Thanks. Plan 2 cont later today, probably drilling down in2 each/the exec branch depts in turn.There’s some interesting stuff happening that is generally ignored by MSM, some w/regard 2 reductions in force + other curious stuff. @POTUS#MakingAmericaGreatAgain#UndertheRadar
1/OK, I’m going to start the next phase/my analysis/the executive departments, reductions in (work)force (henceforth RIF), & other changes being made to #MAGA , largely, I’m convinced, unbeknownst to the Left (Dems, MSM, the coastal elites, etc.).(FYI I may need to break midway).
2/Those tagged R already familiar w/the background info I’ll B covering in the 1st few tweets in this thread, so feel free 2 skip forward 2 the tweet introducing Ben Carson. For others, these preliminary tweets might clarify the Byzantine maze/fedl job titles & lines/authority.
3/As I once covered when teaching AP Govt, but as plenty/people on Twitter seem 2 ignore, there are 3 branches/the US Federal Government: the Legislative (congress), the Judiciary (fedl courts), and the Executive. President Trump only has direct authority over the Executive.
4/This means @POTUS can’t tell the Senate majority leader(McConnell) or a fedl judge in HI how 2 do their jobs (altho he may twt abt it!).He can, however, w/tremendous discretion, hire personal staff like chief/staff (Kelly), Press Secretary (Sanders)&advisors(including his sil).
5/Article 2/US Constitution is worth rereading.… I️t vests power over the executive branch in the President. I️t is Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 which grants @POTUS the power to appoint a variety/jobs, w/advice & consent/the Senate-including dept secs.
6/If you look up the thread again 2 the govt chart, you can see there R 15 primary depts w/in the Executive, each lead by a Secretary except 4 the Dept/Justice (DOJ), which is headed by the Attorney General. These are also called cabinet secretaries.…
7/& so at last, my patient readers, we have arrived at the Departmental Secretaries(dept secs) & the incredible & largely ignored transformations many/them are accomplishing. 4 now, I am planning to start w/the secs that were approved the earliest.
8/Incredibly, 1 sec, /Health&Human Services (HHS), Harlan, wasn’t approved by the Senate until 10/10/17-just a month ago! &Homeland Security(DHS)has only had a deputy sec in charge after @POTUS appointee Kelly moved over to the Chief of Staff job (which didn’t require Senate OK).
9/ 1/the earlier appointees, Sec/Housing &Urban Development (HUD) Dr. Ben Carson, was appointed 3/2/17, so he has had a solid 9 months & boy, has the great doctor been busy! @RealBenCarson
10/ You may have heard something abt Dr. Carson exposing $500 billion in accounting errors & waste. The MSM claims they debunked this, by using dodgy language like he didn’t literally find the money, or because the errors were found via an audit ordered bf him, he gets no credit.
11/But does any reasonable person believe that if Obama’s HUD Secretary was still in charge, the gargantuan accounting errors (1/2 a trillion dollars!) would have been admitted much less exposed?
12/It was around this time the MSM attacks on Dr. Carson not so coincidentally heated up. I was going to point out how stupid &/or baseless each were, but seriously, he deserves so much better that I’m just not breathing new life into them.
13/Here’s a flashback to 2014, when HUD had 7400 “tenured” employees that couldn’t be fired, even when they were found guilty of crimes, got caught with porn on the job, or admitted to not working at all for hours a day.…
14/So, now that Dr. Carson is in charge/HUD, much time up front has been taken listening, sympathizing, slapping a new coat/paint on the dingy old walls (literally), hosting HUD em’ee town halls, & every1 feels heard & reassured. Meanwhile....
15/HUD’s COO admits betn 10 & 15%/HUD’s senior workforce have already been reassigned/transferred. As 4 buy-outs or early retirements, all he admits 2 is “anytime a big org is rethinking & reimagining itself, they have 2 look at all tools available.”…
16/I take this to mean yep, there’s a reduction in force here at HUD happening, but we’re going to listen very carefully and sympathetically to our employees while we do it.
17/And if anyone can find actual numbers, let me know, I’d love to post them, but I️t looks like sweet Dr. Ben Carson is quietly and sympathetically #DrainingtheSwamp .
18/Meanwhile, Dr. Carson has all sorts of plans to expand HUD funding in disadvantaged areas, esp where pub schools are closing. Celebrity Steve Harvey is teaming with him, despite the vicious “vitriol” aimed at him 4 trying 2 help.…
19/This plan 2 replace closing pub schools w/STEM learning centers may look quixotic &seriously off mission, but my theory is it’s another example/some1 (Harvey, who visited Trump pre-inaugural?) suggesting something & Trump letting it accomplish multiple, sneaky cool purposes.
