50 Senators gave Kyle Duncan a lifetime position on the 5th Cir Court.
All of you just told the world you are as homophobic & transphobic as the POS in the WH.
All of you just told the world its ok if they are too. They have the courts & Congress behind them.
50 Senators
All 50 prove, once again, you not only approve of legalizing bigotry but work towards backing it every chance you get
All 50 of you prove you believe a large majority of American's should have their rights stripped away, again.
All 50 of you prove you condone hate vs. #LGBTQIA
To all 50 Senators, you are now personally responsible for every decision this "man" makes
To all 50 Senators, you are now personally responsible for every hateful word or act this decision causes.
Every single hateful act/word/belief you bolstered
You. Are. Responsible.
To anyone watching in horror as some people celebrate this decision (with the 50), this is a speed bump
We are all born perfect & EXACTLY how we are supposed to be
Never let anyone make you feel otherwise
Be proud.
Be hopeful
Speed bumps are easy, we just step right over them
To the 50, anyone celebrating, or anyone apathetic,
Anyone making comments about anyone's sexuality or being in the closet, why?
None of that is helpful or pertinent.
What's imporant is 50 MoC, elected to represent ALL citizens, knew this man*s record and confirmed him to a lifetime federal court seat.
They gave him power
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by @threadreaderapp view original on Twitter
5th Circuit again
Please call your Members of Congress 202-224-3121
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Christine's highly publicized transition helped bring to light gender identity & shaped a new culture of more inclusive ideas & accepting notions about the subject.
As a transgender spokesperson & public figure, she influenced other transgender people to change their sex on birth
certificates & to change their names. For the first time, it led to complications over sex and science and the changing definition of sexuality. Gender was thought of as a set binary that was permanent, but Jorgensen's case questioned that stability. Gender was not the set binary
So children are taken away from their parents because our sick gov't believes they are worthless & then they are given away to be abused because our sick gov't thinks they are worthless.
1500 kids
This is a humanitarian crisis.
This is critically emergent! #FindTheChildren
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by @Mikel_Jollett view original on Twitter
A short list of @VP history regarding #LGBTQIA
🔹supports state laws limiting which bathroom used by transgender people
🔹supports a parent’s right 2 subject #LGBTQIA kids to “conversion therapy”
🔹supports nullifing all orders that bans anti-L.G.B.T. discrimination by federal contractors and another that protects the rights of transgender students
🔹"led a direct, massive and concerted effort in the state of Indiana to deny equality to L.G.B.T. people"
🔹As governor opposed gay marriage and signed into law a bill that made it legal for businesses to cite religious freedom when refusing service to gay and transgender people
🔹voted against the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”