In #USSballot, I predict an equivocal result. Neither a robust rejection, nor an unqualified acceptance. Somewhere between 60/40 and 40/60. Maybe even 52/48. 🙄
For those interested, here's the preference in the respondents to the #USSvote survey...
Once the results come out, I can re-weight these to be more accurate. But some interesting trends are apparent in terms of predictors of #USSballot preference
Look at the differences by Twitter use and awareness of #USSbriefs!
Confidence that - if accepted - UUK proposal will resolve threat of further strikes over next 2 years. Big differences again between those favouring 'accept' & 'reject'... Whatever the result, this doesn't look 'over'!
Perceptions of how this offer will impact on finances in retirement. again, big differences between those favouring 'accept' & 'reject' , but all expecting we'll be worse off then we are currently!
I'm planning to write this up after the poll results are announced, to add to reflections on the results. But things are a bit squeezed for me at the moment, with some tight deadlines & a whole load of pressure! 😟
One area of agreement - neither those favouring 'accept' or those favouring 'reject' trust @universitiesUK. Whatever the result, they have a LOT of work do rebuilding trust!
But people aren't especially satisfied with the @UCU national leadership, particularly those favouring 'reject' (who presumably believe most strongly that this ballot should never have happened)!
In contrast, local @UCU reps are considered 'heroes'! There's obviously some variation between institutions, but generally HUGE satisfaction from both 'accept' and 'reject' supporters. The importance of the 'grass roots'!