20/‘If your enemy’s forces are united, separate them.’-Sun Tzu If Left is busy hating on Sec/Ed @BetsyDeVosED , for ex, why not bolster ed in AfrAm communities outside/pub schools or any schools, @ centers plenty/communities will want, regardless/what teachers’ union may say.
21/These centers will offer STEM training like compsci, the type/knowledge & skills that are both marketable and apolitical. Certified teachers are not required, because this is “enrichment” &”training” & perhaps “tutoring,” not school, which most admit the Left controls.
22/Remember these HUD centers when we get around to all the wonderful non-school apprenticeship programs @POTUS ‘s administration promotes. Both are alternative educational avenues not controlled by the Left.
23/We will now leave dear @RealBenCarson to get on with transforming African American communities for the better on @POTUS ‘s behalf. And we will now turn to poor, beleaguered @BetsyDeVosED . Boy, has the Left underestimated her!
24/Sec/Ed DeVos was also an early appointee (2/7/17), after a squeaker of a Senate vote to approve, memorably requiring @VP to cast the tie-breaking vote.… You can just hear CNN’s dismissiveness-‘inexperienced’ ‘lacking compassion.’🙄
25/The silliest coastal elite attack on DeVos came after an exchange where she defended guns in schools bc/possible bears. Living in her home state/MI, I can confirm bears are real. And apparently at least 1 got into a school uninvited recently.…
26/So, while seemingly inexperienced Betsy gets pushed around by the MSM bullies as well as heckled by protesters at school appearances, she’s (I believe) @POTUS ‘s stealth ninja sent into the dept perhaps least liked by Conservatives who favor local over centralized control/ed.
27/DeVos had shrunk the total workforce/the dept/ed by 8% by early November 2017, awaiting another approx 6%s response to buyout offers.…
28/Substantively, U may not agree w/Dept/Ed’s ⬇️budget or @POTUS ‘s lack/concern abt filling many remaining ed poli appts/jobs, but U gotta admire this sister/Erik Prince (founder/Blackwater, paramilitary contractors some call mercenaries)& her hapless act & calm decimation.😏
28.1 [BREAK TIME].
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1/This is a lengthy thread describing in detail the Federal Government Executive Branch Departments & Agencies Reformation & Reorganization Plan (R&R Plan), entitled “Delivering Govt Solutions in the 21st Century.”…
2/h/t to @ThomasWictor who tweeted about the R&R Plan yesterday as I was still reading it, for highlights he described & particularly for his insight regarding it—& its transformative content—which may in pt be behind the Dem’s escalation/opposition to @POTUS@realDonaldTrump
3/For a thread w/a list of highlights from the R&R Plan, see:
2/“For keeping money unspent, the key agency is the Office/Management &Budget (OMB), &the management officials under OMB in each agency.”
3/“The OMB Director, Mick Mulvaney, is a very savvy veteran of budget issues, &he will have management officials in important agencies who implement his directions. For this approach, the key is sophisticated work in the shadows.” No leaks!
Despite the terrible train wreck en route, Congressional GOP got to their Retreat safely at Greenbrier Resort, coincidentally the site/a massive underground bunker emergency shelter for the US Congress built during the Cold War, code named "Project Greek Island.” #safespace ?
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Another interesting coincidence: my mother (see pinned tweet), an army nurse, served at the resort while it was an army hospital during WW2. There she once danced with Gen Eisenhower, &met my dad who was visited his brother who was a patient.
1/It’s time 2 turn our attention 2 Rex Tillerson (TRex) & the Dept/State, as part/my series/threads looking @ the executive depts from the perspective/firings, layoffs, buyouts, & early retirements-all Reductions In Force (RIFs),& how @POTUS is using them 2 reshape the Fedl govt.
2/TRex was confirmed as Secretary/State (SoS) by the Senate on 2/1/17, just a month after retiring early from being CEO/ExxonMobil, one of the largest corporations in the world with revenue near $400B & 80k employees in 200 countries.
3/Much has been made by the lib MSM/Tillerson negotiating w/Putin & other Russians while heading Exxon, but he also had good relations elsewhere in the world, including in the ME, esp w/Saudi Arabia, Qatar, & UAE. We can assume these made him an attractive candidate to @POTUS
It’s been awhile since I tweeted abt this, but DoD can offer up to $40k, I believe, & there was some movement in congress 2 extend increased max 2 all depts.FEDweek is all over this topic.+I’ve twted bf abt various reductions in force that depts tweet but never mentioned by MSM.
If you search me and retirement there are some tweets back in September about Tillerson cuts then, but I’m trying to think of better search term(s) to find the links.
1/ See… for the administration’s reduction in force plan thru 4/17, with hints thru 1/18. Ignore other MSM snark.