Good morning, Patriots
- Loyalty Day
- Law Day
2. Loyalty Day has been recognized on May 1 since the Eisenhower days. It is important to our US military because it kicks off the start of Military Appreciation month. There will be VFW parades and other activities. Many Americans will display their flag. TY to those who serve.
3. Another Eisenhower and Congressional Recognition for May 1 is LAW DAY. @POTUS Trump has signed a 2018 Proclamation for LAW DAY which emphasizes the iportance of the RULE OF LAW in our country. whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…
4. Following WW II, during the Cold War Eisenhower wanted to establish an American holiday that distinguishes our Gov system from cruel dictatorships. He said, "The world no longer has a choice between force and the rule of law...we must choose the RULE OF LAW" #EqualJustice
- US attorneys in Mexico coaching Hondurans to game our immigration laws
- James Comey on 7/5/16 exonerating HRC crimes for which you and I would have been convicted
- DOJ and FBI's abuse of power
The US Constitution created three co-equal branches of Gov to achieve SHARED power, as discussed by ABA President, Hilarie Bass...
8. However, over decades we have witnessed the growth of a 4th "all-knowing, all-powerful, above-the-law, arrogant, punitive" entity, called the DEEP STATE.
See Steve Hilton, "Swamp Watch"
9. ABA President addressing lawyers, encouraging them to teach A CIVICS CLASS to promote the 2018 LAW DAY.
There are countless examples of DEEP STATE activities.
For me, this one stands out.
The DOJ/FBI plot to protect Clinton and frame Flynn and Trump
I was raised in a Democrat family. I was blind to the radicalization of the party that took place over decades. I failed to see the erosion of the rule of law. I fell for the emotional pleas and fear porn. My understanding of the Constitution / Bill of Rights was too modest...
It was the GOP who:
were fake Christians
wanted to take away our rights
were racists
were only interested in getting rich
hated Obama because he was black
were the corrupt ones
didn't care about the 'needy'
didn't care about ppl fleeing danger
13. As a parent, with 2 jobs and running a family/home - I had little time to think about the condition of my country. I did not study issues. I accepted Democrat soundbites on MSM. "Those damn conservatives". When I discovered BOTH Ds and Rs are corrupt, I withdrew from it all !
14. The lightbulb turned on when Comey gave his 7/5/16 exoneration speech for HRC. Not only was there corruption in Congress, but there was a ROT in the DOJ / FBI. On that day, I left the DEM PARTY and became INDEPENDENT. I started to pay closer attention to TRUMP's message
15. When I retired from Gov service on Jan 20, 2017, I watched Trump's Inauguration. That BOLD, daringly honest speech gave me (and our country) a new beginning. I gained a deeper understanding of the DECADES OF DAMAGE to America, done by both Ds and Rs. We had been betrayed.
16. Today, I see that Trump is one-of-a-kind. NO ONE could be doing what Trump is accomplishing. He is feared. He is a target because HE has made the DEEP STATE a target. I am grateful to him and his family for their sacrifices to restore the USA.
I am with him - ALL THE WAY!
Now retired, I have used the last 16 months to study.
INSPIRING - renewed patriotism.
-The American Revolution
-Declaration of Independence
-Bill of Rights
-Federalist Papers
-Read several books on Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Mason, Franklin
- Conservative thinkers
- Our Founders, their discussions and documents
- Our military personnel and their families
- Our Flag
- Our National Anthem
- Rule of Law
- National Sovereignty
It is difficult for most citizens to find the time to study as I have been able to do for 16 months. However, I wonder what might be rekindled, if we devoted one night a week to teach/discuss CIVICS w our family. The schools have failed. It's up to us. #WellInformedCitizens
20. There are many online resources for discussion. If you are church-affiliated, why not create a Sunday School series? What other groups do you belong to that might use their forum for Civics study and discussion? Our @POTUS challenges us. media.giphy.com/media/3o6MvlLy…
21. 🇺🇸
Today LAW DAY 2018 is an opportunity to RESOLVE to renew YOUR spirit, YOUR love for our country, YOUR loyalty and YOUR allegiance. #GodBlessAmerica
Join me as we re-read post #1295 of 4/29/18
➤ "only to retreat and go mainstream"
Initially, many of us thought this meant 'to try to become a big player in the mainstream MEDIA'
# 1361, Q giving many samples of mainstream media referring to Q as a LARP, a conspiracy. Q suggests their effort is coordinated and wonders WHY such a media response if Q is just a LARP? We should expect attacks to continue.
IMO, over the target - looming down on DS Ops
Where are AJ and Corsi today?
Have they "retreated" from Q? YES
Are they pushing the mainstream NARRATIVE? YES
Just like MSM, Infowars is discrediting Q.
How interesting to consider this alternative interpretation...
IS @RealAlexJones being fooled? In Jan 2011, Muslims America (CAIR) did a documentary featuring Army Spc Zachari Klawonn. (InfoWars Zack?) Their message: Muslims are being targeted. Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is peace.
Watch 46:00-49:00
On April 20, 2018 TeamMaga Channel published this. Be sure to read the show notes and see the articles. (“Military is discriminating against me because I am Muslim”. Is Zack CAIR’s poster boy to sell Islam to the American ppl?)
🇺🇸 NEW Q qanon.pub
➤ Some had to be exposed for "repackaging and rebranding as their own"
➤ Withdrawal from Iran Deal
➤ "Now comes the pain"
💥 People!💥 AJ/Corsi are NOT traitors. Stop bashing. It's about messaging.
Q post # 1343, 5/12/18 - 5:16 PM (EST)
"Repackaging and rebranding as their own"
My post, 5/12/18 - *4:32* PM (EST)
"Own and drive the message at a time when Q/POTUS's control of the message was VITAL"
See Q Posts # 1326 - 1350.
Pay attention to # 1332 - info will become public that will demonstrate the criminal and corrupt abuse of power. The snowball has begun. "D5"= avalanche destruction rating. "There is no stopping it now".
Video "Our Movement"
@LuLuAnon1 The discussion about Q (vs AJ, Corsi) continues. Some ppl have questions. I offer this. Decide for yourself. On 1-8-18, Q exposed some ppl and their statements about having private comms with Q. Note: Zack came on AJ around 12-8-17. Corsi picked up on Q in mid-Dec
➤ Private comms - FALSE
➤ Vital that POTUS/Q control the message - not others
➤ Misinfo from past reliable sources
This is Alex Jones of InfoWars. Please watch the first four minutes of this video, dated 5-11-18. AJ clearly says, "I've talked to QAnon...."
🇺🇸 Good morning Patriots. In any major, transformative campaign conducted by a group, ppl come and go. Ppl fall off because they're tired, afraid, personally offended, discouraged, impatient, or angry with the leader. For those who remain, it is critical to re-establish focus.
On Day 1, 10-28-17, we were informed that POTUS, backed by Military (and specifically Mil Intel) was planning a move on the Deep State and the ones who have been betraying America for decades. DJT would be playing a long game. A dangerous game, but he was 100% insulated.
3. 10-29-17, Q Post #6 "Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs".
We received confirmation; Q = a team. We saw #11 and knew it would be a real battle. It would not be resolved in 30 days, despite our cries to drain the swamp. "Military Intel v FBI CIA NSA"