🔥URGENT THREAD🔥 You've all heard me talk a lot about FREE SPEECH... and now you're STARTING TO SEE more restrictions not only HERE, but also on YouTube, FB, etc. EACH OF US MUST take this CENSORSHIP SERIOUSLY. They are trying to SHUT DOWN our ability to COMMUNICATE.
We are coming to the SHOWDOWN. They are ACTIVELY WORKING to shut down all of our SOCIAL MEDIA ACCESS. It is CRITICAL that you ANTICIPATE this happening to YOU & to ANY of your SOCIAL MEDIA accounts. EMAIL PROVIDERS are ALREADY getting into this GAME. #1A
EACH of US should plan for a TOTAL BLACKOUT. This will mean WE WILL ALL HAVE TO HIT THE STREETS. Like in the OLD days when there was a power blackout or QUAKE. Some may think I & others are over reacting. That's your prerogative . But I CAN assure you WE ARE NOT !! #1A
IN THE PAST, there were the "NAYSAYERS" all in their different "stages of DENIAL' ALL we are asking is that you PREPARE! Have a PLAN for a TOTAL MEDIA BLACKOUT! What will YOU DO?!? If WE'RE wrong, GREAT!!!!! - YOU LOSE NOTHING... BUT.... IF WE'RE RIGHT.....??? #1A
Now is NOT the time to be COMPLACENT! There are SO many distractions around us, the attack on our #2A, the #FalseFlags, SO MANY different things - these are JUST TWO of them. Do NOT allow this to be taken away from without a FIGHT! It IS a FIGHT! #ProtectFreeSpeech#1A
cbdfan @cbdfan on GAB
I saved this post from last spring. Check this list for local politicians. These people should be exposed.
57 CIA agents so far have announced candidacy, all for Democrat seats.
Why is no one talking about this?
Why are there so many slide threads?
Why have we not started on digging dirt on these people?
Elissa Slotkin
Abigail Spanberger
Jesse Colvin
Jeffrey Beals
Patrick Ryan
Jonathan Ebel
Shelly Chaucey
Omar Siddiqui
Dan McCready
Charlie Deplorable @RadCharlie PRO on GAB (THREAD) 1. Don't be fooled by China.
They are HARD core Communist. They suppress the Chinese people at EVERY turn.
Communism is just another scam to get the people to work like slaves for the 1% very top ELITES.
2. America has been nearly Destroyed & Russia & US Patriots have been & ARE under attack.
China is buying UP AMERICA'S assets with the $Trillions they MADE FROM US!
A TOTAL SCAM with the NWO-DEEPSTATE. Don't be fooled by the Sly Games China plays.
China Bought the Panama Canal. China bought as many of our TV stations & Studios as WE would sell them.