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Feb 4, 2018 148 tweets 161 min read Read on X
As well as voting & registering others, becoming a Poll Worker (or Poll Watcher) is one of the best ways to help Democracy & ensure fair elections in your State
State-by-State Requirements for ALL STATES & links to sign up
Each state has a different set of laws and rules governing the selection of #PollWorkers #PollWatchers

Clerks, Judges, Inspectors, Checker, Moderator, Selectman, Precinct Worker
Minority Inspector, Majority Inspector

Observers, Monitors, Challengers
Following are the requirements
to be a Poll Worker
or Poll Watcher
in your State
with Links to where to sign up.

Tip: Look at the Replies to your State Tweet to see further Info & Links for your State.

Here's a Medium article with this info: medium.com/@postcards4USA…
To be a poll worker in #ALABAMA
Must be registered to vote in Alabama, 18 y.o., precinct resident; $100+
To sign up, contact local board of elections:
Find yours here: sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/…
Further Info: aldemocrats.org/resource/poll_…

Poll watcher: 1 per party per station.
To be a #PollWorker in ALASKA:
Must be registered to vote in Alaska, 18+ (except students), precinct resident 30 days.
Contact local board of elections.
#PollWatcher: 1 or more watchers may be present per party, ballot committee, candidate,etc. Only 1 watcher on duty.
To be a #PollWorker in #ARIZONA:
Must be registered to vote in Arizona (or student), 16+, U.S. Citizen, complete training.
To sign up, contact the local board of elections:
Find yours here: azsos.gov/elections/voti…
OR signup on this online Application
To be a #PollWorker (Clerk, Judge, Inspector) in #ARKANSAS
Must be registered to vote in Arkansas, 18+ (or student), precinct resident 31 days, complete the training.
To sign up, contact your county election commissioner. Find them here:
To be a #PollWorker (Inspector, Clerk) in #CALIFORNIA
Must be registered to vote, 18+, precinct resident, complete training.
To sign up, contact the local board of elections:
Find yours here: sos.ca.gov/elections/voti…
Further Poll Worker Info: sos.ca.gov/elections/poll…
To be #PollWorker (Election Judge) #COLORADO
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or 16+ student), precinct resident 30 days
Contact your county election officials: sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections…
Info Election Judges: sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections…
Info Election Watchers: sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections…
To be a #PollWorker (Assistant Registrar, Moderator, Official Checker) in #CONNECTICUT
Must be registered to vote in Connecticut, 18+, (students 16+), resident of town that you apply in.
To sign up, contact your local registrar's office here:
To be a #PollWorker (Election Worker) in #DC #DistrictofColumbia:
Must be a DC resident, registered to vote in the District.
You cannot be a candidate or work for political party, committee or campaign.
Info here: dcboe.org/election_info/…
Application here: dcboe.org/election_info/…
To Be a #PollWorker in #DELAWARE
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), election district resident 30+ days
#PollWatcher: County chairperson each party w/ candidate on provisional ballot appoints 1 observer to be in room where provisional ballots reviewed & tallied.
To be #PollWorker (Poll Clerk, Precinct Tech, Precinct Deputy, Inside Deputy, EVid Operator, Ballot Box Inspector, Ballot Distributor) in #FLORIDA:
Must be registered qualified elector of the county, read & write English (*Bi-lingual speakers needed)
2+ hours of training
To be a #PollWorker in #GEORGIA:
Must be 16+, a resident of the county that you apply for, complete required training.
To sign up, contact your local board of elections. Find them here:
#PollWatcher: 2 per precinct in general election & 1 in primary.
To be a #PollWorker in #HAWAII:
Must be qualified to register to vote in Hawaii, 16+, precinct resident. New poll workers must complete required training.
To sign up, contact your county board of elections here:
Or apply here: hawaiicounty.gov/elections-elec…
To be a #PollWorker in #IDAHO:
Recommended you are a resident of the election district for the 30 days prior to the election. Students with citizenship who are 17 years old may work.
To sign up, contact your county clerk here: idahovotes.gov/county-clerks/
To a #PollWorker (Election judge, Deputy Registrar) in #ILLINOIS
Must be registered to vote, 18+, precinct resident 30+ days Term requirement of 2 years.
To sign up, contact election authority here: elections.il.gov/ElectionAuthor…
Info on Election Judges: elections.il.gov/downloads/elec…
To be #PollWorker (Inspector, Judge, Clerk) in #INDIANA
Must be registered voter, resident of county, 18+ (16/17 if participating in Election Day Live), precinct resident 30+ days
To sign up, contact county election board: indianavoters.in.gov/CountyContact/…
Info in.gov/sos/elections/…
To be a #PollWorker (Precinct Worker) in #IOWA:
Must be registered to vote in Iowa, 18+, resident of the county, be trained.

