THREAD: This weekend marks National Stop the Bleed Day, sparked when an Army SOF medic decided to see how many people could be taught basic bleeding control in one day.
I'm going to try something new: teaching a BCon class via Twitter. #NSTBD18
My credentials are that I'm a nationally registered EMT, which you can check on the registry here:…
And I'm certified by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma to teach basic bleeding control.
Stop the Bleed is a government initiative that was created in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, to enhance public resilience to mass casualty events.
But you're more likely to need to use bleeding control at a car accident or tripping and hitting your head than at a shooting
Rick Santorum recently created waves when he said students should learn CPR to deal with shootings.
CPR is not the right skill for a trauma scenario. Bleeding control is. So let's learn about it.
NPR, w/outside data firm, sifted through 3 million Russian troll farm tweets to find out how the Internet Research Agency talked about the NRA and guns from 2015-2018
On every issue from race to healthcare, women's rights to police brutality, gay marriage to global warming, accounts associated with the "Internet Research Agency" amplified controversy by playing up conflict.
Had an eye-opening interview this week with the CEO of @FireEye, a top cybersecurity firm.
The facts are depressing.
Bottom line is: there's no such thing as a reliable cyberdefense. A dedicated attacker WILL get through eventually.
@FireEye FireEye formed over 300 'Red Teams' where companies/orgs hired them to try and break in. Break in to steal the CEO's email or affect the assembly line.
More the 90% of the time, FireEye was able to do it in five days.
And these are conscientious companies!
@FireEye FireEye's CEO Kevin Mandia says that we are almost entirely blind to what Russia, Iran and other state actors are doing on information operations. He estimates that we are tracking perhaps 3-5% of their activities.
Democrats on House Oversight Cmte write to White House asking for docs related to whether National Security Adviser John Bolton reported his previous work with Maria Butina, an alleged Russian spy
NPR previously reported on Bolton's work with her group.
"We request that you produce documents relating to whether Mr.Bolton reported his previous work with this alleged Russian spy on his security clearance forms or other White House vetting materials."
NEW: NPR has decide to publish the audio of Michael Cohen making legal threats against me while I was a Daily Beast reporter in 2015, as part of a larger story on Cohen's history of threats:
"In October of 2016, Michael Cohen made threats against my client Stormy Daniels, as it related to pressuring her to enter into the NDA and accept the $130,000 payment," Avenatti told NPR, but he offered no additional details when pressed.