this, but DoD can offer up to $40k, I believe, & there was some movement in congress 2 extend increased max 2 all depts.FEDweek is all over this topic.+I’ve twted bf abt various reductions in force that depts tweet but never mentioned by MSM.
If you search me and retirement there are some tweets back in September about Tillerson cuts then, but I’m trying to think of better search term(s) to find the links.
1/ See… for the administration’s reduction in force plan thru 4/17, with hints thru 1/18. Ignore other MSM snark.
3/Here’s just one article referencing hundreds fired from the VA, the tip of an iceberg-sized reduction in force there.…
4/… First of a 4 part series describing @POTUS ‘s goal of reducing the federal workforce by a whopping 20%. I don’t necessarily endorse all the opinions/conclusions, just link here bc it’s interesting this is such a big Fedl em’ee discussion w/MSM blackout.
5/2014 article (maybe WashPo?) said then a quarter of all Fedl employees set to retire within a few years. So, rather than straight out firing people, which can be well nigh impossible especially if union jobs, @POTUS is encouraging retirement/early retirement, and NOT replacing.
6/ Seems to me I discussed this awhile back with @Cara_TXZEAL , who, as always, had much excellent knowledge and many insights into this govt em’ee down-sizing process. Besides keep campaign promises to reduce the size/govt & #DrainingTheSwamp...
7/accelerating retirements w/o replacement also has the excellent benefit of making the soon-to-be ex-employees happy or at least tolerant/the down-sizing, avoiding my great (pre-inaugural) fear/massive Dem rioting over firing/mostly Dem Fedl employees.
8/ This, I believe, is an example/the great business acumen @POTUS has that the MSM ignores or doesn’t understand. He knows how to manage a workforce. @Imperator_Rex3
9/This summary of the opportunity costs of the federal government misguidedly hiring the best workers at premium pay (the pre-Trump model) should be required reading for any journos attempting to discuss this issue.…@Imperator_Rex3
10/For comparisons’ sake, here’s a 2014 article explaining the monstrous growth in federal employment, pre-Trump.😱…
11/Both Bush2 & Obama saw increases in federal employees, reversing the trend of Reagan (and yes, Clinton-with a Republican Congress). Obama slowed the rate of increase, but in actual terms, hit peak federal employment numbers.…
12/ These #s R actually artificially lower bc they only look @ actual civilian employment, not taking in2 acct ENORMOUS growth in govt contract work. Pre-Trump, I️t wasn’t unusual 4 former em’ees 2 slide in2 an often higher paying contract job, giving only appearance/reduction.
13/That’s all changing under @realDonaldTrump admin.Frm FEDweek:’Among 1st formal actions/Trump presidency was 2order genl hiring freeze, as promised.What had not been explicitly promised, but was signaled, was that the freeze wld B just 1st step/wider plan 2 downsize govt...’
14/‘...something not done since the [Bill] Clinton administration.’
15/What’s interesting 2 me is that it’s essentially impossible 2 do a casual search& find total #s/reductions in force 4 the Fedl govt.I think this is on purpose. As @ThomasWictor , @Imperator_Rex3 , & @drawandstrike have pointed out, @POTUS is a student/Sun Tzu.
16/ ‘When you surround an army, leave an outlet free.Do not press a desperate foe 2 hard.’ @POTUS is reducing Dem’s (or uniparty’s, if you prefer) most reliable foot soldiers, govt em’ees, by building them a golden bridge 2retreat across, paved w/early retirement &severance pay.
17/As a result, @POTUS is also following Sun Tzu in that: ‘Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.” So far, hardly a peep from the 1+M federal employees as their numbers oh so slowly continue to shrink.
18/Found the 2014 article discussing federal employee retirements to skyrocket by...2017. I’m guessing @POTUS read this or something like it & entered office prepared to take advantage of this weakening trend.…
19/Another interesting aspect of federal employment numbers is that, contrary to the coastal elite’s worldview, the majority don’t work in DC. Yep, that’s right, even when you ignore postal workers. Majority/Fedl employees are dispersed amongst the states.…
20/Guess what? This fragmenting/Fedl employees across the states hasn’t escaped @POTUS ‘s notice, I’m guessing, as it’s a trend he wants to accelerate with the dispersal/more offices/agencies/bureaus to areas they serve. One example:…
21/ There’s been some MSM pushback to moving whole federal agencies away from DC, with lame arguments regarding reduced oversight and inconvenience (to those back in DC, of course) by such moves, as if teleconferencing & airplanes didn’t exist.🙄
22/Swamp’s real concern, I believe, is the dilution/their powerbase&network, as fedl offices expand in places like Salt Lake City.The patronage system breaks down when coastal elites don’t want 2move 2the dark interior/the continent& more conservative locals compete 4 Fedl jobs.