To sign up, contact your County Auditor Office/Commissioner of Elections:
Lookup here: sos.iowa.gov/elections/audi…

List here: sos.iowa.gov/elections/audi…
To be a #PollWorker in #KANSAS:
Must be registered to vote in KS, 18+ (or student), resident, training, a resident of voting area, must complete required training.
Contact your County election office: sos.ks.gov/elections/elec…
Info on Voluntering: voteks.org/after-you-vote…
To be a #PollWorker (Precinct Officer) in #KENTUCKY:
Must be registered to vote, 18+, precinct resident cannot change party affiliation for 1 year prior to your appointment as precinct officer.
Contact your county clerks: elect.ky.gov/contactcountyc…
Info: elect.ky.gov/Precinctelecti…
To be #PollWorker (Election Commissioner) #LOUISIANA
Must be 18+ registered voter, precinct resident, not qualified for assistance, candidate, law enforcement officer
Poll Commissioner application sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVo…
To Parish Clerk Addresses here sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVo…
To be a #PollWorker (Warden, Ward Clerk, Election Clerk, Deputy Registrar) in #MAINE:
Must be registered to vote in Maine, 18+ (or student), attend training.
To sign up, contact your Municipal Registrar maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/m…
Info: legislature.maine.gov/statutes/21-A/…
To be a #PollWorker (Challenger, Watcher, Election Judge, Registration Volunteer) in #MARYLAND:
Must be registered to vote in Maryland, 18+, county resident
Contact your Local Board of Elections. Find them here: elections.state.md.us/about/county_b…
Further Info: elections.state.md.us/get_involved/i…
To be a #PollWorker in #MASSACHUSETTS
Must be registered to vote in Massachusetts, 18+, county or precinct resident.
2 students who are 16 or 17 years old may also be appointed.
To sign up, contact your local board of elections.
Find them here: sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleclk/clk…
To be a #PollWorker (Precinct Inspector, Election Inspector) in #MICHIGAN:
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), county resident
Application here: michigan.gov/documents/Elec…
Or contact your local board of elections: webapps.sos.state.mi.us/MVIC/ClerkSear…
Info: michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-1…
To be #PollWorker (Election Judge) in #MINNESOTA:
Must be registered to vote,18+, state resident 20+ days.
Contact a city/county election office using info below.
To be a #PollWorker in #MISSISSIPPI
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), county resident, complete training.

To sign up, contact your local board of elections. Find them here: sos.ms.gov/Elections-Voti…
To be a #PollWorker in #MISSOURI:
Must be registered to vote, be at least 17 years & 6 months (or student), jurisdiction resident.
Info: sos.mo.gov/pollworker/faqs
To sign up fill out his form:
or contact local election authority here
To be a #PollWorker (Election Judge) in #MONTANA:
Must be registered to vote, 18+, precinct resident, training
Contact county election administrator
Info sos.mt.gov/elections/judg…
#PollWatcher: 1 poll watcher per party per polling place; no candidates
To be a #PollWorker (Election Worker) in #NEBRASKA:
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), precinct resident, complete training.
Application here sos.ne.gov/elec/pdf/elect…
Contact County election office: sos.ne.gov/elec/clerks.ht…
#PollWatcher 1 observer per party per station
To be a #PollWorker (Moderator, Ward Clerk, Selectmen) #NEWHAMPSHIRE:
Must be registered to vote, 18+, voting district resident.
County clerks: app.sos.nh.gov/Public/ClerkDe…
City Clerks: nhctca.com/wp-content/upl…
#PollWatcher: State & municipal party committees appoint challengers
To be a #PollWorker #NEWJERSEY
Must be registered to vote, 18+, county resident.
Application here: state.nj.us/state/election…
Send to your county board of elections addresses: state.nj.us/state/election…
#PollWatcher County cmte chairs appoint 2 challengers per election district.
To be a #PollWorker in #NEWMEXICO
Must be registered to vote in New Mexico, 18+, precinct resident.
Messengers and translators may also be appointed.
To sign up contact your County Clerk.
Find them here: sos.state.nm.us/Voter_Informat…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
To be a #PollWorker in #NEWYORK
Must be registered to vote in NY, 18+ (or student), resident of county or city, take training course & exam.
Application here: elections.ny.gov/BecomePollwork…
Or contact your local board of elections. Find them here:
To be a #PollWorker in #NEVADA
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), county resident, take training.
To sign up, contact your local board of elections

