While everyone was understandably focused on #AwanGate, #OIG, #FISAgate, #UraniumOne, and more, President Trump has unshackled the FBI and is hot on the trail of the Clintons' #ChinaGate scandal from 1996. Let's examine...
A #ChinaGate primer. Summary: pay-to-play bribes funneled from China to Bill Clinton's re-election campaign. Key players: Johnny Chung and Ng Lap Seng. But in the years since, it has morphed into something much larger. spectator.org/chinagate-and-…
In 2016, the #PanamaPapers exposed offshore shell games of the world's most notorious financial crooks. "Among them ... Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president." mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-…
The journalist who uncovered and exposed the Panama Papers was killed in a car-bombing in October 2017. Daphne Caruana Galizia was hailed as a 'one-woman WikiLeaks'. theguardian.com/world/2017/oct…
In Feb. 2017, Daily Mail receives exclusive footage from Johnny Chung, who was convicted for #ChinaGate. In an "insurance policy" video from 2000, he details how he illegally funneled money from Chinese officials to Bill Clinton's re-election campaign. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4…
The following month, in March 2017, DOJ revealed felony charges against Candace Marie Claiborne, a U.S. State Dept. employee with Top Secret security clearance who allegedly took hundreds of thousands in bribes from Chinese officials. justice.gov/opa/pr/state-d…
In July 2017, Ng Lap Seng was convicted of bribing the former President of the U.N. General Assembly and Former Deputy Ambassador for the Dominican Republic. justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/c…
Despite the noted flight risk, while awaiting sentencing Ng Lap Seng is allowed to stay in his $4 million Manhattan apartment and get daily "masseuse" visits. Almost seems like someone has been flipped for light sentencing... amny.com/news/ng-lap-se…
Starting around 2010, China has been systematically killing or imprisoning U.S. intelligence assets in a Mission Impossible style unmasking of agents. independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
"American officials, current and former FBI officials told The New York Times that one operative was allegedly shot and killed in front of his colleagues as a warning against spying."
The loss to U.S. Intelligence operations was immense and ongoing, sending shockwaves through the spy community every time another asset was lost. Two days ago (on January 16, 2018), the mole was finally unearthed. nytimes.com/2018/01/16/us/…
"A former CIA officer has been arrested and charged as part of an alleged espionage scandal investigators claim resulted in the collapse of the US spying network in China and the deaths or imprisonment of up to 20 agency informants." independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
"Jerry Chun Shing Lee, aka Zhen Cheng Li, 53, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested...on charges of unlawful retention of national defense information." justice.gov/opa/pr/former-…
Jerry Chun Shing Lee left the CIA in 2007, intelligence assets started dying in China in 2010, the FBI was on his trail in 2012, then nothing in the years afterwards. Almost like the investigation was blocked... until Trump came along. news.artnet.com/art-world/chri…
So how do all of these events connect? Here's how I see it... After having #ChinaGate stymied by political fixers in the 90's and kept mostly under wraps by compliant media, it eventually returned in earnest under Obama/Clinton and then morphed into #ChinaSpyGate.
The #PanamaPapers in April 2016 exposed the global money laundering network of the Clinton cabal (and many others). Daphne Caruana Galizia paid with her life for doing so. #Arkancide
After years on the lamb, Trump's triumphant election over the Deep State may have finally brought Johnny Chuang (of 90's #ChinaGate fame) in from the cold. His insurance policy announcement came out only one month after inauguration.
Candace Marie Claiborne at the State Department was also part of the Chinese bribe network and may be able to shed more light on recent years.
Ng Lap Seng (#ChinaGate, #PanamaPapers, possibly also #ChinaSpyGate) was likely flipped in exchange for a light sentence on his massive bribery conviction. Along with Johnny Chuang, he'll be a critical asset in proving Clinton/China bribes – past and present.
Investigative blocks were lifted by Trump and Jerry Chun Shing Lee was positively identified as the mole that was leaking US. intelligence asset identities to China for execution or imprisonment. Now the work of flipping the mole begins.
If my suspicions are correct that the China bribery and spy networks are connected, and that Trump has acquired one or all of these chess pieces, it's yet another pincer move that can crush the Clinton cabal and their global accomplices once and for all. #TheStorm
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Only three presidents have ever rejected their salaries: John F. Kennedy, Herbert Hoover, and Donald J. Trump. fortune.com/2016/11/14/don…
Every quarter, President Trump donates $100,000 to a various government agency. This thread compiles a comprehensive list of those donations...
President Trump's 1st quarter 2017 Presidential salary was donated to the National Parks Service, which will go towards maintaining historic battlefield sites. thehill.com/policy/energy-…
President Trump's 2nd quarter 2017 salary went to the Dept. of Education, to host science, technology, engineering and mathematics camps for children at the department.
China hardware-hacked Silicon Valley, showing the sheer importance of 'MADE IN USA'.
"The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain." bloomberg.com/news/features/…
China committed a Supply Chain Attack against the United States, implanting microchips on servers for Supermicro/Elemental – a hardware hack.
"Nested on the servers’ motherboards, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice."
Remember the spate of Pacific naval collisions the US suffered in 2017?
From Bloomberg: "Elemental’s servers could be found in Department of Defense data centers, the CIA’s drone operations, and the onboard networks of Navy warships." cnn.com/2017/08/21/pol…
“Blacks weren’t always Democrats. You know it’s like a plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and promote welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s the Democratic plan.” –@kanyewest
This part of Kanye's speech is not in most of the viral videos where he talks about being bullied, but it's the most important part.