With so many calls to contact your reps on so many issues these days, it’s easy to be overwhelmed.
Here is a short primer on how to best contact them, and the most effective ways to go about doing that.
👉Calling your reps is best.
There are many ways to contact reps. Mail, email, social media and online petitions are supplementary, but staffers agree that calling is the best way to get attention. Other methods are often ignored, but calls must be answered.
👉Contact only your reps.
It can be tempting to contact reps who are not yours, especially leadership, but reps are only accountable to their own constituents. Those are the people who vote for them.
Remember, you have 2 Senators and 1 Congressman.
👉Know who your reps are, and their numbers.
With your zip code, you can find out who your reps are and their various numbers at 💻 CallYourRep.co
While they have DC offices, it’s better to call them at their District offices.
👉You can also call the Capitol Switchboard.
Once you know who your reps are, you can contact them at their Capitol offices.
☎️ 202-225-3121 (House)
☎️ 202-224-3121 (Senate)
Both get you through to either house, but call volume can be large. Good to know both numbers.
👉Be polite, and direct.
You want your call to be as short and direct as possible. When they ask you if you need a response, it’s best to say “no.” Gets you on their tally quickest.
You want to take up as little of the staffer’s time as you can, so they get to more calls.
👉Be prepared. Have a script.
“Hello, my name is Matthew Wolff. I live in New York, in 10001. I don’t need a response. I strongly support the Dreamers, and would like Senator Schumer to oppose any funding bill that doesn’t include protection for them. Thanks for your hard work.”
👉Call your State reps as well!
Democrats often ignore local issues and their State legislatures, and that has to change!
A simple google search will provide you with tools to find out who your State reps are, and their numbers. Learn about your reps and Governors.
👉Call as often as you can!
If you are in #TheResistance you should make a routine of calling your reps as often as you can.
Can you call once a week? How about more? Can you call every day?
Aside from getting out the vote, this is the most important thing for resisters to do.
👉Attend Town Hall meetings.
Find out when and where your reps have scheduled town hall meetings. You can find a schedule of events on their websites. This is likely the only way you will have to interact with them directly.
Town halls often have less than 50 in attendance!
👉Get the message out!
Tweet about important issues your followers should call their reps about. I always include the following:
☎️ 202-225-3121 (H)
☎️ 202-224-3121 (S)
💻 CallYourRep.co
Report on town halls you plan to attend, and what was discussed there.
Most important in the next couple of weeks is the #DREAMers.
On Feb 8, short term funding for the Gov runs out. This is likely the last chance we have to fulfill America’s promise and keep 800,000 Americans from being deported.
We still need 1 more Republican Senator’s vote for @SenMarkey’s CRA to PASS the Senate. Assuming we can rely on @SenatorCollins support, @funder has a list of Republican Senators to concentrate on.
If we can rely on all Democrats to vote for it, we have 193 out of 215 needed. 15 Republicans already voted against their repeal of Broadband privacy rules. Can we get the other 10?
At 10 PM in DC yesterday, McConnell filed for cloture on the #KavaNOPE confirmation. According to Senate rules, that gives us till 11 PM Friday to make our voices heard.
There has never been a more important time to call your Senators. Tell them to vote NO. #StopKavanaugh
Dozens of potential witnesses to Kavanaugh’s behavior were ignored by the FBI. Dr. Ford was not interviewed, nor was Kavanaugh himself. Corroborating witnesses for additional accusers were not interviewed.
This weekend, the GOP was caught trying to limit the scope of the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh to 4 people; it did not include Kav or his accuser Dr. Ford, and did not allow them to pursue leads.
They relented because of pressure. Pressure works. Keep calling. #STOPKavanaugh
If you are not calling your Senators, the time is now. Pressure them to do the right thing!
Constituents of the following Senators MUST call and tell them to vote no. We REALLY need you!
The GOP embarrassed itself today. Their nominee was blustery and belligerent, refusing to answer questions directly.
An innocent person would welcome an FBI investigation to clear his name. The GOP does not believe him, evading such calls with trumpery.
A tale told by an idiot..
“The FBI doesn’t come to conclusions.”
Of course they don’t, but it is not credible that a Judge would deny the necessity of a professional investigation. Does any Judge conduct investigations during trial? No. The RESULTS of an investigation are reported on to get at the truth.
I believe Dr. Ford. She endured excruciating questions, answering candidly. She stood to gain nothing.
In contrast, Kavanaugh has lied repeatedly, about the contents of his yearbook, drinking, & his involvement with the theft of Senate documents in 2003. amp.slate.com/news-and-polit…
Predators find it easy to prey on any group to enrich or further empower the powerful. So, supporting those predators is a sure way to be funded.
Most of all, the nature of predation is conservative. A thread. /1 #FridayFeelings
Conservatism is the opposite of progress. Conservatives seek to maintain existing power structures, because they’re the ones who benefit from them.
Name any issue in which society has progressed, and conservatives have stood against them. /2
Whether we talk about civil, woman’s or gay rights, empowering the poor, or democracy itself, conservatives have stood against progress. They hate the concept of social justice, because it seeks to empower the powerless, and threaten their privilege. /3
Kavanaugh has a 2nd accuser. Senate GOP heard last week, & pushed to rush his confirmation. They knew of 2 accusations of assault, and wanted him on the court anyway.
The GOP intimidate victims to stay silent & protect the careers of white, male predators. Enough. #BeAVoter
Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer with the story of Kavanaugh’s 2nd accuser. The GOP knew about her, and pushed to rush confirmation.
Kavanaugh, Moore, Jordan, Trump. The GOP supports and enables predators.
Please don’t be sick of hearing this, because it’s so important. You need to call you Senators and tell them to vote no on Kavanaugh. There are some key GOP wavering. Call volume must be high! #StopKavanaugh