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Be a Poll Worker
To be a #PollWorker (Precinct Official, Chief Judge, Election Staff) in #NORTHCAROLINA
Must be registered to vote in North Carolina, 18+ (or student), state & precinct 30+ days resident

To sign up, contact your local board of elections. Find them here: vt.ncsbe.gov/BOEInfo
To be a #PollWorker in #NORTH DAKOTA
Must be registered to vote in North Dakota, 18+ (or student), precinct resident 30+ days, training.
You will be entitled to compensation.

To sign up, contact your county election officials.
Find them here: vip.sos.nd.gov/CountyAuditors…
To be a #PollWorker (Precinct Election Official/PEO) in #OHIO:
Must be registered to vote & resident 30+ days in county, 18+. No felonies. No candidates.
Apply Online here" sos.state.oh.us/elections/prec…
Or contact County Board of Elections here: sos.state.oh.us/elections/elec…
To be a #PollWorker in #OKLAHOMA
Must be registered to vote in OK, 18+, county resident 25+ days, complete training
Contact your County Election Board (CEB) ok.gov/elections/docu…
#PollWatcher Any candidate/political party can have poll watcher; must file with Sec.ofState/CEB
#OREGON has vote-by-mail and does not have traditional polling places that require #PollWorker

To find out how you can volunteer on Election Day, contact here sos.oregon.gov/elections/Page…
To be a #PollWorker (Judge, Minority Inspector, Majority Inspector) in #PENNSYLVANIA:
Must be registered to vote in PA, 18+ (or student), election district resident 30+ days
To signup, contact your County Election Office
Find them here: votespa.com/en-us/voting-a…
To be a #PollWorker in #RHODEISLAND
Must be registered to vote, able to read the State Constitution in English, write name
Online Application sos.ri.gov/divisions/elec…
Written Application elections.state.ri.us/publications/E…
Contact your local board of canvassers here:
To be a #PollWorker in #SouthCarolina
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), county resident 30+ days
Info: scvotes.org/south-carolina…
Application: scvotes.org/files/yes.html
Send application to your County Election Commission, addresses here:
To be #PollWorker (Precinct Superintendent, Precinct Deputy Superintendent, Ballot Clerk, Voter Assist Terminal, Alternate, Absentee Precinct Deputy) in #SOUTHDAKOTA
Must be registered to vote, 18+, county resident 15+ days
Contact County Auditor
To be a #PollWorker in #TENNESSEE
You must be registered to vote in Tennessee, 17+, legislative district or county resident 30+ days
You will be entitled to compensation. $120+

To signup, contact your county election commission, contact details here:
To be a #PollWorker (Presiding Judge, Clerk) in #TEXAS:
Must be registered to vote in Texas, 18+, Political affiliation generally required, precinct resident 30+ days, training required.

To signup, contact your county clerks, contact details here:
To be a #PollWorker in #UTAH
Must be registered to vote in Utah, 18+, county resident 30+ days, complete required training.

To signup, contact your county clerks, contact details here:
To be a #PollWorker in #VERMONT
You must be registered to vote in Vermont, 18+ (or student), voting district resident.

To signup, contact your town clerks, contact details here:

Burlington here: burlingtonvt.gov/CT/Election-Wo…

Be a Guardian of Democracy!
To be a #PollWorker (Election Officer)) in #VIRGINIA:
You must be registered to vote in Virginia, 18+, complete training.
Contact your local voter registration office: vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformati…
Or fill out the Online Application (for all) here apps.elections.virginia.gov/OnlineForms/Of…
#PollWorker #Washington
Has vote-by-mail & no traditional polling places.
Volunteer Election Day, contact county auditors here:
#PollWatcher County auditors must request observers appointed by political parties be present during processing of ballots.
To be a #PollWorker in #WestVirginia:
You must be 18+, must be a resident of West Virginia, must be registered to vote in the county you reside in, must complete required training
Contact your County Clerk here: sos.wv.gov/public-service…

