“we hav here no investments to guard, no actual trade to lose, virtually no citizens to protect, few cultural contacts to preserve Our only stake lies in wht v hope rathr thn what v hav… There can be NO permanent peaceful co-existence"
👉To dominate the polity and #publicmood of these countries" Through: " #women 's organizations, racial societies, #religious societies, social organizations, cultural groups, #institutions, #media etc”
6. 👉It is incredible that each of the 5000 words of his #LongTelegram was The US #ColdWar POLICY for 5 decades
👉What's #Shocking was that he #Hated#TheUS for which He spent his life safeguarding its interests as
👉He hated its democracy & #BiasedMedia, considered a roadblock.
7. The most incredulous aspect was his LOVE for Russians, he said "Russia was in MY BLOOD" "the only country I love"
Yet he #HATED#leftists & #Marxism which he believed to b committing absolute "evil" in the name of Human rights & ruined ordinary People's life.
8. Unlike the #ColdWar times when battle lines were clearly drawn between the nations on the basis of left and right...
Today we r battling the inhuman, hypocritic left with our nations.
It is important that we counter their propaganda relentlessly from #Kathua to #JNU🙏🙏
👉In 1879, he went to England for education & Moved back to Calcutta in 1906
👉he was a teacher, a poet, a journalist & an underground revolutionary leader.
👉Also known as "poet of patriotism", "Prophet of nationalism" & "saviour of humanity"
3. He was influenced by
👉Integral Humanism of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
👉Vivekananda's unity in diversity
& thought India as a nation will benefit the world. World should Actively support India's rise
👉 #Hindutva in his Sachitananda concept, himself was a #HinduNationalist