Bon dia carters i carteres! Un col·laborador ens ha fet arribar el fil de la @yeyaboya traduït a l'anglès. Obrim fil i que cadascú tregui les seves pròpies conclusions!
Do you know a possible reason why Joaquim Forn is in prison? Because of the way he handled the August terrorist attacks and the information he possesses as Interior Minister for Catalonia about what really happened. THREAD #6months
1. There is an internal war in the PP between Soraya (Vicepresident) and Cospedal (Defense Minister). Soraya was responsible for Operation Catalonia together with Fernández Díaz (former Interior Minister), but nowadays Zoido holds the Interior Minister post. PP families:
2. Zoido replaces the police superintendents, among which the main character from August: José Luís Olivera, who worked behind the scenes for Villarejo in #OperationCatalonia. CITCO director, the terrorism information centre which should have warned Mossos about the imam.
Why didn’t he do it? 3. Spring. The referendum date is announced. An off the record from Ciudadanos boasts “starting in August, you are going to shit yourselves”.
Spanish journalists warn that Spain is comitted to do ANYTHING starting in August. We decide to shorten our holidays. On August the 16th I was already in Barcelona.
4. I come back to a thread I wrote during those days. The lack of coordination with Spain, the Ripoll imam and sources from the police that hint he might have been an informer for CNI, which is controlled by Soraya. State Terrorism?
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5. “The nota” is published to try to lay the blame on Mossos. When in fact it was CITCO, controlled by Soraya, who did hide information.
Enric Hernàndez (El Periódico director), had an exclusive few minutes after the attack, but the state of chaos did not allow for such level of information. He was constructing a narrative. Media Sewers.
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by @Enric_Hernandez view original on Twitter
6. This is the relationship between Olivera, CITCO, the August attack and the State sewers. Olivera, Villarejo’s collaborator in #OperationCatalonia, is responsible for not forwarding the info to Mossos. I recover a thread from those days:
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by @yeyaboya view original on Twitter
7. CNI admits the connection with the imam. The power struggle between Soraya and Cospedal is reaches its peak. Soraya manoeuvres to discredit Cospedal’s supporters? Might be. Result: no commission of inquiry. This is a matter of State which must remain hidden.
8. The imam had a record with the Spanish police since 11M. He appears in the police wiretaps from that period, but he was never charged. Odd, huh? Someone has to explain why he was working as an informer for CNI. Maybe in tomorrow’s @30minuts ?…
9. Europol has information on the Ripoll imam, on CNI; and on who really is behind the attacks. And it will surface, you will see.
10. Maybe it was State terrorism, or an attempt to decree a state of emergency and thus deploy the military on the streets. Psychological war one month and a half before the referendum, to prevent it from happening.
No, Forn and Trapero’s handling of the attacks will never be forgiven. They could not stop us on October 1st.
11. However, judge Llarena might have imprisoned Forn as a good turn to Cospedal, as a revenge for August. Disgraces of a State willing to use any method in order to stop the independence movement.
Benvolguts carters i carteres,
avui tornem a acudir a vosaltres perquè creiem que és més necessari que mai denunciar l'excepcional situació que vivim.
Cal denunciar que el Tribunal Suprem s'inventa un delicte de rebel·lió, que declarar convocar un referèndum
o declarar la independència no figuren com a delicte al Codi Penal. La Rebel·lió necessita violència, i ni el Govern, ni ANC ni Òmnium, han actuat amb un sol minut de violència.
És un delicte artificial, gravíssim, que anul·la l'estat de dret.
L'estat español no permet formar govern i no respecta els resultats de les eleccions que ell mateix va convocar usurpant il·legítimament les competències del MH President de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
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"Ell ja era així. Més jove, més tímid, però determinat. Sempre tres passes endavant. Teniem 22-25 anys. Era molt bona persona. Honest. Company".
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