Info: sos.wv.gov/elections/Page…
To be a #PollWorker (Election Official) in #WISCONSIN
Must be at least 18+ (or student), district resident 28+ days
Directory of Wisconsin Clerks here: elections.wi.gov/clerks/directo…
Further info elections.wi.gov/elections-voti…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Be a Poll Worker
To be a #PollWorker (Election Judge) in #WYOMING:
Must be registered to vote, 18+ (or student), country resident
To signup, contact your County Clerk.
Find them here: soswy.state.wy.us/Elections/Docs…
Info: soswy.state.wy.us/Elections/Beco…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Be a Poll Worker
Sign up here:
Juneau R.I elections.alaska.gov/doc/forms/H44.…
Anchorage R.II elections.alaska.gov/doc/forms/H45.…
Matanuska-Sustina R.II elections.alaska.gov/doc/forms/H45.…
Fairbanks R.III elections.alaska.gov/doc/forms/H46.…
D.01-06,09 & part 37,39,40
Nome R.IV elections.alaska.gov/doc/forms/H47.…
Poll Worker pages for some #ARKANSAS counties:
Boone boonecountyar.com/election
Faulkner faulknercounty.org/votefaulkner.c…
Pulaski: votepulaski.net/images/06pollw…
Sebastian sebastiancountyar.gov/Portals/0/Cont…
Washington co.washington.ar.us/government/dep…
#PollWatcher A "poll watcher authorization form" to county clerk
Election code requires county election officials to ensure public access for all kinds of observers to watch the elections. In addition, CA provides for formal accreditation, credentialing, & registration of observers.
Each county has specific rules.
Poll Worker links some Colorado counties:
Arapahoe surveygizmo.com/s3/3331722/Ele…
Denver governmentjobs.com/careers/denver…
El Paso car.elpasoco.com/Election/Pages…
Larimer larimer.org/clerk/election…
#PollWatcher: Must be eligible electors; prohibits candidates or family members; 1 per party per polling place
#PollWatcher #Connecticut, observing in polling places is for political party reps, termed challengers & unofficial checkers.
Designated by town chairman of each party 2+ days before election.
A nonpartisan citizen observer group also observes.
Apply here: ctelectionaudit.org/volunteer-2/
Poll Worker links for some Connecticut counties here:
Fairfield fairfieldelections.com/Pages/For_Vote…
Hamden hamden.com/content/7089/7…
Southington southington.org/content/17216/…
West Hartford
Wethersfield wethersfieldct.gov/filestorage/39…
DELAWARE #PollWorker
To sign up contact your election board here: elections.delaware.gov/locations.shtml

Application: electionskc.delaware.gov/pollworker/pol…

Poll Worker Applications for some counties here:
Kent electionskc.delaware.gov/pollworker/pol…
New Castle electionsncc.delaware.gov/poll_workers/p…
Sussex electionssc.delaware.gov/Working%20the%…
To be #PollWatcher in #FLORIDA:
A "qualified and registered elector" in the county in which he/she will serve; one per party and one per candidate, cannot be candidate or law enforcement officer.
Must wear a badge identifying them by name.
Poll Worker Applications for some counties #FLORIDA:
Polk polkelections.com/Election-Worker
Santa Rosa votesantarosa.com/Poll-Worker-In…
Washington wcsoe.org/Poll-Worker-Ap…
#PollWatcher Hawaii: Names must be submitted to local election officials 10 days before election; one per party. Must be registered voters. Prohibits parents, spouses, siblings, children of or candidates. Also prohibits candidates from primary who failed to receive a nomination.
#PollWatcher: County clerk directs that election judges permit 1 person authorized by each political party to be at the polling place for purpose of challenging voters, & shall permit any one (1) person authorized by a candidate to serve as watcher to observe conduct of election.
#PollWatcher in Illinois:
Parties & candidates can each appoint 2 per precinct; organizations that are concerned with the election and nonpartisan civic organizations can appoint 1 per precinct provided they register with the elections authority 40 days before the election.
#PollWatcher #Indiana: Watchers may be appointed by state chairman & county chairman of political parties. Each political party, independent candidate, & media may have only 1 watcher at each precinct at any time during Election Day. A watcher must be registered voter of county.
#PollWatcher #Kansas: Must be member candidate's family, registered voter, or 14+ years but satisfy all requirements for being voter other than age; Candidates, precinct cmte members, write-in candidates, & issue campaign committees are each limited to 1 Rep per polling place
Info on Voluntering: voteks.org/after-you-vote…
Poll Worker Applications for some Kansas counties here:
Douglas douglascountyks.org/depts/voting-a…
Haskell haskellcounty.org/CountyDepartme…
Kansas City kceb.org/elections/work…
Sedgwick sedgwickcounty.org/elections/appl…
Shawnee snco.us/election/docum…
#PollWatcher rules in #Kentucky:
No more than two people appointed by each party per precinct to be submitted to the county clerk in advance of the election; must be a registered voter in the county.
#PollWatcher #Louisiana: Each candidate is entitled to have 1 watcher & 1 alternate watcher at every precinct on election day where he is on ballot in a primary or general election. Also may designate one (1) watcher as a "Super Watcher" admitted as a watcher in every precinct.
Info #PollWorker #Louisiana: sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVo…
Election Day Training video: s3.amazonaws.com/avserver3.sos.…
Poll Worker Applications for some counties here:
Ascension ascensionclerk.com/Elections
Caddo caddoclerk.com/election.htm
Jefferson jpclerkofcourt.us/elections/poll…
Poll Worker Applications for some cities/counties #MAINE:
Auburn auburnmaine.gov/pages/governme…
Brunswick brunswickme.org/departments/to…
City of South Portland southportland.org/departments/ci…
Portland portlandmaine.gov/DocumentCenter…
Westbrook westbrookmaine.com/DocumentCenter…

