My mom had to explain to me at 7 years old that I couldn't tell any of my friends that we lived with my step dad.
They made sure that all the parents in my friendship group at primary school knew the situation because my mom trusted them but it took courage to do. #letusmarry
Any one of them could have ruined our lives.
Then each of those wonderful people had to explain to their kids that if they were ever asked about my parents by someone they didn't know to go get a teacher.
He was disabled too and on DLA same as my mom. We lived half in our home half in his for close to 2 years because they were so worried about having to lie. But they were in love and they helped each other physically it wasn't perfect but it was a family
The government figured why lie about something so shameful (literally what I heard an investigator say while on the phone to a colleague in our back garden)
I was interviewed at least once every 6 months for the first 2 years asked about my mom's partners.
I was a literal child and they would ask me if they had ever seen anyone staying in my mom's room with her.
We had to keep the play room ready to be made to look like my room at short notice.
I had to have it explained to me what would happen if we were caught. #LetUsMarry
*typo it meant to read "if I had ever seen".
Once they took my mom's benefits off her during a policy change over just because my mom's "landlord"(partner) lived with her so surely he could support her.
This is more exhausting than I thought it would be.
I remember one particular interview. They kept me in the room for an hour an a half asking me variations of the same question see if they could catch me out.
I was a child and I was treat like a criminal. #LetUsMarry
All because my mom wanted to live with someone she loved.
During the 8 months without her "benefits" my mom racked up some huge debt. Just trying to survive with a diasbled kid and a disabled partner. That shit is expensive it adds up.
I think the thing that was the worst for me personally during all this is knowing that my mom could go to prison & I could be taken away from her and either put with family (who were abusive as hell) or put in state care.
So I've seen a lot of trans femme/women voices being boosted like fuck right now about the scarjo situation.
Folk have spoken about how this is the same issue that trans femme/women face.
But this is only partly true.
There is a part of this whole situation that doesn't happen as much any more to trans femme/women's stories (this exceptions to this tend to be TWOC who's stories are also still routinely erased or revised to center cis white folk)
It is the fact that everyone involved in production is calling Gill (scarjo's character) a woman.
The are actively erasing his identity. They are revising his story and erasing him completely.
Y: I went to his prom, we have photos, he was there when I first got sick, and his instinct was not to flee we went to college together, except his freshman year.
M:So were you diagnosed long into the relationship?
Me: The first question is a brief description of you/your disablity?
X: My name is X. I'm white, 32 years old. I have spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, which manifests as a permanent limp & irregular gait. I use a rollator when I'm outside my house cont..
Hey! 😊 So, my partner and I have been together for 7 years. He’s at a job right now where he has insurance, but it’s a very unstable industry; he could be let go at any time, with no notice. #letusmarry
His insurance is crap; my medical costs over the next few years could potentially bankrupt us both if we got married. He makes decent money now, but not enough to financially support two people—one of whom is very sick—especially if he loses this job. #letusmarry
I have a friend I've been talking to about #letusmarry who will remain anonymous for reasons that are apparent.
They are in a polyam living situation. They are disabled.
I'd like to share their words.
Transcript of image to follow.
1) I feel like I may have blathered about this before, but it frustrates me every time I have to recertify for benefits that the only legal category for my relationship is their tenant who rents a room. Even though this does allow for not taking their income cont..
So this is long and I am going to say right now I was an asshole.
So I was dumped by my then bf. He was older & dumped me for a more age appropriate girl which good for him. I was not happy but tried to stay friends & made friends with new gf.
She found out I was bisexual 1/?
And expressed a curiosity.
I saw my chance to hurt him & we fucked, Also in a small town women who liked women were few & far between, I was a teen, rampant hormones & hurt feelings do not make comfortable bed fellows.
It happened a few times.
Cut to few weeks later all 3 of us where meant to be going to a local free music festival together & meet other friends.
Im waiting near the entrance & they're late. Our friends are already inside I'm about to text them, when I'm approached by a girl I havent seen in a while3/?