As part of the #BlackpoolPIER#space#science in schools project, @rwwalsh and I have been asking Y6 children what sort of people scientists are. Was surprised at how many children said #scientists were 'good', 'kind' and 'helpful'. Going to post a few examples below (thread)
4/ nb: these views of scientists as 'good people' were expressed by both girls and boys.
5/ 'People want to be around them.'
6/ Amelia's full quote was: "They’d be, like, nice people, not rude or horrible, because if they were rude the wouldn’t get the job." #BlackpoolPIER
7/ We have a lot to live up to, #scientists! Will be interesting to see if and how the young people's views of what scientists 'are like' changes over the course of the three-year #BlackpoolPIER project.