#PollWatcher: 1 person per party allowed.
#PollWatcher #Maryland: State/local board of elections, candidate, political party, or any other group supporting candidate or issue can appoint an accredited poll challenger/watcher. Election judges may allow non-accredited challengers to enter polling place to challenge a vote.
Poll Worker Applications for some Maryland counties here:
Montgomery montgomerycountymd.gov/Elections/Elec…
Prince George princegeorgescountymd.gov/962/Become-an-…
Talbot talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page…
Washington washco-mdelections.org/become-an-elec…

Be A Guardian of Democracy!
Be A Poll Worker!
To be a #PollWathcer in #MASSACHUSETTS
Poll Watcher: Poll watchers are allowed at polling sites as long as they are not disorderly and do not disrupt voter access to the polls.
#PollWatcher #Michigan:
Registered voter in the state; not a candidate or election inspector; challengers must carry an identification card; a political party, organization
Poll Worker Applications for some Michigan cities/counties here:
Ann Arbor a2gov.org/departments/ci…
Berrien berriencounty.org/217/Poll-Worke…
Detroit detroitmi.gov/How-Do-I/Obtai…
Grand Rapids grcity.us/city-clerk/Pag…
Oakland oakgov.com/clerkrod/elect…
Washtenaw ewashtenaw.org/government/cle…
#PollWatcher #Minnesota: One challenger permitted per each political party per precinct; ballot issue committees must get 25 voter signatures to be able to appoint 1 challenger per precinct & person must be a registered voter. Must be state residents. Prohibits election judges.
If you do not live in a city/county listed above, complete this form sos.state.mn.us/media/3110/ele…
& email to county election office sos.state.mn.us/elections-voti…
#PollWatcher #Mississippi:
Poll watchers may be designated by political parties and candidates whose name appears on the ballot in the precinct. Challenges may also be made by candidates, qualified electors, managers, clerks, and poll workers.
#PollWorker links some MS cities/counties:
Clay claycoelections.com/index.asp?SEC=…
Henry henrycomo.com/elections/poll…
Jackson jcebmo.org/election-infor…
St. Louis City stlouis-mo.gov/government/dep…
St. Louis County stlouisco.com/yourgovernment…
#PollWatcher: Campaigns designate 1 challenger per polling place
Poll Worker pages for some Montana cities/counties here:
Gallatin/Columbia sites.google.com/a/columbiacoun…
Missoula missoulacounty.us/government/adm…
Ravalli ravalli.us/146/About-Elec…
Sumner votesumnertn.org/documents/misc…

Be a Guardian of Democracy. Be a Poll Worker.
Poll Worker pages for some Nebraska cities/counties here:
Buffalo buffalocounty.ne.gov/POLL-WORKER-IN…
Douglas votedouglascounty.com/poll_worker_in…
Lancaster lancaster.ne.gov/election/pwapp…
Platte plattecounty.net/webpages/elect…
Sarpy sarpy.com/offices/electi…
Wayne waynecountyne.org/index.aspx?NID…