23/Used 2 think daughter’s fave book Hunger Games was unrealistic even 4 a dystopian novel, but author Collins (whose politics is unknown 2 me)captures perfectly DC’s role via her capital city Panem.Unlike the novel’s Pres Snow, however, our @POTUS is trying 2 decentralize power.
24/&reduce drain on the rest/the country that our bloated capital has become.shrinking total Fedl workforce is 1 way, which will also reduce budget 4 wages/benefits, but moving more fedl em’ees away not only breaks DC monopoly, but cost/living diffs may even⬇️costs further.
If you can find federal employment total number reductions since @POTUS ‘s inauguration, let me know. It would be great evidence that he’s keeping his promise to #DrainTheSwamp , he’s just doing it from the bottom up!
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1/This is a lengthy thread describing in detail the Federal Government Executive Branch Departments & Agencies Reformation & Reorganization Plan (R&R Plan), entitled “Delivering Govt Solutions in the 21st Century.”…
2/h/t to @ThomasWictor who tweeted about the R&R Plan yesterday as I was still reading it, for highlights he described & particularly for his insight regarding it—& its transformative content—which may in pt be behind the Dem’s escalation/opposition to @POTUS@realDonaldTrump
3/For a thread w/a list of highlights from the R&R Plan, see:
2/“For keeping money unspent, the key agency is the Office/Management &Budget (OMB), &the management officials under OMB in each agency.”
3/“The OMB Director, Mick Mulvaney, is a very savvy veteran of budget issues, &he will have management officials in important agencies who implement his directions. For this approach, the key is sophisticated work in the shadows.” No leaks!
Despite the terrible train wreck en route, Congressional GOP got to their Retreat safely at Greenbrier Resort, coincidentally the site/a massive underground bunker emergency shelter for the US Congress built during the Cold War, code named "Project Greek Island.” #safespace ?
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Another interesting coincidence: my mother (see pinned tweet), an army nurse, served at the resort while it was an army hospital during WW2. There she once danced with Gen Eisenhower, &met my dad who was visited his brother who was a patient.
1/It’s time 2 turn our attention 2 Rex Tillerson (TRex) & the Dept/State, as part/my series/threads looking @ the executive depts from the perspective/firings, layoffs, buyouts, & early retirements-all Reductions In Force (RIFs),& how @POTUS is using them 2 reshape the Fedl govt.
2/TRex was confirmed as Secretary/State (SoS) by the Senate on 2/1/17, just a month after retiring early from being CEO/ExxonMobil, one of the largest corporations in the world with revenue near $400B & 80k employees in 200 countries.
3/Much has been made by the lib MSM/Tillerson negotiating w/Putin & other Russians while heading Exxon, but he also had good relations elsewhere in the world, including in the ME, esp w/Saudi Arabia, Qatar, & UAE. We can assume these made him an attractive candidate to @POTUS
Thanks. Plan 2 cont later today, probably drilling down in2 each/the exec branch depts in turn.There’s some interesting stuff happening that is generally ignored by MSM, some w/regard 2 reductions in force + other curious stuff. @POTUS#MakingAmericaGreatAgain#UndertheRadar
1/OK, I’m going to start the next phase/my analysis/the executive departments, reductions in (work)force (henceforth RIF), & other changes being made to #MAGA , largely, I’m convinced, unbeknownst to the Left (Dems, MSM, the coastal elites, etc.).(FYI I may need to break midway).
2/Those tagged R already familiar w/the background info I’ll B covering in the 1st few tweets in this thread, so feel free 2 skip forward 2 the tweet introducing Ben Carson. For others, these preliminary tweets might clarify the Byzantine maze/fedl job titles & lines/authority.