Be a Guardian of Democracy.
#PollWatcher #NewMexico:
No more than 1 watcher at a time in a polling location. Must wear ID. Candidates & law enforcement officers may not serve. Election-related organization or agroup of 3 candidates may appoint poll watchers; Provide Secretary of State office 10 days before
Note: New Mexico is one of a few states that explicitly includes academic observers in its election law and permits nonpartisan observation at all stages of the election & differentiates between "election observers" and "poll watchers or challengers."
#PollWatcher #NewYork: Must be registered voter in county or city holding the election; no candidates
An organization, party cmte, or group of 2+ candidates can appoint poll watchers but none can have >3 poll watchers in one location
Poll Watcher Guide NYC vote.nyc.ny.us/downloads/pdf/…
Poll Worker pages for some New York cities/counties here:
Putnam putnamboe.com/welcome/electi…
Saratoga saratogacountyny.gov/wp/wp-content/…
Tompkins tompkinscountyny.gov/boe/For_Electi…
Ulster ulstercountyny.gov/elections
Westchester …tizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/election-inspe…

Be a Guardian of Democracy.
Be a #PollWorker
#PollWatcher #Nevada:
Members of the general public may be poll watchers, but this does not include members of the media or people who are observing the polls solely within a professional capacity.
Poll Worker Applications for some Nevada cities/counties here:
Clark clarkcountynv.gov/election/Pages…
Pershing pershingcounty.net/index.php/Cler…
Washoe washoecounty.us/voters/volunte…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Be a #PollWorker
#PollWatcher #NorthCarolina
County party chairs designate 2 observers per polling place & 10 at-large observers who are county residents & can observe at any polling place in the county. County party chairs can also appoint a runner to receive voting lists.
No candidates.
Poll Worker Applications some North Carolina cities/counties:
Alexander alexandercountync.gov/departments/bo…
Buncombe buncombecounty.org/governing/dept…
Catawba catawbacountync.gov/Elections/poll…
Forsyth forsyth.cc/elections/prec…
Harnett harnett.org/elections/beco…

Be a Guardian of Democracy. Be a #PollWorker.
Poll Worker Applications some North Carolina cities/counties:
Mecklenburg mecknc.gov/BOE/PollOffici…
Nash co.nash.nc.us/481/Poll-Worke…
Onslow onslowcountync.gov/527/Become-a-P…
Rockingham co.rockingham.nc.us/pview.aspx?id=…
Wake wakegov.com/elections/geti…

Be a Guardian of Democracy. Be a #PollWorker
#PollWatcher #NorthDakota
Election observers must wear a badge with the name of the observer and the name of the organization that observer is representing.
Poll Worker Applications for some North Dakota cities/counties:
Billings billingscountynd.gov/auditor.asp
Burleigh brochure burleighco.com/uploads/resour…
Cass County casscountynd.gov/our-county/aud…
McHenry mchenrycountynd.com/auditor/
Morton County co.morton.nd.us/index.asp?Type…
Rolette rolettecounty.com/Election/Welco…
#PollWatcher #Ohio:
Must be a registered voter in the precinct; no candidates; can be appointed by a political party or a group of 5+ candidates; 1 person per precinct; no uniformed peace officers, state patrolman or members of organized militia.
No firearms.
#PollWatcher #Oregon:
Observers may watch the county clerk receive and count mail-in ballots if authorized by a candidate, political party, or the county clerk. Only so many watchers allowed as will not interfere with orderly procedure.
#PollWatcher #Pennsylvania:
Must be a registered voter in the county; can only be a poll watcher in one district; candidates can appoint two watchers per district and political parties can appoint three watchers per district.
#PollWatcher in #RHODEISLAND
Poll Watcher: Political parties may appoint "checkers" to see who has voted, "runners" to deliver lists of people who have voted, and "watchers" to challenge the eligibility of voters
Poll Worker links some RI cities/counties:
East Providence eastprovidenceri.net/canvassing
Providence providenceri.gov/canvassers/pol…
#PollWatcher Political parties appoint "checkers" to see who has voted, "runners" to deliver lists of who voted & "watchers" to challenge eligibility of voters
#PollWatcher in #SouthCarolina
Must be a qualified voter in county where he/she will serve & certified in writing to managers of precinct; 2 per party per 1,000 registered voters per polling place; must wear a badge indicating the candidate or party they represent.
#PollWatcher #SouthDakota:
Prohibits precinct superintendents, precinct deputies, candidates, or election board workers from serving as poll watchers; 1 watcher per polling place per each party, independent candidate, slate of presidential electors & each side of a ballot issue.
Poll Worker Applications for some SD cities/counties here:
Codington codington.org/auditor/
McCook mccookcountysd.com/departments/au…
Minnehaha minnehahacounty.org/dept/au/au.php
Ogala Lakota oglalalakota.sdcounties.org/auditors-welfa…
Pennington pennco.org/index.asp?SEC=…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Be a Poll Worker
#PollWatcher #Tennessee:
Must be 17 years old by Election Day, and appointed by the party in writing; each candidate can have one and each party or citizens' organization can have two. The state also prohibits spouses of candidates from serving.
Poll Worker Applications for some TN cities/counties here:
Bradley County info bradleyco.net/eleccomm_pollw…
Cheatham County Application cheathamcountytn.gov/government/ele…
Davidson County Application: nashville.gov/Election-Commi…
Dickson County dicksoncountyelection.com/home/index.php…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Poll Worker Applications some TN cities/counties:
Fayette county application: fayettetn.us/wp-content/upl…
Hamilton County Application elect.hamiltontn.gov/Portals/12/Gen…
Knox County Online Application knoxcounty.org/election/appli…
Montgomery County mcgtn.org/election/poll-…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Poll Worker Applications for some TN cities/counties here:
Roane nebula.wsimg.com/e38e311e3ef5bc…
Robertson robertsonelections.com
Shelby County shelbyvote.com/index.aspx?NID…
Williamson County application williamsoncounty-tn.gov/DocumentCenter…
Wilson wilsonelections.com/poll-worker-fa…

Be a Guardian of Democracy
#PollWatcher #Texas
Poll watchers act on behalf of acandidate, political party, or opponent or proponent of a ballot measure; must be from jurisdiction. Max of 7 per early voting site & 2 per Election Day site.
No felons, candidates, public officials or related to judges onsite.
#PollWatcher #Utah
Poll Watcher: Designated by the parties or persons interested in a ballot issue by affidavit; one to watch counting ballots; one to inspect the ballot packages.
Poll Worker Applications some Utah cities/counties here:
Box Elder boxeldercounty.org/become-a-poll-…
Davis daviscountyutah.gov/clerk-auditor/…
Sevier sevierutah.net/index.aspx?NID…
Utah provo.org/home/showdocum…
#PollWatcher #Utah

Be a Guardian of Democracy
Be a Poll Worker
#PollWatcher #Vermont
Poll Watcher: Candidates, political parties, and ballot initiative committees can't have more than two representatives outside the guardrail.
#PollWatcher #Virginia
Must be a registered voter; one person per party per polling place at a given time but no more than three total for any organization; independent candidates can also appoint a poll watcher. Prohibits candidates from serving as poll watchers.
Poll Worker Application links for some Virginia cities/counties here:
Albemarle albemarle.org/department.asp…
Alexandria alexandriava.gov/elections/info…
Augusta co.augusta.va.us/government/vot…
Chesapeake cityofchesapeake.net/government/Cit…
Henrico henrico.us/registrar/prog…
Newport News nngov.com/492/Working-at…
#PollWatchers are not permitted in the polling places in West Virginia; it is the responsibility of the election officials to challenge voters.
Poll Worker Applications for some cities/counties in West Virginia here:
Cabell cabellcountyclerk.org/departments/vo…
Greenbrier greenbriercounty.net/departments/co…
Mingo mingomessenger.com/news/article_a…
Monongalia County Clerk's office at 304-291-7230 ext. 9 or email elections@monongaliacountyclerk.com.
#PollWatcher #Wisconsin
Poll Watcher: Any member of the public may be an observer except for a candidate on the ballot; observers must be in a designated location and they have to sign a log maintained by an official at the polling place.
#PollWatcher #Wyoming
Poll Watcher: Must be certified by county chairman of a political party; 1 per party unless election judge decides 1 additional watcher may be accommodated w/o disrupting polling process. Must be registered voter in county & "belong" to party they represent.
Poll Worker Applications for some Wyoming cities/counties here:
Albany co.albany.wy.us/election-judge…
Fremont fremontcountywy.org/wp-content/upl…
Sublette (Precinct Committee) sublettewyo.com/DocumentCenter…
Teton tetonwyo.org/272/Helping-Ou…

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Sep 18, 2018
VOTE NOVEMBER 6, 2018 #Midterms
THREAD of all Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites
& VOTER INFO with Links

Register by October 9 in-person; October 16 by GEAUX
Early voting Oct. 23-30 (not Sunday)
Apply for Absentee Ballot by Nov 2
Register Online here: voterportal.sos.la.gov/VoterRegistrat…
Find your Voter Precinct here: voterportal.sos.la.gov/Home/VoterLogin
Registrars voterportal.sos.la.gov/Registrar
Registration info: sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVo…

Democratic Candidates for #Louisiana #LA01
Lee Ann Dugas

Jim Francis

Tammy Savoie

vs Steve Scalise (R)
Read 14 tweets
Sep 18, 2018
Hey #Massachusetts #MA
You need to register by October 17th to be able to vote in #Midterms2018 on NOVEMBER 6.
THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites.
And VOTER INFO with all the Links you need!
#MA01 #MA02 #MA03 #MA04 #MA05 #MA06 #MA07 #MA08 #MA09
Register Online here: sec.state.ma.us/OVR/Pages/Chec…
Check Registration here: sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrat…
Find Polling Place
Application: sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleifv/how…
Send to Local Election Officials: sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleclk/clk…
Democratic Candidate for SENATOR for #Massachusetts
#MA01 #MA02 #MA03 #MA04 #MA05 #MA06 #MA07 #MA08 #MA09

DEM Incumbent
Elizabeth Warren

vs Geoff Diehl
VOTE November 6, 2018
Early Voting: Oct 22 - Nov 2
Read 20 tweets
Sep 14, 2018
Hey #RhodeIsland #RI #RI01 #RI02
Register by October 7th to be able to vote in #Midterms2018 on NOVEMBER 6.
THREAD of all Democratic Candidates; twitter&websites.
VOTER INFO with all the Links!
Also, Voters can go to vote.ri.gov to check voter record & polling place
Voter Registration in #RhodeIsland #RI01 #RI02
Register by October 7
Register online here: vote.sos.ri.gov/ovr/?search_ty…
Or print Application from here: vote.sos.ri.gov/assets/pdfs/vo…
And send to your local board of canvassers vote.sos.ri.gov/ovr/info/local…
Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senator for Rhode Island
#RI01 #RI02
Dem Incumbent Sheldon Whitehouse
#Midterms2018 #VoteBlueRI
Read 15 tweets
Sep 12, 2018
Hey #NewHampshire #NH
VOTE NOVEMBER 6, 2018 #Midterms
Voting Day Registration.
Here’s a THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates with twitter & websites.
And VOTER INFO with all the Links you need!
Find Polling Place here: app.sos.nh.gov/Public/Polling…
You may apply to your town or city clerk's office.
Election Forms here: sos.nh.gov/ElecForms2.aspx
Find your Election Clerk here: app.sos.nh.gov/Public/ClerkDe…


Democratic Candidate for #NH01 #NewHampshire
Chris Pappas

vs Eddie Edwards
#Midterms2018 #VoteBlueNH
Voting Day Registration
Apply for Absentee Ballot by November 5

Read 8 tweets
Sep 10, 2018
HEY #Oklahoma #OK
Here’s a THREAD of ALL your Democratic Candidates with Twitter & Website Links.
Plus VOTER INFO links!
#VoteBlueOK #Midterms2018
#OK01 #OK02 #OK03 #OK04 #OK05

Application Form ok.gov/elections/docu…
Check Registration & Find your Polling Place services.okelections.us/voterSearch.as…
NOTE: DEMOCRATIC Party is allowing Independent (no party) voters to vote in its Primary elections in 2018.
#OK01 #OK02 #OK03 #OK04 #OK05
Democratic Candidate #OK01 #Oklahoma
Tim Gilpin

vs GOP Kevin Hern

Apply for Absentee Ballot by October 31st
Read 16 tweets
Sep 9, 2018
Here’s a THREAD all your Democratic Candidates #Midterms2018!
with photos, Twitter & Websites
& VOTER INFO links to Registration, Absentee, ID, Poll Worker
Register by October 13
Voter Registration #DELAWARE
Register & Check Registration Online here: ivote.de.gov/voterlogin.aspx
•By mail
Check Registration ivote.de.gov/voterlogin.aspx
#Midterms NOVEMBER 6
Register by October 13

No Early Voting, but you can apply for in-person absentee voting.
Info: elections.delaware.gov/pubs/pdfs/Abse…
Apply for Absentee Ballot here: ivote.de.gov/voterlogin.aspx
OR Print form elections.delaware.gov/pubs/pdfs/abse…
And send to your Election Office elections.delaware.gov/locations.shtml
Read 8 tweets

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